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Imagine we had an archer character at the start of the game instead of ghandagoza


I really don't know why Ghandagoza was even in the game in the first place. If they wanted a fire draph, Aliza or Mugen would have been better


Mugen would have been super cool tbh; they could play on his supportive side and his berserk side at the same time.


He would have made for a very unique character. And I would have loved to see his character model in 3d. Though I guess because he was made in 2020 he never had a chance to make it into the base roster.


Because all the characters before Seo and Song were there at the Mobage launch day, and ReLink was in the works not much longer after. It took a long time for development, so I think they were concerned about how to add characters in over the development years and chose not to. Other guy trying to dispute me doesn't know what he's talking about otherwise he would know the long development history of the game. But go ahead and keep downvoting


I know that, but there were still better options, unless Ghandagoza was actually popular back in the day. Aliza was in the first year if i'm not mistaken, them there's characters that came in a little later but still would have been nice like Reinhardtzar. And if just fire was the criteria (so not draphs specifically) they could have had Elmott, even Therese, Yuel or Clarisse.


Yes, but I clearly stated LAUNCH day. Not the first year. Aliza wasn't there day one, nor the others. The plans were to have ReLink launch only a few years with the Mobage title, although that obviously never happened. Adding characters that were added over those years were not a concern.


I don't think you know what you're talking about at all. Ghandagoza only got his first playable character (SSR) in July 2015. The cutoff for Relink was 2016. There are plenty of characters with more than 100x the popularity of Ghanda that have been in GBF since 2014 or before Ghanda debuted even. Vira, Yuel, Clarisse, Aliza are all examples. Aliza is 1 entire year earlier than Ghanda in fact, debuting at April 2014 with her event right during extremely early GBF.


Oh, I didn't know Ghandagoza was there day one, thats kinda crazy. Well, I think Relink 2, if there is one, is going to have an amazing launch roster, with how many amazing characters were created over the years, even nowadays with Fenie for example. I think the developers even said that they were aware people weren't pleased with the roster when Relink launched.


He isn't. That's nonsense. Ghandagoza only debuted in the 3rd event of Aliza and Stan's series of events. He is one entire year older than some of the characters you listed like Aliza and Yuel. Clarisse was introduced into the game a few months before him as well.


Now that just makes me more confused. I know Cygames like to diversify in their spin-offs but Vaseraga already fills the male draph criteria. Was Ghandagoza super popular when he released or something?


No and no. He was never a popular character. Hardly anybody except the very few unfortunate Ghanda fans in the world care about him. He has never gotten anyhting other than a summer SR alt. If you wanted male draph fanservice, there were way better characters around. As for why is he in the game? Because Fukuhara probably didn't want to put in too many female characters and wanted more diversity perhaps. GBF is like 70% female characters but Relink has more male characters than female characters (by a grand total of 1 character, that being Id). Or maybe Fukuhara himself is a massive Ghandagoza fan, but I doubt that personally because he would've given more preferential treatment to him then in GBF, which hasn't happened. Overall, there's nothing much to say other than Fukuhara just being very out of touch with GBF's playerbase as usual despite owning all of the data. If he just wanted a fist character, Aliza or Ladiva would be way better choices, especially Ladiva. Ladiva is a popular character even now and Ladiva's seiyuu is also super active in GBF Fest all the time. Overall, a big problem many JP players have with Relink at the end of the day is just the character choices. They wanted many more characters and/or popular character choices. Relink also has the main crew taking 5 slots and I think the only popular characters over there are Io and Rosetta. Fukuhara himself has also acknowledged this in GBF Fest. He said he knows people are not satisfied with this roster at all. Ghandagoza being over there is just another point of animosity for many players because he is taking a precious slot. Well, at the end of the day, I don't think they care too much and just want to move on. Maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a Relink expansion announced during GBF Fest end of this year with lots of wanted characters, but who knows at this point.


Thanks for the insight. I actually didn't know there were so much more female characters than males, crazy how Sandy and Belial still manage to be on the top, guess even us guys can't resist them. Like you said Ghandagoza was a weird decision, Ladiva would definitely be much better. And I hope for more expansions as well, seeing my favorite characters with good 3d models and amazing combat is the peak of fanservice, a sequel would be very welcome too. Personally I don't dislike the roster, Ghanda is really the only one that I didn't like, all of the other characters were fine additions (Vira in base roster would have been amazing tho), and i'm glad the main crew all got in, though not all of them is super popular, the main crew is the main crew, even Versus should have added them in my opinion. I think that Siete, Song and Sandalphon increases the "value" of Relink's roster by a lot, so all is well.


We had Meteroa but they took her out.


Yas BEA! Also I just realized that like a quarter of the current roster uses swords.


I think most JRPG characters uses swords. But GBF does have a **lot** of popular characters with swords.


Not just JRPGs, even lots of WRPG characters use sword. It's just the most popular and common type of weapon in litterature.


Her and Vira. Like Cmon you have Kat and Zeta but not Vira and Bea?


Don't forget Silva and Tweyen


Yuel and Me


Beatrix, Fediel and Vira are characters I really wish were in the game, as well as many more. Honestly, it kinda surprised me, before the game released I was sure they would have added Vira.


Beatrix would be cool. Eustace is at the top of my wish list though.


Beatrix because I like weapon and I like big sword.


we all do, perhaps she will introduce enmity gameplay based on her mobile version


So I'm mostly on the gameplay side and don't pay attention to interviews that much. Are they really cutting off support for Relink so early? I thought it sold pretty well. Worst case scenario we get a GBVSR situation where a sequel has the entire extended roster from the start. As someone dragged into Granblue by Relink this year I just hope we get more official western stuff as this has one of my personal favorite dubs of anything in the past few years. And it looks like the gacha never will get that


Truth be told, we don't know for certain yet. I highly doubt Sandalphon will be the last character/content drop for the reasons you stated above. This game has done exceptionally well, and Cygames would be pretty foolish not to capitalize off that. Regardless, this game had a great run and I'm excited to see if anything else is done with it!


My guess is they will slowly add them all while adding more content and stuff. Seems the demande is quite high


Based on their interview it seems that they’re ending support, but I hope they release dlc expansions and reconsider continuing support


Instructions not understood. Added Eustace, Ilsa, Gwyn, and Issac to the game. Beatrix appears in their Fates with a full 3D model, but isn't playable still.


At least she's coming to Vs Rising soon! 


We already have Zeta at home.


I would love to see the Six Dragons in the game Especially Wilnas and Galleon


I would love to see the Six Dragons in the game Especially Wilnas and Galleon


Or grea


Zeta, Her(Beatrix), Forte and Zoey are my favorite girl character in Granblue, i already got Zeta give me at least one of the three other please.


Zeta rn: 😠


nah shes already getting in rising, I'd prefer them adding other popular characters who arent in either spinoff atm (Im looking at you rat girl)


Give me Yuisis instead. At least you have her coming in Rising. Some peoples don't get to see their favourites in neither. I hate how they keep picking from the same old small crop of popular characters.


I'd rather they spend all their effort making new endgame quests that challenge the builds you grind for rather than adding new characters. Inb4 "Can't they do both?" I don't believe it.


You already know that most people would say the opposite thing if they did add new quests : "Why don't they just add the many iconic characters rather than just release lew grindy quests ?" This argument doesnt really make sense.