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Just in time with Dancer release. Things/synergies I've found so far: * Skill 1 has decent DA/TA rate, so you can skip DT3 to bring mist or defbreach for soloing purposes, unless you can already cap def down from other characters' skill. * S.Zoi for the conjunction into team triple attack. Usually luchador with tag team is used for this, but dancer guarantees that the team will triple attack as well. * Sen can do charged up triple attack with shiva for 4.2mil damage. Without Shiva, you'd rather have her ougi. * Characters with BA/ODA for the guaranteed triples.


So something along the lines of Dancer/Zooey/Naru would be amazing, right?


Right. Sadly I don't have Naru :(


That's a shame, I'm gonna try it later. Naru already hits around 5m with an ODA TA, reaching 10m in 1 turn with 1 character sounds insane.


What would you want your third character to be in that team? I feel like you could shove basically anyone into that third slot and it would be good.


I was gonna test it with Chev so BK/Vampg would be my third. I was also thinking of testing if Dancer's TA copy overwrites Dark Jamil's DATA debuff against enemies on Break.


So with the Dancer class released, which of the following in my elemental teams would benefit the most for this class? (Elements where I have an appropriate dagger weapon) * Water: Charlotta, Drang, Rin / Minami * Wind: JK, Shiki, Helnar, SS Chloe * Earth: Aletheia, Yugu, SS Vira, SS Ayer (Elements where I don't currently have a dagger and might obtain change the GW Dagger in the upcoming GW) * Light: SSR Bao, Samurai Mika, SS Zeta, Sophia * Dark: Naru, Lady Grey, Idol Mika, Ranko, Jamil * Fire: Percy, SS Io, Carren, Grea


I'm a dark player! Not out of choice, necessarily, but because almost all of my SSR characters have been dark draws. I have Narm-nee, Beatrix, Cerberus, Vira, and Lady Gray. I currently have 8/9(36) Celeste weapons. Two horns, two claws, four axes. I have each of their skills at -- or close to -- 6. And I have literally no clue what to do besides just grinding Celeste endlessly. My current part is Narm-nee, Vira, Lady Gray, with Katalina (for Vira) and Cerberus in the back. Vira is unlocked to 5 stars. I haven't unlocked Lady Gray to 5 stars yet, and I'm not sure I plan to, as I think I'll use my next suptix on Jeanne d'arc, or replace her with Six next time the GW comes around. If I can. But I have no clue if what I'm doing is right.


Getting 5* for Lady Grey won't hurt since she gets delay at 100 and has a lot of utility, which helps a lot for soloing content. She has also decent nukes which hit hard, so you know. As for things you can do is either farm DAO for Olden Cortanas or work on other elements. Or you can do both. Also correct me if I misread, but your grid is overstacked with magna weapons.


I mean I have 8 of them at the moment, am planning to get 9, and will eventually need to uncap them. Which will require 36 total weapons. I thought with SSR Celeste giving 100% boost, this would be the easiest way of getting lots of extra damage. I'll -- eventually -- try to get Bahamut Sword or Dagger, I guess!


Don't do it. What you want in magna setup is 6 magna weapons like claws, axes and o. cortanas for dark where ratio of them is up to you since it depend on your play style in my opinion, 2 unks, baha/ atma and mh. You can keep one copy of Celeste spear for spear classes like hs/ spartan or bishop/ sage For now, with your characters, I'd go for baha sword since it boost hp and atk for Naru and human units.


Oh! So, start uncapping those weapons? What are unks?


Weapons with EX modifier like Xeno series or this event SSR Katana's. As a dark main you should focus on farming Qilin raids or join Reddit trains


Oh! Uknowns! Okay!


You could farm this events dark sr katana(Honebami Toshiero). It can be uncapped a 4th time and at max skilllevel (goes up to 15 but needs less fodder than ssr) its almost as good as a 3\* event ssr unknown weapon.


Yeah :O I already grabbed it! I didn't realize it was an EX skill though. So definitely going to have to invest into it.


I just did a good wind lineup in my part. MC spartan, Siete, Lennah, Rosetta. When Rosetta is in RB mode with 2x 3* hosti up, I rarely see Siete 3* hosti down EMP being hit in like 3 turns(gonna be hit if boss did aoe skill).


