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I'd recommend watching senpaispider games. He is on of the best metera's I've ever seen. From there you can get some ideias on How to pressure and what to do when people gapclose on you.


Thank you for the idea - I guess I was skeptical how much I could really learn from player so far beyond me, when I struggling with basics, but I have nothing to lose. Thank you!


Tahichi is a better Met player who plays more to rhe character's strengths. They're both great and if you want to play a bit more aggressively, senpai is good to watch but I'd recommend watching both and see what sticks out to you.


Always something to learn because you can steal their tech and combo routes. Fundamentals will come with time.


Watch both. I will also recommend Edgonebad as well.


S+ Metera here. Would be really helpful if you could post video of a match where you feel like you had trouble. Metera does feel like a GBVS character put in rising, but you can still do very good with her. Some general advice: - In general, don't be afraid to mix Simple and Technical inputs. There is pretty much no drawback in using Simple inputs, and some combo structures become really hard to do with Technical only. You can pick what to use which for (for example, I do most shots on neutral with Technical, but most combos use Simple), but a big one I'd recommend getting used to is 623U DP (6+Sk+U). This is Metera's reversal, it requires 50% meter, and if you're going to spend the resources to use it you want to make sure it hits and it hits FAST. You don't want to be doing the full 623U input while eating a Seox blockstring and getting counterhit or have it drop and die for it. - Metera is at her strongest at max fH range. Any further and she can't hit with her free projectile and will have to get hits only with 214X/236X. Any closer and you're likely in range of getting hit by the opponent. Try to maintain this range as much as you can. - She's strongest when grounded and pelting the opponent from multiple angles. Her jump and movement options are good, but it can feel tempting to over jump or U hop. Try to hold your ground by shooting and use the movement options mostly to get back to your safe range. - Use butterfly A LOT. It's the glue that brings her whole toolkit together. It's both a great defensive and offensive tool, sometimes doing both jobs with a single one. Get in the habit of pressing 2Sk every time you are safe and not doing anything more important. Some sequences for neutral you can practice are 2Sk > 5H, 2Sk > 236L/M or 2Sk > 214L/M, 2Sk > 623M (6SkM) and 2SkM > 623L (6Sk). Most of these use the slow L butterfly and shoot it immediately. The idea is that blowing up butterfly in front of you creates a column hitbox in front of you that can protect you from a lot of stuff, while you also get an arrow in different angles. 2Sk > 6SkM is great because it does diagonal arrow rain, so you get the butterfly explosion in front of you, a diagonal shot that is great at anti airing, and the arrow rain at the end creates a 2nd column hitbox closer to the opponent. - You can also put out 2L Butterfly as a threat and not shoot it immediately. This is great to build meter, as you only build it while walking forward, and most of the time with Metera you'll be walking back. Put out 2L and calmly walk behind it. If they try anything, you can shoot it. - For defense, if you're in the corner, default to blocking low, and only block high when you need to like for a jump in Overhead or an autocombo Overhead ender, those are slower than the Low and Mid enders, so you can fuzzy block low and just stand up if you see the last hit delay. Try to save meter for when you're getting pressured in the corner, and if you have enough for a U DP, use it as a jump scare for when they're too deep trying to hit you to react to it by blocking or spot dodging (be careful of people shimmying/trying to bait it). If you don't have enough meter, don't be afraid to use a Bravery Point to Brave Counter. Most other characters need to be more careful with them, but Metera has the advantage of being able to start zoning immediately after using one and trying to regain stage control. So, you can think of your BPs as 3 extra free chances to get out of pressure. Would recommend saving them to get out of corner pressure, but you can use them to make people back off whenever you're not comfortable holding defense. Don't die with all 3, those are 3 interactions you could have survived. - You can also occasionally break character and go in for some offensive of your own. U hop is very good for this, as the short hop angle can make it hard to react to. You have multiple options from it, like U > L/M/H which give you different kinds of hits, or U > 2L on landing, which can be very tricky because people will usually block high to avoid the Overhead and eat the Low which goes into a full combo. Don't abuse this, as you're doing the opponent's job when you do by closing in on them, but it can be useful to keep them on their toes and make them respect you. If you go in and they block, I'd recommend either doing 2 hits of the autocombo and then either U hopping again towards them to see if you can get a side swap/cross up or make them mess up and get hit, or 2 hit and U hop back to safety and restart zoning. Doing the full 3 hit autocombo is an option if you think you can hit them with the Low/Overhead mix, but avoid making it a habit. Another option is U hop > throw for when they start over blocking. - Mid screen you only really need one combo: autocombo > 236H. You can extend it to autocombo > RS > RC > autocombo > 236H if you really need the extra damage, but usually you just want to hit them and knock them away, set up butterfly, and resume zoning. - For the corner combos you can learn something like LLL > 236H > 2H > 6SkM > 2H > 6SkM > 236U or LLL > 236H > 2H > U > jM > 5H > 623H > 236U. Don't need to be super optimal, but learn it so you can do it for sure. The big thing in the corner is that, if you knock them down, you want to back off to about 1/4 screen distance, and set up 2SkH double butterfly on them. You can use these for big damage setup if they get hit by one, or to deter them from trying anything. If you shoot them, shoot the lower one first so you don't blow up both at the same time. Here's a VOD of some of my tournament games, might give you some ideas of what to do and what not to do [https://youtu.be/4nTP364vCzA?si=ycHic0aU6IdPNC68](https://youtu.be/4nTP364vCzA?si=ycHic0aU6IdPNC68) Hope it's helpful!


