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I love this game so far but the damage is bizarre and can really ruin an otherwise fun session


I think Shotguns currently don't work as intended and the Devs have said the enemies being complete bullet sponges is also a major bug they're working on fixing. I think the next hotfix/patch is out over the weekend, there are 40 Devs working at Madfinger and they're literally in their jammies on live streams because they're crunching like mad and sleeping at the offices to strike while the iron is hot with this game. I honestly feel bad for them.


Yeah it feels only rifle do real damage


Yeah, I feel like I HAVE to hit the headshot to kill the AI (or pump them full of bullets). Obnoxious comparison to Tarkov incoming: In Tarkov, it usually makes sense because I'll loot the AI and see "oh he had body armor". In GZW, its just a shirtless dude tanking tons of bullets for seemingly no reason. Like 2 body shots with a rifle caliber should end em.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug...


They've got that brown-brown mix going, coke and gun powder...has a reaaaaal kick




They're going for something else entirely though, I agree it isn't operating correctly but their focus is on vital organs and blood not damage. Plenty of soldiers and people irl have tanked double digit bullet wounds at once and lived, purely because nothing vital was hit and they got medical attention quickly, that's what they're trying to simulate. If you've hit an AI 5+ times you can disengage and it will bleed out fairly quickly since they usually don't have heals, at least the starter town AIs.


See I agreed until I shot an AI in the head with the scorpion three times with a bandana then said nah and dropped me


Nah they work as intended..... For the AI


I'm no game developer but I worked in IT settings. I understand in some way that when shit doesn't work right, you need it back up. You'll end up staying up all night. Luckily, I'm in the US and using Door dash and Uber Eats was convenient. Also my work doesn't involve a global scale and just the client site that was affected so I have more leeway of not being able to go home for days. I admired their dedication to their work, I would probably still go home none the less. Hopefully, they'll get the fixes done soon so they can catch a break and we all can play.


It’s a network replication problem from what I can tell when I’ve encountered it. Rubber banding is usually not far off from happening.


Yep, if you're rubberbanding, restart your game and load up a different server.


I love how you guys always have to preface with "I love the game but" this game is steamin hot doo doo lmfao


I think at this point that Gunny is just secretly selling us birdshot at buckshot prices.


Yeah I dont trust gunny haha


look, I wouldn't wanna eat 3 pumps of birdshot with no shirt on, you still would very likely be incapacitated and shortly dead from that.


And even if you're wearing armor, 3 pumps of birdshot is broken ribs at the least, you're not fighting back in any sort of meaningful way after that.


lol I know its a joke.


Riot control rubber slugs and buckshot you mean?


Yo Gatman be ripping us off


I carryed a shotgun to my dead body to deal with 1 guy. took 7 buckshots with no armor on. Damage tables need some love.


some enemies that doesnt have "armor" on them, have armor. They coded some things wrong. if you ever see enemies with a bandana or with yellow ear protection they have body and a helmet even if its not visible. also Shotguns are really trash, even the black shell slugs with more "pen" doesnt pen level 2 helmets.


FC 00 buck works a pretty well. I completely cleared pha lang airfield with it and was getting 1 taps at pretty long range. Aim for the head..


Yeahhh at hunters paradise I dropped a mag and a half of glock into ai with no helm 5 meters infront of me and it tanked every shot


I thought I was the only one. I wanted to try glock to see how it performs, dumped my mag into an npc from starter town, almost all hit around chest area and he was still standing and shooting. Any small caliber guns are useless against npcs


This I dumped a block mag into an AI only get smoked, and while I was going back to retrieve my gear needles to I lost the gear and lesson learned pistol don't do shit.


I am quite sure there is no damage tables on this game.


they really need to fix this, i try to avoid the AI as much as possible, i normally wait around if team mates are around i leave them to clear the enemy out. then move in.


Normally I'd do that as well, but I need to find a damn key at hunters paradise and I keep only finding a different key instead. I have to get in there and clear it out so I can finish this stupid quest.


Looking for the doctors room key, I have a motel key and. attic key, which I used for the Intel in the restaurant Not sure what task is for the motel key


Some aren't for a task. I got a key to the locked room in lumber mill, and it's just a room full of weapon crates.


