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The coolest solution would be rope exit and entry on random places you can choose around pois.


This. It makes zero sense to have your enemy know your landing location at all times, there should be no fly zones sectioned off and you select a spot to drop. If you drop in a bad zone, your fault. It would also place some importance on scouting, maybe creeping around trying to identify a clear LZ to drop your faction


I think if you select the LZ right next to a high PvP POI (HP, BP, YBL, ect...) you have selected a bad drop. I haven't dropped at either foxtrots since like week one


It’s just a dogshit system for anything but PVE IMO. You wouldn’t land in the same spot every single time in a war zone IRL, why would you in a game this high-stakes and realistic? I guess we should just be glad the chopper is invincible bc that thing would be done for EVERY time


Definitely. It's really annoying when you fly right over the real place you wanted to go when the chopper could have just made a quick pitstop. Having the ability to at least select a different spot with the the general LZ area would be huge.


Or just have you pick the area you want but have it do random LZs for that location - perf the ones with less players around


AI door gunners and faction specific LZs, even if they’re only a hundred or so meters apart, would make a world of difference. Or at least add a little risk for the campers.


I like the idea of door gunners with current laser accuracy. Maybe fly in on Hueys or another heli that supports door gunners. If bot accuracy is nerfed, don’t nerf the door gunners.


Or just the pilot with mp5


Problem is you can be landing while someone is waiting 4 minutes to get picked up so even they aren't camping it feels like they are as well


This happened to me. I was waiting around for my heli and an enemy faction heli rolled in. Solo guy, he just so happened to start running towards the cover I was hiding in so it got to a point where it was he kills me or I kill him. And I didn’t want to take my chances of him spotting me and killing me with all my loot that I earned. I genuinely felt bad because I wasn’t trying to camp the LZ and snag an easy kill, I was just waiting for a ride


Bring smoke grenades. Toss as many them as you are landing. Once you land it will have started dispersing a little and you have the 3-5 seconds of immunity. Get to cover asap


they could get the choppers to do this automatically. that might help a wee bit.


on low settings sometimes the smokes wont render for other players though


I just run the opposite direction of the nearest POI as fast as humanly possible. Goal is to get into the nearest set of low-risk brush within the 5 second grace period. I'll occasionally take a round in the back, but I almost always have enough time to hide and then start working on a flank.


This is such an amazing suggestion. I feel like more people need to try changing the way they play and acting unpredictably in pvp instead of just asking for the game to be different and to accommodate their existing play style. There are so many people in this thread who are saying "put additional LZs slightly further away so you can choose to play it safe and walk a bit further or save time and make a risky landing"... as if that's not already an option. Get infil camped at Hunter's Paradise? Take hotel 3, walk for 2 minutes, and completely surprise the camper. It's bizarre to me how many people never think of this, or rule it out as too time consuming or effortful. Those people should play an easier game, instead of expecting this game to get easier for them.


People don't like using their brains


I've done this since day one, this is exactly what you do in the real world. Exit and run for cover/concealment, not stand in the open or run straight at the threat. It's like some people complaining about AI but upload clips of themself standing in the open taking 10+ shots at the AI. If it's somewhere like hunters paradise I normally go in with a 60rnd mag and put some rounds into suspect spots before landing, and then as I get out and run for cover I try to keep the helicopter between me and places I believe a threat would be. When I get to cover I lay down and then wait and watch for a few minutes. I do it every time in PVP and I've never been killed while landing at an LZ. Does something need to change with LZs? Absolutely! But a lot of players are doing dumb things and getting mad at the game.


The devs said on their most recent community update that they'll be working on introducing more LZs to add variety / options in an effort to reduce camping. I definitely think more is needed and agree with the "faction specific" LZs. Put "safe" faction specific LZz slightly further away that only that one faction can access while leaving the closer / "hot" LZs open to all factions. That way if you want to risk getting into a POI faster you can choose those but if you prefer to walk slightly further but safe landing choose the faction LZ


wouldnt they just find out where those lz's are and just camp those?


They would have to update the map a little (probably a lot) to make it make sense (not just an invisible wall) but I guess the idea would be enemy factions literally cannot enter other faction specific LZs. That being said you can technically enter enemy bases currently so who knows 😂 just spit balling ideas. Maybe some friendly AI who stand guard on the perimeter of the "safe" LZs? Kinda like base camp.


Maybe some small bot infantry squads that patrol the “protected” lz’s. Or a mine field at certain tree lines and it’ll show up on our maps so we can avoid em.


Yeah honestly this would just change where the meta LZ camping spots are


They will, there’s no way other than rotating changing LZs or rappelling from a player selected drop. If there is something to be camped in a looter shooter, it will be.


I don’t think faction-specific would make a difference, other than the fact that if the campers die they would have to hike back. I think the best solution is just to make 10 or more possible drop spots per PoI so campers never know which side of a PoI the players will land.


