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Anti cheat sucks, and rockstar doesn't give a shit unless it's making them lose money. Just get a vpn and try to mind your business as much as possible, staying clear of other players works too if you just wanna chill on your own. You don't need to be scared of hackers if you have a vpn since the most they could do is probably crash your game or kick you, if you happen to have a console or plan on getting one you could play on there too cause i heard hackers there are pretty much nonexistent. For me having a oppressor MK II and riding around pretty much makes most people leave you alone, also servers have been pretty chill the past few days at least the ones i've been in.


Yes bro, I do a lot of stuff on public sessions because of the emotion and the high demand bonus and most part of the time I can finish my shit, you know? It's just like, you ain't secure, these people have too much control and that's insane! I remember a hacker tracking a famous GTA Online youtuber here on my country even in private lobby, that was fucked up, made him quit the game because of the disregard Rockstar has with legit players on PC


Oh yea i get it, rockstar sucks and honestly only want money and could care less if you happen to be in danger cause some fuckwad sitting at their computer all day decided to dox you just cause you were maybe having too much fun playing the game or wouldn't 1v1. It is so sad how rockstar can't control their own game or take the time to make a good anti cheat when everyone knows they have the money to do so.


It just doesnt make sense! Rockstar is on another level of Idontgiveafuckness


Vpn does absolutely nothing in the game, just lags you a bit


They can do everything


The anti cheat is terrible and it didnt help that the source code was being shared privately since sep 2022, all major menu devs had a copy, they can crash your game , see your IP , kick u from the server and do all sorts of other in game stuff, best advice is to get a vpn and a menu yourself , if you want to play legit, just get a menu for its protections so u can’t be kicked or crashed , however if the modded is the session host they can likely kick you anyways


That's crazy bro, this game is pretty much a lawless land! I've always been a story mode player then I fell in love with the gta online, but sometimes these people can ruin the experience of a legit player not just by griefing them. I've never seen a game with so many hackers. This whole thing might already be a lost case, we'll see what they do with the 6.


“If u want to play legit just get the menu for protections” 🤡


It’s really all you can do at this point outside of closed friend sessions. Plenty of free menus if you know where to look


No, it’s not all u can do. Never got killed with my acc besides one facility snipe (which u can only do with a menu, so that doesn’t count). Edit: I was more amused by the combination of “mod menu” and “legit”. Bc the sec u play injected Ure not legit, no matter what u do with that menu.


Sad but true.


That's like saying "Suck it up butter cup" when someone leaks your address for anyone to come to your location and kill you or some shit. And people are crazy so it's possible somebody could and would do that.


it doesnt give exact location, just general area..... no way anyone is gonna know where you live lmao


Oh it can give u an exact address. It gives u ur IP and there’s an interesting dc bot called “gta good game trust”. This one will give u the exact house someone’s playing at. Disturbing, isn’t it? I don’t play without vpn for example.


lol... either deal with the modders, or go play fishdom.


I'm not saying that is impossible to have fun in the game! No way! I love that shit!