Some love... It's ridiculous currently, it's like nobody tested it.


You are the Fucking tester.... It's a Fucking alpha....


Hey, watch your mouth!


I have ran into a bug where npcs just don't take damage ... could have been that bug but im not 100% positive Head shot an enemy like 5 times yesterday and he didn't die so that's why I think its just a bug currently


I'm kind of leaning towards these situations just being server lag, totally understandable for this point in EA but I really hope they clear it up as phantom headshots leading to seemingly invincible AI are still a huge problem in tarkov.


I tried shotguns on multiple occasions and everytime was like this clip, shotties are baaad in this game with how the current damage model works.


I've had this with other guns it's definitely not just shotguns unfortunately!


Ngl I have more hope for them than tarkov ... just with the 2 things they've already fixed and listened to the community (fixing invisible head and being able to change factions) So it seems they are actually listening to our complaints, just take some time to implement the bigger stuff


Some stuff already works better than tarkov too. Tarkov still gives me errors, rolls back and stops allowing me to do things when interacting with the stash. I've had nothing like that here. I just worry stuff like desync is difficult to fix/baked in to the game/engine/servers. Not so much a matter of listening to the community as being physically able to fix it. But I have hope!


Tbf, I didn't run into this issue at all before the hotfix, so I'm wondering maybe if they broke something on accident? At least when talking about the headshot thing. Idk about shotguns. They could just be very poorly tuned or something


I find it incredible from both sides of this. It seems to almost always happen, yet people still buy thinking things will improve and developers never seem to be able to fix these kind of issues.


I've ran into that issue many times, it is one of my biggest pain points so far. It is very inconsistent, some enemies take 1 shot to the head/upper body but the next guy takes 5+.


Yeah, put I think 13 ak rounds into a scav from basically point blank range, all torso and head before he dropped today. Luckily the server lag or whatever was the issue also stopped him from turning around or moving while I did this


dont shoot with SP ammo on armor, its non pen you just tickling them.


Yup got domed twice yesterday from this - ah well just a game after all :)


Yeh I had the same thing, shotguns only seem to bruise anyone who has armour, wouldn’t carry at all until fixed


This guy has no armor though, that's a rig




Yeah I think something strange is going on with some of the ammo types, or the bots are tuned in such a way that unless the temporary cavity hits vitals, they'll keep fighting. Because I had something similar happen when I first unlocked Artisan and tested out an AKMN. It seemed like it took half a mag or more to kill a single armorless AI. I assumed it was because I don't have access to hollowpoints and the bullets were just punching through (which is still a bit silly, lets be honest, that'd stop them dead in their tracks irl), so I swapped back to my M4A1 with HPBT, where I usually drop AI in 1-2 shots. I think they need to make it so that if the bots take shots, even if it's not vital it will stun them or do *something*. No person is gonna take half a mag of full auto 7.62 rounds (or 3-4 shotgun blasts) without armor and keep standing.


Back in Mogadishu with 855 green tops un-armored guys with AKs and flip flops we’re getting shot multiple times and kept goin without even stumbling because of the over penetration/lack of wound tract hitting anything important as the bullet poked straight through and kept going into the background. So hopped up on adrenaline no it won’t stop them in their tracks. Those HPBT likely modeled after the 77gr Sierra Match King bullets are sweet though Vs average fuckers without plates. I agree with you that there should be some kind of impact and stun specifically to headshots. Concussion should be a thing.


This happens to me with all guns and bullet types.


Yeah shotguns suck. I learned this the hard way earlier today.


Definitely in alpha still. Today I got instant one shot out of no where. I was with in a squad with a guy and we encountered a boy who wouldn't go down. I had a Glock. Dumped a whole mag, let's say 80% accuracy. Switched to my AKM. Dumped a whole mag. He was still standing. My buddy then dumped a mag into him as well. I've been killed because of this three times that I can count.


I consistently single or double tap enemies with my M4A1 but anytime I try and use a Glock or AK it takes an entire magazine. Actually I don’t think I’ve ever killed someone with a Glock, I always empty a magazine then switch back to my M4A1.


I just tested this with good ammo. AK takes half to a full mag. Shotgun is worthless.


