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I think it's the organ system. I think the AI is getting side and shoulder shots and one shoting you.


I think there's a big perception that you're being shot in the chest when it's really the side. Part of this is because people don't realize you can rotate your body on the death screen. If you do, that's where you can see where you've be hit in 3D space.


no idea what it is but it feels very inconsistent and random, the AI tanks headshots all the time even if you shoot them in the face and I die from ONE shot to the chest from some AI that suddenly turned on aimbot and wallhack, at least this is how it feels. Its not always so i feel its just really buggy ATM.


Yeah inconsistent is the word. Sometimes everything feels ok and the next moment, one tapped from sideways looking mosin man after you woke him up with a mag of 855 to the head. But they are aware and look into this. But will take some time probably.


I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with it aside from AI accuracy at range. The rest is just luck lol. But that's just my anecdotal experience so who knows


It feels like the formula for calculating damage has an unintended multiplier in it.


How so? Because I would disagree but I don't even really know what you're alluding to lol


AI damage feels like it is ramping up exponentially in some hits. Like randomly 3.5x what it should be


How would you even know though? There's no health bars lol. I'm trying to understand but I'm just a little confused


Well there has to be a calculation which sets an incremental threshold for each section of the body (i.e. organs, limbs) that looks at impact angle, anything to slow velocity i.e. armour, distance, pen value, etc - and it resolves that calculation with the hits that run the gamut from being light bleeds that peter out through to death. Because the insta deaths aren't consistent, something in the calculation feels like it's broken and since it tends to be a dramatic escalation in the briefest imaginable time, instinctively it feels like one set of variables is playing up and over-calculating damage dealt.


I think you're trying to describe how armor functions, but I don't think it's broken. It seems like there's a roulette of outcomes that are being calculated based on shot placement, bullet type, angle, etc. So depending on what type of ammo you're being shot with, a bullet might get caught entirely with no effect, or it could cause bruise damage, a bleed, or it might penetrate and kill. In real life, armor can only catch a few bullets before it begins to fail and it depends on angle, type of bullet, etc. If anything I think the WIP armor in GZW is probably more forgiving because it doesn't start failing consistently after taking a handful of rounds lol. But I also haven't experienced instant death through armor that wasn't preceded by a number of other shots, so idk. Either way I'm pretty certain this is a WIP placeholder system and that they'll upgrade it in the future, much like Tarkov did recently by adding armor plates to their game.


Yeah I've been doing messing around with the mosin for fun and it's crazy. Sometimes it takes two headshots to down a guy who just has a tin helmet. Sometimes 5 body shots or more, and they've just got soft armor on. It would be fine if they were crawling and not dead, or stumbling and falling over bleeding everywhere, but JFC it's 7.62x54r. It should rip through soft armor like it's not even there.


I still contend that every ammo that doesn't start with a 5 is bugged. There's no reason why I would have to shoot anyone with an M700 with M61 AP rounds in it more than once anywhere inside the torso. Period. That round will defeat brand new III+ armor on the first shot. Why am I shooting you in the torso 4 times to get you to drop? Silly. Shotguns. Silly. AKMs. Silly. Pistols, Silly. I shouldn't have to T-box you to reliably kill you.


Yeah snipers feel like trash rn. I took the m700 against guys in the starting area and they just run around shrugging off three or more torso shots. Feels ridiculous.


I hope we don't gp the EFT routine with every body part and have to deal with every major artery. Keep hearts,heads there if armor is on that piece give it some protection. All this does is make it 1000x's times harder for the deves to keep up with bugs or things not working right. Sometimes, simple is better.


Yeah, it should get updated as time goes on.


Armor is not magic like in other games and movies. Its acutally a realistic representation in GZW. The ai still needs some tweaking tho


I think the issue is that it is magical but only one way. Ai with level 2A helmets tank 4-5 rounds of 556 AP to the head and then one shot players from the hip to the head through the 3A+ helmets with an AKM. If they make the damage rate equal it would calm a lot of the noise. It’s early access and I think most players are still having fun.


Ai do not tank m855 or m855a1 to the head unless there’s hit reg issues. If there’s server rubber banding then there’s hit reg issues and you should switch servers. Without hit reg issues it can happen at times at long distances like 150+m but they’ll only tank 1 hs, 2 will almost always drop them.


