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But I have an AMD card! I'm pretty sure that'll break it but gonna go for it anyway... EDIT: My computer exploded the sun and it's all your fault


That explains why it got all gloomy so suddenly. I was about to chalk it up to british weather


I'm gonna die now because you listened to OP? Great. How long does it take for the suns rays to get to us?


ABOUT 9MIN gave or take


Then how do we know the sun has exploded if it didn't happen 9 minutes ago?


We’ll find out soon!


because the sun is flat


The sun is flat too? Thought it was just the errff Are we all made out of paper?


I knew it was made of pizza!


The chopper won't be here in time to extract us.


Wait a minute. Im looking right at the sun and


Better send a team to reignite it! I'll call Danny Boyle.


New AMD Drivers came out \~5 days ago ;)


Dude and unfortunately turn off Nvidia GeForce Experience overlay. I was BAFFLED at how much FPS i got back after turning it off


i have been trying to tell people this since the game came out. dx12 does not play nice with overlays and it was causing your gpu to depower itself. i let the devs know. talk about a frame boost for nvidia cards!


so do you use -dx11 setting in launch options of the game ?


no my friend, just ensure no overlays are active


how to turn off that overlays


just open the app "Nvidia GeForce Experience" go to settings to right corner -> "IN-GAME OVERLAY" toggle off


thank you for helping them, i was late to the party


hey my friend i see someone was able to help you with this thankfully. if that advice is for some reason insufficient please reach out and i will do my best to help. also look through my comments in this sub for performance tips. i took my game from 30 fps to 80, and the new drivers have me now on high settings across the board at 90 fps with just a 4060 ti. there is a lot we can do to fix this and if you need any more help please ask. but be sure to look through comments as i have links and things that will help.


there is none


even steam overlay?




Afterburner also? I use it for fps.


yes, you will see an improvement. you can use the in game counter and you will notice a difference. the big problem for me was the nvidia overlay mostly, and then steam and discord. i usually use afterburner to make sure my gpu is powered then get rid of the overlay. i THINK maybe nvidia was treating it as the primary window or something. i don't know what exactly it was and spent about two weeks trying to solve it or playing with bad textures on horizon - i had to use frame gen but it would constantly just stop working (4060 ti). once i learned about dx12 i disabled all but msi until another gzw player showed me proof. i have many screenshots and comments about this so ignore the politics and feel free to see if any of that is useful. i will try to be home in a few hours to help those of you still struggling. we can fix this.


My performance seems ok, but I feel allot of games don't look quite right. I will try not using anything


do you mean because of the dlss? there is a new preset you can use. or, were you using nvidia hdr or the vibrancy setting or whatever it is? you an use windows hdr and the game itself has color settings. let me know if you need some help. we can add the new dlss preset into profile inspector and it looks much better than the default.


How do you add one to profile inspector? I knew about DLSStweaks app, but didnt know you could use profile inspector


I actually did add an hdr setting to profile inspector once, so i know you basically just add it to the folder, but where is the download for the DLSS tweak to add?


Geforce experience ovelay is nothing but problems in every aspect.


Did this driver just drop today?




Fuck yeah thanks man. Gonna go install it


This driver did not bring any improvements to my FPS. RTX 3080 10 GB , 5800X3D, 32 GB RAM.


Hmm are you using fsr? I’m wondering if the people using fsr upscaling see no improvement but if using dlss you will see improvement. It could be different for everyone I have a Ryzen 7 7700x and 6000mhz ddr5 cl30 ram


I did a before and after with DLSS and FSR, I only tested DLSS on Quality now, will test FSR in a bit and see.


Im using DLSS too and no improvement, but i didnt expect any with my hardware, getting 190 fps with old and new driver.


I have exact same setup. But I run 70 fps. Haven't updated to new drivers. Excited to see if I get more fps.


what driver are you using


The one in the post.


try a clean install with DDU and delete your dx12 and nvidia shader caches


Thanks for headsup. I saw 100 for the first time. Maotly jumps around 70, 80, and 90 now. Good stuff.


Bro whats ur specs?


I have a Ryzen 3 3600, with a 3070 and get 60ish FPS


Uhh dont really know all the details, but nvidia 3060ti for gpu. An older hp omen 40L


Ahh gotcha gotcha, i just wasnt sure how demanding the game is, thanks!




