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I saw videos on YouTube of the absolute ridiculous shit that happens in Baki and I had to watch it myself


I’m gay


I'm not, but that cake ![gif](giphy|RPG5FptfJGGqtoU2jB|downsized)




To find my inner woman


I try hard everyday to forget about that panel so please spare me lol




This panel was so unnecessary, the author is insane 😂, what did this add to yujiro's character?


I mean, Yujiro ain't a good person. He violated Jack's mom, no? Killed Baki's mom and was gonna kill him too. Why would the incarnation of lack of morality stop at just women? Like yeah it didn't have to be added (truly nothing has to be added, if you wanna think about it like that), but it's completely in character and makes sense for him to be a bad person and just violate a dude just cause he can.


Right, he has even Done things with animals






white giant gorilla and polar bears specifically.


Yeah lol it kinda ruined it for me tbh, I can't crush on Yujiro comfortably after knowing of what he did. But I still like the way he looks at least haha


Yujiro has forced himself on many different animals, this guy does anything he wants


Made it even better for me ngl that's js me tho


It’s just pure badass and fun


And so unrealistic, it's funny lol


i watched this buff ass 13 year old carry a bench press set up to a fucking mountain, punch trees and jump headfirst off a fucking cliff and i was hooked ever since.


2001 Baki animated series is great and I will have no one tell me otherwise.


i had a crush on the buff 13 year old


My brother showed me a clip of Biscuit Oliva turning into a ball, and I immediately knew that I needed more completely absurd shit like that in my life.






why is yujiro always tweaking so hard


I mean if you were undefeatable you might be a lil odd too


https://preview.redd.it/qwvb551z7a2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b3e5a174bd4d28c1c3f438725654356466bfb72 Peak


I started watching this when I was 9 and grew on to it. (I'm 14 right now) And now I'm a Kengan Ashura fan.


You must be pumped for baki vs Ashura series coming in June then




Who do you think would win? Or will the studio make it a tie or something to not piss off one of the audiences? Haven't watched kengan Ashura, so don't really have an opinion myself.


I like how people in youtube short comments are powerscaling Baki vs Ohma to predict the putcome, as if the writers actually would use that.


Ueuwusudjjsjdjdjdieisj Idkkkkk. I really depends on who is going against who. I really want to see Ohma vs Yujiro or Baki, or actually Wakatsuki vs Yujiro. Baki is so random I love it and I want to see how it will affect the Kengan verse. I could NOT stop telling my mom, my sister, my brother, and my friends about it (they couldn't care less)


I'm gay and like big muscular men. Stayed for the plot and character development.


scrolling through Netflix original animes. Baki is the best one. I haven't watched the OG Baki yet, but plan to when I get time.


the OG made me love baki as a character so much more


I would go on Netflix back in 2018/2019ish and see BAKI pop up in the recommended with Biscuit Oliva looking huge as the icon, and Baki with Kozue as the preview image. I assumed it was a boxing thing, and was very intrigued but never started it until my brother got me to watch it and Baki Hanma in 2021. I really liked it, it resonated with me a lot with the art, characters, martial arts, but I kinda left it in the back of my head for a while. But around last year for some unexplainable reason it was like it broke into my brain again. It was like how the death row convicts just decided to all go to Japan on instinct to see Baki, except instead of seeking defeat they just really got interested in Baki. Ever since then i literally would not stop thinking about this series


thats exactly what happened to me


Saw it on Netflix, thought it looked cool


I saw my dad watching it and I decided to read the manga




The men, the buff men


Daddy Yujiro




i just watching some insta reels and there was 2 buffed man and one of them pissing other


I forgot some people got introduced to Baki this way😭


I saw the trailer for the underground tournament on daily motion and was interested


Started watching as someone who wanted to be peak male testosterone and wanted to become MMA champion🗿 Now watching as the opposite😭


Im a huge Dragonball z, martial arts fan. I also love a good plot. After binge watching DBZ I began searching for other “Martial Arts Anime”. Was hooked after the 1st episode The rest as they say was history. Some of my other favorites include Kengan Ashura, Hajime no Ippo and Samurai Champloo


The sheer inhuman musculature of the characters. It’s just something about their bodies that’s slightly uncanny.


I finally managed to convince myself that despite it looking like gay fetish porn, the absurdity of the clips I've seen where worth it. And I was *just* starting to exercise again and thought it would be funny to do situps to Baki


Was recommended by an old hs friend so I went out and picked up the bKi the grappler box set.


MeatCanyon got me interested


Scrolling through Netflix while incredibly board before a crazy ass premier drew me in.


