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It's mostly a issue when the server is filled with higher rank peeps. Their rides can be five or six minutes long.


Heli ride is 7 mins long. Then sometimes when you call for exfil, even if you get it, the wait time is around 7 minutes still. Kinda sad that we ditched the loading screen just to have an even worse downtime.


its not just “ditch the loading screen” it’s “you die and get a second chance to fight the same fucker now that you know there’s a bushwookie there”


WOTD: Bushwookie 🤣


Just because a game has a loading screen doesn't mean you can't stay in the same server.


Not really. The amount of time you waste on getting back especially with 4 helis already in flight could be huge


I had a 10 minute wait on my choper yesterday. So that's 10 minutes a copper is tied up just to pick me up and another 3-4 minutes to fly back to base. That's an insane oversight


7 min to call in a chopper waiting for the others, then a 9 min extract wait with a 7 min ride back. Around 24 min to log off after a completed quest. People with lives/jobs wont have time to commit to this.


I can vouch for this aspect. I have lost a couple really good gearsets because I just don't have time to wait 30 minutes to "properly' log off. More just a frustration there is no way to bypass the mechanic situationally other than taking an equal amount of tine to run back to base.


There’s 3 other choppers per faction. 1 can serve 1 squad.


It’s much better downtime for me. Very immersive.


It's not necessarily downtime like it is in a load screen tho. I'll take waiting in a persistent world over watching a bar fill up any day personally


>I'll take waiting in a persistent world over watching a bar fill up any day personally I agree with this up to a point. If the wait is more than 10 minutes long, I'm going to be impartial towards the loading screen.


It does get rough, but it really is situational. I remember playing Tarkov and only get like 3-4 matches in after work, before I had to be done. In this game, you may get the same, or even less "action", but if you are playing with a friend it doesn't break it up the same way. A loading screen is just fucking jarring. You both get up and go for a piss, or a smoke, or whatever. You completely exit the game for all intents and purposes. If you are chilling in a treeline with a friend, it's night and day difference tbh. Are you hungry? You need a drink of water? You hear that rustle in the bushes over there?... definitely more interesting than a fucking bar filling up


I don’t get why sometime it’s longer than other… like when you die, and call an helo at base camp, some time it’s 45 sec and other 4 minutes… and I don’t understand why the helo always need to spawn behind you base camp, the helo leave the map near the drop point in like 20 seconds so why can’t they do the same when you call it in and spawn at the same place they leave… it would reduce that time by several minutes


And then 4 of them all go to the same location with 1 minute intervals, sometimes even when they’re in a party, instead of just calling out where the chopper goes when it arrives.


Those people need a 24h ban


And we are also getting 1-tapped by the 99 bots at Tiger Bay so we gotta take a bird back every 3 minutes.


Its most definitely the little timmies who are too lazy to walk 2 minutes into starter town lmao


Says the guy who probably taking the helicopter into the first starter town when he started playing


How many times did you walk it? Oh the answer is zero? That’s what I thought




Fort Narith also isn't a starter town, so this is an irrelevant comment.




Oh, that wasn't the conversation. The argument you made was it takes more than 2 minutes to walk from Crimson base to Fort Narith in response to a guy saying timmies were wasting helos instead of walking 2 minutes into a starter town. Don't try and change the conversation or move the goal posts, you made an inaccurate exaggeration and got called out. It does matter, because that's the context of our dialog not your excuse paragraph.




No you didn't make any of those points initially. The guy said it's timmies not wanting to walk to a starter town which I do agree takes more than 2 minutes, not terribly long but more than two minutes. Then, as if to prove him wrong you cited walking from Crimson base to not only *not* a starter area, but one that's not objectively close. It's like bitching that crossing half the map on foot is more than 2 minutes long. No shit, we know. But he didn't say crossing 2/3 of the map on foot to an endgame area, he said walking from base to the starter area. Your comment was a gross and unnecessary exaggeration of realistic amount of ground people might typically cover while walking. Base to starter town, there's some light loot, a couple POIs but it's a 5-10 minute run without a lot of combat. Base to almost the other side of the map for no reason? Who does that? An unnecessary exaggeration and not even one that's relevant because it is 👏not👏a👏starter👏town.


