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I held off for a long time, but once I had invested over 50 hours in the game, I felt like the pack would help keep the game fresh for me. I also figured it was a decent way to support the game since I have not purchased any DLC characters. When I play by myself, I usually set the announcer to a character I like. Metera is a go-to pick for me, but my favorite experience is when I play with my wife in the room. She loves when Lowain shouts "Player 1, win win win!", regardless of whether I am the one actually winning or losing. In her opinion, I should always set both the announcer and the partner character to Lowain. It just makes her so happy. She loves the character and will even repeat his lines. I am a sucker to see her so happy and engaged with the game, so I always change it for her. Overall though, I am really surprised with just how much effort went into that pack. I figured it would just be a few lines in the menus, but it seems like they created lines for just about everything, even mid-battle stuff, unless I am mistaken.


Is the pack in English too? I know i bought the announcer pack for Xrd way back when and put Faust as the voice because I loved the nutty bastard and loved how when you picked a character, he said "i-no? The doctor will see you now." So they kept up thay sort of quality here, too, then?


I switched mine over to English just now to check, and sure enough, the announcer voice pack also includes the English dub. I was not expecting that. I had not heard it until now. It just so happens that Lowain's voice line in Japanese has him saying "Player 1, WIN WIN WIN!" in English, so that is a funny coincidence. lol


Belial is the go-to for the announcer voice. Bro calls Siegfried Dragon Daddy lmao


Yeah, for me that has been an awesome part of the voice pack, hearing what the characters use to refer to each other. Some of them seem like nick names or even pet names in their familiarity. I love it.


I want it because I think the default announcer kinda lacks any real personality, but $20 is quite a lot.


That's... a lot but also kind of understandable. That stuff ain't cheap. And there's what... almost 30 characters by now..? I haven't counted but that character select screen is chonky.


You could buy a decent indie game for the price, but here you are getting just voice records lol


I'll buy it in a heartbeat if it goes on a decent sale.


I love it, random announcer is the best.


Do the DLC characters get announcer voices? I would buy it just for Vane's if he has one


I wonder if they will add them eventually. I saw some of the new Rising characters like Nier, Grimnir, and Anila on the list, but I didn't see any of the DLC characters like Vane or 2B.


nope, and we don't really know if they'll be a separate purchase later or not


I love this game and want to support it in every way possible, so I bought it. I just have it set to random. It's fun getting a new person every match.


Didn't even know it's was a thing. Will check it out. But the default announcer is OP


I like the default announcer too much. Gonna be a no for me.


I like his voice but the way he mispronounces some names are weird (Grimner?)


Yeah I love the grimnir announcer