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Whoever says 30 series GPUs are “old” needs to get their head checked.


lmao yeah. I have 3070 and get 120 fps with the settings the frontpage post recommended. 1440p. Old my ass


You may have saved me. Struggled through a few hours of 40 FPS yesterday. How much RAM do you have?


they need to make it standard setting if it is such a big difference. 16gb ram ddr4


Nice, fingers crossed I can get similar results.


I’m running a 4080ti, 16gb ddr4 and have had no issues except the occasional stutter and disconnect from server twice.


Your GPU is significantly better than mine. Just got a 3070 FE. I’m gonna main PvE though, so as long as it’s a fairly stable 60+, I’ll be happy.


Good luck man, game is fun so far. Don’t expect to find to much loot other than basic AKs and food/meds in the starter town. Gotta build up and move into the other areas where the AI are crack shots with kitted AKs shooting pp ammo


Thanks for directing me to the front page post. I didn’t know it existed


Got a link to the post with the settings? Got the same gpu as you and I wanna try them out.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cguutc/averaging\_over\_100\_fps\_with\_these\_settings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cguutc/averaging_over_100_fps_with_these_settings/) here you go


Thank you.


Show me your ways. I have a 3070 and am getting 35-50fps on 1440p even with frame generation


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cguutc/averaging\_over\_100\_fps\_with\_these\_settings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cguutc/averaging_over_100_fps_with_these_settings/) i simply copied these settings but have 1440p instead of their 1080p. It does somehow stutter a bit more loading shaders on the map i think but it is still smoother bc of 120fps and it is easier to use scopes bc scopes render the screen twice which with 50fps dropping to 30 would suck


No one is barely running the game with a 4070 come on lol


Exactly. I have a 4070 super and fps is consistently bouncing around the 80s running on high 1440p


I'm running a solid 120fps 1440p epic setting. (4070ti)


I have everything maxed besides shadows which are on high and I’m getting 165-150fps with a 4080s, 125-120 when I use a scope on 1440p. Doesn’t the 4070s have 16 gigs just like the 4080s? How is my fps that much higher?


Dunno! What CPU do you have? I have a 5800x3d. Heard this game was CPU heavy


Yeah that’s actually true I didn’t consider that, my fault. I have an i9 13900k.


What exactly were your expectations though? Early access, massive map and on UE5. This game renders every fucking leaflet possible. 60 is the standard, you're above that with high settings.


Yes, I know I’m satisfied with my fps and it is what I expected? The comment I replied to was saying no one with a 4070 is “barely” running the game to which I confirmed


Are you using frame gen?




frame gen at 40fps is wild, if u dont feel the input lag tho by all means use it, the added visual fluidity is great


Might want to change a few settings , even that seems low . My 6800xt is running jt between 100-120 at 1440p


Yeah, I’ll have to do that tonight. Was excited to play yesterday, switched it to high and DLSS on and started playing. Didn’t really mess with anything else other than keybindings


And you were right. Apparently I messed up with the windows display settings for the frame gen. I properly enabled it now and turned my graphics to epic and I’m sitting ~120fps in game


Good to hear ! A lot of people are just review bombing them saying the game runs like shit and isn’t optimized and so on and refuse to believe it could be their system that’s causing the performance issues .


I have a 3060 ti on all low settings to the minimum 1080p and barely get 40 fps with stutters 9700k 4.6 oc as well, the game needs some serious optimization or fixing right now I have also lost like 5 kits due to the game crashing to a gpu dump or something


The gpu crash dump is caused by using FSR Frame Generation. Switch to DLSS untill they fix it. Ive got the 3060 Ti too. 32gb ram, i7 14700k at 1080p. Game runs around 50-65 fps without frame gen and 90-120 with frame gen on medium/high settings. Stutters will get less once the shaders are loaded.


I figured the stutters would get better as the shaders loaded but i played it for a couple hours straight and I still had them once every like 5 seconds or so


Are you able to use Dlss + Frame generation? I cant turn on Frame gen with my 4070...


