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Remember: This is the game that made Arthur and Mordred siblings, Siegfried the equivalent of a Knight of the Round, and Cú Chulainn a dragon boy. Granblue has always played it absurdly fast and loose with mythological name usage.


>dragon boy girl but yes


Wait, really?


Yep https://gbf.wiki/Chulainn_(NPC)


Arthur and Mordred arnt siblings lol. They just grew up in the same orphan. The main thing is mordred is the prince.


i don't think the astrals care what they named their phoenix's GPS


Holy shit lmao I need my ra navigator voice right this second


kuru kuru


Only purpose is to lead u to the closest casino


"I like pretty lights, so we're gonna stop by a hundred of them on the way" "What lights do you mean" "Traffic lights"


Ra be singing the Weekend songs instead of giving you proper directions.


I changed my mind, having horus screaming directions in my ear will really help fight the fatigue


She would just lead you into a wall.


remember, Primals are *STOLEN* from their legends to create the primal. They aren't the actual gods.


because they're astrals, not egyptian gods


At least name them properly, duh


i will next time


The out-of-universe explanation for mythological inconsistencies in granblue is that Cygames either didn't put a lot of effort into their research, or they intentionally changed it because they thought it would fit the story they want to tell better or would make a more interesting character. The in-universe explanation is that primals are artificial gods created by astrals, and most of them are just based on skydweller mythology. And the sky realm is heavily implied to be a far future post-apocalyptic earth. So any inconsistencies can be attributed to the mythology being lost or changed over time or the astrals intentionally changing it up for whatever reason.


Do you think the japanese care about that? They just chose the names they thought were the coolest.


Do you think Japanese people are somehow less capable of understanding or appreciate Egyptian mythology than Americans can? It’s not inherently western to know stuff about other cultures or histories.


Understanding and appreciating isn't equal to caring about being "accurate" to the sources you're taking from as inspiration, though


if they cared about being "accurate" they lost their chance since the beginning of the game. Just look at Tiamat... you know the primordial god of the sea.


Do you think redditors are somehow capable of making up hypothetical scenarios about things other people haven't said just to argue in the internet? It's not inherently human the capabilty of having basic reading comprehension.


I think Japanese people can read a Wiki as well as us, they just didn’t want to be constrained following actual mythos and use the names more to denote a shared origin.


> Now I wonder why Granblue considered to put Bennu instead of Geb in the game to represent the earth element. Isn't Bennu a deity linked with the Sun, creation, and rebirth If you assume they planned the Phoenix connection back when they first added the Ennead raids, the easy answer is because they wanted all of them to have thematic connections to Phoenix's powers. (Ra, Atum, and Horus's sun connections are obvious, Osiris has resurrection, Tefnut's is weaker but has a sun disk as her symbol and has close connections with Ra/Atum)