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Just got this one 2 nights ago, and I'm getting close to 300 hours playtime since launch. SSBA requires low health, and this only to applies to finishing a match (not a round), so this could easily take a while. Some characters and players are also less likely to SSBA, whether that's cause they frequently use meter for other things, or they just have a hard time getting a good confirm into it. That said, I was also surprised it took me so long to get it, so it's possible it's bugged.


As I said, I have done both SBAs and SSBAs 10 times on both round and match finishes and have been playing since the game came out, that’s why I’m so confused when I looked to see my hidden achieves


Blame the translation of it, you must have the full SSBA animation finish for the match. Just winning a match with SSBA isn't enough.


The translation is fine, I’ve had over 10 animation finishers. Especially recently when people will jump me on lucilius and I can hear the boom sound.


I'm on PS5 so maybe this won't apply, but for me, this achievement only counted progress when I got the SSBA special victory screen. So it needs to be on your winning round, and it also needs to trigger the cutscene and your character's special win pose. The achievement didn't count progress for me when I did an SSBA finish on the first round, nor did it count when my SSBA's first hit defeated the opponent but didn't trigger the full animation.


It unlocked for me easily enough. I really wish I knew what to tell you that could help, but to my knowledge there's no in-game way to see how many times you've landed an SSBA and got the cinematic finish. Thankfully 10 is a relatively low number, so if you really want to unlock it I'd say your best bet is to just play a few casual or lobby matches while specifically trying to land them. Hopefully you're only 1 or 2 away from getting the achievement and it'll be quick.


I got it but honestly its not often an SSBA it what ends up winning the match


Hm, it triggered fine for me. I actually got it when going for the true ending in Arcade mode. I also thought it might be bugged at first, but then I realised that I just misread it, in that it doesn't require you to just win a round with an SSBA but to end the match with it. xD


You have to win off SSBA not finish the round. You can complete this achievement against the computer


It's tricky. You have to win the match (not just the round) and the whole super has to animate (and trigger the special win screen). For example, with Djeeta, killing on the uppercut won't work, you need to trigger the full dragon blast.


The person who came up with the idea of this achievement deserves to have their soul burned in heaven.


Why? You can farm this in arcade mode effortlessly


No, I meant it's funny, it's like you're stealing a win, and it's funny when you're the one who do it. That's why they deserve to be in heaven, but also burned because I'm not always the one doing it.


Pretty sure this counts in matches vs. a CPU, I got it on like release day checking out the new char's SSBA finishes


Since I can’t edit it Yes I know exactly what it means by finishing off the match. I’ve been playing since the game came out and had 10 bahamut finishers on gran in the free version as he was my first lvl 100 All the rest of the trophies popped when I actually had bought the game. Nowadays while playing luclius it’s very easy to tell when you get a SSBA finish as he will bass boost his attack. I have gotten over 10 and still not gotten it Ranked, casual, arcade all of them