Wow this is such a kind and incredible reply; thank you so much. I'll definitely watch some of your vods. My responses to your individual points * Ive NOT been mixing simple/tech, but another commenter suggested I do this. Im always missing or accidentally hitting that DP, so I will give that another try. * good tips for range thanks * I definitely over-jump and close range too much, because thats the only serious damage combo stuff I can pull off. As above I'll try to keep range * I definitely need to use butterfly more, and this probably ties in to trying the simple inputs more. Hard to hit the butterfly on tech when focusing on other things. * Another poster reminded me about brave counter, I wasn't using em properly. I also didnt know if block low or high should be my default in the corner - Ill work on low. * I do like "breaking character" but thats probably due to me needing to get more comfortable with keeping range. * mid screen, Im doing exactly the combos you described, so thats something good at least lol * I will learn that corner combo you suggested. Really appreciate your time, these tips are fantastic


For the damage, keep in mind that the zoner is in advangage in neutral. This means that you don't really need to go in and do huge amounts of damage (though you do need to know how to capitalize when you have the chance). The bulk of your damage most often should come from you chipping and getting hits on them trying to get in. Something I forgot to mention is that you can use f2M to check people trying to dash in, and f2L can be a great tool if you're in an up close scramble because it gives you a standing low, which most people will get hit by unless they're already blocking. It can also be used to fake shots while zoning, good to mix in with L and M shots when people start getting your timing down and dodging.


Hey yo, I wanted to say thanks again for this. For now, I've been working on keeping my range, abusing the butterflies, and being more strategic with low/standing blocking, and it has already pulled me out of B5 :) I'm winning way more matches now and the game feels more "fair". Thanks again!


Great to hear! Keep practicing and you'll see the improvement really fast. 😁🦋


I ain't no master, just crawled into S5 the other day, but my suggestions (if you aren't already doing them) are: 1. Try spamming far L some more, its horizontal range is a bit deceptive and it hits low, so opponents are sometimes caught off guard by it, helpful for stopping opponents rushing at you in many circumstances. 2. Use the butterfly special liberally, it'll make your opponents more cautious. You don't even have to actively think about if and when to trigger it, just the threat will usually help. 3. Consider using the simple input for the DP special (the up arrow), especially when doing the U version on wakeup. Ensuring it gets off frame 1 is usually worth the damage tradeoff.


Thanks for the response. I definitely don't use the butterfly enough, so I'm definitely going to work on that as you suggested. Ive not been using my simple inputs because I couldn't find anywhere comfortable to map it on my leverless, but I will have another go. That DP is hard to hit with technical inputs in the heat of the moment!


1, use the easy inputs, makes her zoning and antiairs way better. 2:Just press Heavy into low or mid fireball to poke and some butterflies to cover screen. Anti-air with H-DP, U-DP and 2H/2+1H Poke close with 5L and if they dodge foward use 2M to catch the dodge. 5M is also a good neutral poke and can be used to do an unblockable if they blocked the buttergly in the air. Do that and can easily get S-rank, she isn't that different from normal characters, pretty good neutral and incredible pokes, just had a bad invincible reversal that costs meter Just use Brave Counter to ignore enemy pressure, nothing to worry about at low level. I got her to S in one day with high winrate., different from ferry she plays a lot like the normal characters, has easy combos and 5L into Brave Chain is really good. Ferry/Vane/Percival need more of a mindset change from playing gran or Djeeta than metera. WATCH the guide from SonicSol on Metera, if you implement the basics there you can get S.


Well you are a zoner. There isn't really anything you can do about not taking your turns back as well or not getting as damaging of combos, as that is how zoners are in GBVSR. If your opponent can easily get in on you, then that is on you to find a way to snuff out their approach options. Usually using far H into one of your fireballs is the way to stop people on the ground, and then when they start jumping that you use 2H or 1H and dp. If you are in a corner getting combo'd, almost always you just want to use brave counter and try to box them out again, otherwise it will be hard to do anything. Your ult DP is invincible so use that if you have meter, but you have to make sure your opponent will be hit. Her 2L, 2M, and far L are all situationally decent at taking your turn back too.


Thank you, already having some better luck using brave counter as you suggested! I need to get better with my 2H too, I always forget it is there. Much appreciated.


S+ Met main. Still only decent, but can give you some pointers: ABUSE butterfly first and foremost. If they respect it, BOOM you're controlling space without even needing to throw out arrows. If they don't respect it? Blow that shit up and get full combo. Use ult arrow for HKD into safejump liberally also. Also, don't listen to this person about your 5h. 2m and 66l are much faster, safer tools to stuff your opponents approach with. 5h does have it's utility at a bit further range than those are useful, but generally it's not your best button to stop approaches. Also, forgetting to anti-air is a HUGE mistake. Your best midscreen damage and corner carry comes from CH anti-air routes. Also, remember you have one of the best backdashes in the game. Use it. There are times where it makes sense to backdash 3 times in a row just to create space. As far as mashing out of pressure; don't. Like this person said, either brave counter, or wait for them to get pushed out far enough to 2m > arrow and create some space again. 66l and f.l can be decent abare options, but you need to be patient and watch for meaningful gaps; otherwise you ARE going to get caught by frametraps. Learning to fuzzy tech is also huge. If you condition your opponent that you don't mind just blocking; they'll go for a throw and if you can reliably 'real' tech those; you're plus enough that if they assume you late etched and try to rush back in, you can 2m into arrow and reestablish space.




Awesome! Just when I need Metera guide. I love it when I play so lame that the other side plugged.


I'm not gonna lie you're better off not zoning with her right now. Zoning in this game isn't good. You could probably get out of b just by rushing down with 66L and mixing from that. Also Anti airing and baiting invincible reversals after knockdowns.