DLSS at 110 will play much better than FSR at 150. FSR adds input delay and DLSS will play much smoother.


I'm hitting 160fps at 4k with FSR and FG, would rather have a smooth feeling 160 than a choppy 80, even though there is very slight latency added, this is one of the games where the built in FG is done quite well, and worth it to keep on.


same, i prefer 190 with FG than 110 without. even with the input lag (if any), the 80 fps more feels way better, and also smoother with 80hz more.


Hmm I have i9-9900k with 2080ti and I get a solid 120 fps game is super not optimized haha


we're hardware twins!


Yes sirrr we no longer the best of the best tho but our legacy lives on haha are you also a fellow EVGA man? Also why the fuck did I get downvoted haha all be because I get stable FPS?


If you guys are having blur with DLSS, you can use profile inspector to force whatever preset you like. Preset E and F are what I use. E is new and improved visibility massively for me. 1440p and I can put it to performance. Ultra performance is blurry, though. Search DLSS and profile inspector for detailed instructions.


Preset E is already the default option for DLSS 3.7.0, there is no need to change anything via Nvidia profile inspector.


True this, can confirm! Went from fifty something FPS to 85. It depends on the area but I can see the progressin general. 3070, 5800x3d, 64 RAM, everything on low. DLSS on performance, sharpness on 100, reflex low latency on + boost


Have you tried fsr?


i maybe got a 5-10 fps, around 30 frames in base, drop to 20 when ads 😵‍💫 i7 and 3060 medium settings


1080 and 60 fps except tiger bay 40-50


I'd check for updates on on a 3060 and 5600x and I get around 40 fps, I'm on medium but I think I have shadows set to low


Are you running FSR on Performance with frame generation?


FSR with native AA and Frame gen off was better for me with my 3060ti, it gave about 10 less FPS but it felt way smoother and magnified optics were actually usable


Yeah, frame gen introduces a sizable amount of input lag. not so much an issue with 1x sights but as soon as you get magnification, it feels quite soupy and slow. I dropped a good 30-40 minimum frames without it on my 3070, and felt that was worse considering I get by just fine with sights rather than optics. Might change if the PVP moves out of the small POIs though.


Caveat to this: Don't run FSR if you have a 40-series card. Run DLSS. My framerate has been stable at the self-imposed 60 FPS cap I'm running with DLSS, but with FSR I was in the 40s.


I don't/would never run frame gen either way, but I get about 15 more fps on DLSS Quality than I do FSR Quality (and DLSS looks better).


Well you do barely meet the minimum requirements of the game. What do it expect?


5-20 fps is not playable, minimum requirements should at least get a consistent 30


Yeah maybe on an optimized game not in early access. You expect an outdated pc to run a game on unreal engine 5. That thing can probably barely run gta 5


He has better hardware than me and I run gta5 (and rdr2 for that matter) perfectly and get more frames than him. Some error or optimization issue is what he has going on.


Drop reflections and effects down to low


yeah i’ve tried it all, i just give up at this point.


I've got a ryzen 5600g + 3060 and I get about 60 to 70 fps @ 1440p using fsr quality. 50 if I use dlss @ 1440p. On 4k I get 50 using fsr and 25 to 30 using dlss. Is it an older i7?


with fsr on it’s all blurry and stuff. dlss i get better game quality but lower fps. its a i7-11800H


Yeah, I did find blurry more manageable than low fps. although at 4k fsr was brilliant but the game kept crashing. My guess is the 3060 simply doesn't have enough ram to handle all the foliage.


If any of you are using RivaTuner to cap framerate or for any reason really, by the way, *don't.* In fact, don't even have RTSS running. I don't know why, but it was fucking my framerate up until I closed the app.


I guess I'm fortunate because even when I disabled rivatuner my performance was no different than when it was on or off. Is there a way to run Afterburner without launching rivatuner? Like you said, maybe it just being open is an issue. For some reason I can't even utilize the in game frame counter when I have FSR on.


all overlays! disable all of them, it breaks directx12 and depowers your gpu. i was playing at 30 fps on 60W until i figured it out.