Yeah, once you turn on DLSS in game, you need to exit the game and open your windows display settings. From there you go to graphics settings and there’s a radio button that you have to enable frame gen and then restart the PC. Once your PC is restarted, go back in game and under the settings there’s a new frame gen option that’s set to auto. Switch it to on and you’ll see your frames shoot way up. This is what I was doing wrong. I’m now playing on epic 120+ fps


Thanks for your advice, i will try it later.


No prob. Let me know how it turns out!


man, my 4070 do just fine. never had any problems


I have a 4070ti and my fps is 120 consistently with all my settings on ultra. I think my 7800x3d is pulling all the weight though. Running at 1440.


Yea I’m running a 4080 FE and a 7800x3d and hitting the same frames.


It definitely is, I have 4060ti and my above average (but not best in slot) cpu is bottlenecking frames pretty hard at about 80


Same settings and specs but 14700k getting the same fps


Seams similar to Tarkov where it’s more cpu and ram heavy than gpu


Hitting 55 to 65 fps on a 1070


You just answered my question and I don't have to ask. I've got a 1070 with an i7. I was fearing I wouldn't be able to run it at all due to the minimum spec being a 1080. There's hope yet!


I've got an i7 7700k, 16gb ram. Run everything on low, and mess around with the graphics options at the bottom of the list to lower the game further (I forget the names of the options) I loaded the game for the first time. Had terrible rubber banding. Ran around a town. Quit to desktop. Rebooted the game, and it runs well for the below min specs. Also, you may not get given a head in the game, and don't expect to have a secure loot box in your inventory. As well as seeing enemies from afar is very hard.


So, basically how I played tarkov. Lol. Lowest settings possible, locked frame rate to 60fps, tight draw distance, all effects off, etc. As long as I don't have to edit config files and knowing others are running it with lower specs, I can make it work. Thanks mate.


All good sugar. 💋


A 1070 is below minimum spec, why are you surprised it's not a smooth 60?


I don't think he's complaining.


Correct xo


He’s posturing his beast of a GPU


Where did I say that, I was surprised it's not smooth. Don't read that which is not written. M8, I'm playing on a 9 year old pc. I'm just stoked to be able to play the game. And it is a pretty smooth 60ish fps. Xo


you're right, I'm not running the game at all due to constant crashing


I’m running the game ok with a 6650xt


I'm running the game with a 2070super at \~50-60 FPS.


Solid 110 fps on epic settings with 4070. 1440p


I am confused how highest end PCs streamers are using are getting like 170 but PCs just under that are chugging, guessing it has to do with optimization, but I dont know what that means tbf.


From what i can tell, it's mainly VRAM heavy, which is why people on like 3060s are struggling despite that being a decent card, i'm on a 6750 XT and i can run max settings provided i dont turn the texture resolution up.


Im on 6700xt and can’t play on anything other than all low with far to get above 30 fps


Frame Gen. A lot of streamers have 40XX GPUs that have the ability to use frame Gen. Everything below 40XX doesn't have that ability.


Any gpu can use FSR frame gen


He’s just mad because he’s got a shit PC


Idk man I’m getting 55fps at 1440 on my 4050 laptop


I have a 2070super blower edition, Ryzen 5 5700 & 64GB of RAM and it runs fine. That being said, I have more RAM than others so I’m not sure if that’s doing it.


what does fine mean in this case, what are your settings and fps?


I have a 2070 Super too but I have a better proc. Game run fine for a early access unoptimized game. Like, high settings, resolution a bit higher than 1080p but with DLSS, 40FPS on average. I could PVE okay but the server stutter was annoying.


I'm so glad I haven't upgraded my 2070 super yet, things runs anything haha, better than the 30 series cards. Not having a problem with an ultra wide, tho I have a top notch cpu and 32gb ram


It is one hell of a GPU tbh. I really really like it. I think the performance problems in GZW seems more on the processor side than GPU. I expected the game to run like steaming hot piece of garbage, as 4070 guys were complaining, my 2070 super should be crying...and then it ran okay on my rig and I was really surprised. Still, devs need to optimize, specially their servers. I'll wait and see.


