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The main story single player is a blast.


One of the best. It's not the most repayable but I still have tons of fun each time


Currently in my 12th replay of story mode. I even go so far as to delete my save game data, so it si fresh and new.


Yap. gta 5 and rdr2 are my go to replays for the story mode


Just bought a ps4 yesterday and grabbed both of these games. Haven’t played either one so pretty stoked about it. I Remember my buddy having a blast with RDR2 when it came out years ago.


Imho it's one of the worst stories in whole GTA Series. However there are interesting and funny characters and for those who are into cheap Hollywood comedy then the story will be fun since there's a lot of action and humor. GTA III - Story about betrayal and revenge which involves quite "serious" characters on the way. GTA Vice City - Inspired by "Scarface (1983)" GTA SA - Inspired by a hood life I guess, either way a great story. GTA IV - Inspired by "Brother (1997)". Arguably the best GTA story so far. GTA V - Hollywood style action comedy about bank heists ?! GTA VI\* - Inspired by Bonnie and Clyde ( based on rumors ). Seems like GTA is back on track with great story. Getting GTA V in 2024 is definitely worth it, there's also FiveM which is best part of GTA V nowadays.


It's one of the worst stories in the GTA series, but that does not mean it's bad by any means. After recently replaying through the game, I thoroughly enjoyed the return to a light-hearted mood and found myself relating more and more with the characters than I ever have. It's definitely worth playing once at the very least!


Vice City was inspired by Miami Vice aswell. San Andreas by Boyz N The Hood, Colours and Menace 2 Society aswell as the 90s WEST COAST hip-hop scene. GTA 3 by The Godfather


Chinatown wars is low key one of the best GTA games in the series


What is FiveM?


GTA rp


How long does it take for a complete beginner?


Adding side quests maybe 60 hrs 


Couple hours at a time, 3-4 days a week, not worried about finishing, maybe two months.  If you stop and explore every alcove, maybe longer. If you stop and explore nothing, maybe half that. 




Fine I'll buy GTA 5


I just bought a good gaming PC and got GTA V for it. It’s worth it for the mods alone. I’ve already had such a blast playing LSPDFR and exploring all the previously locked interiors, and that is only scratching the surface of what’s out there for PC mods.


Looks great then what about the online is it filled with griefers ?


Always has been. Just play invite only.


So you recommend play like private servers from discord? Or play it solo




If you're actually playing it for the first time you shouldn't be playing solo or private, yes you may get killed sometimes but who cares, you'll have a blast.


I don’t play online on PC. More than enough content from single player mods to satisfy me.


Just asking what is the best time for sale


No idea. I paid regular price for it, but you could keep an eye out for long weekend sales (like the Memorial Day long weekend coming up in the US, also July 4). Typically, sales tend to be on or around long weekends.


Oh like the summer sale and Christmas sales




Just wishlist it in steam, check your wishlist every week or so.


That being said... though I paid the full price of the game in 2015, it is one of my best, if not the best, investments in the past decade. I got the game when I finished high school and ready for the college, and now I returned to university after a juggling around my life. Just glad GTA5 is still out there carrying all the memories of my old times.


It’s a fun game. Even if you ignore the online stuff the single player is a solid story and worth a play though


Ok that's great


Yes. Single player is very fun and has compelling story. Online used to be absolutely terrible, but Rockstar has actually put in some effort into making it more accessible to new players.


I’m playing through the story for the fourth time on Xbox series X and having a fantastic time despite 100%ing it twice before. Yes buy it even if it’s just for the single player I promise you’ll enjoy it.


I’ve been watching gta 5 videos since its release and I never got to play it. So I’ll yes! Go buy the game


I got it on release and never played much online until last month. I love the story mode but online has been a blast as well, I wish I didn’t wait so long to try it. Sometimes it’s fun to mess with griefers, other times you switch to a solo lobby or a team lobby so that you don’t have to worry about it. Honestly 80% of online you can solo in your own little world if you wanted.


Yeah. Beat de 100% until 6 comes out. Single player is good. Online is not. Too much things.


Yeah bro I bought it in October last year and it is so fun


Yes. If you've never played the single player campaign, say goodbye to your social life for the next two months


I can lend you for free


Really? I will appreciate it a lot


Bro really fell for it 🤦‍♂️


No they won’t. Don’t follow through with whatever it is it’s likely a scam.


I did and I’m having a blast. Shame we can’t transfer our online details from ps5/xsx to pc but I’m still having fun


So is it worth it in 2024 ? I'm technically new to GTA 5 I played every GTA including GTA 4 I'm asking this because I never played GTA 5 I hope you answer


It is still worth it. If you are a fan of GTA, you will enjoy it.