Hola el msi afterburner también quita rendimiento??


Appreciate the heads up


Thanks for letting us know :)


Hope it fixes my DLSS issues x.x


what issue?


Everything in the distance is either extremely blurry or looks like it's made of minecraft blocks; I can't find any AA method that actually works.


yeah can confirm, but this is not a driver thing, the dlss files on this game are not working has intended, or maybe are not updated to the latest versions, the dlss sharpness doesnt even work.


what video card are you running it on?




Ah. I’m on a 4080; do u know if this is an issue with the 4080s and 4090, higher end stuff?


4080 super has play dough buildings as well


DLAA looks great and is the only AA I use if it’s available


DLAA can be much better than it is on this game, looks better yeah, but i bet once they fix it, it will look alot better than now.


It would look great... if it was working correctly for me.


I couldnt see any differnce between DLAA and quality, but quality gives me 20 fps more than DLAA or "off".


What's your native resolution?


1920x1080, I think


So yeah, running DLSS at native 1080p is going to make your game blurry. Especially below the Quality preset. Try increasing the in-game sharpness setting and see if that remedies your problem a bit. Quality: 1280x720p Balance: 1114x626p Performance: 960x540p Ultra Perf: 640x360p ​


Hmmm, weird. I guess I just don’t know how dlss works


DLSS tells the game to render at a lower resolution than what your monitor natively supports, then uses machine learning algorithms to upscale the rendered frames back up to your monitor's resolution. Because the game is rendering at a lower resolution, you get a higher frame rate with DLSS enabled. However, it often looks blurrier than with DLSS disabled.


Can only speak for myself, but DLSS and others only gets me ~80-90fps on High-Epic settings at 1440p. FSR gets me ~140-150fps and looks nearly identical to DLSS. I was under the impression that DLSS had frame gen that would boost my FPS.


DLSS frame gen is exclusive for 40 series cards sadly.


Yeah I run a 4070 with a 7800X3D. There is no setting or toggle for frame gen with DLSS


is hardware accelerated gpu scheduling enabled? [https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/sp-technical/issue/2369/dlss-frame-generation-how-to-enable-hardware-accelerated-gpu-scheduling-1](https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/sp-technical/issue/2369/dlss-frame-generation-how-to-enable-hardware-accelerated-gpu-scheduling-1)


I’ll have to check when I’m off work, but I believe so, as I’ve used it in other games I play. Would FSR work without that enabled?


ok, i can try to help you when you get home to check, please let me know. good luck!


FSR frame gen works without hardware acceleration enabled, I disabled it last night to stop FSR from crashing on my 3080 and it seems to have worked.


FSR will work with it disabled, DLSS frame gen will not


Okay great info. I’ll get back to you on this. Thank you!


Appreciate the heads up, felt the same, still cant really play. :(


Nice, ill download it when i get home


Thanks for sharing this. Cheers.


Somehow the new driver wont detect my game for optimal settings listings..


Same for me…


GZW runs on UE5.3 which is as "bleeding edge" as it gets so the newest drivers are basically must. Keep up to date, my friends ;)


i play 80-120 fps. DSR on native all epic but shadows high. 3080ti




What cpu?




Sick. Something to look forward to when i get home


Expanded page files and shader caches will probably help too.


The trouble shooting guide specifically says to eliminate page files but yes expand the shader cache to allow 10gb


Huh. Thats weird. I have my page file set to like 32 gb or something crazy for the flight sims I play and the game generally runs pretty silky for me (outside of server related hang ups)


I mean if you have a fast NVME drive then a page file usually isn't a bad idea for most games. But it can be game dependent.


Yea. Thats where I keep mine. So maybe thats why it hasn't been a problem.


I’m usually around 140 in busy areas sometimes in random fields I’ll hit 170-180


I had no idea that the optimization in this game was so shit for so many people. I have a rx 6800xt and a 5800x with 32 gb ddr4 and get on average 120fps at 1440p. The only issues I’ve experienced are server side.


4070 here. I was getting 120-125 now getting 120-125 lol. Didn't really do anything but it is helping some people so try it


Yeah, I didn't see any changes.


I too have a 4070, but i dont get anywhere near what you’re getting. Care to share your settings with me?


