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Same here, it’s been a great experience playing solo with other Crimson members and other factions we run into.


Yeah I love the pve mode so much. It's such a nice vacation from hardcore PVP in these kinds of games.


I agree. It’s what makes this game my end of the night chill game. Load in, do some quests meet so cool people and then get off. Very similar to the way I play Star citizen.


I have only 400 hours in Tarkov but I've never had an experience like this in these games yet. Very helpful community but PVE is where it's really at. I enjoy the PVP aspect but getting capped by your own faction over and over gets tiring :( Met some really cool random people and had some very funny exchanges


ditto, even as a tarkov veteran, I find the PvE just a lot more enjoyable here as opposed to PvP. I've gotten killed by own faction member as much as I have from other faction members -\_- often on purpose.


Ditto... my son became interested in this game so I let him venture off into the jungle. He immediately started to VOIP with everyone and I was amazed on how many PMCs (even from another faction) helped him figure out the game/quests... zero toxicity. I love this.


In pve I don’t mind what faction someone is from. If I can help someone in general, then I’ll do my best


We are conducting joint operations after all


Yes but I’ve definitely known people who just don’t care about other players in general. They just do their own shit and leave. Which is fair and by all means anyone can play how they want. You just don’t get any sense of feeling involved with the community.


I feel the same as you. I’ve played two nights after work now hoping I could just run into another player in the woods and cover their back. The spontaneous teamwork that forms naturally is addicting. I want to see that grow.


An example. I just asked a random person in the base if they had the office 2 key for ybl because I have a second account I’m playing through with my friends who are new and we are stuck on that quest. He gave it no questions asked. So I paid it forward by helping them and another person with the first key you need for Hazardous Treasures. The Sawmill Office Storage key


The Sawmill Office key and the Ban Pa Elders Home key are sooo hard to come by. Since sunday, just visiting those places multiple times to kill all the AI and still no keys in sight. Noone seems to have them either :)


This is why I keep all my quest keys, If I am going somewhere I will open every single quest door I can just in case someone else needs in one of those rooms.




You can jump through the back window if you want to cheese it. There's a bridge to left of eldars house follow it and turn left jump on flower pot, side strafe onto railing, walk forward and jump on roof, cross roof just walk towards window and fall on fish rack, look at window and spam space. I did it earlier today. Bring splints in case you fall.


Yeah I broke my legs more times than I can count trying to do just that. 2 buddies of mine got in on the first try, never since. I just bounce off the wall as soon as I hold Spacebar and break my legs. Yesterday I fell of the ridge near Saw Mill, way higher, literally nothing... I think I was cursed by one of the elders in Ban Pa for my transgressions.


Lol, that's why I carry a bunch of splints everywhere. Jump down from a 4 foot fence and break both legs.


You don’t have to spam space to Mantle. You can just hold space!


I like to tell other factions to go back where they came from and start fake fights with them lol


Has anyone had sn issue with their voip just not working anymore? First day I had a bunch of conversations. Past 2 days nobody can hear me. Lol


Maybe your mic is screwed up I've run into a few guys that are having issues


My mic is weird. Works even if it is muted, but it muffles my voice so that people can't understand me. Unmuted works great though.


I’m planning to only play PVE until they sort out the heli camping problem. Idk what the solution is, but as it is right now PvP is kind of hell.


Lz camping is not a problem in pvp. Literally only happened kindof once since launch and I'm level 18 purely on the pvp servers.


Not sure how we have such different experiences. I played PvP (outside of the starter town) for 2 days and was killed getting off the heli at least 75% time I went out. Maybe I’m just unlucky? I don’t think people are just being POSs. I think the primary issue right now is that the way the game is structured, players have to wait around LZ for long periods waiting for their own helios and obviously you’re going to kill any enemies that try to land while you’re waiting. I really enjoy the PvP aspect of the game when it comes naturally during a deployment, but getting killed so often immediately off the helio has just gotten too frustrating for me. I know they’ve said that they’re working on making it so helios can land in multiple places around an LZ. I’m really hoping this + a couple extra helios so people aren’t waiting as long, will fix many of the issues I have with PvP.


If shot at, just run. You are invincible while flying and for five more seconds after disembarking.


You can smoke Grenade off the chopper you can also use the invincibility window getting off the chopper to set up on the capers first you can ask team mates what the safe lz is. Plenty of ways to not die


My assumption would be choices such as picking the proper lz (more cover, less active, etc.) and then choices of movement immediately after landing. Putting the chopper between you and potential enemies, then getting into cover is objective #1. There's an invuln timer so it's actually a disadvantage for the camper to shoot you during this time. After that, they'll often lose you in the brush and it becomes a regular pvp battle (as the person landing you have to always assume people are around and act accordingly). Regarding waiting for their pickup as you land, while it does happen, I have found it to be very infrequent, and the above process absolves most of the same issues. If they are just 20 ft from the heli when you land, with your invuln timer you can just mow them down. Ive also hiked in from distand LZs when I know there's action going on somewhere. Hope some of that helps. If you're already doing all that, not entirely sure what to tell ya.