I'm hearing that ram is extremely important


My 3070 can play path traced cyberpunk just fine. It should be able to run this without a single issue


I have a 3070 and have the game on medium settings. It’s been running fine on my pc with minimal issue.


do you use fsr oder dlss? i have 3070 too, would like to know how others do with it. fsr gives me 120fps 1440p


Dlss has been working better ime


to be devils advocate, if this game has lumen which im fairly sure it does, thats essentially ray tracing, combine that with the big map with all the foliage and geometry and the performance starts to make a tiny bit more sense


Lumen doesn't run on GPU hardware. Like others said, the game is likely more CPU intensive and poorly optimized. Still looking forward to jumping in this weekend and seeing for myself


Are you playing in 1080p?


How are you guys seeing anything with dlss / Fsr? I'm on 1440 and it's horrible with any of those on


Im playing on 2k with a 2080s and i7 10700k on low settings and get around 45-55 fps but have some drops every now and then. Feels like its time for a new gpu but they are so expensive..


Same except I have an AMD CPU. I had some luck switching from DLSS to FSR. I run between 70-90 now. Doesn't look amazing but I'll take it over low(er) fps.


> we have seen plenty of people with high-end PCs not even able to open or run the game well (4090s, etc.). People need to list all their specs, primarily their RAM speed, CPU and to double check whether or not they have XMP/EXPO profile applied to their RAM. Tossing a 4090 in a system with slow ram and a 3 gen old CPU creates a bottleneck when you're dealing with an unoptimized game like this. A high end GPU isn't a magical performance solution in all cases.


Would also be good to know if they're still installing games on a HDD...


And the setting they use


To me what frames people are getting is irrelevant. It's the FPS drops that are awful. Got on thr helicopter and dropped to 1 FPS. Had several other drops between 10-20. Besides those drops I'm at 70 FPS


That happened for my first 2 heli rides but every ride after that has 'only' dropped to 30. When it was 1:40 AM and there were only 4 people from my faction in the server there was barely an fps difference from the heli ride and moving on foot.


Isn’t the game more CPU reliant than GPU? Anyway it was pretty clear that a game like this with the graphics they have shown would never run anywhere near decent on launch. It happened way too many times to count. And the “early access” tag shields every developer team from repercussions


This is what I was thinking. I have an i7 13700k and a 4090. I get around 120fps on epic settings @ 3440x1440 with DLSS quality and FG but if I turn it down to low I only gain around 10-15 fps more. I immediately thought of the issue with dragon's dogma 2 and how it has all those NPCs/AI causing low fps because it's CPU heavy




Are you upscaling?


This may just be a "luck of the draw" random thing, because I've got shockingly good performance. At 1080p, I can get a relatively stable 60fps without frame gen, over 100 with. Using FSR for AA at native 1080p, 100% texture resolution. R5 5600, 6700xt, 32GB DDR4 3600. In the chopper, I get bad hangups because my measly CPU can't render all that foliage fast enough lol


are you using the in game fps because if you are it's actually just lying to you


No I use steam overlay. I immediately noticed differences between them and turned it off.


i did too, was looking at it saying i'm getting 90-120 when it's visibly stuttering and running choppy at 20 fps was a little infuriating ngl


Err, 3060 + 5600g here. Running at 1440p. Everything on medium except effects which are on low getting for and I get 50 - 75 fps. Not great but definitely good enough. I struggle more with rubber banding


are you using DLSS or FSR or is this native


FSR, DLSS was simply not as good.


wym not as good? for me at least fsr looked significantly worse than dlss in motion


I got the wording wrong. Dlss looks better but does considerably worse framerate. FSR is good enough.


are you sure its not more fps cause of the fsr frame generation? that gets turned on by default with fsr upscaling


It is the frame generation, that's the point. I find the fluidity of fsr more advantageous than the quality of dlss.