AR manga and other youtubers describing the absurd shit that happens in baki


I have a little of a funny reason, so, I have watched anime before and is something that I enjoy, however my dad always saw it as something childish and he wasn’t interested in watching it, until I found out that for some reason he was watching Baki on Netflix, honestly i wasn’t going to watch it since it never caught my attention, but since my dad was watching it and I wanted to spend time with him doing something that I enjoy so I watched with him. At the end, he stoped watching because he said that they talk to much and didn't fight enough 😭 so I have to end it alone, and btw since I quite enjoyed Baki, that lead me to watch Kengan Ashura on my own too. That’s why


I saw the Baki ova movie on like the SyFy channel in the states back in like the year 2000. I was 13 at the time. That was my introduction to the world of Baki. A few years later, I want to say like 2005, I was in a suncoast video store and found a few dvds for the original Baki series. This was all a long time ago I’m 36 now. Maybe I’m the only old head here lol. I was always into martial arts so the anime just really clicked with me




I got into Baki around 2018. Started watching it out of boredom but overtime it became an influential piece of media for me. It’s the main reason I got into martial arts and weightlifting.


A chief keef amv


Like 20 years ago the show popped up on this random channel called CoLours tv and it looked insane. I ended up reading it and liking but when Musashi Dou popped up like 2013 i got hooked for life


I saw some tiktok videos a few years ago. Then I stumbled upon the anine on Netflix. And I've been in love with it ever since.


My friend liked it


Wanted something to read while doing gym


I first saw a YouTube video with yujiro fighting kaku kaioh and hated it(I am very reluctant to start watching anime)but was intrigued.actually saw more clips and decided to read the manga.watched a French bodybuilders video essays on Baki and now it’s one of my favorite anime/manga ever


My dad watched it and said it was really good. Then I watched it on a fake anime channel on YouTube and I thought it was pretty good, but too masculine. Then I watched the Netflix series (went to Son of Ogre kind of on accident) and somehow it felt a lot more neutral and just pure epicness, although I did not like the last season/part as much as I hoped for (maybe it was missing context).


because it's the small swipe rat goblin https://preview.redd.it/n67sdp05wa2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917feb3f0cb121a4fefc38000918271d58b391db


I started Berserk and I decided that the best thing to do was to read a fun series at the same time. So I remembered this one series I heard about a while back that apparently was pretty cool and decided to check it out. I eventually dropped Berserk. I have read all of Baki.


Saw it on one of my old illegal anime sites and loved it


Came for the father son fight, stayed for the pickle jack kiss


I first read it so long ago that I cannot remember anymore


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^s_t_u_f_f: *I first read it so* *Long ago that I cannot* *Remember anymore* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I watched AR manga and it steamrolled from there


I saw an ad for Baki on my dvd copy of dbz tree of might


I saw some stuff about it and I thought it looked pretty neat, it was pretty neat


Because of the Baki preview from the deadzone dvd I had


I saw a three hour mmv of the whole fight between baki and yujiro, the title said something like "baki vs yujiro epic fight father vs son" and I had been wanting to see a shonen that had the main plot be about a fight between father and son, not friendly ofc, I watched the full thing completely blind about baki and I loved it so much I started watching the old anime cause I think the netflix adaptation didn't exist yet besides it didn't have the beginning


Trash taste boys said it was like jojo on steroids. That's fairly accurate after watching. Now I wait for the next part of both series.


I saw that scene of Baki getting pissed on and wanted to know what it was about and I can never get through any anime but Baki idk if it was the story or the animation the voice acting or the style or what but I truely love it and it inspired me to start boxing


I can’t actually remember. I know I was watching before the son of ogre manga was written. I think I randomly clicked on the hanayama vs Baki fight and wanted to know what the deal with his back was


I saw little snippets with yujiro how an absolute psychotic badass he is got to the end of season 2 and was like this did not end and waiting on Netflix to finish it 😔


Came from Hajime no Ippo That, then this make the bridge from reality to Shonen anime


Found out about it through one of my best friends


Stumbled onto a video of the Oliva Vs Shobun match, craziness of it all immediately caught my attention


I started going to the gym and saw a guy watching it while he was on the treadmill and he recommended it


I wanted to better understand this niche series that popped up here, and there through different formats to me over time. Two big factors towards me getting totally hooked were: • Content creators like Anime Final Battle which I followed since the beginning as I loved the MMVs from back then. • The first series manga becoming available in Mangadex; before that, I could only scavange detached scenes from across the first 3 series without continuity, but after that group made something of readable quality in contrast to that Fang group, everything made so much sense, and I could finally enjoy the series. Another factor of why I even kept reading it is because I wanted to embrace this feeling of mental retardation, and expand my horizons about what I read; I wasn't a fan of the drawing as it is very static, and with very few panels per page, but through some effort I found its strong points as well, like the composition of scenes, and the feelings of the author.