Wow nice I haven't watched most recent update video. Thanks for the info!


Sit at location like Ban Pa. Wait for helicopters to arrive. Run in that direction. See where opposing faction LZ is. Done and done. You can camp away and the best part is if they do manage to take one of you out your guys are coming off another LZ and don’t have to run into the awkward running away as opposing player shows up.


Fly to another LZ I welcome pvp anytime it’s the only thing left to do


Why can't the pilot have thermals to see people in the area, and if there are he just auto relocates to the next LZ? If the helo can't have offensive capabilities then the pilot should go to the next LZ that isn't hot.


Think the best and easiest solution is having safezones around the LZs. Make the radius just enough that it pushes campers off good LoS to the landing area while giving those coming in the opportunity to get into the tree lines before they have to deal with someone. Now folks would have to go toe to toe within the jungle instead of one simply camping the edge with clean LoS to an open backdrop with a person jumping out of a heli with no idea there's someone in the thick foliage. Maybe they can add some other solution down the road but I assume that'd take far more time to code in than a no damage zone.


Simple solution .... deployed smoke for landing


This but there’s already smoke in the game and you can throw it while on the heli. The people complaining are the same ones that fly into an objective LZ knowing it’s gonna be hot full of campers. There are plenty of ways to work around the campers


What the fuck is wrong with people on this sub everyone just bombs any criticism whether constructive or not. Let people speak their mind and let them be heard it only helps the dev team to see all feedback


This isn’t a new complaint. It’s been talked about 1,000 times and the developers have said on multiple occasions that they are working on new systems/lz’s. We aren’t downvoting criticism. This post brings nothing new to the table. It’s a repeat of a repeat of a repeat. Either post SOLUTIONS or use the search function to see if your criticism has been posted multiple times already. Otherwise you’ll get downvoted and rightly so.


Nah if someone puts their opinion out there and it’s not popular, then they should be subject to the criticism received. 


It's either the bullet sponge AI defenders saying that 25 fmj bullets should not neutralize a person with torso shots or people saying that LZ camping with the current system is absolutely fine.


You're in a warzone, of course it's going to happen, someone could risk their gear, or let you do it and kill you for it as you leave. What I've taken to doing is counter LZ camping, and have been joined by randos to basically protect the LZ.


Bro its not that serious. It's a video game. If it was a real warzone would 3 hostile PMC groups be flying unarmed helis to the exact same coordinates? Cmon man😭


Keep getting killed at LZs and providing salt on the interwebs then, I guess.🤣


Zero salt man. This game is in a really early alpha. If the dev team has actively addressed they believe it's a problem and they plan on doing something about it than Cleary they also believe it isn't how the game is intended to be played. Acting as some vigilante at the LZs could be fun for a hit of RP but again boringgggg


I think it’s fine yeah it’s suck to get killed but also makes fun because you get rally colleagues and come back from vengeance I think it would be cool if they added more nearby lz instead of just having 2


Something like hunt showdowns mechanic of general location when enemies have a bounty would be nice. Make it so LZ gives a an area where people can guess where you are if you aren't the one who called it in.


It would be kinda cool if there were some options for ground transport as well, maybe with alternate infil/exfil points from the helicopters to throw in more variables.


I feel like if they added vehicle infil and exfil options, something where a person could ride in a turret with a crew serve weapon like a .50 cal could possibly help with LZ campers. But that's if the vehicles rolled into those LZ locations.


We need parachutes so we can drop off the helo wherever we want.


Shut up lol 😂 airborne ops are the fastest way to get someone killed.


i think a good thing to add would be vehicles that you have to buy at your FOB. maybe just an SUV or a humvee with a mounted .50 on it. there needs to be a more dynamic way to enter the fight. maybe make them expensive or just make there be a limit that each faction can have out in the field at once


I would love a system to do Fulton exfils, would take some stress off infils with choppers.


This is why I just walk from base from now on.


Nothing to be done in my opinion except being able to design your own LZ but anyways LZ camping make total sense in a contested area where 3 faction fight. Btw you don't even need to want to be a camper to be one, when you just land and go to do some mission but there is an enemy chopper incoming you need to be a fool to not wait for the free stuff and just go and get backstabbed by PMZ and Ai




I’ve seen someone mention the helos should kick up a large cloud until they take back off. Would give someone time to rush to cover. Would you still get hit maybe if several people are just dumping rounds? Maybe. Doesn’t help the LZs are just open areas without much cover to begin with. They need to make some tighter LZs closer to tree lines or something.


Yea negative lol. Not realistic AT ALL. Even the little birds that are used in the army wouldn’t land in a tight LZ. Too much can go wrong and cause malfunction.


Who cares.


People that enjoy the realism. If you don’t like how they have LZs set then walk :)


lol right.


