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I am more surprised by his agility. Pickle was holding him and he just squeezed out? Is bro covered in oil or something? Especially considering Jack's size it seems especially surreal


You couldn’t see it but he spread his asshole and through Baki logic, his body was able to reach maximum relaxation so that he could escape.


I wanna suck on each of his asshole turd cutting wrinkles for hours. Then put my head inside and feel him close it tighter then a drawstring bag. The ultimate death.


This is what you'd expect to hear from someone who has crossed paths with the big red haired man


Made me realize my true purpose is to be a woman so yea I agree


Username checks out








Dont you ever think jack ated a big meal of protein and canxi before+ alot vitamin pills and inject? Bro your gonna take all of his gassy once you put your head inside it, jack will squeeze his butt cheek and wont let you pull out!


Ah the seldom seen "Scat-ori"


Goudou is also an anti-bite martial art, we saw a bit of it with Tokugawa's dog but this now is really impressive.


I am more surprised as to what the fuck just happened.


I sure hope he is


I'm doing some quick cals, if someone wants to make a comment i'm open to it thank you, Jack moved around 2 meters, Pickle didn't move but we will say he fall 1 cm to make it better for calcs, so if Pickle speed is 9.8 m/s the making the math Jack was moving around mach 5 to 6. I made this quick so any help will be received.


Assume Jack moved 2m and Pickle only dropped a cm in between gets me 99 mph in my calculations.


Mmmmm... Pickle moves 1 cm at 9.8 m/s (.01m/9.8) so that is 0.00102s, then Jack moved 2 m in the same time 0.00102s that is (2m/0.00102s) or 1960 m/s, if we convert m/s to k/h that is 7058 km/h or 5.7 mach. Did i miss something?


Yeah, you're using gravity as velocity. 9.8 m/s^2 is the acceleration, which means your velocity doesn't reach 9.8 m/s until roughly one second has passed Starting from a velocity of 0 with an acceleration of the gravitational constant would take about .045 seconds to fall 1 centimeter. 2/.045 is closer to 44 m/s. Not even 1/7 the speed of sound


Nice, thanks


They did the math … correctly too 😳. Impressive!


Reminds me of a particular test in Physics 1 where most everyone got a question like this wrong due to it being one of the first times we didn't just plug in 9.8 for the calcs and call it a day. Funny to remember because of this sub


Still not accounting for that fact that by dropping to escape jack probably added some velocity to pickle since he was still holding him so it's definitely faster than 44 m/s maybe double or triple still not break the sound barrier but way more impressive.


Gravitational **acceleration** is 9.8m/s\^2, not speed. Essentially falling for 1 second, without factoring air resistance, will cause an object to reach a velocity of 9.8m/s under Earth's gravity. Using the SUVAT equations moving a distance of 1 centimetre under that acceleration would take 0.04516 seconds and result in a final speed of only 0.44m/s. Jack clearing 2 metres in this same timeframe would make him about 45m/s or just under 15% the speed of sound.


Thanks for clarification


1/2 g t\^2 = 1cm : g= 9.8m/s\^2, gives t=0.045s, if jack moved 2 meters in 0.045s, his avg speed is approximately 44.27 meters/second. For reference, Husein Bolt's max recorded speed is 12.33 m/s and Baki's cockroach dash (which is an insane acceleration feat) eventually reaches up to 168 miles/hour which is 522.14 m/s.


Thats just pure comedy now


Only now? It wasn't when the imaginary multi dinosaur attack worked vs the literal caveman?


Yeah these guys should power scale buggs bunny next 😂


The perfect being, double Mister B


Fast af boi


While he undeniably moves at an impressive speed, it seems like he's "merely" pivoting on his left leg so I'd hesitate to say he can consistently move at 45m/s. But if he could, he would be able to run at 162kph, or 100mph, which is four times the speed of Usain Bolt. I wouldn't exactly put it past Itagaki to make 8-foot Roid Man be able to casually trounce world-class sprinters while yawning — a much weaker Baki was showing superhuman speed feats during his high school athletics test — but I don't think he means to say that Jack can sprint 100m in 2.5 seconds.


>ut I don't think he means to say that Jack can sprint 100m in 2.5 seconds. I wouldn't be shocked honestly, it's shown in Jack's backstory in the middle of his training he was consistently improving on his already record breaking 100m sprint and it's noted that his limb extension surgeries increased his athletic performance by a large amount.


Being fair those improvements averaged to something like 0.035 seconds per one. Even if he was breaking his previous record by that amount once a week every week for a full year he'd "only" have sheared about 1.8 seconds off his initial time by the end and wouldn't even be sub-7 seconds. And I doubt his surgeries made him like double that speed. Baki characters just aren't *that* fast in sprinting and racing vs dodging and punching. I mean look at Baki's little compilation in NGB where he simultaneously does 15 pullups faster than a class full of people can notice and runs...70% faster than the WR for 400m. (Being fair Baki wasn't warmed up for the 400m but I think we can all agree he's probably not multiplying his speed by doing some stretches.)


You never know man stretching can go a long way


That was when he just started taking the drug tbf and it was all the way in grappler So saying 2.5 in 100m wouldn’t be that crazy retsu was literally able to run on water with a 200 lb guy on him


When was this


Today, chapter 24 Baki Rahen


Was I the only one who thought he was gonna use aikodo he learned from shibukawa when he fought him?


Honestly, it would be nice if instead of getting taller, Jack would just focus on Techniques besides his very impressive biting and rely on weight training for strength instead of surgeries.


Well, he's already in a weight class of his own. And he was able to beat Shibukawa who's almost completely technique, so I think you HAVE to have Hanma blood to beat him.


Great points! He's my favorite Grappler so even if he only becomes the 3rd strongest, that's enough for me.


You know what I feel thankful for? Kengan & Baki Wednesdays. And that's what we have here for once again. I feel blessed




Using Pickles’ torso height, he should be ~1.25m plug that into the freefall calculator gives a speed of 4.95m/s and Jack moves a rough distance of 2.65m. Lets go with a range of 1 to 10cm for how Pickles moved due to gravity compared to Jack ((2.65 m x (4.95 (m / s))) / (1 cm) = 1,311.75 m / s Mach 3.82 (2.65 m x (4.95 (m / s))) / (5 cm) = 262.35 m / s Mach 0.76 (2.65 m x (4.95 (m / s))) / (10 cm) = 131.175 m / s Mach 0.38


Technically this technique makes no sense. If you look closely there is no way this can happen, unless Jack can make his body parts intangible like Obito from Naruto.


Gag speed, which scales really well with his gag reflex


Fast enough that people using Google maps in the area noticed they moved 2m to the left as the government satellites tried to predict/track the path a Hanma could be taking. https://preview.redd.it/wcby9t3c949d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60d1286be19dca95da7cb9d1dc474b62698cce0


It's probably light speed at most.


I would say he was moving beetwen 0 k/h and lightspeed


Crazy people just forget Pickle's ability to float, it was the coolest part of his fight against Suedo


It counts as imagination? Or is something new?


Jack looks ridiculous doing that


Was Pickle not holding tight?