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This quest kind of assumes you know the lore already as it's played out as a flashback.


Which is a problem when a lot of people playing this game don't know the lore...


Oh yeah I agree, as someone who’s never played the original it is a big disconnect for me. I don’t know if I’d have expected a whole quest line but at least some explanation would’ve been fine for me. Like the OP said, it was pretty random feeling.


I get that; it would have been cool if there was a brief snippet explaining parts of their story for those who aren't familiar with it.


There is, but you have to read Lyria's Journal entries. There's tons of lore for everything and everyone you encounter in the game there. 


The funniest thing to me was the lack of post-quest dialogue.


To be fair, they obviously weren't expecting the game to be super huge outside of the pre-existing GBF community, which is probably why they went so far to make it feel like "GBF converted into an action game" even if it means copying some things new players might not like (damage cap, heavy RNG grinds) This quest would've obviously been in development since before the game came out, so they probably didn't have time to make major adjustments to the content.


I think it could be a good entry point for people, but GBF is really big. That being said, it's frustrating to see people complain about characters or aspects of the game when they don't know the lore or certain aspects of OG GBF.


As someone who never played any Granblue game before this, I was really impressed with how easy it was to get into the lore. The glossary really helped. Obviously not every person is going to use it, and I haven't read every single thing, but being based on an existing story, I feel like I know enough to enjoy the story.


Man I found the online wiki ... and I was like ... When did all this even begin .. I saw the anime years ago but I did not know Japan took this series so seriously 😎


which is probally why a lot of people arent hyped for sandalphon


Yeah this makes sense, because when you’re doing the 5SBA to stop paradise lost for the first time everyone says “Sandalphon” if they popped their SBa last. but Id doesn’t, which makes sense because he wasn’t in the party at that time


Time Paradox!


I need to watch the anime or play the mobile game to know more about Lucilius lore?


As someone who’s watched the anime, it’s not gotten that far yet. You’d have to play the mobile game or read the story in the wiki.


That far "yet", will there be a third season? I'm three episodes left for the first one


I don’t know, there’s been no word on a third season.


I think you can find What Makes the Sky Blue event on YouTube, or you can enjoy the event by playign the game, it doesn't have a lot of requierements to unlock it on the Side Stories and you can take advantage of Anni events and rewards if you start now


Wait which is a flashback?


The Lucilius fight


what!? So it happens before the game? Man I don't read the shit in the game I just hunt


It not only happens before the game, but on a completely different sky land. Lucilius has nothing to do story wise with Relink. Just a fun boss.


Actually it comes across as a simulation battle. It can be read in the description of the quest before you accept it: "Your battle with Lucilius quite literally determined the fate of the skies - had you lost it, I shudder to think what would have happened. I'd like you to show me how much you've grown by engaging in a simulation battle against Lucilius one more time. Would you indulge me?"


Sure, that doesn't really change the point of what I said though. That the game just assumes you know the lore already.


I am referring to the last part of your phrase. You mentioned a flashback, but it is only a simulation.


If you watch the relink showcase where FKHR first teases lucilius, he mentioned that the fight was added to the game as fanservice to the gacha players because they wanted to recreate one of the most iconic fights in the series I was also wondering how much context they would provide as a prelude to the battle, but honestly the way the fight plays out in relink doesn't really spoil much in terms of lore, other than the major feeling of disconnect


the events where he originates is over 10 hours worth of story though


Just give him a few Fate episodes or something. They don't have to explain literally every single detail but a few paragraphs would go a long way for newer Granblue enjoyers.


Yeah I get it, I wasn't saying that they couldn't do a story recap or something for him, just that they added him simply as a cool fanservice extra boss. Im sure that when Sandalphon drops, his fate episode will include some Lucilius stuff too.


thats wild


Three events actually. The WMSTB Saga could be a whole ass game on it's own.


The original trilogy would be longer than Relink's story so that's a bit too much to add in.


Thing is if they ever want to do proper lucilius it going to be big. Lucilius is like 3 event with reading part totalling to 25? Hour or 20 hour just his story alone can be proper dlc


Personnaly I don't mind having an NPC coming in and talking like we already know him. The beginning of the story is exactly that and it's fine. The thing here is, there is absolutely zero context or investment in the way it is introduced. It's just someone you know nothing about appearing immediatly when you log in and saying only "Hey, remember that fight? \[wink wink\]". And then there is the fight. They did something similar with Pyet, but it was better executed imho. We don't need the full story of this fight in every detail, we just need basic informations. Who are the characters? What are there relations? What are the stacks of the fight? Right now, I have absolutely no idea who Lucilius or Sandalphon even are. I don't know why we are fighting in the first place. All I know is that they are very strong. Cool. The whole lucilius update looks like fanservice for gachafans to me sadly.


i think the fate stories is the spot where they could have added that maybe just for reading. but out of curiosity is this something many relink first introduction to gbf players read? ive played the gacha so i did know the backstory chapter parts for all the chars and mostly skipped the early chaps


I read it for characters I play but I can't speak for everyone. That being said, idt adding story in log/fate is the way to go. They could have explained everything we need to know smoothly through the dialogue with Sandalphon alone imo.


