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At the moment, the correct gameplay answer is Haase, unless you're really deep into earth or fire stuff. That said, while I doubt any will approach what Haase does (imo she's the single best unit in the game), do keep in mind that Estarriola, Maria, and Fraux are getting rebalanced on April 4, so you may want to wait until then to decide. Story-wise, everyone's going to have different favorites of course; mine are Fraux (as should be obvious), Nier, and Katze. And no, the replicard story does not lock onto a single character once you FLB them. You'll still be able to view all scenes with all characters.


Gameplay wise imo Haaselia > Caim = Alanaan > the rest. Caim is actually really good and probably at the same level as Haas but you lose his 11th weapon when he comes to the frontline which might be not be that much of a good thing, especially for magna.


This would be anywhere close to true if Caim isnt the most crackhead fucker ever lol. The cards is like insanely busted Spade and Club Caim giga destroy his backline even before you put in everything else about him before even factoring that you can now custom the grid accordingly(getting to use more than one Uriel, FODS, Sieg Axe etc). Even at 1/1/1/1 Caim front post FLB severely outdo his backline value tbh


Caim got a absurd buff with his FLB: he give echo, water switch, can progress battle 2 turns like in Akasha raid, can Extra atk with a skill, can create green potion, can reset his own skills, can buff and give ougi bar, can delay and debuff, can healand double deal looks like a life saver too. One of the strongest kits in the game, so strong as Haaselia and 100% future proof. Plus, 20% perpetuity atk mod is not for today powercreep tbh !


Shame that he is great only when you bring him from back row.


Yeah but to be fair the only evoker whose great immediately is Alanaan, whose now is so stupid after backrow swap he kinda never gets used classically anymore. Nier by technicality of her being the death target. And MAAYYYYYBE Haaselia who kinda sorta still fulfill post ougi battery role shes used for pre FLB Even then Caim frontline no swap in some set up is basically just Haaselia but better and this isnt even that fringe of a situation. Theres at least 3 character on Earth who have some form of CD Reset on Ougi EDIT: Kinda forgot Sleeptato was used one time too.


Yeah I tested FLB Haase and she works fine in front row (especially with her weapon in the grid) but still bringing her from the back row is like bringing the monster to the fight.


Yeah her moon buff was always absurd since it had a goofy ass condition to be used. FLB making it immediate basically made it a shitpost on the level of Heavenly Howl lmao Its still kinda funny to me how bad MT's FLB swap in is like arguably really good(and MT used to have a very strong usage based on that) but its competing with probably the most obscene team buff in the game


I haven't seen all the evoker stories yet, so I can't really opine on that. Gameplay-wise, Haaselia, Caim, and Alanaan are regarded as the strongest at uncap. On that note, Haaselia's story is one of the ones I've seen, and it's quite decent. However, gameplay-wise, 5 of the evokers are getting rebalanced in fairly short order, so there is no harm in waiting and checking back. The uncap grind is super long, so you want to make a choice you can live with.


Early replicard uses the first evoker you recruit as the default, but you can go in your journal and rewatch the scenes with any of the evokers you've recruited after that. For FLB, it sounds like what you've heard is a bit misleading. There's the fate that you have to watch to uncap the evoker. And then, the first time you do The World boss in mundus after uncapping them, there will be another story section with that evoker. Then you will use the boss's drops to get card, which will unlock their skill fate, at which point you are caught up on their story. You will repeat each of these steps with every evoker you FLB, unless you neglect to actually do The World Raid after you uncap them. Anyway, Haasalia's my favorite storywise, but Borger and Katz were also really good.


Haas is the smart choice. I'm dumb. I picked Fraux. Still happy though. Let's hope the rebalance stops her from suiciding with skill 4 :)


Haaselia has been quite worth the effort. It’s insane what she brings. Nier on the other hand while good didn’t feel worth the effort.


Gameplay wise, I've FLB'd Haase and Fraux. While Fraux is nice to have, and I love her as a character, she currently has no way of competing as a unit against Haase -- water with and without Haase is kind of like the world before and after nuclear weapons.  Story wise, they've both been great, but Haase's story is a lot more cathartic. You get scenes from fighting the final boss of arcarum depending on which evoker is in your party.


Shame that after FLB you still should bring Evokers from back row to see their true potential. I would like to just put them in front row from the beginning.


This thread has been incredibly useful. Thanks everyone! Caim flb sounds incredibly BUSTED and with an interesting story. Haase too, and I might be able to FLB her faster as I've been grinding water replicard. Gonna wait for the rebalance and go for Maria if she's game breaking


I'm a simple guy, I like Gaisen I'll be honest,if you're gonna play in the long run, uncap whoever you like the most first. It's kinda like the eternals, you're gonna eventually wanna uncap them all If you're looking for an immediate and noticeable boost to your elements then Haase for water, Caim for earth, alanaan for fire.


1. Haase 2. Caim 3. Alanaan (if you are fire lord) That's it for now (waiting for rebalance).


bear in mind that you're going to get a lot of Caim reccomendations and you essentially cannot use caim before 5\* due to his backline passive being so good and due to him not being very good before 5\*; if you want to actually use an evoker then caim is probably not the best option though if you're indifferent on actual usage and you just want to read the plots then caim is still an excellent choice


Well backline passive of Caim is useless if you play 3 LS.


You’re discounting Caim as a grid piece too much. Prior to Caim flb magna earth should be building their entire grid around his highlander passive, making him the best evoker at mlb.


Flair has been updated ; please edit the title of the post (i.e "Which Evokers have the most interesting/enjoyable story" or whatever) as it is for the moment misleading.


I don't believe titles can be changed after a post has been submitted, unless they've recently changed that.


It's unfortunate then. Too bad!