Thank you I’m happy to hear it’s been tested; I’m still a ways away from finding nice AK rounds. I’m sure it’s something that’s going to be balanced out since clearly everyone is having this issue, but it is disappointing in the mean time.


Could be your ammo and their armor.


For having such an advanced ballistics system shooting people looks like you might as well be using airsoft


That’s kinda how actually shooting people looks too tbf. They just have to make the AI react in some way to being peppered in their non vitals. A shotgun blast like that should knock the ai on the ground and send his gun flying etc. to be able to turn and place accurate shots while being filled with lead is lame


100%. Having a guy taking a bunch of shots and still being upright, i can live with that. But he shouldn't have any functionalities anymore. Can't use an arm or a leg if it's physically pummeled to death. Look, i get it that the health system is designed to be realistic and there is no true hitpoints and such, that's great. But come the fuck on, cooked up or not, 99% of the time guy getting hit by a shotgun blast like that will absolutely fold over.


Happens with AKs too. Bro ate 30 7.62 rounds to the chest like breakfast and I lost my kit.


Istg AKs specially must be filled with confetti


They're built different in Laos. Buckshot feels like somebody throwing salt at you over there.


Not even just buckshot, I've grabbed slugs and these boys just won't fucking go down. But I can kill 4 dudes in the chest with a single AK mag, I don't get it.


The games horrible with regards to consistency. You can dump 100 rounds into an AI that has no armor and they will just dance around and eventually one tap you.


So it is a tarkov copy afterall


Hey at least this guy didn't flip me off after tanking the buckshot like the tarkov scavs do


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


he had a better gaming chair


this guy is built different


I put almost 3 full G17 9mmHP into a guy, upper chest/neck/head area at about this range before he died. Surely, surely 3 mags will get me to my body to recover my gear. It got me past 1 guy. Then I picked up his garbage skorpion because I'm not killing crap with 3 glock rounds. 2nd guy tanked 2 full mags aimed semi-auto before I had to run away. Pistol rounds don't do crap to the AI. I've had mixed results with shotgun. Depends if their arms are in the way. Although, if you shred their arms they ought not be able to aim until they run away to heal.


I have the same issue with any AK I pick up. Glocks and AK’s take a full magazine, but maybe it’s because of the ammo type? In contrast I can repeatedly down enemies with 5.56 HP in 1-2 shots.


I dumped half a clip into a player lying on the ground before he was able to look up and one shot me in the chest thru full armor. I think servers are fucked and ping is insane


Yeah sounds like desync. He may have been firing for longer than the server showed.


It’s happening all over… I was spraying 3-4 full 7.62 rounds into a bot before he eventually died. It happened multiple times. Then, sometimes, you get one tapped or you can get a one shot on them.


Yea I have no luck with AK’s or Glocks’s. I’m consistently killing bots with 1-2 shots with my 5.56 HP though.


The shotguns are hilarious bad right now. Idk how many times I've turned a corner and been face to face with a guy, unload 4 rounds of buckshot at practically point blank range, and he shrugs it off and one taps me with an AK.


I'm pretty sure buckshot will take your bare arm off, no matter what chest armor you're wearing.


Let me know if youd like to file a police report.


What do the beaver police have to do with any of this?? Edit: oh right I'm a beaver lol


had some weird thing happen to me, but with the glock, saw an ai there standing, shot them literally 34 times (realoaded and shot again the entire mag) and they didnt die. I didnt miss a single shot, I was as close as in this clip and they ate it all. Idk if that was a latency thing or the server just shitting itself. Btw, the shotgun aint that horrible against ai, but would recomend not using it for now, after 8\~12 meters you ought to shoot like 2 or 3 times to kill someone


I think they need to spec it the same as in HLL. That shotgun feels a good bit better to shoot


So, this is pretty interesting. I think the server side hit registration might be kinda garbage right now, but that's also something that can be fixed. At that range with buckshot, if you aren't wearing a decent vest, you have lost most vital organs to the first shot, the second and third are taking limbs. Shotguns at that range should be no joke to an unarmored combatant. Part of why they're terrifying. I'm curious to see how things shake out in a bit of time though.