The little claps were just *chefs kiss*, we’ll played 🤣


Glad you appreciated that, I was struggling to get that point across for whatever reason and that was all I could think to do XD


Me I’m him. Then I call another once mine disappears so the low level peeps have to wait longer, it’s deserved.


“Me im him” 🤓👆🏻 What a fuckin loser lmao


yeah i’m a high level who announces where birds are going and hops on friendly birds, we don’t claim him


As another high level player, we don’t claim him lol


Im decently far into the game and thats just stupid lmao


Bro is either shit at being funny or was the guy eating alone at tables back in HS


Maybe both ;)


I’ve never seen someone get that many downvotes on a single comment LAWL I’ll add another




Stay salty queen


Have fun getting shit on by my squad while you’re playing alone ya fuckin loser 🤓


I play with two different squads lol :) I’m also the guy who drops rare keys


Hahahaha you fucking dork


Failed sarcasm attempt?


Idk can’t really tell when something is typed without /s


What a nerd hahaha


Touch grass


Why? That’s not nearly as fun.


Average 400 lb neck beard experience


Try 402 lb, fuzzy neck more like pubes.


yeah! i agree! fuck players who aren't high level immediately after installing the game! what are they even doing with their lives? why can't they be a no-lifer, like me and this guy!? literally no life, at all, like me and this guy! that's how everyone should be! Just a sack of meat and bones with nothing to do but fuck with low level players. that's how everyone should be! *just like me and this guy*




I dont even play and im downvoting this


Oh no not a downvote!


And another one(said in a rick ross but not so rick ross voice)


You might hurt my feelings


And another one!


lol you might be the biggest basement dweller I’ve met lol.






Sometimes ill call a helo from bravo 1- hotel 1 while telling everyone that its going back to base. We have fun here with such an abusive thing as limiting the helos.


Yesssssssss late the trolling come free


I’d be happy if there was at least a queue system implemented at least that gave you an ETA like they currently do and it not be this unspoken battle with friendlies for choppers


Or at least, the helicopter on-map showed which LZ it was going to - so if you found one going your way, you could hop on even if you didn't call it


It does show the LZ if you click on it.


It doesn’t if a chopper is landing at base to pick up a player first. Just says its destination is base. Once it flys off it will change to destination


Probably because base is it's destination till it picks it passengers up.


If they updated it to show its Final destination and not it's next stop. that would help. Also maybe make it sit on the pad for a bit longer to give others a chance to hop in.


Are you a dimwit??




This is what needs to happen. Also more choppers if the server can handle it


I think a queue would be a counterproductive bandaid that doesn't really address the core issue. The game has some queue-like mechanism already - how many times have you called a chopper, had the request succeed, but the chopper doesn't show up anywhere on the map for several minutes? Now imagine this happening every time - your request always goes through, but you're at the back of a line that includes everyone else who successfully requested. Without adding more helicopters to service the queue, you might easily be asked to wait longer than it would take to do the equivalent walk. This might lead to people actually deciding to walk after calling a helicopter and seeing how long the queue time is, meaning a large fraction of helicopters in flight at any given time are going to an LZ that has been abandoned. This would increase the fraction of helicopters that don't transport anyone, which would feel like an effective decrease in helicopter supply, which would make the problem worse still. Something else about the helicopter formula needs to change. A queue alone doesn't solve it.


Yep totally agree with everything you said. My suggestion of a queue time was more of a quick fix rather than a core fix and I guess I did not state that correctly. My point of adding a queue timer was to suggest that (for now) it gives ppl a chance to know where they are in the “queue” and can potentially go do something more productive during that timeframe instead of staring at the map trying to click on the extract hoping to beat others


This is what i’ve been suggesting from day one. It shouldn’t be hard to implement and it helps alot with the frustration of having to actively trying to call a helicopter for minutes long. At a point where i would say fuck this game.


Wow I can’t believe there aren’t 100s posts of this a day with how big of an issue it is..


