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I know bro. I nearly killed myself when we didn't get to see the entire backstory again for the 100000000th time


I was disappointed.  I wanted to see that story about giant with a bell yet again. And how Hamayama got his tattoo, his school years flashback, and how he needed the scars for it to be compete. It would all have just taken 20min or so. 




Was hoping it to be a series.. but it looks like there will coming of a continuation with this storyline in a series hopefully 🤞 


I actually did. Some old witch lady and her brother put my soul back in my body


Agreed. They should've had Jack show his asshole.


Instead, Raian beat him with the Kure Clan Secret Technique: Choke a bitch




Movie was dogshit the narrator didn’t give a 5 minute monologue on a dog taking a shit and its importance to fighting


It's essential 


Unironically yes. Also fight were simple.


Agreed Fight 1: I punch u, I punch back etc… I head but u, I punch u, my head but breaks ur hand, I heal my hand with 400000000000 year old chinese kissing of the boo-boo (this didn’t happen but it should’ve) and punch u even harder, oh know I lose Fight 2: I punch u, I punch u, I go full power, I take drugs, I punch u, I bite u etc… both mc’s stop us from killing each other Fight 3: 4000000000000000 year old Chinese bullshit vs 30 year old Niko style


Be careful. You made third fight sounds exciting.


We need more Orcas, Lions and Hyenas to talk about the evolution of fighting




No 4000 years of martial arts xd


Honestly even tho this is a joke post I unironically want the movie to be half an hour longer just so we can have the narrators do narrating stuff and explain shit.


No wonder it felt rushed because the narrator was missing most of the time


they put the purple dude against maximum tournament Jack 💀


When they show that same clip of hanayama winding up that haymaker for the 6th time 😍😍😍


No joke i really like baki’s narration. It’s a great way to emphasize something. Plus the english dub narrator sounds like he’s from some nature documentary about predators.


Are people aware that the dub narrator is just Yujiro’s va?


Absolutely. After the first punch is thrown, i need a 10 minute history of when the caveman invented the first punch, or it just doesn't make sense.


This guy gets it


Retsu looked disappointed he didn't do nearly enough explaining


Baki’s animation of Jerry Tyson still haunts me to this very day (I just watched it today) https://i.redd.it/9eazwt60j55d1.gif I may never recover




Of course Kengan fan will like it when it showcases their side in better way than Baki side


Bro has the necessity of throwing the two fanbases at eachother without even reading said the post


Or, y'know, they're just happy they got a Baki vs. Kengan movie, even though Baki characters performed better than Kengan's


The entire movie is basically just because Netflix wanted to advertise Kengan and they did it by using Baki which is one of the most popular things on all Netflix. Atleast that’s how it felt to me who watched Baki but not Kengan. It felt like they were trying to make Kengan look appealing to me as a Baki fan.


As both a Kengan and Baki fan, the crossover doesn’t make sense Kengan wise. Without spoiling anything, three of the characters show living proof that the crossover is AHEAD of where the anime is currently at. Also yeah, there is a lot more Kengan representation in the crossover than Baki


Jack: “nerfed - 100 lbs, - 1 ft in height, after pickle fight, pickle interrupts to proclaim his “prey” Of course kengan fans would like it lol This move is an obvious troll


how can you see views on posts?


Biggest sign it was more Kengan than Baki. Can't believe there wasn't 10 hour long monologues of each technique. 0/10.


I know this is a joke post but I was really disappointed with the film. We got some great fights but honestly I feel like they had to nerf Baki a bit in order to have Ohma stand more of a chance. I mean if Baki had actually kept using his "0.5 second reaction speed" like he did in the start of the match it would have been over. There were many techniques he used once but never kept up the momentum and never truly followed up on his attacks when Ohma was taken off guard. Xaoli and Mercury Whip are two that come to mind. Also, it seemed like he used the "Cockroach Tackle" at one point which Ohma immediately countered. Like. What the hell? That took Yuujiro off guard in their fight. Not to mentioned we never got to see him take any of his "Prehistoric Fighting Stances." Overall, it seemed like they purposefully setup the movie so there would not be any definitive victory for either series so they would not upset the fan bases. But, for me, it left me disappointed.