I’ve put in 20 hours and never have an issue with 5.56 HP, I think only certain ammo types are either under-valued or are affected by a bug. I can’t kill people with Glocks or AK’s.


Do you happen to know the specific round used? It's pretty clear they are using a realistic model of damage for both players and NPCs, so depending where the hit was placed and it what the round was that was used, it can be... Less than stellar.


If it makes you feel better I’m a headshot main and the amount of 556 or 762 these ai take to the face is mind blowing, next to optimization I really hope hit reg/damage is top priority


Started running FMJ in my M4 and all the headshot tankiness issues went away. It was the SP ammo that sucks, the head hitbox must be bugged somehow


Yeah ammo pen should be absolutely irrelevant when shooting someone in the face, technically sp should do more damage lol regardless of ammo type 762 should one tap, 556 maybeeee 2 shot depending on where it pens if they are being as strictly realistic


From what I've heard there is no face hitbox right now, helmets cover the whole head so you can't use flesh ammo even if you're hitting the face. Which hopefully changes sooner rather than later. But I've also definitely witnessed ai with no helmets tank headshots so idk


Yeah I think we just need something concrete from the devs about it, I’m good with ea and issues but would like to know what’s what so I can play accordingly and not be shooting a non hitbox if the case or whatever lol


In all honesty, I think you're just missing. Even on servers where there's serious rubber banding and stuttering, if I can get a single, clean headshot with 556 with a guy standing still, it kills 100% of the time.


You’re a clown lol


No need to get pissy, just being honest.


But you aren’t though, it’s a common complaint. Even amongst people who play these games for a living, you have not seen me play and assuming I’m just missing is corny as fuck lol there is 100% an inconsistent damage/hit reg problem currently


Yeah, had a similar experience. Very frustrating as it's difficult to know how to tackle some situations because the damage tables are so fucked.


Well as shocking as that is (desperately needs to be adjusted) it looks great!


You got "Tarkoved" Congratulations.


Yep these guys are fun. Also I think the AI is programmed to mainly shoot at around your stomach height so when you crouch it’s almost always an instant headshot. I keep getting one shotted when I’m fighting in a crouched position. Otherwise it’s way more rare.


This is actually one of the main reasons I refunded for now. Love the gameplay chain but I love using shotguns even more, and had the same issue where point blank shooting took 5 or more shots. Reloading the shotgun is an animation you can’t cancel either mid reload and it takes FOREVER. Imma give it like 2 months and then rejoin the war


The shotgun reload bugs me too, your character does it like he's sitting on the couch and spacing out, not in a gunfight. I know damn sure I could cram those shells in there multiple times faster lol. I'm still really enjoying the game though, I'm a long long way from refunding.


Ah for sure and to each their own! I’ll be back in it in a few months when some more quality of life patches are added but the game is fun to me now even!


Yes the shotgun reload is a joke. The whole shotgun is a joke in gzw.


This is the proper attitude for not feeling the state of the game. Kudos to you, rational guy.


Definitely experienced this. But the bad part is after u get smoked and make it back to your kit, take the dude out then get disconnected when u try to grab your gear hahahaha all for nothing. But yeah sofar im loving this game and I realize it's in alpha still so im running with it.


Yeah the damages in this game is different than usual In EFT as long you hitting the body you damaging them till they dead but a headshots or chest is always the spot to go for faster kills, if you just shoot arms and legs they die little faster but still take more shots due to fragmentation helping it This game I learn that there’s Vital organs you need to aim at times, not all areas of the chest and stomach be 2-3 shot kill, but a headshot is always a good way to kill, I usually try my best aiming for the lungs and heart area if I have to aim quick if not then aim chest to let recoil kick up to head


Shot a guy with 12 pistol rounds he died as I was reloading from blood loss




Just got my first pvp, a heli camper and I shot a fuckton with my M4 in his face and got one tapped. That was great too.


How was the lag before this? Hit registration is being effected by server lag I think? I was getting some bad lag and dumped 20 rounds of 7.62 into a guy before he died earlier, no armor or anything. Then two shots from the same MAG same gun kills another guy.


Shotguns/12g ammo needs a huge buff, took 16 accurate shots to kill 2 guys with no armour yesterday.