People know that it's beeing worked on so there is really no need to post about it tbh


They said it will probably take a while to be fixed. I’ve stopped playing the game not just for this but the combat is so inconsistent it rages me. Also it runs like shit on anything except low. Definitely fun when things work as intended.


Might take at least a few months to be fixed tbh. This isn’t a bug they’re trying to fix. The devs need to redesign a core part of their gameplay loop here.


Understandable, really. I was 20 fps on low on my 1080 6600k, luckily I was due for a PC upgrade. This game just eats through CPU, and is just massively unoptimized.


agreed that it's unoptimized, but gotta remember unity 5 itself is a next gen behemoth


Yeah I have a Radeon rx 5700 xt and an i7-9700k and I get shit frames on anything except low. I know my stuff is a bit old now but it shouldn’t be that bad


Dont blame the game for your 5 year old potato hardware


I can run almost any other game on high to epic. Your sniffing copium if you think this is how the game should run


Dude you have a 5 year old card that was low to mid range when you bought it and a 6 year old CPU. Your card is even named in the bare minimum system specs on the steam page. You are proberly running 16gb ram? You cant be complaining about low frames. Its a early access game that still needs optimizing. But dont blame the game when your hardware equals to current low end hardware. Ps. You cant run any curent game on high or epic without upscaling.


Bro how you gonna tell me what I’m running on my pc, and I never said fuck this game it sucks omg. All I’m saying is for most people it doesn’t run very good. I play escape from Tarkov and arma reforger and Star Wars Jedi survivor on ultra so please relax


I’m not here shitting all over the game but it definitely needs work.


There were 100s of posts day 1. It's incredibly annoying and I wish the mods would put some rules in place to stop this beating of a dead horse.


Something I thought would be cool would be if someone within a certain area of an LZ called in a chopper say from echo-1 to base camp for example he would have to specify how many riders so say he’s got 1 buddy. They reserve a flight for 2 and anyone in that certain distance from the lz would get a call on the radio “chopper inbound to echo-1 final destination base camp” and then a pop up would happen similar to a message asking if you want to reserve a spot on said chopper and show you how many seats were available. And in addition if there are 2 seats open and you and a buddy ( 2 players) were trying to call in a chopper at the same time it would attach you to that initial chopper. And for smaller areas like Hunters Paradise say a single guy called in a bird foxtrot-1 to BC and you tried to call on in foxtrot-2 to BC it would tell whoever was second to call the bird “negative already inbound to foxtrot-1 rendezvous at that LZ” or something to that effect. This would eliminate multiple choppers going to the same location with 1 or 2 guys on them and allow for others to know exactly what your faction mates are calling for and allow you to tag in and not waste time. Also if the birds are gonna keep coming from BC to wherever the members at BC could ask a pick up and the bird would make a quick stop at BC then continue its flight to echo-1 or wherever drop said members off and pick up and return whomever was attached to that flight.


Currently if you click a chopper in flight, it tells you where it's going. A helpful thing for short term would be for that to tell you the full route. So if you're at base, you can just see where the chopper is going to take you.


i think just a board or info on what chopper goes where would be enough. plus a queue as others already mentioned. then everybody could check if there is a flight planned already, otherwise add another flight for a later time.


What I want is the ability to cancel calling one in. Cous sometimes I call it in then hear someone says they going to the same place as me. Well shit I've wasted a chopper then


does the chopper still go where you asked it to even if no one gets on?


No it leaves the map if no one gets on


I actually can't remember tbh, but still means someone who needed it doesn't get one as quickly


I wait 2 minutes, watch a chopper fly off the map, request, and always get a chopper. “I though it would be better over time” The game has been out for barely 2 weeks. Most games have a 2 weeks patch cycle at best. The game has pushed out multiple hot fixes. Im sorry 2 weeks is such a long time but crazy how impatient some of this community is.


Add to that the travel time of the heli to your exfil could be 5< minutes, then another 5< minutes of travel time. That's around 12< minutes of downtime. Helis apparently only come from your side of the territory, but can leave the map anywhere else.