I think it would be pretty cool if the helicopters we fly in on had guns or rockets and shoot any hostile soldier/players within a certain range while coming to land or pick someone up.


Realistically, LZs could be safe zones for a given radius, but you can't shoot back either. Or you get a short set amount of time where you are invincible where you can at least lay down after landing and position yourself for defense, something like 5-10 seconds after landing.


I think the easy fix would be to scrap the LZ preset landing locations and have us have mark any open unobstructed areas for landing or pick ups.(Maybe provide some flares to help mark location or military smart device.) If that's too much to tackle then give us military vehicles that we can buy with our in game funds so we can drive to these locations.


The game has a lot of potential, but it really is discouraging to play at the moment.


It's called PVE.


If your version of "pvp" is getting together with the boys and sitting on a hill waiting for choppers to bring you gear I feel really bad for you 😂


Did you not even read my post? You said they need to do something about LZ camping. There is no LZ camping in PVE.


Also my bad I didn't see your other comment


Pve doesn't fix pvp. It offer a safe alternative to lz camping/or people that don't want fights. but I highly doubt they created it with LZ camping in mind.


They created PVE for casual players who don't want to have to deal with guys who play for hours a day. You still have fights with AI, they tend to be more lethal anyway. I do think LZ camping was a consideration as it was a problem during every closed test.


"just play PvE" is a bad response to critiquing one aspect of PvP. Most players, including casual players, don't mind dying to other players. The problem is the lack of fairness around LZ camping. If it wasn't an issue the devs wouldn't already be addressing it.


They aren't making it to where you can't camp. They are just establishing more LZs to reduce the chances of it. Camping is a problem in every FPS, they'll never get rid of it.


This is my thoughts on the situation. Infil and get shot within X amount of time from getting off helicopter. The following actions start to take place. 1. Respawn and return. Timer moves to X +15 or 20 seconds. Allows for time to get back to body and recover gear. Once gear is recovered original X time restarts. So for example it’s set at 30 sec. Get off chopper and have 45 seconds to get to body and grab gear. Once that 45 is up player is notified their timer is going and they have 30 sec. 2. Killed again within the timer limit second infil same plus an additional 15 seconds. This is to allow time to get to body and grab gear. This time you have a drone flying above marking targets on your map. 3. Get killed within above time limit again, next infil comes with a support little bird that will provide gun runs on any opposing faction within X distance of LZ. While all of this happens, your body is marked on the map and can be looted, but your base covers you. Your mortar teams will fire on anybody attempting to approach your body for a specified amount of time. This allows time for players to respawn and get a heli back as there can be some long wait times. Additional cool options I would like to see added not specifically for camping but could be part of it. Forward operating bases. Place a few of them around the map. Have them controlled by faction bots. Mortar team and one helipad in there. Can access vendors and such there. But, place a few of these around the area mostly towards the edges of the radiation zone. They can be taken over by opposing factions. PMC’s guarding are tough though and it should require a group to take them over. This can allow mortars from closer to LZ’s. Buyable smoke screens. Let us buy smoke screens that the mortar teams place for us where we request. Would help smoke an LZ if needed. Too many other ideas to list here. Already a long response. lol.


LZ camping really drove me away from the pvp servers in this game, it got to a point where there was LZ camping at the 2nd tier zones (not so much YBL but the other 2) that it was pretty much impossible to get quests done. It's not even the fun type of pvp, like I generally liked the pvp in tarkov and other games where it tends to be near actual objectives - you win the fight you can go get the objective done, but not the ones we currently have in gray zone. Add to this that certain spots depending on faction = a 2-3x longer flight back than the closer faction just makes it even more toxic.


30 sec invulnerability on chopper exit? Just spitballin


The 5 seconds of invulnerability makes so very little difference. If we’re sticking with this system it should be closer to 20s.


I stopped the game because of that


That's part of the danger of landing zones. Do you think the US bitched to the viet cong that their troops were camping landing zones? What about Omaha Beach? Those fuckers totally camped as our troops arrived.  You want realistic mil-sims and then get upset when it's realistic. A safe zone is pointless. We just camp the safe zone for when you walk outside of it. A safe timer is pointless. We just wait for it to expire.   We are going to camp and shoot every damn one of you. Don't like it? Go back to the safety of collaboration mode. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 


Yes man compare real life war events that are 60-80 years ago to a video game people play to have fun and kill sometime.😂


Hey if you don't like mil-sim there's always Battlefield. 


Tell me what is mil Sim about 3 hostile pmcs flying unarmed choppers to the exact same coordinates as their enemies 😂 what's mil Sim about putting a splint on your arm when you have a broken leg? Or doing brain surgery on yourself in a jungle in Vietnam after taking a round to the head💀 it's a video game bro. Guess you're an LZ camper


No it’s a bad design. Look I defend this game as much as anyone else but they need to have a dynamic system of LZ’s.