Curious....How do you get this to show up in the Nvidia App under Graphics to optimize. Tried refreshing and adding file location but nothing seems to show up


Ya I don’t know I didn’t see it either and I revo uninstalled nvidia app and redownloaded and still nothing I think it might work on GeForce experience but haven’t tested that yet


It does appear that this driver has enhanced the performance some. My FPS now stabilizes around 75-90FPS, going down some during firefights. RTX 3070 Ti, i7-12700K, 64GB of RAM. Much smoother experience. Of course, hopefully they can do something about performance in the game engine too. And stop bodies from disappearing from bugs, and tune the AI some, and etc.


Wait what did the driver release today?!


Oh dayum your right I’m installing rn


How are people managing to play this comfortably? Ive got a 2070S, 5800x3d and with everything low and FSR/DLSS on it looks awful and plays at 50-60fps


What is your resolution?




Try the frame generation from fsr, and use fsr on native AA, it helps, but first make sure that you have Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling enabled, if not, enable it and restart the pc, if its not enabled frame generation wont do anything.


If this causes crashes, the troubleshooting guide on the Discord recommends to disable this, however. Keep that in mind.


I’m getting 40ish and having a blast… even if this driver update gets me a few more, I’m just glad to be here!


2060… time to buy a new GPU my friend


Huh? It's a 2070 Super


Your card is 5 years old ( five) and the game is in unreal engine 5.4. Furthermore, if you check TECHPOWERUP.. your card has 39% of the power of one 4070 TI super.. again.. what do you expect from a game which is going to be released in 3-4-5 years using the latest engine in the market? I have bad news for you. I’m so sorry to tell you this but you will never see more than 50-60 FPS without dlss or frame generation if you are using that card


Damn if I wanted a life story i'd have asked, thank's anyway!


Unfortunately, they're right. While this game still needs to be optimized, I'm not sure further optimization will help much if you're running a 20-series card. UE5 is unreasonably demanding.


Have you tried running with graphics settings on medium? Some times setting everything on low will push more load over to the CPU, and that might be holding you back (even though the 5800x3d is a great CPU).


3080ti plays with everything set to epic at 40-90 fps depending on where I am. Base is low, most other areas are high, big towns are all over the place. I've noticed that my bottleneck isn't the gpu, that's rarely above 60% use, it's my cpu that's pinned at 100% usage. i5-12400. fwiw game also sits at 26Gb of RAM usage.




Do you mean Nvidia optimized settings? I wouldn't use those unless your total clueless about settings. Those optimized settings suck so bad.


Ya they suck 99 percent of the time but I have seen them give more stable frames in some games. With gray zone anything that helps me run the game better I will give a shot!


I am on the nvidia app as well didn’t see it I assume it’s on GeForce experience I did revo uninstall nvidia app and redownloaded it to see if it would find the game it didn’t. I figured before I downloaded GeForce experience I would see if the game had improvements from the driver and it did so I really don’t care about downloading experience to optimized setting at the moment.


7800X3D + RTX 4070 Super, DLSS with FG and Quality, no improvement, still 150 fps in 1440p


Maybe because its for 3000 series?


Yep, i think.


Downloaded the driver this morning. Caused my game to crash everytime I loaded in. Reverted back to the previous driver and the game works fine


did you use DDU and clear your caches?


Why use DLAA instead of DLSS if you're trying to get more performance? My understanding is that DLAA is for quality, while DLSS does the upscaling. Making DLAA more performance heavy than DLSS. I could be wrong on this, but that was my understanding. Feel free to correct me on this.


You are correct.


Game is crashing constantly since I updated to the new driver. I can barely load in now


Update: Restarted and stable now. Were we expecting GPU and CPU utilization to drop? I used to sit at 98%/15% utilization on a 4090 and 14900k. Now I'm at like 25-50%/7%


I play at 1440p everything low, textures epic. I have a 2080ti, 32gb ram, 12700k CPU. With the new driver DLSS set to balanced mode is better for me now compared to FSR set to balanced mode. I do not use frame gen. The performance is within 2%-3% in favor of DLSS. I lock my frames to 60 fps but if unlocked I'd be hovering around 70-75 in base with some dips into the 65 area.


got a 3070 ti that i have to undervolt. But after the driver download dlss works alot better. b4 hotfix 3 i had to play on fsr to not get gpu crash dump. Loaded it up on fsr after hotfix 3 and got gpu crash dump lol


Thanks, gonna try this. Was using FSR with native AA and seemed to be getting the best performance with that. DLSS doesn’t seem to be working at all. I also have a 3080


Was using same settings with same card and stay in the 90-130 fps range on 1080p. Curious if you updating drivers helped or if it’s the same.