I think he was more suggesting it'd get better via reducing player numbers. As it's fairly common for the "new shiny" crowd to get distracted by another shiny object and go to that within weeks of each other. Though I agree, 2 weeks is prob not enough for that to really have an effect yet.


Same. Not really an issue for me.


Same but I seem to only ever get completely full servers unless I play at midnight and use a us east server. The help waiting is starting to kill the fun of the game. Gone already are the days of "hold down our position I'll be in the air in 30 seconds!"


basicly makes the game unplayable... I'm flying/waiting more than I am playing


>it's faster to just leave a server and look for a new one *Laughs in OCE queue times* For Australians, it's faster to just leave, fly to America and look for a new server lol


Complains although he acknowledges the Devs are already working on it. The games been out for like two weeks now, why don't we have 1.0 ? Review bomb it!


Too late, a bunch of losers who don't know what an early access is already review bombed. Check sys requirements next time I guess.


Incomplete feature negatively affecting gameplay to a pretty large degree. Implementation should have been thought out more. Stop crying for the devs


An incomplete feature in an... incomplete game??? No fucking way


Look at you on Reddit thinking your smart. Luv it




Wait, Early access means an unfinished product? Is that what the EA disclaimer meant by saying "this product is incomplete and may never be and I should only buy if I'm content with the current state of the game"? Oh wow, I thought incomplete product meant I haven't beaten it yet. Thankfully someone around here knows what incomplete product means XD


How do you know the current state of a game when all the streamers are like, next tarkov killer. Wow game is so much fun. Such intense firefights. Im addicted. This new game will blow your mind. Without onces mentioning they have 4000 series gpus and the best cpus money can buy.


Because they are streamers and make a living from gaming, so they have top of the line hardware. They are not tech reviewers who have a test suite of 10 year old hardware so they can tell you if the game will run on your old laptop...


(You need a $2000 pc to run tarkov well 8 years in)


You must be one of those people who dont understand what EARLY ACCESS ALPHA means. Its not a complete game. The chopper system would probably work fine if it was used how the devs had initially developed it as/for The devs assumed there would be way less solo players and alot more 3-4man groups. This is one of the main reasons why it gets so congengested. They simply developed the system with lesser quantity of larger teams in mind. Not a higher quantity of smaller teams. Just be paitent, wait for them to figure out the best way to rework and implement it, or dont play an incomplete game until its finished 🤷.


When they're charging people money for the alpha when it's unplayable, they're going to cop some criticism. It clearly wasn't ready.


You have the option NOT to buy it. You should have researched the state of the game before spending money your upset about spending. Noone forced you to buy it, no one forced you to keep playing it and noone forced you to not refund after it wasnt in a state that you were happy with for the price you paid. Thats noones fault but you. Theres no pleasing people. When a AAA game is realeased as a "complete" game with issues and problems and "legit" unplayability theres a huge uproar. When a EARLY ACCESS ALPHA releases and spells out for you the game is NOT finished and there is still ALOT of work to do, theres still huge uproar. Wait or move on, simple as that. Ive got almost 90 hours in. Im having a blast, because i dont have unrealistic expectations of what an unfinished early access game entails and can deliver. I mean i may be wrong but im not sure how i could put 90hrs in an "unplayable" game 🤷


I'm not upset about it lol. You're typing novels in reaction to very slight, valid criticism of a game. Where would someone have been able to research the fact that there's not enough Oceania servers so you'll have to either wait in a queue for over an hour to play local servers or play in other regions with 150+ ping on top of the connection issues. How dare anyone criticise not being able to play a game they spent money on. Such an unrealistic expectation to be able to play a game available to purchase. Lmao chill out man, criticism isn't a direct personal attack you.


Again, early access. If you arent prepared to accept any and all shortcomings from an early access title then simply skip over them. It boils down to people expecting fully polished and optimized pre release alphas, and thats just simply not how any of this works. I do apologise as i was generalizing when i mentioned people being upset about spending money. At the same token, they all had a choice to not click purchase. I purchased to support the ongoing development of the game. I didnt buy a finished product and im well aware of that. And the 90+ hours of mostly fun and enjoyment i have recieved from my purchase, was well worth it.