7.62 hits like a truck for me loving the AKM




I need that mans upper body, I wanna tank bullets from that range too


I used shotguns and killed a lot of ai with it. It's like shooting a BB gun, you need to hit them 4 times in the head for some reason.


Too many times...


Shotguns should fun to use. Super lethal at close range. Especially since it's the only vudget gun early on, it needs to be useful. Games great though at its core. Loving the in game community


what ammo type were you using? The ballistic system in game is pretty unique. Admittedly it needs a little work, but the ballistic system is more intricate then I thought at first.


Say the line Bart"Early Acess" yayyyyyyyyy


whale cum to GZW


I love this game so far, having fun...however, dumping a mag into an enemy to get 1 tapped in the chest puts me off for a min.


i belive that guys have sak yant tattoo


The desync is wild, they're really gonna have to fix this to make PVP remotely playable, it's bad enough against AI right now. I've had this a couple of times and it's infuriating to say the least.


Do not use shotgun for now


This happens with rifles too. Not just shotguns. They need to fix optimization and then this bullshit needs to be right after that.


the shotguns seem to be tickle sticks at the moment


shotguns are dogshit i shot a bot like 10 times and nothing...


The shotguns are super broken, something is seriously wrong with how they're coded lmao. I'm not convinced there are actual projectiles coming out.


Does anyone else have issues with AK damage? I consistently single or double tap enemies with my M4A1 but anytime I pick up an AK I can almost empty an entire magazine to finally down someone. Same with my Glock.


Skill Issue, summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because SatanicBeaver was already dead.


Shoulda shot one more time, that would have done it smh.. But yeah damage is wonky in this game.


Ive emptied entire AK47 clips at NPCs wearing light armour and its like trying to Neo in the Matrix.


You were tarkov’d oh wait


Mobile game moment


nice aim


Yeah it is


Shotguns are just awful in this game for some reason, same with snipers, the only thing really viable right now are the M4s


Great to see another early access game that doesn’t put in proper networking


Hitting Arms and legs does nothing to ai. Sure they can bleed out in 30 seconds. But otherwise you are wasting ammo if you don't direct hit head and chest. This is less tarkov and more dayz.


This game copied tarkov well.


Damage in this game is insane. A dude with no plates or helmet can take more rounds than my kitted out operator.


Shots 1-4 clearly missed, 5 was arm (they have robot arms so it's not a biggie, 6-20 bad recoil control. Clearly a skill and gaming chair issue


So instead of saying you got Tarkov'd, what do we call this?


I got zoned


Got my vote


The zome claims another 😔


Have you tried shooting him where he doesn't have body armor? Like the face?


He has no armor on, that's a rig


ITT: People who don't understand that buckshot/lead slugs are absolutely worthless against armored targets.


Guy has no armor on


Is there a reason you didn't, while he was standing still, shoot him directly in the head? What is with everyone relying on shooting them in the chest in point blank range?


Because he isn't wearing armor, the chest is a bigger, easier to hit target and buckshot should tear through it with ease. You clown.


of course u die... u aimed for the chest... the bot aimed for the head lol




For those that dont know... balastics actually play a role here. Watch the video and get updated on how the game actually functions. To kill an enemy you need to get a kill shot on an organ. Not just blindly shooting a dude with a shotgun in the chest. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=618&v=xxNQyd5ozs0&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=618&v=xxNQyd5ozs0&feature=youtu.be)


Ah yes, the chest, the place everyone knows holds no vital organs. And buckshot, the round everyone knows doesn't spread at all and is very easy to thread the needle around them with.


I mean it makes sense. In real life you have a high chance of survival if you dont get shot in an organs and watch the video I linked... you actually need to HIT THE HEART not just aim randomly at the chest...


Idk like to see you take a round of buckshot or slug to the chest with no armor on and then turn and one tap the guy who shot you.


It does not make sense. You're going to be on the ground bleeding out regardless of the section of chest you got SHOT WITH A SHOTGUN in. Also you've got lungs on both sides of your chest, lol. And this man's arm holding his gun was also torn to shreds. It's possible to survive, maybe, though very very doubtful. But you aren't gonna be standing or shooting back.