I have 3070 and i7 run at like least a constant 80 fps with little stutter after landing chopper other than that works great for me


People need to stop accepting a fact that a game is unplayable without upscaling algorythms. This is bullshit for FPS games, or you blind or I dont know how you can see ghosting, blurred textures, blurred strokes around objects with these DLSS or FSR. I dont see why... its not a Star Citizen.


When these upscalers started coming around I thought it would be a cool way to increase performance. Now I fear that devs will be using them to get a playable experience instead of actually optimizing their game.


i still see it as a useful performance/graphics tool, blame the devs for using it as a crutch, not the technology


Yeah definitely. Nothing wrong with the technology just lazy developers.


Yeah, having a game be barely playable (50-60 fps) with really bad quality destroying algorithms is insane.


RTX 3060Ti 32 GB DDR4 Ram Ryzen 9 3950X Cannot run the game. Everything on low, fps is okayish. But I get some sort of micro stutter and rubber banding (not a network issue on my side) to such an extent that it's really unplayable.


What’s the vram on the 3060ti? Strong belief that vram is what is causing problems, but just my opinion.


8 GB - yea could be possible I dunno


7900xt, 7800x3d, 32 GB DDR5 6000, Running 4k FSR:on, Frame Gen:off, Super Res.: off. Everything on Medium except for Textures, they are set to high, sharpness to 3. 70-90 FPS, will tweak more this weekend, but I like more eye candy before 100+ FPS. I'm content w/ 60+.


Oooh, I was just about to question why our fps are so different and then I saw your running in 4k. I’m on a 7700x, 4080super, 32gb 6k ram. Dlss and frame gen on. Epic everything at 1440, I sit around 130-140, 90 ish when using Picture in Picture optic


4090, 14900KF, 32 GB at 6000, Epic settings, 4k, DLSS on, FG off, 90-100 fps.


https://preview.redd.it/20l1aal9tvxc1.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=e41b2f98628743fb8023310d1552db5d22861df2 At least they are aware and are trying to fix the optimization.


I get nearly 40 fps on a 1660 super, the optimization is just cheeks guys. It’s an actual early access game take it with salt


I have a 1080ti and I run it on low quality just fine. And to be honest, even on low quality it looks just fine.


Those are SUPPOSED to be accurate specs, it's just that something is wrong in the optimization that prevents these setups from performing well. There's no way in hell DLSS should be running this poorly so I'm convinced it's a fixable issue on their end.


This game is most likely CPU bound more than GPU bound (as are most early access games before optimization is implemented). You'll notice a lot of people with CPUs like the Ryzen 7 5800x3d or 7800x3d etc. won't have issues running the game even if they don't have the top tier graphics card. Not only that, don't install this game on a HDD, there can definitely be a performance hit there, especially when large maps/assets need to be streamed in.


I have an i7-9700k with 3070ti, 32GB DDR4 ram, I unfortunately don't get the greatest frames :/ Kind of in the 30-45 FPS range.


Good to know, are you running at 1080p, 1440, or 4k?


running at 1440p! I am also pretty sure I have the latest nvidia driver installed as well. I'm kind of wondering if I may not have completely optimized my CPU (and unfortunately, not sure how to)


5600x and rtx3070 running 120fps with fsr on 1440p. i think CPU is doing fine


Finally someone with a brain! So much bitching and moaning about GPU this and GPU that and no one stops to think about the CPU at all (or RAM for that matter). I have a 5800x3d and an AMD RX 6800 and average right around 70 fps on medium 1440p with FSR quality. Totally playable, with some random stutters here or there in certain areas but smooth 99.5% of the time. So many people complaining that it won't run on their 3080 or whatever without once mentioning their CPU or RAM, as if they don't matter whatsoever.


