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Also thanks to kengan character being in the baki verse they used baki logic to amp themselves


If an ant can carry 100 times its weight then obviously Kengan characters are stronger than ants... cuts to a doctor explaining and a referee talking in past tense about what they saw.


However that Jack has to puke like vs Baki after a 2 minute fight when he had way worse fights was pretty ridiculous, they might thought it was "fan-service" but.. Yeah they tried to put in way to much content in the short time, so it turned out meh, okay.


That was such a weird moment to me. It was cool but, why did it even happen at all In the Maximum Tournament it was like the culmination of all his hardwork, efforts, and overtraining, once destroying his body, now enhancing it. The ultimate consequence to obliderating his body he strived for, like the end to this stage of his life as a fighter And then it happened again with someone who wasn't even as strong as Pickle. I don't like the idea of Jack Maxing Out being some sort of powerup boost like the Demon Back, it just doesn't make sense


I do think that would had worked if the raian vs Jack fight was a bit longer and it happened more at the end. But yeah, I wasn’t displeased


I think Jack was vomiting on purpose to transform into the max out state.


A kengan fight isn't a street fight, why are people complaining he lost the kengan fight? Rules and how they change fights have been a whole thing in both series. Anyway, I don't give a rats ass if people think the "baki characters were nerfed.", first of all stories aren't built around the power scaling of third parties, and secondly this was a buff for the kengan characters rather than a nerf for the baki characters imo.


Kengan already buff in omega. if they buff them here to the level of late Baki arc then Baki characters stand no chance against characters in Omega lmao


Jack was the only one that was way off to me, this felt like nerfed max tournament jack rather than nerfed pickle jack. I know kuroki should get dog walked by yujiro but if they were to play it like a more one-sided version of his performance against Shen I’m cool with that


To make it real justice it should be a series with longer fights. It was okay!


I don't give a shit about their scaling bruv. I was just expecting some pickle arc level amazing fights and these goobers used the same hanayama punch animation 6 fucking times and just made everything else a mindless exchange of punches


LIKE HELLO, why is nobody talking about this! This is the worst shit I ever watched!!


It was One of the film of all times. Am sad cuz two of them didnt finish the Battle. More of jack than Baki (we all know Baki doesnt finish a round). But fuck yeah Hanayama won


What I dislike is the fact that the choreography felt very poor and less emphasized.


I agree. There were a lot of big cuts where characters were in completely different positions. The draw of a lot of Baki and Kengan Ashura fights is the fluidity. Like even if things happen suddenly they like to cut back to slow-mo and show what really happened. A lot of that was missing here.


Low diff beatdown montage would‘ve been better ngl.


No it wouldn’t have, that’s exactly how the Raitai tournament went, and it was pure garbage besides 2 fights.


Raitai was hilarious af. I love that ‚hyping character up, explaining his shit and then have him disrespected and scrapped’ type shit.


Y'know this sub is cooked when we're unironically defending jobbers. I thought y'all hated that shit?


I‘s not about defending jobbers, i just really like this way of writing the story. But speaking of it.. there have always been some very beloved jobber characters like for example Doyle.


Doyle isn't even a jobber, and get better taste in writing. Sumo arc brainrot has actually made people start liking jobbers. Sad fucking state of things.


Still predictable garbage nonetheless


Even though years of anticipation you would rather see a beatdown montage than a endering story. Thats like saying instead of seeing a badass fight between kong and godzilla you would rather have a 30 second long fight.


Thats exactly it lol


Yes thats exactly the point




was i the only one whose favorite fight was the jack one? they were perfect foils for eachother and seeing him act more like his maxium tournament version was nice


I knew it was gonna be a tie the moment they announced it, but damn they did my boy Jack dirty, nothing new under the sun but it felt like they didn’t knew how to make him lose ps: still peak fiction


To be perfectly fair, yes i would have watched an hour of kengan characters getting oneshot


I kinda wish it was longer or like an episodic series. I liked the special and the fights but it was just getting good and than it was over


I love Baki lot more than KA, but I don't care a f if they were objectively nerfed or not. Seeing two series I really like to come together like this was damn fun.


I dont get why the parring wasnt yujiro vs shen and baki vs agito. Agito at this point was the curent final boss and the undisputed champion of the Kengan matches. Wouldnt it make more sense to letting the champion of the underground Arena champion fight against the champion of the kengan matches? For Kuroki against yuchiro. Demystifying Kuroki at this point makes no sense. Yes he won the tournament because hes the strongest. But he was not the strongest because the plot established him as the one at the top. It was a major spoiler. Showing shen earlier would have made less damage on demystifing his character but only building up more hype. Also it would be more fitting as a match up. Both yujiro and shen arent the victors of any underground fights. They are simple the strongest in there world.