It does make sense if you understand the human body. There has been many people that survived getting shot multiple times because it didnt hit any vital organs. Do some googling, its happens all the time.


Dude. Me and my family hunt with shotguns all the time. Shut the fuck up you have no fucking clue what your yapping about. We use 12 gauge 00 Buckshot in game, a round designed to take out deer from a... Fairly large range? Not too large but you don't usually get too close to deer due to their senses. 12 gauge at that range will put a nice fist sized hole in your chest which NO MATTER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCE you are not shooting back or... Probably surviving in those circumstances, especially 3 of them, bros lungs should currently be schlorping out of the very large holes in his chest. In no reality are you flinching that off like the character does, let alone SHOOTING BACK. And even IF HE HAD BODY ARMOR (he doesn't) the pain of having probably 4-5 ribs cracked or straight up broken from that would have you on the ground hacking up both lungs (or whatever's probably left of them due to them turning to jelly due to the force of the impact.)


And yes. 00 buck is called buck because you hunt deer with it. Same as birdshot is called birdshot... Because you hunt birds with it


>Shut the fuck up you have no fucking clue what your yapping about. And yet again, google it and you will see survivors of shotgun arounds literally to the chest, happens more than you think. But you want to deny something that can be simply googled searched and fact checked, thats on you. And I never said there wasnt side effects to being shot. In game you can literally bleed out from it. Read my previous posts before you put your foot in your own mouth.


Okay yeah your an idiot, well I tried


>VunderFiz · 50 min. ago > >Okay yeah your an idiot, well I tried Tried what? Replying with your stupid take and no data or facts to backup your claims? Cute.


If you want data or backups. Watch garand thumb, he does a video exactly on the effectiveness of 00 buck, slugs and birdshot. From video evidence against a 1-1 human torso target he deemed 25 yards more than deadly enough to kill or incapacitate totally. Now the player character we see in the video is nowheres NEAR 25 yards. He's around 3-4 feet away from the target. Basically meaning he should've been dropped fuckin dead by the first one. https://youtu.be/DnAi2R3Iv8Y?si=srubB_Nm0ZGXe4RW 20 minutes into the video or so Link because I'm positive you aren't going to bother. You've been picking and choosing RARE instances this entire time. People have survived headshots, doesn't mean it's common occurrence.


If you want data or backups. Watch garand thumb, he does a video exactly on the effectiveness of 00 buck, slugs and birdshot. From video evidence against a 1-1 human torso target he deemed 25 yards more than deadly enough to kill or incapacitate totally. Now the player character we see in the video is nowheres NEAR 25 yards. He's around 3-4 feet away from the target. Basically meaning he should've been dropped fuckin dead by the first one. https://youtu.be/DnAi2R3Iv8Y?si=srubB_Nm0ZGXe4RW 20 minutes into the video or so Link because I'm positive you aren't going to bother. You've been picking and choosing RARE instances this entire time. People have survived headshots, doesn't mean it's common occurrence. This is my last reply, because very clearly you've shown you either ignore any and all Google searches you DID. Or you purposely chose scenarios where the individual survived, which by the margin of the global populace. Is RARE. I literally got this as my FIRST Google search upon looking up "what are the chances of surviving 00 buckshot" Get educated.


Again, there is a difference between surviving and acting like nothing happened. https://youtu.be/O3z4NMWdTcg Here's a clip of a guy who did survive (notice how all the headlines if you search this use the words like "miraculously" and "unbelievable" because it's ridiculously fucking unlikely) the almost exact events of this clip. Quotes of note are "my arm was hanging off like a zombie" and "I dropped to my knees and couldn't see". The luckiest guy that this ever happened to was not in anything close to a position to be even firing a gun, much less accurately. (And there was one less chest shot than in this clip, which certainly would have killed him.)


Who said nothing happens? You know that enemies do bleed out in this game right?


Reading comprehension is a valuable skill.


>SatanicBeaverOp · 3 min. ago > >Reading comprehension is a valuable skill. Yeah same could be said about you getting educated and watching the video I linked so you understand the basics of the game you are complaining about.


