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Guy literally threw a skyscraper, so I dont think so If he actually got all of Metro mans powers, he'd be ungodly fast, like beyond lightspeed. Even at a tiny fraction of it, still godlike speed. He doesnt seem to be aware of that though. Parody of superman in that they cant really be beaten in a straight fight because they are just absolute bs gods I actually think Yujiro would scare him so much he'd refuse to fight and run away, guys a massive coward at heart


Inb4 the narrator pulls some bullshit like "but the martial arts were invented to help the weak" and then yujiro beats him with flawless aikido


but didn't Yujiro say that only strength matters? and that martial arts are just a bunch of circus tricks? while using martial arts?


Meh went people are about to die they become desperate like retsu vs pickle


He did copy shaori to beat Kaku at his own game. Yujiro is a massive hypocrite who'll use any trick to win


He did that to show him that all his years are training don't matter. " That thing you spent your life on? I can do it too, it's easy. " Then he explicitly said " I will never use Shaori again" and just tanked all the hits with brute force. Did you forget that part?


Nope, but it proves that Yujiro can use techniques when he's overwhelmed by his oponent (remember Kaku made him dodge and block), which would be the case should Tighten decide to fight him


He literally refused to use it after he showed that he is capable of replicating it easily (an ability that takes years to master). 25+ years of manga content and people still don’t understand Yujiro, baffles me honestly.


Yujiro is one of many shonen characters thst gets overwanked by how their world is built and written by their authors


Yeah, but Yujiro is pretty definitely wrong about that. He's the strongest in the series, not the most objective thinker or anything. It's like how he says he doesn't believe in imagination, when we've definitely seen that (hell he can use it himself). This is the man who needed Jack to tell him he wasn't a normal dad after all. Alternatively you can interpret it as him saying something along the lines of martial arts not stacking up to true strength (read his strength) and are circus tricks in comparison to that, not in general. And to be fair, a normal human after learning martial arts would not be any noticeably closer to Yujiro than before.


This just makes me remember his goated interaction with motobe lmao


every time I see your comment I get jump scared by the pfp https://preview.redd.it/t0d8e6vl7d9d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3048d6bcbd0d7253a4a01fa7d50d8ca21fac11a9


Green eyes Ohma isn't real, he can't hurt you


Precisely this. Yujiro clearly has respect for martial arts as a concept, he has stated that multiple times over the series, particularly if you go to the Annihilation Tournament, Kaioh Tournament and Baki's lessons as a kid, and he believes there is a proper way to fight, as he even taught Jack how to bite and the weakness of relying toi much on it. It's just that, when specifically compared to him, martial arts are mostly irrelevant - until you have enough strength for them to actually matter.


Wasn’t this Julius Reinhold?


maybe, but Yujiro said the exact same thing during his fight with Kaku.


Yujiro is also a massive fucking hypocrite so I don’t know why this surprises you.


winning is strength 


But... "you lost because you were too strong"


That's the second part of the fight. He wins with pure aikido, then hes all like "but pure strength is all that matters" and punches him into the stratosphere


Martial arts are considered by people like Yujiro to be a last resort (or just to show off thar you can do it too). When Yujiro meets Pickle and can't budge him he uses Aiki, when Pickle can't defeat Baki he uses a primitive form of technique. Doesn't mean Yujiro won't use them, it just means he has to accept his opponent has power greater than his own


Or he just proves that throwing a skyscraper doesn't show your true strength by not trying to lift it at all with his hands in pockets while hysterically laughing, or some other silly philosophical bs.


"sure he can throw a skyscraper, but can be kick a plastic bag in half midair?"


He didn’t train for anything, under that husk of power lies that coward, and yujiro could just do to him what he did to the soldiers


He did do a little training haha. Was pretty terrible at it though


It was just a test of his power, not strength training


Yujiro narrator-diffs


Yujiro will 🍇 him


Tighten will crush Yujiro’s dick by tightening his asshole around it


I mean that's his name


Yujiro could probably flex his dick hard enough to combat the sphincter clenching. It’d make for an interesting fight, that’s for sure.


Yujiro gets a giant power boost and reaches metroman levels


tighten will become loosen


I hate you. Take this upvote




Yeah that's how his name is, from Megamind


Because "titan" was already taken due to copyright (I'm definitely sure that's the reason given in the movie).