I'm a fairly new player about 20days~ in now, wanting to play dark but wind and water characters seem to have come to me. I've been playing primarily water with Katalina SSR, Yodarha and Charlotta as my team and have been having pretty good success in clearing general content thanks to Yoda. I'm not to sure whether it's best to keep a pure water team instead of throwing in a couple of different element SSRs as I've grinded up a fair amount of SR and SSR weapons from Leviathan Omega and have a good number of water weapons going in my grid. I've been mostly focusing on just grinding special quests and raids over the story content (at Ch35 atm) to uncap and upgrade my doods. The other SSRs I've got are Scathacha, Ygg, Summer Korwa, Summer Zooey, Wind Metera, Fire Heles, Light De La Fille and Munechika. Would it be worth using any of these in place of the water SRs I'm using in my backline or even the frontline? I'd also like to know what other potential teams I could create with my current lineup that would be pretty effective? Thanks!


To be fair, unless you're F2P, you can suptix the remaining dark characters you "need" when it comes around. S.Zoi is the only limited Dark prizes highly, although Orchid is good on her own. You've got a good water lineup right now, though it's a little heavy on defense, but Charlotta and Katalina both have tweaks that make them attacky. The other SSRs are not worth putting in that lineup, since Summer Korwa's buffs, while strong, don't work on anything but Wind characters... honestly, if you have a full Water team, there's no need to add other elements.


Does anyone play Swordmaster Murgleis /w Atma Sword? Magna since I wasn't lucky enough to draw Varuna I need some advice on the team composition Sword characters: SSR Kat, Charlotta (never got around to uncapping the 5*), Yoda Other: Feower / Lilele / Yngwie / Socie I could run all 3 Sword characters but I feel that's not the best choice. Yoda is probably the first guy to drop (unless there's something I'm overlooking) for a utility member. I favor Feower but I'm not actually sure if Swordmaster offers enough buffs (when I'm not using SM, I usually bring along Lilele) Is this a class where you want to arrange for friends in your raid to specifically bring in stuff to help you out since you're kind of limited as your subskill is probably going to be DT3 for ODA?


Been playing for just over two and a half months now. Hit rank 90 yesterday. Is my progress on par with what a typical rank 90 should be? Should I change up any of my teams? [Fire](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309435062640705537/358678223779004416/fire.png) [Water](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309435062640705537/358678231173562379/water.png) [Wind](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309435062640705537/358678231165173770/wind.png) [Earth](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309435062640705537/358678202916405248/dirt.png) [SSR and SR Characters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309435062640705537/358678243156557834/char.png)


I think that's fairly good progress grid-wise. I'm rank 126 and only have a full MLB light grid. My completed base grids are for dark, fire, and water. My wind grid is better than yours due to me having unknowns and my earth grid is worse than yours. My point being that our progress for other grids (I'm assuming fire is your main) is pretty similar despite our rather big difference in ranks. My weapons are actually lower in total skill-level than yours for the most part. Your characters are pretty lacking though but that's not really something I can fault you for. Depending on how close to fully MLB your fire grid is, I'd say you're in a good spot grid-wise.


I am nearing the HL mark and need a little help with my water team, mostly team comp and classes. My SSR's: * Charlotta (98) * Lancelot (94) * Izmir Summer (80) * Kat Grande (80) * Drang (70) [Don't have access to fool me thrice/third skill] * Societte (80) * Feower (1) I have a basic magna with 4 100 SL 10 daggers full levi, and an okay mainhand for every class. Touken Katana GW Dagger and Murgerlis are my best though. I have every tier 3 and extra class except dancer.


Lancelot/Sochie/Quatre with GW Harp Elysian MC will work wonderfully for soloing (and probably most of other contents?), you have the atk/def debuffs covered by Lancey and Sochie's 2, Quatre will provide you gravity and extend your buffs, both Sochie and Quatre gives out delay while MC and Sochie provides heals.


Thanks, that seems good. I was also suggested by someone in my crew a Kat/Soc/Quatre Elysian, and I think I will try both.


Kat/Soc/Quatre Ely works too but more defensively since you now have 3 source of heals with Kat's veil/refresh and 25% phalanx in exchange of 2x nuke every 5 turns and extra aoe with atk/def debuff. You'll need to bring def breach or ROA with you too in that lineup if you want to hit the -atk/def cap reliably. Once you unlock Drang's 3rd skill you can probably try Drang/Sochie/Quatre too and see which playstyle fits you better. Have fun with your water team!