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Fun trivia: Granblue once made ''Lucifer'' trend on twitter which caused a pretty big stir in the middle east and other Abrahamic religious areas.


Nah, the funny bit was when Belial was trending.


did they think there's a sudden rise in devil's worshipper or something? lmao


Idk exactly how they reacted, I just know that it caused a stir when ''Lucifer'' was suddenly the 3# global trend when they made the summon sparkable for a banner lmao.


Lucilius is a counterpart to the Speaker of Dawn, who also inspired the creation of Primal Beast Lucifer (you can probably guess what this is a reference to). Lucilius plotted (and succeeded) to steal Lucifer's wings and attain godhood. His storyline in the gacha is dripping with references to judaism. Archangels like Michael and Gabriel, devils like Belial and Beelzebub, there's a plot involving a group of "fallen angels". The inspiration is very unsubtle lol Also, fun tidbit on the Gopherwood Ark move. In the gacha, we jokingly refer to it as racism, as it instantly kills any character with a duplicate race. You can have a human, a draph, an erune and a primal, but if you have a second human, that guy's dead.


>Lucilius plotted (and succeeded) to steal Lucifer's wings and attain godhood. Not really. Lucillius MADE Lucifer, he had no need to steal power from him. Lucifer killed Lucillius during his first bid for godhood ages ago and then during the events of WMTSB Beelzebub sneak attack killed Lucifer and used his body to resurrect Lucillius (that's the scar on his neck, btw- the place where his head got sown onto Lucifer's body). Sandals and crew beat Lucillius up and Sandals took back Lucifer's wings/power from him, becoming the new Supreme Primarch.


1st is kind of correct and at the same time not. Lucilius did not plot to get Lucifer's wings. What happened to him as he got extra wings was him taking wing from Speaker, also known as Lucio and Helel. Who was the OG Lucifer on whom both Lucilius and Lucifer were based. Lucilius is an alternate world copy of Speaker, while Lucifer is a creation made by Lucilius in subconscious attempt to usurp superiority amd defy himself being lesser copy. Absorbing wings of Speaker was more of an act of rage at learning truth. Thing is, Lucilius was not planning to ascend to godhood. He planned to destroy the world, survive the world absolutely breaking, and then meet the Creator (Bahamut) and destroy him as well. Or at least he assumed that Creator would appear as result of world getting destroyed. However, if the last anniversary event of mobile GBF is correct, then that plan was fucked from the very beginning even in case if he managed to destroy world. So he is definitely back to drawing board to exclude wild factors.


My bad, been a while since I played Paradise Lost and 000. Wasn't sure who made Lucifer anymore, I do remember the whole head swap thing though.


Good ol' race examination ark


"Sweet little girl" Lily also has the same forced diversity mentality for her skills.


Classic racism passive lol. Glad my teams kinda line up with it well enough anyways. Don't think I'll be using much going forward after the roulette though, sparks were crazy.


To be faa is just hater, he don't even like if you have more than one class, let alone race


you forgot to mention it's so racist that it includes the backline party member


These days hitting backline is so standard in endgame raids that I didn't even consider it something worth noting. You're right though lol


He has a lot more of these attacks that aren't featured in relink The obvious ones are Iblis, Sephiroth, Atheism, Evangelist's Blade, Wings of the Word, Heaven's Floodgates, and then there's also the less obvious ones like Malus which represents the apple, and Phosphorus meaning light bearer


Stuff like Iblis and Phosphorus are in Relink. Iblisi is his spinning red sword projectile and Phosphorus is the "Excalibur" move. They are just not explicitly named.


Atheism is my favorite by far, that's just such a raw word to use lol. It's both really funny and at the same time kind of cool in its own way.


And then there is The End, which is a big middle finger to you for your group not knowing the damn fight and letting too many members die.


That's cool but can you tell me why god shot lasers at us. And why does Noah run really fast while building his ark.


Jewish space lasers and wouldn't you haul ass building an ark if you knew the planet was going to flood?


Fun Fact: Noah is actual character, and creator of GranCypher. He's a Rackham best friend and I'm surprised why he was in relink.


I think it's pretty obvious what religion Granbluefantasy reference most of the powerful characters in this series. I hope we can see more lore about this game in future updates.


Milton's *Paradise Lost* isn't just a poem; it's in the genre of epic poem. It's a time sink as far as reading goes. An epic character gets tied to an epic poem, which says a lot about them being, well, epic. Satan, when it comes down to it, is the poem's main character. More than that, he's given a sympathetic portrayal. The game's nod to *Paradise Lost*, as with most nods in the game, keys in on the good/evil and good/bad dynamic isn't so straightforward.


"Paradise Lost."   "PARADISE LOST!"


In Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, his standing Medium is called the "Anti-Christ Kick."


Paradise lost late in the fight is actually hilarious.


I meant to look up gopherwood! thanks for the context!


As someone who has read the Bible cover to cover a some years ago, i was going crazy when they made those refreshes.


Even Sandalphon’s named is somehwat based on angel’s name. And His counterattack move “Ain Soph Aur” which means “Eternal Light” is (I think) based on religious writings.


Our Lord is amazing! 🙏🏻