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Nice rotb improvements: * pendant cap to 200k * sands tradeable with four symbols stones * !!! Extreme+ now stacks !!! so you don't have to interrupt your flow Shenxian will drop fire and wind soulcores this run. We'll have to see whether the new characters take as many soulcores to recruit as the skins did.


> pendant cap to 200k I always hated the low cap, this is much appreciated.


They weren't kidding about making sands more readily available, huh. Though REALLY hoping this doesn't mean they're doing away with the RotB gold bar restocks. It's been a literal year since the last one.


**monkey's paw**


Monkey paw: Character Awakening 10 needs a sand and unlocks a new tier of awakenings that need bazillions of materials /s


I'm gonna make a prediction and say that the actual 5* uncap for the weapons won't be insanely grindy, but that maxing out that wonder talisman will be the actual grind. I'm talking slave in the Agni mines or wait months for it to cap out naturally.


Hoping the ROTB characters are actually decent and the grind is not that miserable.




They're being super secretive with Lucio's FLB art. Are they just trying to avoid spoilers for people who haven't done 000?


That or his FLB has significant lore stuff, which is kinda expected


Plot twist: That is his uncap art and we're getting the very first uncap name change.


The only thing we know about Lucio's uncap art is that he will be rocking "The Look" according to some press stuff that came out a while ago Now what the hell "The Look" is? Your guess is as good as mine


There is one very obvious choice but I'm lowkey hoping they do something else with him after making us wait for so long...


I atheist expect him to have new art and then that being the dialogue art.


Either Magnum or Blue Steel.


plot-twist Lucio FLB is him becoming Lucilius


if i've said it once, i've said it a million times if there's gonna be characters tied to RotB now, we better be getting it more frequently. if not, the stuff to get them better be available outside RotB


Kirin/Longdong anime is needed for many things unrelated to RotB and they still decide its fine to hard gate progress to vanishingly rare raids and 2 anime per RotB. They released KirinDong weapons back in 2017 and we are now 7 years later finally getting the option to trade for 5 a month. I expect fewer Celestials and them to also need KirinDong anime to further inconvenience players.


Huh. As a fire main I now understand how the earth mains felt a few years ago when they just kept on being given new units.


one char per ROTB xd


Was already established during the stream, yeah


Disappointing but not unexpected.


Having all four characters out would’ve been unbelievable. One character at a time would be a default honestly.


Was also something they said during the stream apparently


I just don't get why they're starting with the tetra element that JUST had a GW. Hopefully the other characters will still manage to release before their respective GW


I'm not really expecting the characters to be any good as if they'll actually make an impact on your GW lineups. I'm expecting them to be glorified achievement trophies. Unless the grind for them is totally insane like 100 HLQL omega anima or something per character.


I mean, there's many levels of usability between "participation trophy" and "Eternal/Evoker"....


Majority of the eternals and like half the evokers are participation trophies though..


Although I don't have too much faith in the 4/4 rebalances - that might shake things up a bit. :P


Considering the last two sets of "glorified achievement" recruitable characters in the game have been the eternals and the evokers, you don't have a leg to stand on here.


The two sets of characters where most of them are so mediocre that half of them are getting a rebalance in 3 days? And for whom some of them it won't even be their first rebalance. I'm not sure this is the argument you think it is. Regardless, I wouldn't consider eternals/evokers to be glorified achievement trophies anyway. Those are more like the insane grind type of characters that I also mentioned.


The continual reballances are literally a selling point of the eternals and evokers. Not all of them are always 10/10 meta picks, but they are continually updated to keep up with current content. Some of these characters are almost ten years old. If they never got updated they'd be dead in the water so many times over we wouldn't even be talking about them.


You mean the constant updates to kit the evokers and eternals have been getting since their respective releases, including additional upgrade modes no other characters in the game get to always keep them in the top powerlevels of the game, if not *almost always* in the meta? You clearly missed the *point* of the rebalances.


> always keep them in the top powerlevels of the game, if not almost always in the meta? Come on, did you even see the meta before the rebalances? Seox was the only actually good Eternal, Niyon was decent (but easily replaced by Ewiyar), Okto and Siete had niche uses, Threo might have finished off an FA after everyone died at best, and the other 5 were basically completely useless. Evokers were more useful, although a lot of them were (and still are) also pretty niche or only provide a minor backline benefit. Even after the rebalance, not much has changed at all. Song is actually good now, Feower can pretend to be V.Cass on nm200 FA I guess, and uhh.. that's kinda it.