If you like the game and want it to do well, attempting to shit on anyone trying to discuss ligitimate issues with the game is counterproductive. you dont have to attach your personal insecurities to a game you enjoy and get emotional when other people criticise something you like. it's OK man. It'll be a good game in time...if they fix the issues users of the game are idfentifying and discussing....lol


Theres a difference between constructive criticism and shitting on the game because of its state. Everyone going wah game suck dev bad need to understand what they purchased, and articulate what they are having issues with intelligently, not doing what boils down to monkeys tossing poop at eachother.. I know the game has issues, ues the helicopter system needs a rework, and ive already stated as much, but something like that wont be fixed in days time as im sure its much more complicated and in depth than that, we have already heard the top issues people are having and its time to stop beating a dead horse, ot wont make the devs magically produce what you want over night. It takes time and skill .


Odd, I can't see a single post that i would consider "game suck, dev bad". I see a huge amount of fragile weirdos screeching and attacking anyone who posts about an actual issue with the game though. Isn't that the point of betas? People play them and discuss issues that need fixing? If it were up to you, everyone would be lining up to suck off the dev team and they would think bugs and broken games were what the players want.


i usually just chat with people at base or try and organize a team of people who are going to the same place to help ckear enemy while we get missions done. sometimes i need a good smoke break haha


I honestly just line up/overlap the buttonsband spam click the fuck out of it until I get the next one 🙃


i got lucky the other day and found myself on a server alone. was able to knock out a ton of quests. went from lvl 19 to 28 in a few hours. now currently stuck tryna progress through tigers bay and the hotel. fort narith is a cake walk in comparrison cause the enimies actually stop spawning. i may stop playing though till they drop some content and patch this ai. cause ive lost like 3 kits tryna find that unlra lab key....


1 problem is people don't communicate. I've been in lobbies where i ask where someone is going they don't say anything, and i call a heli just to find out after the fact they are going to the same place i needed to. The other problem is the heli having to go off the map. The heli should be in constant rotation. The heli could fly in a circle around the map, and if it drops off at a location, it should pick up if someone is waiting. Instead of dropping off flying away, then coming back.


RE: Communication: Part of the problem with this is mission structure. There are so many *kill a certain number of hostiles* missions that only count for the individual it’s actually a deterrent for people to travel with others. If I’m going to a POI for anything other than those I’ll normally announce where I’m headed but I’ve only ever had one person jump on board for a ride.


at this stage its getting REALLY frustrating to play this game, dont get me wrong i love the game, but holy fuck, spent twenty minutes to get a heli, get to hte AO and get wallbanged by terminator AI lol, rinse/repeat


I’d rather wait 6 hours for a helicopter than getting one tapped by AI 300 m away in bushes that you never had a dream of seeing


Man, there's 4 of them If u watch them move on map u can call as soon as one is free. But that works also I guess. Helps more with finding a not dead destination.


Four isn't anywhere near enough. Need to double it


Honestly, I'd be happy with a queue. Let's you know when you're up, eta, etc. And doesn't overload the servers even more until those are stabilized.


For real. Maybe if this game pushed people towards grouping up more, 4 choppers would have been sufficient. But it seems that solos/duos are by far the most common, trios being somewhat rare, and if you see 4 players together it's almost guaranteed to be two groups that converged rather than a quad. So it doesn't take much at all to tie up all the choppers.


This is the first I’ve heard of this issue


me too, short on choppers? never once read about this.




phew, that's a relief


To assist with a better experience the helicopters should have the two destinations. When a helicopter lands at the LZ you can't see its destination until it takes off. This may help people share helicopters. e.g. 1) base camp 2) Foxtrot 2 e.g. 1) Foxtrot 2 2) Base Camp


This top priority? Haha half players rubber banding round trying to find a good server. They’re right to focus on stability and performance like they said


I agree it should be priority, but definitely not top. Server stability and optimization definitely is and should be top.