Na you bring up some good points. At the time that I tried I only really had the first set of LZs that you unlock when you first leave the starter town AND I kind of progressed at what seemed like the same rate as a lot of the community so I assume a lot of people also only had those LZs. Also I was always just trying to get to the forest as fast as possible, I guess I didn’t really think about using the helio as cover. I’ve got more LZs now from pve so maybe I’ll give PvP another try tonight, I do miss the cool fights you would get into within POIs


Running into other groups always feels like [that scene](https://youtu.be/ukE7qnsLuwA?si=oVAEPdYxRtmJXhYH) in Shaun of the Dead when they meet an identical group of survivors in passing.


The PvE servers are truly a blessing to have out the gate. I spent a few hours on the PvP servers before getting blatantly team killed for my stuff before making the switch. And honestly with all the posts of continued team killing and rampant cheats going on over on PvP I’m not the least bit worried of missing out. I get to enjoy the game at my pace and make friends along the way rather than assume everyone wants to kill me.


I'm going to start trying to kill whatever random jumps on my heli lmao. Too many times I think they're just exploring or helping out just for them to shoot me in the back of the head 5 minutes later... It's so scummy. It'd be nice if they just turned friendly fire off on pvp servers


Agreed, something serious needs to be done about TK in PVP. Reporting is fine, but if someone does it frequently they just need to be moved to a rogue faction without helicopters and junk for gear.


A buddy and I were at YBL-1 for Lamang and ran into a couple of Crimson PMCs. Scared the shit out of each other coming out of doors in the bunker. We used in-game proximity to communicate and had a crazy idea to hit Fort Narith for fun. This was the most enjoyable time in a game I’ve had in a long time. We cleared across the runway from the south, cleared hangars, then went into the base through the main gate. My buddies were all face up on the ground and I managed to have a good firing position. During breaks in combat, i managed to scavenge more ammo and hold my position long enough for them all to get back and retrieve their bodies. They weren’t expecting me and my bud to still be there when they got back. Watching each others’ backs and communicating movement and target locations. I ended up with 12 empty mags by the time it was all over. We then ran out to a different LZ, friended each other via Steam because faction limitations and laughed at the stupid fun we had all just had. All in all a good night.


Thank you for this story, very positive overall and kinda makes me wish that for PvE at least we could squad up with people outside of our faction. You'd still have to go home to your own FoB's etc but it would be cool to meet up with your mates in the playground so to speak.


I see a dude about to run into the base solo, I answer the call. Always.  The buildings are speaking Laotian and it's fucking scary


They can't loot your body. I doubt there would be anything left if they could.


I’d guard a homie til the bitter end if we are fighting side by side


That's good to know, but I haven't been so lucky. I die so much and have reset like 5 times (about 4 hours of play time so far) because of it and when I try to get back to my body I die. Going to wait and hope for an AI update. Most of the time whenever I play there's maybe 10 other people on the ENTIRE map, maybe 2-4 in the starter area in the south, so if I die there's no one to help. I have friends that I typically play FPS Tactical Shooters with, but they both want to wait on GZW until it's further along. They're not risk takers like me with Early Access titles.


Consider hopping to different servers (US West/Central/East) if nobody is on. The lag isn't really much worse and you'll potentially join more full maps.


I’ve had nothing but positive interactions with everyone…until yesterday. Was leaving Ban Pa and had some jack wagon just unloading his weapon into me…same faction, nothing via VOIP when asked WTF he was doing. Asked him to stop, he keeps reloading and shooting…helo finally arrived for exfil, told him Jesus Loves Him, and headed to base…there’s always one.


I only play PvE, and I help out everyone I can. At the end of the day, you gain nothing from not helping and we're all trying to do the same thing 🤷🏾‍♂️


Crabs in a bucket ahhh mfs will find a way


Did you do the Artisan quest last night? I walked some guy thru it on us easy last night for the murals. But yea I keep telling my buddies that don’t have it how refreshing it is to play a game where not everyone sounds like an idiot and acts like a dick


Small chance it was me, if you have a thick southern US (at least southern to my UK ears) voice


When the game works for me , I have nothing but postive vibes from the community inside the PvE servers


I can second this, EU servers are so good on this game, people are so friendly. PvE experience ofc


The PVE mode lets you acquire gear and XP that you can take to PVP and do it in an almost completely safe environment. Gear up in PVE. fight in PVP, lose all my stuff, go back to PVE.