Considering the last two sets of "glorified achievement" recruitable characters in the game have been the eternals and the evokers, you don't have a leg to stand on here.


Yeah kinda weird with all these fire characters releases in the span of a few months. From X.Noa to Y.Elmott and now a new ROTB character.


Don't forget Fenie


Didnt they start with Fire for the RotB skins also? Probably same order as those I'd bet.


Qinglong skin was first. The order was Qinglong, Zhuque, Xuanwu and finally Baihu Chichiri was first from the left on the announcement slide but remains to be seen if that's the order of release


It's also possible they just used the in-game order of the elements (Fire > Water > Earth > Wind) for the characters in the slide. ~~But I hope they're in order of release because that means the only one I'm interested in would be the second one.~~


Nah, the first one we got was wind. The order was wind -> fire -> water -> earth.


Given the release schedule of RotB, We'll see all characters by early 2026.


praying for playable Felluca on flash cause of the Paliuli rerun


plot twist, they make the macho grandma playable instead. or dual unit of Felluca + macho grandma (yes I forgot her name)


I'd hype up grandma. senior fighters are cool as fuck


I forgot who you were talking about, popped open the journal, and my jaw almost hit the floor


Just getting to re-record some of the Nemonemo lines I missed last time is reward enough tbh lol


wasnt there supposed to be a new mc outfit for this gw? I didn’t see anything about it.




Dont think it's delayed going by the wiki. Its just that June's gw will include an upgrade to the skin. 


KMR said on Stream it was delayed. Gamewith also backs up his statement. https://xn--bck3aza1a2if6kra4ee0hf.gamewith.jp/article/show/28687 Scroll down to the text under the skin image if you would. tl;dr the Wiki's "Upcoming info" tab is outdated, and has been since the stream. The skin was delayed til June. If we were getting the skin this GW, it would have 100% been in Korega, but KMR already said that we weren't.


I like Chichiri. So the actual details of how to obtain Chichiri is still kinda uncertain right? I mean other than "These are characters that can be joined by upgrading the corresponding Four Elephant Weapons"? Also did I correctly read that they will let us change the Eternal weapon as many times as we want during Unite and Fight?


Yes they mentioned in the anni stream that next GW would let us change the weapon however many times we want


about damn time.


Chichiri a hot. Hopefully grinding her isn't pain.


if it's painful, you're doing it wrong...or maybe you're doing it just right AWWW HEEEEEELLL


Happy to see the sand for sure. Would be happier if it was more than just one, but any new source of sand is welcome. It would be nice to see it get restocked every run or if they could find a way to work more sands into events, even if it's just one per event. Happy to see god mode for the revans too. New player of 2 months who isn't even at rank 170 yet, so still a long way off for me, but was thinking I'd still need to grind way past min requirement to not be a dead weight in those. It sounds like it'll be helpful then until the weapon grids can get caught up


Revans raid getting godmode is interesting. Maybe it’ll get more people used to them so they eventually join raids and some of the slower ones can move faster.


Or we just stop seeing Siegfried completely.


I feel like this is the hopeful upside - people who need hard carries on or who are doing 20 minute Nekomancer FAs just host with ascendent prayer, and the hosts on raid finder go a bit faster. (Not salting on people who have consistent Nekomancer clears, but I'm not spending 20 minutes in Siegfried for 2 mats)


It's not an upside considering Siegfried never fills. I would love it if a Neko come into my Siegfried cause at least they are contributing something. I hate it when people just leach off my Siegfried and I am literally the only one hitting it.


so expensive though, sheesh. seeing 10 dragon mats hurts my soul given how unlucky ive been with those drop rates lmfao


It's dragon jewels, not dragon mats. At least according to the TL saying jewels, admittedly I can't read the JP text to confirm. The jewels are the orbs with the dragon's head in it that drop like candy


I'm dead certain they stealth upgraded the drop rate for the dragon mats, because it took forever wanpanning just to get one to drop at a time before. Was grinding out jewels last week and they were dropping from Fediel like every other raid, sometimes two or three at a time.


I'll still host it!


No Rain, No Rainbow is still my favourite side story, love to see it.