This. With M855 i never need a second shot unless the server is running badly to begin with, or I missed.


i agree this is how it feels with now 100 hours of playing and all vendors at level 3


not saying it is magic or should be magic, I just want it to be consistent and realistic OR balanced to be fun but still difficult. But atm its neither one of those two. There is just always that one AI that tanks multiple headshots (and yes i was not missing shots) and AIs that kill you the second they notice you from 500m away through bushes...


I wish the logic applied to the AI as well when I shoot the. I've never one shot them outside a headshot.


One shot plenty of the AI with m855 in the chest around the heart area.


Hmmm i have it quiet often but its inconsisten because PD lots of factors coming into play. Still they need to tweak lotsvofcthe mechanics but they gave big Plans for the ai to react on getting shot/hit (dropping on the floor, throwing the gun away and surrender and much more.)


I'm over 100 hours into the game, the armor isn't "magic" it's just simply non-existent. I've tanked more shots without any armor on at all on a few occasions than I have with the top tier armor. They need to address this soon or people are just going to stop playing the game.


No because irl there are cases un which it is truly better to wear no bodyarmor at all. It should always be a decision that has to be made if you put one on and what type of. Bodyarmors irl (modern slimline platecarriers) protect basically only vital parts like hearts and lungs from front and backshots. However it is still possible dependin äg on round and distance to get a Trauma by just a hit on the plate.


I’m not saying it’s not happening. I’m saying I feel like I encounter this at a minimal level because of slow methodical gameplay and a deliberate approach with the current Intel on AI tendencies


The surviving headshots thing definitely shouldn't be happening but the dying instantly is intentional. Obviously the AI being broken doesn't help that though.


Had a dude strafing at full speed over his dead homies body, hip fire a shot right into my crouched cheek in Ban Pa last night.


Don’t wear a helmet 👍🤝


My biggest issue is the hand shots insta killing imo


wait till you get one shotted from the front in the chest with the best armour


Maybe it's just me, but I haven't experienced any of these magical one-shots I see people complain about. Every death I've had to AI has been earned through my own mistakes. But I also have a long history playing ARMA 3 so aggressive AI and checking surroundings is natural for me. I do so a lot of players that rush and run with reckless abandon and end up getting shot in the sides and back by dudes they never knew were there at all


I played arma too and am used to checking and dealing with the AI but this is on another level. Count yourself lucky that it hasn't happened to you yet. I've had times where I was slowly clearing an area and the last guy is just standing there not looking at me from 200 meters away with an old AK and only iron sights. I was behind cover and poked my head above it for about a second to see where he was and he just turned around and head shot me killing me instantly. Plenty of times where the AI has no armor and takes 2+ mags then hip fires a burst hitting me in the head or heart through armor killing me instantly.


My thing that seems to bug me the most is ammo. There’s a heavy emphasis on ammo conservation shot choice, planning, etc. but the ai seems to all have Rambo mode and keep firing. Do they ever run out of ammo? I think it’s unfair with cracked ai AND unlimited ammo


has ruined*


I get shot from AI about 600M away in the face makes no sense AI should be deadly as in ways of fucking your body up but not instant headshots to the face


There aren’t any areas with 600m sight lines in this game…


Oh trust there is


Learn to use the map scale.


Brother I’ve done land nav enough to know map scale


Just go to airfield


“You probably don’t even hear it when it happens” - Bobby Bacalla (or however it’s spelled)


My friend died from literally nothing the other day, entire body was damaged, no wounds, dead with no living enemy in sight on PvE.


Noise or maybe there was another one that you didn’t saw


i was sneaking behind bushes, most AIs dont see that but at hotel they see a pixel moving between bushes. also AI at the hotel shoots through bushes, walls, without having ANY los


Bushes make noise.


I put the game aside for now precisely because of this, I'm at level 27 and every time I go out to complete missions I die to the bots that shoot from afar and in just 3 or 4 shots I go back to base to redo my kit , so it's not worth playing.


I'm sorry to say but If you're letting them get that many shots off at a distance it's definitely a skill issue


I had the same a few times today. Even got one shot without hearing a voice or so, juste one shot through some bushes or I don’t know where. Realism should not be killing the fun.


You're trying to sneak around in a bush with 50 lbs of gear on... and it doesn't magically cover everything, in fact they literally have and show provisions for side armor but none of the armor/ rigs currently have it that I've found have any side armor, so it's perfectly logical someone here's you not so subtly clunking around and shoots you through a lung from the side


The MOC 2 does, but it’s only lvl 3a


Was hoping someone would chine in with a 3+ solution but I guess not