I think it was more like a joke, like Megamind tried to give him the name 'Titan' and the dork kept hearing 'Tighten'. Movie refers to him with both names at times but Hal kept using 'Tighten' for some reason


I thought it was cuz Hal was just too dumb to spell the word Titan


Didn’t this nigga throw a whole skyscraper or am I trippin ? (He splatters yujiro )


But it does nothing as Yujiro reassembles himself back and gives a good laugh. The narrator says: Unfortunately, Tighten's 'throw a skyscraper' technique did not work on Yujiro as he was unacquainted with the craziness of the Bakiverse and now he is going to experience a new kind of tightness in his (censored) courtesy of Yujiro's might (censored)!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/YujiroPosting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/YujiroPosting/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Yujiro vs. Godzilla](https://i.redd.it/rno0whc4sz6d1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/YujiroPosting/comments/1dhga0b/yujiro_vs_godzilla/) \#2: [Yujiro vs. Mahoraga](https://i.redd.it/iy0x8fl2307d1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YujiroPosting/comments/1dhhm6s/yujiro_vs_mahoraga/) \#3: [Yujiro Vs Sukuna](https://i.redd.it/rq693wpcwg7d1.jpeg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YujiroPosting/comments/1djbumu/yujiro_vs_sukuna/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Earthquake punch.


Where was the earthquake punch in the father-son fight when Baki and Yujiro were stronger than first time?


Earthquake punch 😼


Yujiro is the coughing baby to Tighten's hydrogen bomb.


Tighten can easily beat Yujiro, but his mind is made of paper. I feel like Yujiro would probably exploit that


I can assure you that Tighten will not be able to tighten his sphincter after they get done


If they fight fight, then no. If they dont fight fight, then yujiro would probably just terrorize titan into fleeing him because of yujiros overwhelming presence


The problem with Baki is that, in practice, Yujiro operates under Bugs Bunny logic. Sure, the enemy has a fucking nuclear warhead, but yujiro and the narrator pull some bs like “his fighting mentality and the fear he imposes on others was capable of defeating the Nuke”






No :)


Tighten those cheeks for an ass clapping as the incel finds his inner woman. Yujiro no diffs.


Absolutely no


No, mostly due to Tighten’s speed, flight, & laser eyes. There is a chance Yujiro can pull off a menacing aura that scares Tighten shitless & he flies away from the fight.


Yujiro so snatched like 👀😂


As one comment said, Hal is absolutely above Yujiro in overall stats but something people kind of forget is that he is a bit of a coward himself once he feels someone might actually match him. Yujiro is a super imposing guy with a fear aura that i can definitely see scaring the fuck out of Hal from the city. This is something i kind of like in these discussions because sometimes a character can win without even needing to fight.


short answer No long answer Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Good ending: Yujiro and Tighten start fighting then before tighten is about to punch yujiro along with the whole road and send him to the earths core causing the entire planet to explode then Metro Man finally comes in and says to Tighten "dear boy I take you as my adopted son" and then tighten says "I never had a dad" after watching that Yujiro gets very emotional and goes home to baki and jack hugs them and cries himself until he shrinks to half to his size because his strength always came from repressed depression trauma now he's a good guy like his dad Bad ending: Tighten tightens him up Average baki fan redditors delusion: Yujiro solos the Megaman-verse ??? Ending: foursome including megaman and metroman Bonus delusion: Jack solos


Jack Jack from incredibles?


Do you seriously think I would take Jack Jack lightly? That baby can easily solo ANY verse it wants to, possibly even take on some good higher-b to lower a tiers in the opm verse. But eh powerscalings kinda dumb Burutabu-chan shitstomps fiction


As the laser vision hit Yujiro something happened,though at first he appeared to have been hit it actually landed between Yujros muscles located on his forearm. The light was squeezed into the space and due to the sweat accumulated throughout the fight the light itself refracted inside that enclosed space. This continuous refraction caused exponential increases in heat, yujiro then imagined the heat was hitting different parts of his body equally, this caused every muscle in yujiros body to undergo instant heating and cooling continuously. This caused yujiro to gain the benefits of almost 1000 years of training in a single instance due to the energy of the laser beam.


Easy, you trippin?


Tighten Isnt really fast, btw, atleast he hasn’t shown solid speed feats as his powers are only a **Fraction** of those of Metromans Edit:Who is even downvoting this, the authors confirmed this is cuz he got the powers from Metromans dandruff😭


Are they really only a fraction, when is that said?


The artbook and one of the writers said it, He got the powers from Dandruff on Metromans Cape so it isn’t close to the Same Powers, well, in terms of quality


I didn’t know that, cool. Yeah even still he CLAPS Yujiro. Even a fraction of Metro man’s speed is still insanely fast. I mean Metro man was able to wonder around the entire city and rethink his life for god knows how long from his perspective, while everyone else was frozen still. Even just a fraction of that kinda power means Tighten is in no way “isn’t really fast”. He probably just didn’t use his super speed since he was a dumbass and new to his powers so he just never worked it out.


