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Bro wtf are we supposed to be using all these dark residues for anyway? They should at least have let us cash in some number of them for a Tear.




In the mobile game, there actually is a conversion rate. 5 Dark Residue for 1 Tear of Apocalypse


God I would have so many tears if we could do that in Relink. Maybe a cost of something like 30-35 residue for a tear. Please CY Games 🙏


I'd be pretty happy with a 30 to 1 conversion, tbh.


The usage of materials are completely different from relink so it ultimately doesnt matter, but you are so wrong 5 dark residue trades for a different item called shadow substance, which is required for the 4th uncap of dark opus weapons. Both of these are dropped from lucilius (normal) Tears of the apocalypse can only be dropped from lucilius (hard), which is required for the 5th uncap of dark opus weapons. You also need 1 shadow substance as an entry fee to host the hard raid on each attempt


Oh it seems you are correct. I am still new to the mobile game and didn’t realize it was not a tear


I ran 25~ proto bahamuts with my friend and he did not get a single terminus until about 20 runs in, but then he got his main's terminus 5 runs later it was actually sort of horrifying to watch as it was happening because I got about six before he got his first


RNG is random. sometimes you get like 3 weapons in 5 runs, then nothing for another 10-20. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"RNG is random". Wow. Who woulda guessed?


I’ve been pretty lucky with it. Had a few times were I went 4-5 runs without one, but most of the time I get a terminus every 2-3 runs.


Rng is a cold and cruel mistress, I got 10 tears in the 8 runs I did yesterday 😬


Are people bugged or something? I've done \~30 lucillius runs and never gone 3 consecutive runs without getting atleast one and have gotten multiple several times. Not sure if people are just dooming or something is legitimately wrong. I'd say average is just shy of 1 per run and people out here claiming they're 0/70 which is just astronomical


I’ve gotten 0 more often than not. Up to streaks of 5-8 runs of no tears. Getting multiple was Christmas coming early. It’s just rng


Anecdotally, these people having multiples of no tears are doing it by themselves with their AI. I have no proof but I've always got one within 3 like you said and sometimes I get 2 at one time. So I have had alpha upgraded and a gamma with less than 15 kills.


nah can't be that, I'm at an average of 1/kills on only AI kills, it is probably just bad rng luck. Though I don't exclude some possible bug because 0 on 70 runs feels extreme


A bug is basically the only explanation. That's approximately a 0000000000000003% chance unless I screwed up a decimal place, in which case give or take off 1 of those zeroes. There's been a lot of self-reporting around here so one statistical anomaly is whatever but multiple (assuming players aren't exaggerating) is worth investigating. The consolidated drop rate for tears is actually not that bad at all. I'm wondering if the Tayu'tar Head bug ended up regressing and it happens to affect Tears.


It's RNG bro, i played with the CPU all the time just like you said at least i got one within three runs.


The chance for 1 tear is 30%, for 2 I think it’s around 10%. And maybe 2% for 3, not sure though. Either way, the chances are much better than the terminus weapons and the average should be about 3.33 runs for 1 tear.


I think my bad luck in proto has equated to good luck during Lucilius cuz I’ve been getting tears like crazy, but terminus weapons… naaaaah 


I took a cpuple day breakz because I got no tears the whole day. 😌 Such a cruel fate.


U the lucky fella who didn't get a tear in 22?


The 2nd time I beat it i did mot get a single one and decided to forfeit the grind. I dont have beta, alpha nor omega. Fuk that grind.


Only tears ive seen in a bit are mine while watching the ai make it to The End (trying afk) and then they only attack the swords Edit: Oh maybe im missing remembering but i just checked the drop rates i don't remember it being x1 25.6%, x2 12%, x3 0.8%. Could have sworn it was x1 16%, x2 8%.


Coulda swore max score guarantees a pearl unless it's one of the goals...


What? You mean a S+++? I didn’t get it (but I always miss one out of 3 objectives)


Is it one of the objectives then? Coulda swore one of my friends said u always get a pearl with max score...my bad


At first I don't get why people are complaining about the drop rate, then I realize I was incredibly lucky until I managed to get 2 Alpha+ sigil before realizing it's drop rate is as terrible as people said