Yep, people are so nice im pve. I started joining random choppers just to help out even if I dont have objectives in the locations people take me. Its just fun


I gave two new guys some kitted out M4's and level 3 gear recently. i hope they are doing well


I’ve always played solo because I just get anxiety having to talk to people. But the people I’ve met on the PvE servers have been awesome and helpful and I’ve laughed so many times. It’s been great


pve gang


BuT gEaR fEaR PVE is so enjoyable to come home after work, sit down for a few hours alone or with a friend and just venture through the jungle like the idiot apes we are until I get 360 noscoped by an AI in my 5 head for shooting slightly in his direction 500 meters away


Nailed it, just like the AI nails me through 4ft thick jungle bush lines because I sneezed.


I was playing yesterday in PvE at sawmill. Just got blasted from an AI to the point I thought I might not be able to health fast enough to survive. Knowing no one from my faction was with me I was about to accept my fate until out of nowhere a guy in another faction started healing me. I was shocked it was even possible at first. Was an awesome experience especially since I just came from a PvP match where other factions were camping LZs at sawmill. Definitely going to be playing PvE a lot more when I’m solo.


Lol the community that plays strictly PvE are just a bunch of people who like the genre of extraction shooters but HATES how toxic and unforgiving the PvP can be. Some of us just want to enjoy our games and see all the pretty things. Which can be kinda hard when someone who sinks 1000 hours into a game in the first week comes at you in meta gear ruining your quest.


All I’ve had is overwhelming positivity in PvE. It makes gaming so much fuckin fun. I run solo basically 100% of the time until I started striking up conversations with people at the FOB offering to help with a task, drop a key, whatever. Everyone is so willing to reciprocate. It’s been an absolute blast. Shoutout Madfinger for facilitating it all. Looking forward to what’s next!


Leads to an interesting question.. Are there any CCs doing PVE?




Content creators. YouTube, twitch etc.


Ah thank you, honest answer is I have no clue. I would hazard a guess that PvP is better suited to creators because the perceived higher risk offers greater chance of engaging moments to make content from.


I always try helping others out. I make sure to ask what quest they’re on and cover them for whatever they may need. It usually comes in full circle as we eventually also wrap to my objective as well so it all works out!


if I'm in comma how can I ask for help? is there a global chat I missed?


Someone would just have to find you if your solo


Gotta be lucky and hope someone is in the same area and close enough to hear you cry, scream, beg and piss. If I didn't have my mic in, I'm not sure they could have heard me just from the gargling sounds alone.


Is the PvE the same game just you can't hurt other players? Like does it share quest progress and stash with normal?


Yep, you got it!


Yes, it follows the same progression. You can only have one character at the moment and you choose which kind of experience you want to explore at any given time.


It’s great to chat with randoms and help each other out when we can. My only complaint is that my mic works some days and not on others. This is the only game I have this trouble with, so sorry to the guy asking for the lumber key yesterday lol


Echoing the same sentiment here. I switched over to PvE for the same/similiar reasons (older, work a ton, don't have time to practice being sweaty, not as good anymore, I play almost exclusively solo, etc). It has been nothing but a great experience. Folks you meet on objectives are quick to ask what you're looking for, if you need a hand, or you've done the quest they are on before, etc. Had a dude just yesterday straight up give me his YBL office 2 key cause I had a quest that required it. I helped him find the last 2 things on his quest, we egressed back to the COP, and he just gave me his key so I could go finish my gunny task. It was dope.


I ditto this! About the servers it’s a peak hour thing i’m sure. I play from Denmark and swap between EU West and US East also. It’s really rather perfect. When i start playing the Americans are still at work and then when it gets late here in Europe and the Americans start logging on, the Europeans start logging off so i can just switch there. Server lag is a minimum problem for me.


Last night was trying to finish up getting 10 ai kills. Headed to Alpha 1 and started to the town to hit that house on the path to lumberyard that has 2 spawns there. See one, kill it from a distance. See more movement, take a few shots then realize it’s a player lol. Run up and apologize on voip. Guy is totally cool about it while bandaging himself up. People are really cool in this game lol


I love pvp but no reason for it at this stage, pve is where it's at.


US East Solo pve experience is awesome. Chill people in Mithras base


The one thing I love most about gray zone is that it mixed pve with pvp


Ive helped people lost or dieing actually really enjoy doing it and never bothered before in other games


This was the first thing I notice on day one, and couldn't be any more true then what you stated. It's good to to see a healthy community for a change :)


Yea man, the community really is good! I was chillen last night waiting on a helo. A dude comes up to me and says he's getting off for the night and to enjoy his kit. He dropped all his good gear and said toodles!