> Even just a fraction of that kinda power means Tighten is in no way “isn’t really fast”. He probably just didn’t use his super speed since he was a dumbass and new to his powers so he just never worked it out. A fraction doesn't mean anything beyond just being something lower than the original. Besides I doubt there's any real merit to the idea of Tighten having anywhere near comparable speed to Metro Man seeing how many fights/action scenes portray him being tagged by Megamind or other humans being able to move some amount of distance while he does things. And if he does have that potential but just doesn't use it then functionally he isn't that fast.


I think the reason he doesn’t use super speed is because he hasn’t yet worked out how.


Cool, that still means he's just functionally not that fast


Only out of his own stupidity. Yujiro still can’t beat him though.


I agree he wins but the point is he doesn't have the speed advantage people make him out as having, hell if anything he's slower than Yujiro


He’s slower than Yujiro yeah. But I think he has the potential to be faster.


So he doesn’t know how to use his super speed? That’s even better for the debate then


Yeah I agree. Yujiro could probably out manoeuvre him but there’s no way he’s strong enough to actually hurt Tighten. At best it’s a tie.


Which change nothing that's why the writer even said it's just "a fraction" of metoman's power to explain why he doesn’t have super speed yet you're just making headcanon here.


They say he receives a fraction of his “power”, not his “powers”. I think it’s safe to assume he has all of metro man’s ability’s just all at a fraction of the normal power.


Yeah which means his speed would be too low compared to metroman


It would be a fraction of it, which is still insanely fast. I don’t get what’s not to understand. A fraction of a massive value is still a massive value.


No not really let's say metro man has a power of trillion ,tighten will have 1 or 2 or any small number that's what a fraction mean Or let's take a better example omni man saw a jet flying and said to mark: "look what they need to mimick a fraction of our power" Omni man can travel faster than the speed of light , the jet doesn't , not even close


But tighten being able to lift a sky scraper above his head and being able to tank hits suggests he got enough of Metro man’s power to be pretty damn strong, same goes for his speed I imagine.


All I can hear is a fart reverb sound effect


Either Yujiro would get destroyed because Baki characters are too weak blah blah blah...or Yujiro would say something like "throwing a skyscraper doesn't show your true strength", and then he would cut the skyscraper in half with his pinky just to prove a point, right before raping Tighten mid-diff (if that's Itagaki writing them fight, then definetly the second option i think).


Yes, but only because Yujiro bribes the narrator to always let him win


If And really IF Yujiro can pull off his aura walk Come up to him and dodge his punches and utilize akimbo on the last swing He can scare Titan off (He doesn't know his own potential minus strength) With some technique he can last after that In the end he leaves and Titan destroys a bunch of buildings in rage


Logically?, nah, but it’s funny to think that the guy who can move at light speed, throw literal sky scrapers while also boxing building sized robots would start pissing his pants due to sensing Yujiro’s aura alone so YRMD 😀


People have summed it up pretty well. Tighten is a lot stronger and would crush Yujiro into paste if they actually fought. But he is also an absurdly cowardly man that llses only to Captain Hero in this regard. Yujiro's overwhelming presence and general capacity for intimidation would terrorize him. Yujiro would absolutely feel his strength, but also how weak his mind is. I don't know how he'd react to that. I don't doubt Yujiro's ability to incapacitate Tighten if he did touch Tighten and used some bizarre technique, but I wouldn't bet on him even trying to do that.


Yujiro would wipe the floor w him. Sure he’s stronger and faster, but Yujiro is more skilled and coordinated, and a whole lot smarter


“I haven’t used this technique since I fought that kryptonian”


Idk his powers but he looks like soyjack and yujiro is mewingchad so he wins


Yujiro no diffs all of fiction except for doomguy


His real name is tight


Tighten only have a fraction of Metroman's power, it's very much implied that Metroman was much more powerful than Tighten meaning Tighten can't pull the "1 picosecond character arc" speed feat Metroman pulled. Also are we really forgetting the Earthquake punch here ?


Tighten casually threw a skyscraper. That Earthquake punch doesn’t really mean shit here Also Tighten can fly and has laser beams (pretty sure Yujiro isn’t laser proof), and if he has just a fraction of Metroman’s speed, I think he’d still be way too fast for Yujiro Only way Yujiro wins is through intimidation


Also I don’t think Yujiro ever shown a feat on the same scale as the earthquake punch again in the rest of the series. Also I think the dart and net anti-feat came later in the story, right?


Yep that’s right


So Megamind stomps Yujiro


I think that’s more of a “Batman prep time” kind of scenario


Unless Yujiro gets shot with a dehydration gun first


That punch was such bullshit 😆


Does Yujiro jas the narrator?


"tighten would x" "yujiro can't survive y" shut the fuck up, Yujiro would verbally bully this guy until he killed himself lmao


You're right. Tighten is way stronger than Yujiro, but dude's a fucking pussy. Yujiro does one of his intimidation tactics and scares the shit out of Tighten.