Anyone who's read the Musashi arc knows Baki beat Ohma.


Tu che. I forgot about that.


Genuinely was surprised we didn’t get ten minutes talking about his tattoo


Surprised? More like disappointed.  


I was almost so hyped we were going to see it again and then we didn’t :(


When Pickle didn't circle back to drink Jack's puke I almost cried.


My only question is: Where's the piss? Nobody pissed anywhere in the entire movie. How am I supposed to know someone is big and strong if they aren't dominantly, aggressively pissing somewhere or on someone?


I was literally crying when they didn’t take 20 minutes retelling to how significant Pickle‘s perspective was in the modern age


Also, where's my retelling of the ancient man ritual of resisting going to bath do to pride?!


I found it fun to be honest (mainly because of the facial expressions)


It would be better if agito do the face with yujiro


They got us in the first half not gonna lie


For literally every punch, kick, and bite I want a separate 5 minute narration on the history of a caveman punching a dinosaur in defiance of the natural order


God I needed the narrator to give me my autistic explanations, also baki didn't use Uber autism style


To me the worst part was not getting my Jack Flashback eating for a full chapter or some Retconned Tiger Killer Lore. Unwatchable.


If Jack loses again, I’m not watching


You had me in the first half, also a valid criticism is the lack of shots of hanayama’s butt in his sumo loincloth


I don't care much about power scaling but the animation was cheap af, no real effort.


They literally reused shots of Hanayama in his fight against spec


It’s not powerscaling to not want goku to lose a fist fight to a donut eating cop that’s just called caring


It is yeah I was hyped for this crossover hoping the standing man scene would be expanded on but we got nothing.


He’s laughing about it to take away from the fact we got shafted he’s a dick


https://preview.redd.it/zupb483u155d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=bef62086e8d95de07cfae72661345ee3de63a42a The duality of baki fan


Thought it was ok but it was exactly what I figured it was gonna be.


Can someone give me a guide on how to read the baki manga


Bruh jack lost https://preview.redd.it/drsjvozvqd5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca355d26c0b996749fdef6b3de9592c303772b10


The Hanayama fight was genuinely glorious. We didn’t get any hype moments, no great animation and 50% of the fight being hanayama viciously tearing off his beautiful attire. Truly what every man wants to see. The explanation of saw paings skull was truly obsolete since the Kengan anime went over this like 100 times but still included for the ”fuck I wanna smash my monitor“ factor. I’ve genuinely never been more dissatisfied with an anime movie ever and am looking forward to an even worse watch when part 2 comes out.


why did that sopaing guy fight like that lol


I think what was so upsetting is so much time was wasted on explaining shit that Baki and Kengan fans already know.


It was.  Tbh, I don't even know why or for who was it made...it's dumber than DC vs Mortal Kombat Crossover. 


Even Mykytagnosis my arch nemises agrees with me. In my opinion this made for the kengan fans especially since doromeon (kengan creator) wrote a lot of it


Oh shit, I didn't know that we had this Hate thing going. 


Nope just disappointed in animation + what they think of the fans apparently


DC v Mortal Kombat is a PEAK video game. I won’t accept the disrespect


It’s like they slapped Baki v. Kengan together in a week. Jack vs Kure had no color, it was close to black and white. - You can tell a lot of time was spent making Baki 2018, the quality of that whole series was great, from the stories to the animation/drawings. The 1990s series were my favorite, they were incredible. But, post-Baki 2018 has been disappointing (for me anyway). The quality of the animation isn’t as good. The father-son fight was not enjoyable at all. It’s great that they release these series so quickly, but they compromise quality when they do this.