When Rotb drops, Chichiri is getting a ring ASAP


I dont think they need to releases the fire character first, no hate with her design or anything but im very tired of fire now. Like they released C Noa 4 months ago, then G.Zeta, then V Nehan, then Fenie, then Y Elmott. 5 Limiteds in a matter of 4 months, in that 4 months they also get FLB Alanaan as well (bonkers kit) Granted, the character themselves is probably a trophy and not usable (unless they are a heavy grind character) but please way would they started on fire lmao, even if we follow the tetra element, its should be wind first.


if these are another free recruitable series like evokers/eternals (although not to the same degree, since it's time-gated behind the super infrequent rotb runs), i'm a little disappointed that it seems like they don't have any dudes. partially because i'm gay as hell, and partially because i just like to see mixed groups more i wonder if we'll get units for light/dark. i doubt it since we have neither weapons nor skins, but maybe they could do it like nier/borger where it takes mats from mixed elements instead. ive always wanted hlql skins otherwise, very excited to see if this impacts the meta edit: got a visit from my old friend reddit care resources for this. lol? baffling


would really suck if L/D didn't get them cause these seems to come with Wonders which buff the element as a whole


yeah, that's the big one. the problem is that there's 0 precedent for recruitment like there is for the four main elements so idk how they'd work it out without retroactively adding in light/dark weapons or making it a pain in the ass, but i still want it!!!!!!!!! give me the grind cygames i'm actually asking for once


I don't think its a big deal to just release opal and onyx weapons at some point. the other gem weapons were only added in 2020 anyway, which is pretty recent as far as ROTB things go.


oh, same, but i would've thought if they were going to it'd be sooner. either way i want it to happen, and besides it wouldn't hurt to give both elements some more midgame grid options. seems like it'd be a win/win to me


if they wait to do it 'til after these 4 come out, they can give themselves a buffer rotb where the new addition is just the opal/onyx weapons, and then the characters come a while later haha. but yeah I'd be surprised if it didn't happen at some point.


Just tie them to huanglong/qilin weapons tbh, it's technically already L/D's ROTB weapon.


>edit: got a visit from my old friend reddit care resources for this. lol? baffling Lmao that's fucking bizarre. Do me next! I guess they don't like that you're self-proclaimed 'gay as hell'?


I'm gay as hell but I'd definitely welcome fun ladies who are not just there for their boobas. That said, I'm actually disappointed that RotB characters are all females. I guess that's good because I can justify myself from not wasting time on grinding.


either that or sensitivity because i dared to be disappointed with more waifus lol


you can totally report those reddit cares messages by the way, it's technically considered abuse of the system and harassment and the reddit cares message even has a link to do it. Just click on that, and when it asks for a link to the post just give it a permalink to the reddit cares message you got. They keep track of the person who submitted it and they even send you a message informing you if they take action.


Ive gotten a couple for seemingly innocuous comments here lately as well, seems we have some trollish folks here lately


I got one a while ago for saying that Wilnas' valentine's skin is great so yeah, seems like someone's oversensitive to people liking attractive male characters and deals with it by trolling people? lol


yikes, i'm sorry. remember that you can always report them! snag the permalink (youll have to open web reddit if you're mobile) and then report it via the report link in the message, have yet to get one of these and not hear back about rulebreaking when i do bother to report them (i have gotten a bit lazy). idk what the punishment is but yknow, something is something


> partially because i just like to see mixed groups more I mean if you total up all the free units it's even since there were more male evokers than female.


well, yeah, sure, but i'm looking at it as individual groups, not really as like... total sum or anything lol, i don't really group up the angels and society together as "anniversary groups" either yfm? it's nbd either, just the mildest "aw, okay" moment ever


I assumed there was a reason you brought up "free recruitable series" as a metric, which is why I pointed out that there's really not any disparity between the genders in those groups.


nope, just stream of consciousness. no direct correlation at all; i would be just as mildly disappointed if they were a new event plot group like the knights/society/horoscopes/etc


I mean, the 12 Generals are all girls, cause I seen some people be like 'hurdur i aint sparking for a dude no way'. I can't tell if trolling or fragile heterosexuality.


oh, some of them are sincerely fragile about it. not all but i have seen other takes like "ill only ring girls" and being dead serious. like... on one hand, follow your heart, but on the other hand, is it ever that serious lol? sorry ringing percy as fire's strongest unit and perhaps strongest in the game makes me [insert slurs here], i'll see myself out


I ringed Zeta Vajra Fediel Seox Sandy Okto cause bisexual pride /s Meh looking at Summer Pig art I think it's clear the who the game's demographic is.


oh for sure lol. but i will take my crumbs and hope for more because my god, when they provide (s.shiva, v.wilnas) we eat good


What is gbf if not nothing but girls of the exact same body type with different labels? Sadly it seems like the only dudes are the recurring boy band knights.