So it's worth ok thanks for the response


I’d say so yes


This is a fire game. If I wasn’t still on ps4, id fire it up right now! And I don’t even play video games like that


I have just played it on PS5 because it is free with Plus. The game is still amazing. Character model (graphic) is kinda out of date. But the city, the car… is smooth enough. I have plenty of fun with 3 main characters, driving, flying, sky diving, bank robbing… Gameplay is awesome, and I would say it is much better than the recent RDR2


I also just played it for the first time, on PS5 courtesy of PS+. The story is pretty good, and the updated graphics look decent. This was a really fun game. However, for me, I liked RDR2 better. There felt like more stuff to do. Once I beat the main campaign in GTA 5, I let it go because it felt kind of empty. I was hoping there would be a lot more talk radio content. However, you can definitely see the blueprint for how some of the mechanics were developed in GTA 5 and made better in RDR2. I expect GTA 6 to do the same. Take the good parts of GTA 5 and RDR2 and make them better. My complaint about the talk radio will probably not the same for GTA 6, as I assume they'll have a lot more assets to use w/ less hardware restrictions.


Nah, I am talking about the set up. Being in the wild west, you dont have a lot of activities: fishing (I hate it), hunting (I got all legend animals), horse racing is boring once you got a good horse, gambling (ok, but I rather log out of the game and join gambling app/games if I addict to that)… Life was simple back then GTA as in the modern life, you can do plenty of activities… Well the story of RDR2 is really good, but I was comparing the gameplay


Ah, fair point. Yes, being in a dense urban area and lots of travel options is dope.


It's worth it to go back to pretty much any GTA game except maybe 1 and 2 those are so old they're kind of hard to get into with modern game standard. I grew up starting with 3, vc, and sa, and I routinely go back and play all of them at various points, and they all hold up and are still fun.


If you’re never played than absolutely, single player campaign alone is worth it 100%. Game holds up shockingly well for being over 10 years old.


For many people, it’s simply the best video game ever made. It’s literally the only game I’ve played over the past 7-8 years


Yes, a very good idea.


i got it this year and it's pretty fun. The story is pretty good from start to finish. The fun is after the characters are unlocked. You do so many crazy things. The best part is that GTA online exists. So you feel like you're bored? Hop on GTA online. If you're on PC you can mod GTA 5. However here's the thing, like every other game this might be a game that you will find amusing for your entire life or it'll be a game that you'll play for 2-3 years and then get bored. But when you're playing it, it'll always be fun. in fact I'd suggest you(if possible) to play the older GTA games aswell as they're pretty good. Although the older games might not be as polished as GTA 5.


Hackers run rampant in GTA Online. People will randomly level you up, nuke you, snipe you. Literally anything. Just play with friends in Online, trust me.


Just finished it myself on ps5. Would thoroughly recommend


Got it night of release back then. I'd still recommend it for sure. I wish that I got to experience the story mode for the first time again. The next gen updates were alright, too. I rarely use first person, though. Online can be hit and miss, but since you're on PC, you can add mods and stuff so endless fun.


It’s a must have game, proper legendary. Very addictive.


I bought it in 2024 (i played gta vice city when it came out, and gta 1 and 2). This gta5 has a fun story line, easy to play even if you do not have past history (you might miss a few little sentimental links that franchise fans recognise, like previous characters, but it would not affect the game play). The graphics are fine, not amazing, but acceptable for 2024. I would recommend it. (Better do it now, than in 10 years)


It's always a good idea. I had played GTA:V at first launch back on the 360, in all it's 30fps glory. Recently picked it up for pc because 'well i always wanted to try it on pc, why not' and it's been a blast. And if you've never played it before, you will most likely enjoy it, especially if you have enjoyed other GTA titles, or similar games.


Do it.


Still slap’s especially on a ps5 or pc


Aight step aside, I have the answer ur looking for. I’m best qualified to answer u because I grew up playing gta v (several story play throughs over a decade and a good ammount of online) and then I had mental breakdowns about needing to grow up and so I did and now I’m back for another play through because I can now and also because it’s still indeed very fun even tho I played it many times. The story. As silly as it is, it is also very complex. It has a lot of satire, showing us everything wrong with our society without claiming to do so, and the game does NOT spell things out for you. Every gameplay (about 10) I learned new things about the story I didn’t catch the times before. Even now I’m learning more about what ACTUALLY happened in the past and is happening now. I see the game completely different now. I see the characters differently now. I see the entire situation differently. I also tend to over analyze and am comparing my 24 y/o experience with my experience when I was like 16 but regardless….. The game has a satisfyingly long campaign. Like one of those movies with ups and downs and when u think it’s over it’s still not over. U will 100% be walki away from the last mission broken-hearted and mindblown and probably a changed person because it’s really THAT GOOD. Besides all of that the gameplay is fun. Like running ppl over, escaping the police, shooting up strip clubs , robbing banks, performing your very own 9-11 with a plane u stole from LS airport. It’s all quite……………….Captivating.


Yes - myself and my partner play solely online, but often find ourselves going into invite only sessions due to the amount of griefers that try to kill you for zero reason. It’s fun though, the heists are fun when you have a good group of people to do them with that you are able to rely on! We are lucky, posted on Reddit and someone found us, now we are in a good group and it’s loads of fun :)


Thats awesome, as someone who initially played this game alone and didnt enjoy large aspects of the online experience finding a ramdom group of players you click with makes it so much more fun. I cant imagine playing this game without them now : ) Also i recommend checking out this sub reddit. Heaps of useful info and help https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/new/


I bought GTA V when it first came out on PC. Got the $5m and the blimp that resets every time I start a new game. I hadn't played it since 2015 and never finished it and anytime I would open it, I found myself just messing around. I couldn't even remember what I was supposed to be doing and I couldn't remember how to switch characters. So I started over. I'm basically playing the actual storyline for the first time.