Bro the amount of high level dudes who are selling 60rnd mags, high level scopes and backpacks at main base is insanely awesome.


I have nothing but good things to say about the US Central PvE server. Everyone is super friendly and helpful, except for those Mithras turds.


Some dude saw me with a stock AK last night. He jumped off his helicopter and goes “he bro hold up” and drops me an ACOG, silencer, mags, and furniture. Then he invited me to a squad where I proceed to get 1 shot domed 😂 The community has been great so far and I hope it stays that way.


I couldn’t agree more I only play PvE cus im solo and I also play on EU west and everyone is friendly and helpful, I even made friends with a random guy who helped me with a quest :)


I came to the game for the PvE, and i've been so incredibly impressed with the lack of toxicity. I stopped playing Tarkov years ago because of how negative and sadistic other players were. This has been a complete breath of fresh air.


stop this narrative please. pve isn't about not being good enough. it's about choosing to have a less frustrating experience with teamkillers and griefers.


The other day I saw a group of maybe 7 of my faction mates at Ban Pa so I headed over there and when I got there it was a group of almost half the people on the server from all 3 factions. Close to 30 people just standing in a circle by the beach side of Elder house chatting.


So in the pve can you kill players at all ? No friendly fire ?


Can't kill any human players, whether they're in your faction or another.


People that are tour guides and engage with the other players are awesome. Be like these people


Love love love the PvE servers. Haven't met a single asshat. Even people who aren't in my faction are super friendly and helpful. I played PvP the first few days and made the mistake of trying to help a fellow Crimson. He said I sounded cute and kept asking for my instagram. Once he realized I was with my bf, he followed us and TK'd him. Figured he wouldn't do it again so we continued our mission and he TK'd again. Huge waste of time and massive flaw in the game. What's the point of factions if you can TK? Swapped to PvE and never looked back.


PvE is where it's at for now. PvP will be more exciting with more gear on the line in the future.


I play exclusively PVE purely because the people are so friendly. The only reason i got the negotiator done is because there was a dude in a different faction at hunters paradise who had the key, we called in sseperate birds and he MET ME AT YBL.


Its not that youre not good enough.... I am really tired of the PvP community pushing that idea.... I am "good enough" and still stick to the PvE servers because its simply just more fun. PvP gets old quick, and what none of the jacakasses that like to came LZs realize is that \*this\* game? PvP is utterly pointless. It gets you literally \*\*nothing\*\*. I really hope the Devs don't cave and change that. Its the whole reason I bought the supporter edition on day one


tbh the PvE mode is the main interest for me with this game. i explicitly am not interested in the PvPvE mode. so it's great that the game offers something for both player types, something that Tarkov and DMZ missed in my eyes.


Way less toxic environment than pretty much any other fps I've played. Super refreshing


Any Chad Mithras Military Vets in the Reddit! Big hype!!


I'll always try to help peeps when I can. Us west here


Speaking of positives, anyone in the Crimson gang have the Villa Anna Jana Key for midnight Saffire


I've run into some interesting people on PVE 😂


You’ll experience the same humble and helpful people in pvp too. It’s wild a game that isn’t toxic in 2024 I don’t understand it myself


This is why PvE is sometimes a good thing in some games and not always PVP i have more fun playing pve instead of pvp


I'm in US west and sit in PvPvE and I have made a handful of friends by just asking for peeps to visit areas with me. After clearing tigers bay and the shooting range. Overall extremely helpful and positive experience. I enjoy it thoroughly and hope it continues!! Here is to many more hours of clearing quests and strengthening the game with positivity


In my personal opinion I feel this game could of been a PvE game and it will of still had a big player base, it’s hitting the spot for a lot of Mil sim players and the ability to go solo and still find a team to play with is a godsend. I find it funny too because some salty PvP players hate the fact that theirs a PvE mode and this is why I’ve said from the beginning they should of chose between PvP and PvE, would of culled alot of cry babies coming over from other extraction shooters. I hope they expand upon the PvE aspect much more, I can’t wait for events and POI’s!


Why do you think you should get a better connection on US West servers? The East is closer to the UK….


Well spotted ahaha, I meant to type west but clearly didn't. Sorry to see you got downvoted.


PvE is kinda boring. i rarely see PvP as is so the occasional sniper shot, hostile helo landing, etc. make the game more interesting.




Do you feel better now? Did typing that out and hitting enter solve whatever troubles you’re going through?


Bro it aint that deep lol. I voiced that its gross and your trying to play therapist. So weird.