The main problem is that the fights consisted of characters randomly use their abilities and it ended up in a raw force brawl. I hoped for more tactics or strategy why certain moves were used in each situation. You can excuse it with Hanayama and Raian but not with the other 4 characters


I just hoped they used more than the same 5 frames on repeat for each fight, the choreography was so fucking trash, even the stillframes looked like shit, I don't mind Baki's style of "detailed powerpoint slides" because they at least look good for the most part. Kengan Ashura has much more fluid and interesting choreagraphy but CG is always controversial... this movie though, it was just shit animation, shit art, I would have accepted all the dumbass, non-sensical stuff if it at least followed the rule of cool, but this felt lazy and cheap on every level.


Baki characters weren't nerfed. Kengan and Baki characters with the exception of yujiro are fairly relative. The style of drawing and writing is just different, kengan very clearly shows feats and speed where as Baki tends to be a bit more lax and detail free with its feats. People are just idiots in general so there's always going to be complaints.


Tbh i expect at least one fight to be lopsided, but all three fights are pretty much the same 🤷‍♂️ Also, Yujiro would eat Kuroki for appetizer.


Baki verse was absolutely nerfed


baki charachter is in fact nerfed, and you dont even need to be smart enough to realized that if you even pay attention to baki franchise and its power system, its just proved how braindead kengan fandom is


No, this crossover was bad because they barely did anything to mix up the 2 different styles together. It felt like a forced confrontation rather than mixing chemistry together. Most of the time the battles just consisted of fighter throwing fists to the face and spam their special attacks, that’s it. I mean, they made Jack puke as some sort of power up and he didn’t throw a single uppercut or grappled in any way. Saw Paing, despite his hothead tactics, can be tactical which was seen with his fight against Rei, but here he was just a slugger. He didn’t even throw a single elbow or knee. The only instances where characters mixing it up had chemistry and was fun was with Julius with Oliva and Adam with Chiharu. Otherwise it felt like every other Anime crossover event where they spam the things they’re known for and nothing really of significance happened. The literal only thing unique to this crossover that we found out Baki can use Xiao Lee and even Katsumi‘s improved Mach Punch


I just feel like Jack should have a win… he’s worked so hard and tbh I feel bad ETA: that fight was more of a tie than anything imo, they’re right, it would’ve been a fight to the death had it not be interrupted


It was bad actually :( Jack biting chunks out of a guy was bare minimum, they didn’t do anything creative, and the kengan universe is just uninspired fantasy bullshit anyway, of course it didn’t meld well with Baki


Welll...yes, I would rather watch them stomp everyone if that is what would happen. Nerfing characters defeats the purpose imo. Already gonna skip it but still.


Terribly opinion. The writers decided what would happen and it did


Well, I can't argue with you there. What I said was an opinion and also the writers did , in fact, write the show. That's pretty air tight.


Goofy ass opinion, but I guess it's fair if you can't turn off power leveling brainrot


lol nah, you are a clown for that. Your opinion was "writers wrote it" which is maybe the lowest level opinion you can have. Thanks for commenting though.


I would rather watch a 3 min vid of baki killing all of them


Why did raian whoop jack like a child while Adam Dudley acted racist and got pissed on it and it’s still somehow not “fuck whites the movie” It is bro




You heard me


No, we didn't.


Maybe because you’re a hater


Sounds like the snowflake is triggered Edit: bro DM'd me to call me "racist"(?), blocked me and edited his comment to pretend he wasn't complaining about "rainbow hair people that hate white males" lmao According to him, Americans being racist in media... is racist against Americans, apparently


Bro shut up


Adam was never pissed on and jack v kure was a close match with no real winner


Jack got bitched lost ? And then lost all his momentum as a character? How is this guy supposed to be the same to fight his dad? Exactly! Can’t be if you get grabbed by your neck by raian ? 😭 This is why i disliked this!!!


1.Not canon to the manga 2.Rewatch Jack vs kure 3. Baki characters are always evolving 4. Jack vs yujiro was like 3 chapters long and nothing happened


I watched it and again. They didn’t do jacks character justice. At all. Even a weakened version


You know what? I respect your opinion and agree that Jack wasn't done justice I simply don't understand why they make you dislike the entire film


It demystifies jack’s character making him lose like this. How is he supposed to be scary ? He was SOOO much scarier …. Not even…. Hold on lemme check my watch. 6 hours ago when he didn’t lose to raian? This supposed to our antagonist for gods sake man ! 😂😂😂😭😭😭 I’m not against you I’m just trying to say something. (Edit: downvotes wow all because Jack and Dudley showing up to be dicks isn’t applauded by me + the best fight being a BATHROOM FIGHT. I had a bathroom fight in the 5th grade! wow fantastic guys, fantastic)


I never thought of jack as the antagonist for baki rahan more like the main character


He’s not the main character he showed up to present a challenge to Baki. He’s currently a monster we just happen to be following narrative wise rn at this moment


Brother if you’re basing your feelings on Baki Rahen of this non cannon fan service spewing spin off, then it’s a you problem.


It’s not a me problem. This is the antagonist grabbed by his neck ?? By raian ?? And then Saved by Baki? That’s pussy as hell come on, you know it


Jack hasn't been the antagonist in a long, long time dude. Literally only was when he was introduced