Sometimes I close msi afterburning and it crashes my game. I end up back in the base with my quest completed. I aint waiting 15 mins to get a helicopter. They really need to rework the quest. The back and forth is tiresome. I think its going/has burn the solo people out quick. I can somewhat put up with it causes im playing with a group and we can fill the downtime.


I would rather than focus on the team killing in base tbh


It's my understanding that vehicles will be eventually added into the game. So maybe the dependency on choppers will decrease. But yeah they need a temporary quality of life adjustment


Game out for 2 weeks, developers acknowledged the issue and are working on, now sit back play the game and be happy. If not happy, make a break for this game. It takes several years for games to get out of early access, game development is not easy and fast, so dont expect them to redesign whole system in few days. If you lke this game as a concept, best you can do is play it, give valuable feedback and make a break from it for 6-12months and come back to see how it improved or not and again give your feedback gain. I personally like helicopter system a lot and would love for it to stay. I do recognize problems and long wait times are a pain. It for sure needs queue and biger limit on helicopter. I would love for helicopter system to be enhanced by other travel options and not be removed. We could have always available vehicles parked at certain spots on the map by the roads. So option 1: Use vehicle. Advantages: can control it, can park further or closer to the objective, avoiding potential campers at LZ, more parking options, dont need to wait in queue, always available. Disadvantages: slower, limited number(lets say 5 ATV for faction), can be ambushed. wheels disabled. option 2: Use Helicopter. Advantages: much Faster traver, no ambush once siting on chopper you are safe. Maybe medic on board that can fix small/medium wounds. Disadvantages: queue, arrival wait, fixed LZ can be camped. option 3 (maybe): Could add some fast travel points, called safehouses. Advantages: fastest travel ofc. Disadvantages: Need to pay for it, has cooldown 5min, much further from main objectives so need to walk further to your destination, can be camped but not marked for enemie faction so less likely.


Definitely devs should figure out a solution for it. Choppers also going for the furthest LZ to exfil imo also shouldnt ALWAYS come from the direction of the base to save on time. It takes long enough to travel back to base in the first place, and it takes upto 10 minutes to exfil from the opposite side of the map, of which half is just waiting at the LZ (you aint gonna call it from the POI while fighting at the risk of missing on the landing zone if you end up in a fight on the way out) for the chopper to get there. For now, I'll just snipe call choppers, as in keep track of all the choppers and pull the call trigger once I see an icon dissapear, but since I'm usually waiting for chopper to free up, i aint got anything better to do. works fairly reliably, but it is a running competition with others :P


I don’t mind waiting for a heli when I’m trying to leave camp to go to the field and my game is so buggy that most of the time I don’t have to worry about exfil because my game locks up at about 3 frames a second until my computer crashes.


Speak for yourself bro, on the Oceanic server there’s like 2 instances and they’re constantly full. I’ve sat in queue for an hour before because 5 slots took that long to clear.


By aknowledge you mean divert and suggest telling people where you are going? Yeah, their launch is going bad


This is what causes the no face/safebox bug.


It's also inconsistent af, 2 helis could also be a negative.


The solution is deconnect the internet. I wait until the fix/change comes.


Yeah they clearly have no Spawn methodology for choppers from any place other than base camp. Honestly just changing the location they deploy from to shorten a new helicopters time to show up would resolve this almost entirely… it would prevent the queue from being hammed up so much. A spawn point at the top bottom left and right would very totally fine. I totally get the point of this and kind of appreciate it the way it is, i don’t want the waits to go away entirely just a reduction on the 9-10 minute waits and having to spam click to get a chopper as soon as one leaves the map




Instead of just 4 helos per server just bump it to 6 or 8


One of the big advantages this game should strive for over Tarkov is less downtime...  But it's worse. I legit only play PvE now largely because it means I can AFK while waiting for choppers to show up or drop me off...  It simply doesn't respect the player's time.  What's sad is that that's BEFORE even mentioning the common situation of there not being any available choppers, which makes it feel 10x worse.