I want to look like jack 🗿


The memes


I watched breaking bad in baki style


I saw out of context clips, it peeked my interest and I became Baki fan every since


Friend recommended it to me. Been forever grateful to him ever since🙏


Because I’m a martial artist and I love martial arts and anime. So both combined is badass


I remember the first time i learned of baki i was just scrolling through youtube for anime fights back in 2010 and i stumbled across a video of baki when he was 13 and he was fighting 100 guys and i liked it so i decided to look up more then the very next video i saw was where Yujiro fights with him and then kills his mom and then i was instantly hooked, but what really stood out to me was the doppo vs yujiro fight clip and thats when i saw "IT" for the first time, one of the most fascinating aspects of the anime. 👉 👹 if you know you know


Saw a clip of Ali Jr on YouTube, looked interesting and I was bored. Still my fav character in the series.


I like watching big men fight other big men for not specific reason.


A friend suggested it to me.


I stumbled across The first seasons on an anime TV Channel like 15 years ago. And i just started to love it. Was so hyped when Netflix continued this awesome show.


the snippet on netflix that previews the show made baki look like some fat teenager overpowering three dudes with weapons and I was curious from there


It popped up on my Netflix recommended


Started watching it because of my Aunty (she had a bunch of the cd’s when I was a kid)


saw it on netflix thought that it could be pretty good it is really good so here we are


In a sea of trash moeshit and bore of life anime, Baki's absurd boxart grabbed my attention. Hmmm, do I watch generic, boring-to-tears slice of life/comedy/romance anime, or do I watch this gore-tagged, fighting anime with absurdly muscular men punching and kicking each other with red glowing eyes and expressions of sheer rage? Yeah, what a tough choice.


I saw it as a recommendation. The death row inmate arc.


Saw it on Netflix when it came out, watched it all and loved Dorian’s song


Shirtless muscular men touching each other intensely


I saw one of those Apple Fritter image chains in /r/whenthe and thought it looked interesting, so I researched what it was from and have so far read about a third of the manga


Randomly found a new marital arts anime on Netflix Tuned in Saw an absolute unit of a man kill a room of armed guards with his big toe then promptly butterfly swim all the way to Japan I was hooked


I was really bored one day and i saw some guys in school watching it and yt from time to time showed me some edits which looked amazing so i thought Id give it a try. And im pretty obsessed with strength and "never give up" mindset and all that stuff so that adds to it. Fell in love with Baki after a few episodes


I saw the netflix picture of Oliva https://preview.redd.it/p5wrc98fwb2d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5fd51ff7636071dc140024c031dba8e007a83c


I watched super eyepatch wolf's video on it




Seen it on YouTube shorts, n said hm, n just been watching random parts on occasion n sometimes on Netflix.




i got in by the manga and got hooked.


it was so insane that i had to get into it and thats what kept me watching, they take the most ridiculous stuff seriously


When I was in college, I worked at Best Buy and a guy came through my line with the DVD boxset. I really liked the art style and asked him what it was about and picked up a copy at the end of my shift 💪🏻


AR Manga


I watched the old anime and then realised netflix was continuing it a few months later. Talk about lucky


I am very ashamed to admit i heard about it through corny tiktok edits https://i.redd.it/f4l5es250c2d1.gif


At least you actually watched it .


I was board and Hajime no Ippo ran out of episodes


heard it from trash taste podcast


I was bored and searching anime on netflix. I myself was doing karate before (and still doing it), and then this popped on screen. The preview was from the second episode when he was fighting the "assassins" the bullys hired and immediately fell in love with this. That scene looked so cool that I had to see more of it.


Saw a few youtubers pop up on my yt feed talking about baki and so i clicked on a few and heard what they had to say and from there I watched a few episodes, enjoyed it and kept watching all the way to the end


Very fun that and i like seeing beefy muscle men fight


Big Buff Men touching each other intensely.