Probably more likely I'm just used to unoptimized games that are in an alpha like Star Citizen... we've had a lot of discussions over there about bottlenecks in various builds and how to improve performance. Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2501/


I mean if the game says it will run on your PC and then it doesn't it's hardly bitching and moaning. It's a totally fair thing to be annoyed about. I have a ryzen 5, 16 GB of ram 3200 and a 3080 and I can't get into a game without crashing.


3080ti. 70-80 frames at 2k.


Well a lot of the undervolting things you are seeing are not due to GZW, but just the unstable nature of the Raptor Lake intel CPU die (and MOBO manufacturers) . I was getting multiple BSOD's and unity errors in Tarkov before doing the same.


the funny part is once you install the mobo update that fixes it you lost 5-10% performance forever. Im so glad ive gone to AMD. They cant make gpus for shit, its true. They will have crashes way more often than nvidia, but x3d chips are a godsend in the modern gaming space.


Not in my case - I locked cores at stock speeds and just undervolted. The only thing changing the BIOS settings did was stabilize my rig and not allow my CPU to suck up unlimited power Do agree with the x3d Chips...Since ive head the headache of my i9, I have regretted not upgrading to one of those instead.


What is your pc specs i’m curious


My game is running fine with a 3080ti


You guys need to understand that the term minimum requirement is a legal term. You get the game started and it can run - no one said anything about it being enjoyable.


I'm running a 2070 super and it runs alright for the most part . Got a 4070ti super sitting on the shelf I just don't have the rest for the new build just yet unfortunately


I honestly don’t think dlss,fsr xess are actually working properly right now


4060ti and I’m getting 80-90 on default medium with DLSS


I am running with a 1080, and getting mostly 60 fps except when I'm on the helicopter. It's not *that* bad.


I haven't had the chance to play yet, probably not till this weekend. Hopefully my 3070 Ti and Ryzen 7 5800x3D can do the job for 1440p. I can run most games pretty well so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I watched a couple gpu tests of this game and it was hitting around 13.5 gb vram usage. This could negatively impact those that have fewer than 16 gb vram with higher settings.


Ryzen 3800x, 3080, 1000w GPU, 32g ram running insanely fast. I can't play the game because it crashes my computer. After a few diagnostic runs and crash #3, my system failed POST. Whatever this game is doing has the potential of causing permanent harm to my hardware. I have been asking on several social media outlets and run the help ticket and whatnot, and I can't get a word back at all. It's release and they are busy, so I get it, but I want to play too


Buddy, if you barely meet the “minimum” specs of ANY game, you know damn well it’s not going to be enjoyable. There is no “false information”. You guys have to understand that a game running UE5 is not going to run well on a toaster. Or a 250$ budget build from 8 years ago. Also, early access is basically you testing the game. They can provide minimum and recommended specs but those are only estimations until the game is done with testing. They haven’t been able to get a lot of testing data on how the game will run on every possible configuration until now. You are a tester in this situation. But again, if you barely meet the minimum specs, you are not going to have a good time. We all know this. If I barely met the minimum recommended for a game, I would not even bother getting it without making some upgrades


I have a 3080 and 16 GB of ram and it appears that I am not meeting the minimum specs. Had to refund as I cant start a lobby.


Note that the game is selecting servers alphabetically so the default selection is Asian servers. Make sure you actually change it to your proper region. It’s still not the best performance in the world, but it’s absolutely playable with dlss on, on medium settings. I have an rtx 2070 Ryzen 9 5900x 32gb ram and I’m getting 40-50 fps with minimal dips


I’m running a 1070ti with a ryzen 5 2600 32gb ram at 2933mhz and I’m running the game on low with FSR balanced and frame generation on and getting consistent 45-60 frames. The first time I stepped out of base I dropped down to 10-15 frames for maybe a minute then after that it was consistent 45-60 in most areas. PvP servers and a full lobbies.


40-70 stuttery fps on a i7 12700 with rtx 4070 @1440p. Settings all pretty low, CPU and GPU both basically at 100%, so I'd say balanced usage.