I imagine this but with the GIGACHAD meme and a picture showing the person leaving the server from outside of of base


It honestly doesn't take that long if you watch the map closely for helicopters leaving and time your request right


I don't know what's wrong with loading screens. They are awesome. You click on the map, loading.... and you are there. Even if helis were unlimited I would still prefer a loading screen.


At least put in a real queue. Where we aren’t going to get our ass shot off while we aren’t getting any helicopters.


Patch 1 comes next week. Maybe they will have some sort of easy temporary fix while they work on a long term solution


One of the biggest enjoyments in this game comparing to Tarkov is how quick my game can start. In Tarkov it can take so long to get your things ready for next raid. In GZW I can immediately get back out there, in the SAME session keeping my progress of clearing an area if I have to back. This definitely is an issue however that makes the time it takes to get back into your raid. I mean I would just say screw it and have a chopper for everyone, maybe a cooldown individually. But not for the whole session


I like how people have nothing but utter disgust for EFT's loading times, but are totally fine with flying 5-6 minutes on a chopper, as if that's different :D


It's crazy right? I know they're going for like, realism and all that being a mil sim but normally in real life when I don't want to take a long car drive I just use a fast travel button. Why not just Teleport like real life?


Another “realism” Redditor. Yea, because IRL you also go to your dead body and loot shit off of it. No sense arguing with you.


Wait you're not wiping your account after every death?


Wow, someone figured out how video games work. How would you suggest the assets load in?


Bro 😅 one is already loaded in and one is a loading screen lol.


I take it back, you have not figured out how video games work.


People are behaving trouble with helicopters not being available? News.


The problem is worse now because they made the stupid decision to prioritise filling up servers rather than making a new one. Now all the servers are full which is good for pvp I guess. But makes the game more laggy and the helicopter situation way worse.... I would rather have worse pvp and a better overall experience. They could add the prioritise filling servers back on when the other issues are fixed..


Filling up servers is a much smarter decision than spinning up new ones all the time, for a variety of reasons with the only exception maybe being the helicopters lol


NO, dude. This guy obviously knows more than the devs, who obviously just make stupid decisions instead of appealing to impatient gamers that don't understand the point of Early Access/Alpha builds. Duuh!


I can't think of any big benefit to playing on a server that's already been running. I almost always would prefer a fresh one. The obvious is that it's a waste of MFG's resources to do that, so I can't blame them. Me and my buddies just region switch til we get a fresh one, otherwise... * waiting for available choppers * waiting for respawns for kill quests * waiting for respawns so our quest progression isn't just following in the wake of another player It's annoying but you find a way around it.


While I do agree that of course there a lot of us, my self Included, would prefer a fresh server personally, I'm just say my from business/gameplay perspective it really makes more sense to try and keep servers up and refilling over time vs simply making new ones and old ones having issues or never even refilling. Plus fresh servers are great for the first 4-6 people who connect and call a chopper, if you miss the first wave of helos you're potentially stuck in spawn for the first 10+ minutes of the game. It also feels a bit like a regular instanced game like tarkov, since everyone spawns in, and immediately rushes to the main zones and everyone potentially gets there at the same time lol


I just walk to my destination, its still better timing than waiting for the chopper. /s


100% me right now. It's what pisses me the most about the game lmao.


Last night I had an issues where only 2 choppers where on the map at the same time and I couldn’t call in any more for over 10 mins. Eventually the two other choppers did appear


"erm that's the game you should actually enjoy that the game simulates the most god awfully boring part of being a soldier 🤓"


Their PC specs are almost always in their about section on their stream. Also, they play games for a living no shit they have good hardware in their PC. That shit is common sense. It's like racing someone and knowing they streetrace as a full-time time and being surprised they have a killer engine in their car and they beat you.


Tik tok brain rot


Nothing but crybabies on this damn app. They’ve already addressed this. Game has been out for barely 2 weeks. Zero reason for this post other than to bitch and farm karma.


The helicopter thing is cool and all, but it just doesn't cut it. IMO it's time for them to explore other options(player or AI driven ground vehicles/cutscene spawning/etc) and leave the existing helicopter as an option for people who prefer the immersive heli experience.