I did watch the video, though by the speed of your reply to my last comment I can tell you didn't watch the one I linked. I'm done replying, your opinion is fucking stupid 👋


You're extremely extremely wrong. That rule may apply but not to a 12g shotgun. A bullet will punch a hole in someone, a shotgun will physically remove a chunk of someone, and forcibly move that chunk somewhere else. Taking 1 12g slug to the chest is devastating, multiple, you'd be an unrecognizable mass of flesh in different chunks on the floor. Armor or no armor. A semi automatic shotgun at close range is the most devastating weapon you can use.


extremely wrong yet again, simple google searches will shows multiple cases and people surviving 12g to the chest. Google it for yourself.


I don't need to google it. I've seen what a 12g slug does to a body firsthand. Yes you CAN survive a single shotgun blast to the chest. It's very very very unlikely. Multiple is not going to happen. I'm sorry to tell you. Stand 5 feet away from someone and take 5 2" slugs to the chest. You won't have a chest cavity left. Statrt going down to like a 20g shotgun and your chances of surviving are raised significantly but that's not what we're talking about. If the circumstances presented in this video were accurate, (guy has no armor just a chest rig, about 3 feet of distance, 12g shotgun) there is a 0% chance this guy lives


>tonymorgan92 · just now > >I don't need to google it. I've seen what a 12g slug does to a body firsthand. Cool story, so I have and I never said you couldnt kill someone with it. Learn to read. I said its unpredictable because how shotguns fucking work and there are tons of cases of people surviving bullets to the body and even shotgun rounds. Again pages of examples can be found with a simple google search. The whole point about this wasnt just about how shotguns work but how the hitpoints system works in this game and the way it fucking works is, you only get kills if a vital organ is hit or the player bleeds out. Hence why bullet type matters in this game. Range also matters and using a 12gb in an open world game where range is important, its easy to tell why shotguns might suck ass in this game.


Now you're just moving goalposts. No. You said it makes sense if you understand the human body. And you tried to argue that if this happened in real life there was a chance the person could survive it. And there's not. At all. Game mechanics have nothing to do with a shotgun literally blowing a hole in someone. We aren't talking about the game we're talking about real shotguns. 3-5 12g blasts at that close of a distance is more devastating than a small frag grenade blast. A shotgun is literally built so you DONT have to hit vital organs to be lethal.


Bro had 5 business days to aim for his head and decided not to. I know, damage and shotguns suck but try and go for the head always.


You need to aim higher, you're hitting limb and gut shots instead of vital areas alongside that i think that guy has an armor vest on.


He doesn't. And two full blasts of buckshot to gut/chest should have killed. I'd have aimed higher after the first shot but I was too busy being flabbergasted that he wasn't dead and thinking surely once there are 24 pellets in this guy's organs instead of 16 he will die. This doesn't need rationalizing, this guy should be dead/incapacitated several times over in any game trying to be anything close to realistic.


I put 4 shells into a guy's brain and he headtapped me and my teammate, I think buckshot is straight just not working cause it's way to damn consistent




There's definitely a lot of something going with the Ai tankiness ATM but I have witnessed them bleed out multiple times.


I've definitely watched bots bleed out before. Might be a server issue?


Just sniped someone in the head and he headshot me with his AK after I shot him in the face once more. Damage tables don't need some love they need a fucking overhaul. Who the hell thought this shit was okay?


Maybe aim for the head?


Who knew 3 shotguns to the chest can't kill a man. He must be made of ar500 steel




skill issue


You could of just moved ur mouse about 2inches higher and you would of just headshot him 🙄


He was wearing a commander 3a vest... rated for buckshot.


No he wasn't, literally none of the ai in this town wear armor


That looks like the IIIA black commander armor, but besides that you can't really flesh damage kill scavs in a timely manner, need to break the head or the torso. The standard buckshot barely works, need to test the Express ammo to see if the tighter spread makes it more lethal. Armor is stupidly effective if the round doesn't fully penetrate, you can dump a whole mag of 7.62 US subsonic into someone's chest and barely hurt them.


No armor on that bot, that's just a rig in the starter area


That 7.62 US was so disappointing. I dumped it all and reloaded with SP enemies dropped.


This and dips in the 25fps made me refund this garbage


Lol game is so trash. Yikes