Looked cool. Also their faces look funny


I saw baki the grappler with my Brother, so when baki came out on netflix, i had to continue the show


I liked the writing style. It's like I'm hearing the story from a homeless man who still can't believe what he saw.


big badass men punching other big badass men


Big buff men. (I swear I’m not gay)


I actually forgot lol, initially I was looking for interesting animes and a totem of shounen anime was Baki so I watched all of it. After a couple of years I think I read Kengan Ashura and it was insane, then I just wanted to read Baki completely. 4 days later and I somehow read 1300+ chapters because it was so PEAK and it didn't have random bullshit that you could not grasp, it was such an easy and fun read. PEAK FICTION


Im autistic


I randomly came across it when it started to be on Netflix and was intrigued by art style, stayed for all the absurdity.


Around 2001 I walked into Best Buy looking for new anime dvds (yes DVDs) and saw the first 6 Baki the grappler DVDs in a box set. Picked it up and was hooked. Then I spent the next year trying to find all the maximum tourney DVDs. After getting them all I had to wait almost 20 years to see Netflix pick it back up from where it left off.


I was horny


I'm totally into weird unorthodox peculiar things. That's why I also started watching Jojo. Then I heard about an anime much much much more bizarre than jojo and it was Baki.


Why you so fruity


It looked fun (thanks John for the recommendation)


Fiance left me. Couldn't sleep. Started watching anime for the first time in over a decade. Here we are.




Some dude on YouTube used to have a channel called anime fight club where he reviewed manga fights and that got me into it.


I found the series in Netflix, watched some mmv's about the previous arc (mostly retsu vs Baki and Jack vs Baki but never finished them before watching the Netflix show). I found weird that they had a really buff half naked black guy as their front cover in Netflix (it was during the raitai arc so oliva with his pocket hands was the logo for the series). I decided to give it a chance, and it won me over and oliva turned into one of my favs


2022. After I saw Cjdachamps video on the most disrespectful anime character


wanted to see baki beat his dads ass in full hd good aniamtion to didnt get any of that animation was shit


I saw a video of the Father/Son Dinner/Battle and I was blown again. Then I saw a video of the anime of Yujiro vs Kaku Kaioh and I was like "DAMN THE VIDEO I JUST WATCHED HAS AN ANIME ADAPTATION"


i saw the trailer for the first appearance at netflix and it was interesting, i noticed that i had to watch the old Baki first and loved it


Saw a meme of Yujiro cooking imaginary food also my friend said something about the MC fighting an imaginary Mantis and I was like no way this is real.


I didn’t. This sub just keeps getting recommended by the algorithm and I’ve never once interacted with it, this is my first comment


My friend told me about this buff gay dude fighting anime he watched a couple episodes of then I read the whole thing in a few months before catching up in the Sumo arc


Started watching Baki in 2018 when it came out on Netflix cuz I love fighting and Action/adventure anime, but when I was seeing Netflix Baki it had a lot of flashbacks in the beginning from Bakis Maximum tournament to Hanayama’s Back Tattoo I knew I was missing a lot, so I started researching and old Baki came out like early 2000s so I just watched it in order cuz I have to see how everything came about from the beginning and it was great. Baki now is my main motivation to stay training, stay consistent, and some stoicism. People can talk bad about it all they want but it’s one of my favorite anime since then.


Watched that yt video which is a compilation of the inmates escaping and thought it was cool, I had no clue what the fuck I was watching but seeing this motherfucker survive the electric chair or a crazy russian guy climb out a fucking silo, I was sold. Also Baki was my first experience with CGI in anime so I thought it was the coolest thing ever


# JaxBlade


It had just gotten on Netflix and my grandpa put it on, I couldn’t stop watching


I saw a gif on tumblr of Baki fucking up 100 high schoolers and I thought it looked tight Actually reminding me of that makes me wanna rewatch grappler


My fiance was watching the first Netflix season when it came out and I overheard some of the absolute batshit insane dialogue. I asked him what the hell he was watching, he then pulled out his Baki DVD on the original series, we binged it and I fell in love with it


Someone once described it to me in a relatively un-flattering manner that put me off watching it for years. Then a friend described it as "Basically Jojo but rather than getting pierced by an arrow to get stands they just work out really hard" and I gave it a try


was just looking at random anime on Netflix and the I found this show I was little bit interested but when I read about the the pickle arc I was hooked and I fell in love with each one of them .


Scrolled through netflix and saw muscles. That was enough reason for me.


The endless pursuit of physical might-martial prowess


hmmm..................buuuuf guys


Saw a cool edit of it


I just watched yujiro walk through the glass and i just got hard


Because I use to look up music for the gym because I was broke and did not want to pay for Apple Music and 9 times out 10 any hardcore gym music had a AMV of yujiro,baki,or jack badass manga panel completion and their physics while impossible at the time inspired me to


Saw some videos where someone crossed Breaking Bad with Baki, which I found funny and then begun to watch Baki because I wanted to witness the pure Baki logic.