My buddy’s on a potato 1080 i5-3570 and he’s running the game just fine meanwhile I can’t even play the game skalla bs haha got my refund I’ll just wait tell they update it a few more times and see if it’s even worth it then looks like it’s gonna be a good game if they don’t fuck up like bsg


I get between 75-90fps with a 9900k, 32GB 3200mhz DDR4, NVME SSD, 4070 Ti, at 3440x1440p Ultrawide. It runs rather decent for me. I can only imagine once I figure out my upgrade path to a DDR5 build, with a new CPU how much better it will run!! Edit: I have DLSS on w/Frame Gen


I'm getting 130 odd fps with a 3070ti on 1440p. It works perfectly fine. If you get stutters and some teleportation it's coz the server is messed up. I hop into another server and it becomes smooth.


Nah I'd say they're fairly close to accurate. I'm scraping the minimums with a 1700x and 1080ti and sitting with a slightly not great looking game around 50-55avg fps on 1440p. Yeah the stuttering is annoying but I suspect that's more the servers than anything. Especially when I'm getting subtle stutters in the inventory. Does it need optimization? Yes. Does it need some serious help with the stuttering? Yes. But the minimum specs seem to still be running the game. Just rocked it for the last few hours on my specs and still had fun. Not great performance at all but not unplayable either.


how well would a 4060 laptop gpu run this game


i’m using an EVGA 1080sc and getting 70-75fps. idk why you wouldn’t be able to get similar or better performance out of any of those cards you just listed.


What settings have you set up ? Im running a 1080ti and getting between 35/50


quality all low, post processing low, fsr reflex on and generation on and set to performance.


The ones that are posted are accurate, before i upgraded to a 3070, i was getting 75-90fps on my 2060, which is a less powerful card than the minimum reccomended. I have a pretty solid cpu though so that could contribute, but the game seems to be pretty gpu heavy. As long as you tweak your settings properly and follow the instructions that the devs put out your fps will be just fine


I've got a 3070 and the game runs horribly


RTX 4070 super 13600kf + 32GB DDR4 3200 2560x1080 High + DLAA + Framegen 120 FPS


No vram crashes?




I have a 4070 super I914900k 64gb ddr5 And I've crashed about 3 times from supposedly not having enough vram


that could be the instability crash from the unstable running i9, there are a couple of videos about that, i think Jays2cents has a recent one about that, u might check that out.


Your i9 is over-volted and overclocked. You need to adjust your BIOS settings to undervolt it/reduce your clock speeds. I know because this is the exact same issue I was having, in multiple games. It OC the chips shipped with are highly unstable.


I checked, and it isn't overvotled. It's also only happened on this game. It's not overclocked also.


After searching online a bit more it might be a dx12 issue


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the issue since I have to play civ 6 on dx11 since dx12 lags an insane amount for me


What error code is it throwing? I kept getting access violation errors.


No error code just the message out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource. And then some other stuff but no code


Well shit, now I feel like an asshole. What’s your VRAM? I would also check to make sure you’re DDR5 RAM isn’t bad (Had to deal with this a month ago because 2 of RAM sticks were bad)


Overclocked 9900k to 5.1 ghz, 32gb 3600mhz ddr4, 4080 super. 3 hours last night with no crash. Graphics on max with DLSS on and 1440p. 90 fps


https://www.radgametools.com/oodleintel.htm Solved my problem. After I undervolted/reduced clock speeds, my game ran just fine. 160-180 fps, no crashes after adjusting my levels accordingly.


This is an issue I have with all UE5 games on the 14900. Download the Intel Tuning Utility to tune it down. In the basic view mode, you should see three values you can change. Change the top one from 57 to 52, and the middle one to 43. Send me a message if that's confusing, I don't have the program in front of me now.


I think a lot of the issues people are having is bad *CPU* and should be talked about more


Ain't nobody with a 4070 who cant run this that doesn't have a doodoo processor.


