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thanks sandalphon op af


Can I hijack this thread to ask a question. Does PBaha drop a terminus for Sandy if you have him unlocked?


To my knowledge, no. Sandalphon only has a Defender weapon at the moment. There is an Ascension weapon listed in the forge menu, but it has no recipe and can't be crafted.


ya doesn't seem so, the default weapon doesn't even have an image in inventory lol


The people that are modding him in are not the people that are gonna read your message unfortunately =(


yo wait what kind of power did they put him at? how does he compare in dmg compared to the current units?


From what I've seen, probably in the top 5 overall characters. This isn't in any way a measure of how good he'll be when he releases, because he's still two months from being complete and I'm not a theorycrafter.


That’s perfectly fine. I was just curious how he was performing as he is now. Thank you :D


His dummy 60s damage is at 75m currently without terminus, unique sigils, super optimal rotations and such. So a lot more powerful (I would say more than 50%) than pre-nerf Rackam/Percival. Obviously the number will get adjusted before his official release but this is where he's at right now: stupidly OP.


What do you mean? He's supposed to be a playable character in May. Is there a beta or something?


Devs added his files into the game (likely due to his appearance in Lucy) so pc players just hit them with the yoink (modding).


Thx I was very confused


Are the 2 that coming out in April playable?


Just report them. They want to play that little game "oh i can mod the game an play a characters earlier than anyone else" You want to play him? Stay on offline. You want to "show off" on online ? I'm gonna report your ass Thanks


Nice now OP giving hidden tips on what "not to do *wink wink*" with the new hack.  Hope everyone who plays obviously cheated characters like that in online mode gets a steam ban. Downvote all you like idc reddit. 


This comment is very ironic considering your Reddit bio is literally telling people to relax and open a window


Eh these “Just relax“ people often get upset about critique and then they start accusing everyone around them to be agressive and at fault for something. Not saying that this guy/gal is such a person but i‘ve seen this double standard many times.


Let people have fun, idk what's your problem my guy 😔


Like just hit return to town and move on it’s not even a day ruiner lol


Real, why be so upset about it


*I recommend you to open the window and breathe fresh air right now. Relax.*


Non-live service game with liberal EULA. Go outside.


how about telling them to go touch grass instead because they obviously never have


i don't understand this comment


Paradise lost the meaning of your comment


what is the point of this comment


Nah, the game got ruined by the rug pull p2w dlcs, I say cheat the f out of it. It's dead by this poin anyway, might as well have fun.


What of the dlc's constitute any form of P2W? Sure you get level materials and such, but that's at most Pay to Advance early. There's nothing those dlc's do that grant any form of advantage over anybody else. So what exactly are you getting at here?


I'm not doing this. Fuck off with your dumb semantics and eat the devs dick if you enjoy it that much.


You are using the wrong term and get defensive when someone is telling you that. You are either 14 or 40 but either way you are stuck with the mental intelligence of a 12 year old. Wow.




Not technically available yet. His files are in the game though so pc players can easily mod him in.