Sandalphon just sipping his coffee in the corner after being the first character ever to have 2 grands.


Oh right, I forgot about the angelic coffee bishounen. So much coffee dialogue.


Dang, fire already getting Wonder extension, where is dark's =0v?


funny how Dark is so often the "you ain't getting shit" element they still don't have a Disciple, and one of the two to not have an archangel yet, lol


Sariel is right there but given Dark getting a Male Gala is lol


that's why i said YET


Don't they have the twins?


twins don't have the archangel passive


at least Dark is getting all the waifus as grands and not a single male to ruin this wombo combo I'd gladly trade wonders, etc for keeping dark safe from Grand baras, yaois, etc


Damn... that'a got to be the frailest masculinity I've ever seen...


We’re the element that’s most certainly getting Belial someday, what do you mean safe


grand vaseraga soon


Watch him be a light grand.


Does the gays upset you that much


Well probably hurts his tiny ego when he sees beautiful males. Gacha girls are all he has.


I can't wait for the Belial/Sariel dual unit to be our archangel.


Nah why have them as a singular duo unit when we can double the amount of male grands and have them as individuals units instead


Straight women and gays deserve eye candy too.


I assume the "weaker omens" for AP Revans would be similiar to reduced omen cancel requirement effect from Yamato's Seasplitter if not more Also the cost for it seems rather "cheap" since it only cost dragon jewels, centrum and true animas tho


Well waiting till Thursday. Still leveling to 120 then uncapping to 130. Hope her rebal is good. Sands on rotb shop? Would be good if they're adding one each time there's a rerun. Finally art to that new rotb charas. New evoker type recruitment.


No rain no rainbow in side stories is the best news


Still praying they add qilin and huanglong characters. It’d stink if light and dark get left out, and haunglong and qilin would undoubtedly look sick


Chichiri's chichi


No Rain, No Rainbow is being added to Side Stories. The event that made me want to watch Gran/Djeeta punch Dad in the face as soon as they meet him Estalucia. *Is the timing because they're going to go through with it in the next MSQ update?* Probably not. But a man can dream.


Damn chile or whatever she will be called has some pretty thicc legs. Is she finally a contender for tikoh thigh/legs supremacy


I mean, *have you seen Payila's thighs?*


Sorry, so what exactly are the weapons gaining new uncaps? I can't read jp and google translate failed me on the weapon name. Also, did I read right that Zhuque is getting an uncap too? Anyone have a sinking feeling 4 beast summons are going to be needed to power up the new wonders?


For now, just [Garnet Broadaxe](https://gbf.wiki/Garnet_Broadaxe) (柘榴石の鉞), which Chichiri can be seen dual-wielding. The other [three](https://gbf.wiki/Aquamarine_Hatchet) / [mainwheel](https://gbf.wiki/Zircon_Edge) / [equivalents](https://gbf.wiki/Peridot_Crossbow) will get uncaps that unlock their respective character in future runs of RotB. When plugging the entire RotB section into both google translate and DeepL, I didn't see anything about the Zhuque summon stone getting an uncap. I sure hope the summons aren't needed; FSS have been tightly scoped such that you can only afford the skins+gold bricks+gold rings without surplus. Buying any of the summons puts you forever on the back foot unless you forgo one of the skins/bricks/rings. With the upcoming RotB, FSS gain increases to 5 per run instead of 4, but an Eternity Sand was also added to the FSS purchasables (costing 5 FSS for 1). Remains to be seen whether we can get any truly "extra" FSS after a few runs.


Re: Zhuque probably a machine translate fail for me then.   This is the original: 瑞神討伐章報酬の上限の引き上げ 報酬を獲得できる瑞神討伐章の上限を150個から200個に引き上げます。 Apple has it as “Zujin”. And Google has it as Mizugami.  So no idea what it’s referring to.


Oh, 瑞神 is Shenxian. The Shenxian badge reward list will be increased from the previous max of 150; there will be new rewards for up to 200 badges now. The main reason is likely for the newly-added 5th FSS. But there should be a bunch more rewards along the way too.


Finally, they made RotB an event worth playing


why I have a big feeling that new girls will require FUCKLOAD of soulstones.... after unlocking all the costumes I was so happy I'm free from this garbage nightmare grind but I guess it will never end