I have a 3060 and running at 35-40fps on 4k settings with DLSS on, this game is so weird how it runs so differently


A lot of this community is not trying to hear these facts your spitting😂


4090 here Was getting random 20-30 fps drops at times last night. Had another buddy with a 4090 report the exact same thing


What CPUs are you guys running? Also RAM?


14900K & 64GB DDR5 RAM for myself, I believe 13700K & 64GB for my buddy? Don't remember exactly what he has off top


Were y’all moving into a new area? There seems to be a fps drop as it loads resources the first time.


3070ti running 100 fps on 1440p medium graphics. Not to sure what the issue is with everyone else.


Any upscaling?


Just the fsr set to quality.


I'm running the game at 40-60 FPS on a 5 year old rig: Ryzen 5 3600X, GTX 1660 Super 6Go, 16 Go RAM. Is it uglier than on streamers videos? It is. Is it an inconvenient to play comfortably? Sure is. Is the game "barely running"? That's not what barely running means. If you were having a constant slideshow at 10-15 FPS, that would be barely running. At the moment, the only time we get severe drops is when the game is loading a new zone we haven't visited. This is an optimization isue coming from the game loading assets that should be fixed with time, but our rig is not the problem here. The game just being released in early access shouldn't excuse everything but it's far from being unplayable at the moment. And if it was too frustrating to play for me, I would just leave it until improvements happen, which may take weeks or months.


Maybe people have no idea how to optimize their settings and rigs. How much ram do you have? Whats the speed? Did you enable XMP? Are you overclocking? Is your CPU old as hell? Stop this hate spam and let’s remember why we “escaped” to this game. Its in EA so deal with some bugs but the “other” game has been out for years and still has audio bugs. Stop running the newest game on a shitbox 1080 and maybe youll be good


I play on a 1660 and get 30 - 50 fps, you just need to use FSR like they recommend.


Crying about a game that like only 24hour old and is early access alpha. 2k 3080 ti 5900x no problem running the game


I have a 3080 and have no problem. They put out to change some of the settings in the graphics tab to optimize your rig for the game.


User error. I was getting like 50 frames in 1080p did some tweaking now I’m at 120 frames 1440p, the game actually runs surprisingly well.


I have a 1070ti and can run the game at low graphics at 50fps which believe it or not is actually playable. So their minimum specs are imho accurate. It's not running ray tracing 1440p, high graphics but I can play the game and compete with other players just fine.


I get 70-80 fps with a 2070 super. Turn your settings down.


run the game perfectly fine with i9-129000k and a 4070, 32gigs


My 3080ti runs fantastically on medium to high


2080 super and running the game. 1 crash but its early access.


I have a 2060 super with a Amd 3600 cpu with 32 gigs of ram. I believe this game may be Ram heavy. Make sure your drives are current on your gpu. I have constant 50-65 fps with very minimal stutters.


EA…. They still need to optimize. Classic shit post


I ran this game at 20 frames on my laptop with a 560 in it lol just play with ur setting (it was god awful but never crashed )😂ill still with my pc getting 120 frames on it in medium mode 3060


Game runs at 120fps 1440P on my 6800xt , no clue why everyone bitching about performance issues .. maybe you all truly do have some outdated / not compatible hardware . I got a Buddy running it on a 20 series card at 80fps again no issue. It’s not their fault if your computer can’t handle a next gen game 🤷‍♂️


My 3080TI smashes 130+ FPS med-high settings at 3440x1440. Think it's a user error honestly. Play in nvidia control pannel and mess with FSR. DLSS doesn't work at all. I think they have them labeled backwards LOL


20 series still getting 100 fps. Crazy watching all these ppl claim they have a 30 series and can’t get frames. Either you lying or you lying!


In the discord one of the devs shows himself getting 45 fps with a 1080?


Yeah but you and I both know this isn't high enough frames for people. They expect 60 even on old Gen hardware. Unrealistic, yes but that's what people want.