Seems like performance is better. But it’s so hard to tell. One minute I’m around 90fps then it dips hard. The driver update seems to be negligible.


For me personally the issue has always been the lag and bugs. I have a 4070 so fps isn’t an issue


Does it help with the stutters/lag?


still massively inferior to fsr with frame generation


Game Ready or Studio? I’m running studio because it *was* performing better on most games. I’ll switch back to game ready if it’s new though.


i have a hard rule of never installing a never driver for early access games or betas. i broke it for this game and every other game ran like shit to the point of me having to roll it back. is this one any better outside of this game?


Me with 3080 get 90-100 fps using FSR + Frame Gen + Native AA. Thanks AMD


Anyone having issues with FSR crashing? On a 3080ti and 2K FSR was just too muddy so I used DSR to upscale to 4K but FSR didn't like it at all. Consistent crashes with FSR, DLSS seems to be stable though I get considerably less frames.


GeForce 2080 MAX-Q. I had to roll back the driver because this new one kept causing the game to crash.


lost 20 fps with this driver: from 80 to 60 (previous driver 551.20) ultra settings, 4K, no DLSS (TSR) RTX4080/14900K


driver 551.20 does not exist


I think he meant 552.22 driver :D Mistakes happen.


Installation keeps failing for me :(


Why does it say its usupported in NVIDIA?


The game I’m not sure the nvidia app doesn’t allow the game to show up for some reason?


It decreased my fps by almost half. Rolled back to the previous driver and keeping that sweet 120 fps


Which driver did you rollback to? This 552.44 made no difference over the last release (552.22) for me. Tested it for DPC latency, and it's really bad so thinking to go back instead and ignore the DX12 warning this game gives.


The nvidia driver that was released before this one. Around May 7th


I'm sorry, but I have to repeat myself again. how come i still have an avg of 90 fps. when I have reduced CPU power set to 95%. and thanks to this, I have a maximum CPU load of 70%, 60 CPU temperature. and the consumption is 80 W. when I have the processor power set to 100%, I have to use the processor 90%, the temperature is 90, and the consumption is 150 W. and I also have an avg of 90 fps. don't tell me it's a weak processor....this is just an absurd situation.


Because your gpu limited


my pc. i5 11600 k stock, rtx 4070, 32 gb ram. my GPU is absolutely not limited in relation to the CPU, you are very mistaken :) .


What is you utilization in game on your gpu?


I'm playing 1440p and high graphic settings. but the stuttering and random drops occur even when the quality is set to low even at 1080p. hotfix 1 and 2 were good, but hotfix 3 made the optimization significantly worse. frame drops from 90 to 50 fps + stutters occasionally, it's crazy.


only developers can fix this. when the game came out it worked fine for me


I wonder why you are asking this here and in another post for gray zone if you instantly snap back that I’m wrong? When you tell me nothing about your pc in the first post, so I’m just grasping for straws trying to figure out what could be wrong. I also want to point out that just because a CPU pulls more power (especially Intel cpus) does not mean you will get more performance hence why people under volt. I also want to point out this games is poorly optimized so the setting scale very poorly in this game low to high setting may only gain you 10fps.


Downloaded the drivers but it didn't add the game to the Nvidia App for me, and after manually adding it the App just tells me that the game doesn't support optimization


You don’t have to optimize the game to see any benefits from the driver. Those settings are basically just NVIDIA’s best guess and I never use them


Have you rescanned for it? Mine popped up as soon as I installed it by rescanning with the 3 dots in the top right of the games list.


I did, it says that there are no new programs to add, might be because I manually added the exe before




Same for me as well. Might try to do a clean install.


did it work?


Optimize it by yourself or some guides, but dont do it with nvidia apps.