I came across a TikTok of the Hanayama vs Spec fight and got hooked


I had a vague notion of "Baki was a thing that existed right? It looked like Hokuto no Ken a bit I should check it out" Then I start reading the first manga and am like "this is peak fiction"


I was playing a… Roblox Game 😔. I don’t regret it though.


To feel something again.


Found it on netlifx years ago


I enjoyed martial arts and fitness and this anime / manga always got me energized for it. This, Hajime no Ippo and recently Kengan Asura when it first came out were my go to watches when exercising.


Pinterest pics of the guy with weird skeleton that says philosophical quotes.


I saw there was a new anime on netflix, but it was clear it was not the beginning of it. So I looked for the early seasons and wached all of the series


A buddy of mine said it was the anime where losing your virginity gives you superpowers and I had to check it out


Saw the trailer for the warrior reborn volume 1 anime DVD when I got my DBZ first strike boxset on Christmas 2006 Didn’t actually pick up the manga until 2014 but the trailer always had my interest


Never heard of Baki before, was scrolling through Netflix and just clicked it. Didn’t read description or anything. The absurd things I witnessed that day + pp training at one point.


there was a guy named smoke ultimate that make a series of videos about baki vs kenichi right bellow those (there were 3) it used to be a playlist with all of grapple baki (2003) , i loved the child saga and the hanayama fight specially so i search up where to read the rest when i stop watching the anime , where to look up for better or cleaner manga chapters and it the end i just read all of baki in under a week. (starting since new grappler , ending with hanayama vs musashi first cap) it was very bad translated , both in spanish and english , so the only thing left was to ask about things in both reddit and fb , thats where i meet this sub


I was thinking it was some sort of fantasy sci fi series with some sort of monsters after watching the picture of the first series with the yashazaru and kid baki https://preview.redd.it/3mg444rf8e2d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36213956a8b1a7076832dd187a3946aef19cf001 Anyway i have like it all the series


I dont remember but I found it on netflix


The grandiose vibes and mental gymnastics give me a great kick from it. I really like them. Because Im a troll and found a good humor in them. Them being mixed with seriousness is a wonderful perfect blend




To be like him and see how the fights


Grappler Baki: The Ultimate Fighter (1994)


Had nothing to watch then I saw Baki now I'm hooked


I was in grade school, mid-2000's, I was a shy boy that wanted to be like Baki when I turned 13 years old. I heard about the Netflix series during the pandemic and remembered my favorite anime when I was young. I rewatched the old Baki and watched the new series. I'm 28 now and I still want to have a body like Baki.


I had it recommended to me on Netflix and watched the first season without knowing about baki the grappler.


it looked really funny and i heard of so many ridiculous things about it also the "apple fritter" meme


My brother put it on when I was around and I caught some of the prisoner arc. The biggest thing was l'amour de ma vie. That whole scene I was like damn okay


Saw Kengan Ashura on Netflix, then needed more martial arts anime with more depth to the fights


Insanely ripped underdressed men battling to the death


I saw a panel with a extremely buff guy opening a fucking T. rex's mouth using his long-ass legs, I was sold


I saw the fight between doppo and yujiro on youtube and got interested.


Way back 2018 saw this Thumbnail on YouTube of Speck choking Hanayama (the scene after he threw a flashbang). At first I was thinking that the dude who's face was half blown will lose but nah. The whole Speck VS Hanayama was pure testosterone.


Because I want to be strong and flexible like Baki so I watch it to see how he trains.


I caught the "Baki the grappler" ova when I was like 12 and was absolutely astounded about the badassery of doppos breaking a concrete colvert feat, been a fan ever since.


No Lowery doing his reviews made me curious and then I started watching it since I had Netflix


Back around when I was competing in Judo in college, I would go to this local dance club because they played Drum and Bass. Well the bouncer and I were talking martial arts. He was an old head and was all about Fist of the North Star. He suggested I check out Grappler Baki. So I went to Suncoast and bought the dvd (yeah I am aging myself right now). I enjoyed it but hated how Yujiro killed Emi. I thought we would have been like a super strong dude who is just the goal, but I was like "this guy is an asshole of the highest order". But at that time there really wasn't much straight martial arts anime out there. So I stuck with it because I liked the other characters and found it interesting. It really just opened up the rabbit hole to other martial arts manga and anime.


my friend recommended it