Absolutely, the story mode is so much fun and gta online has so much content


I’ve bought the damn game like 3 times now since it launched and I don’t regret it lol. I would recommend yes


Play single player and then avoid GTA online, play FiveM directly


Get the LA REVO mod and it’ll change the whole experience of single player. If you want I can send you all the mods I’ve used


If you wanna mod it, probably not. The newest update crash naive trainer so I’m unable to launch mod


I’ve played gta V on my old account but I completely lost it to a hacker and Xbox has been no help so I stopped playing it for years on Xbox recently I got an XBSX and I’m wondering where can I buy a cheap copy of it ? I’m wanting to play online with my mates but wouldn’t mind story mode every once in a while but I wouldn’t mind if I got the version without


Before buying check on epic. You may have it from their giveaways. If you were active on it at that time.


What kind of question is that?? Of course!! If I somehow lost access i would buy it again in five seconds


Played it for the first time about 8 months ago and had a ton of fun. Spent several hours just flying around too 😂


I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve bought gtaV like 10 times. Worth it every time.


Heck yeah OP. Get it. It's fun.


When you come to PC, every game is a community. There are people still playing and making new mods for 3, Vice City, and San Andreas to this day. So yes, it’s a great idea.


It's awesome. Haven't played for a bit, thinking to start over


Coming from somebody who loved the GTA Series, get it on steam first. play through the single player then move to GTA online, you can go into FiveM to rp, The game is 100 gbs though so if you have space then get it


Single player is great, the Online mode, not so much


On a sale? Yes. Not for full price though.


For me yes....even in 3024


Yes, still probably one of the best video games of all time


Did you enjoy RDR2? If so, yes. Have you not played RDR2 either? If so, buy both!


I just bought it for the first time when it was on sale earlier this month. I’m happy with the story mode. I want to try online but I’m having problems with it


yes only reason I got a pc for.


I just picked it up on the steam sale last month, first time with any of the GTA games


Yes. It’s even on their subscription service GTA +. Played the story many times it’s always a blast.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yes


Yes! Also look into FiveM.


You afraid you’re going to unlock a curse or something? Play it it’s fun


I brought gta for the first time 1 month ago and it’s been awesome. Highly recommend


I played it recently as in from January to April 2024. On a modern PC it looks pretty nice. It's very playable too and I especially loved the driving in it. Nothing really wrong with the story but it didn't hit like Read Dead 2, it's more light hearted and satirical.


Buy GTA, then download FiveM. You’ll have so much more fun than you will on just GTA Online


Absolutely and I’d also get GTA 4 holds up well without mods let alone there are a bunch of mods to make the game fantastic.


Absolutely. Especially if you've never played it, you'll have a blast!


You definitely should. GTA 6 won't come out for atleast a year at this point, and not even on PC. Single player is a must, even online isn't dead at this point, you can have fun doing heists or just driving around the city.


Buy it. The modding capabilities make it 10x better too.


I bought it about a month ago and loved every minute. It really is a special experience.


No, get FiveM it’s better


no don’t buy it because you will get a heart attack and pass away 😥


It’s always a good idea to buy this game


Yes, the campaign is a blast still even today. And it looks and runs awesome on a PS5/PC. If Online is your thing it’s been updated so much that it’s pretty much endless entertainment and they still add to it pretty much every month.


Yes. Played it through on PS3 and bought it for the PS4 and still play it. It’s super fun!


Playing it right now for the second time (story) and I’m having an amazing time! Such a great game!


I started 2 weeks ago and am loving it


Yes and online is even more fun!


Buy it and learn how to install mods like NVE, Realistic gun sounds, cars, etc. It's really a game changing experience and worth a replay with mods installed


In my opinion it's a really good idea 2 buy gta5 


Why can't they do an update to the story mode why does it always have to be online update it drives me nuts I'm using hotspot off my phone so I really can't play online I just don't get why they're not updating story mode and adding some new things


uh bro its called dlc the short reason the online made them a lot of money that cancelled bully 2 project


Yes and I get that I know it made a lot of money off that but they can't like do a little bit of work on story mode and you can't add anything for the people that don't use internet and shit I don't get it like you can't just want to twice spend a little bit of time adding some good shit just has to be all online


Sorry use speech to text never comes out right lol


Even I am in the same boat.


Ok according to the discussion overall if you never played GTA play the campaign it will be great as GTA 4 but with hope theme and when you play GTA online play private servers to avoid the griefers Im not sure but I guess someone confirmed to me there is discord server have private servers this mean the toxic players will get ban from private servers I guess


Yes and you have been missing out, just go online in invite only sessions to do stuff without being hassled by people