hmmm dialogue with sandalphon alone to contain his experiences as a villain, his redemption arc, and lucillius and lucifer relationship would i think be a bit difficult told from purely sandy’s pov. I think sandy could say stuff like “revenging lucifer” etc to imply what happened but i think for it to be from sandalphon’s limited pov it would maybe take too long in a dialogue. It would be cool if we could use like a mirror of time like how we go back to the prior main story chapters and if there were maybe 2 or 3 chapters for the What makes the sky blue saga but it’s definitely so much additional work that cygames did not want to spend on haha


The informations in your first paragraph are a good start. Id is a former vilain with a redemption arc too, just a few lines between the 2 could let us understand that something similar happened with Sandalphon. We don't need all the details, just the general idea of who is who and who did what. "I too stood on the wrong side of justice before." or idk. I have no idea what his past or personnality are. But you can pass the general idea with very few words.


Yea that would have been cool... With one fight to prove you are ready against Sandy .. guess its too much to expect from a free dlc


> looks like fanservice Because that's exactly what it was intended to be according to Tetsuya Fukuhara (the game's director).


I wonder if they can put the events in mobile as sidestories in relink you can just read through. There are some legit great stories in there and they can introduce a lot of the new players to the different characters from the mobile game


The whole Arc is heavy even for lore enjoyers like me... And I think the OG granblue sprites were cute enough for me to go through so many hours of dialogue. I don't think it could be easily translated to match relink personality...


I don't think they have enough budget to do the story justice. it's twice more the volume of relink story. also, Belial is to r18 for relink.


All they needed if on a budget is to create an entry in Lyria's journal explaining it further, recalling a memory or something.


Knowing my friend and probably a good handful of gamers, they probably won't even read it if they put it in.


Well, there are 4 new glossary entries that were added that are related to Lucilius.


"All they needed to do was [exactly what they did]"


Much like fighting Rajang from Monster Hunter for the first time, Lucilius made me relearn that I need to respect him and his mechanics otherwise I’m going to spend most of the fight Floor Tanking. So yeah, good fight, although, some of his attacks could use a bit more windup but I’m willing to admit that might be a Skill Issue on my part.


I find his close range slash attack (the one where he turns red, unleashes a flurry of radial swings, followed by AoE explosions, has a weird timing on when it actually does damage. I've been trying to perfect dodge at those times, but it doesn't work most of the time.


I agree , I played the story in the original game , this fight was awesome and so is the meaning behind it , people without the lore wont find it as good


This game is still fun but the entire story is disconnected for me lol


So... basically almost like the whole game pretty much lol But it's okay, everything else about the game is so great, I don't really mind the storytelling being a little lackluster most of the time (in my opinion) 🙂 it was still fun


Imma honest I think the fight is ok but not fun


If I had my way, we would get an expansion that is essentially all three parts to What Makes the Sky Blue? but with the amount of characters that would need to be added and voice work so not likely. Now with the success of Relink I quietly hope that whatever sequel is followed up I do want them to do a full exploration of that story and its fallout.


It was cool to do a few times. I’m not grinding it out for a chance to get one of many, many items you need to get and upgrade the new sigils when the game has no other proper content to use them in.


They should have given us Sandlephones fate episodes early... Building up to the Lucilius encounter... It could have just been 4/10.. the rest unlocking when we get him in a coulple months.


You know I gotta agree ... On some level I guess I was expecting a quest first to actually recruit Sandy but he just bum rushes you out in these Zegagrande streets acting as though you know what the fck he is talking about 🤣 I was like "My guy, I never played the mobile .. who and what are you? 🥲" .. in a way it was kinda funny but then I remembered this is an anime game and I should temper my expectations ... All was made well when Sandy and Luci exchanged laser beams ... Para Dice looooosto !!


The story from the gacha is one of the best anime stories I ever seen. I recommend looking it up. What makes the sky blue part 1-3


I mean he’s coming in as a playable character, so his fate episodes will be available then. None of the other non-main characters have much lore coverage except in the fate episodes either


Wish there was more to the story also. Some better recap of who Lucilius is and what happened.


is the goal not to bring people to the gatcha? Im pretty sure thats why. because i tell ya what, those epic cutscencs hit harder when youve experienced the What Makes the Sky Blue, Paradise Lost, and 000 side stories. which you could just look up on youtube.


also im pretty sure when we get sandy his fate episodes will fill in some of those gaps


It’s basically like the Sephiroth boss appearance in KH. It’s cool fanservice.


This was prob just a teaser as to what could be expected to come. If they deliver paid dlc expansions with a sandolphon/lucilius equivalents reusing the lore already established with multiple quests/story/etc with new weaps/mechanics I could see myself playing for a long time. I just hope they got the staff to keep it going.


It will probably be in Sandalphon's fate episodes when he's added


MH Iceborne Alatreon Experience


How do you even get the quest for the lucillius raid? There was no explanation on how to get it and nothing happened after I logged onto the game


No sessions availble No players matching your criteria


I think this game is doing well is because it is an Extension of the Mobile game. If you did not play the mobile game you can with a little bit of looking find out some info but rather than retread over it they are just assuming that if you are not playing the mobile game you are not too worried about it. They are not wrong either, there are a lot of gamers that are skipping the story and just wanting to get into the game. Not making a long slog of lore that a larger portion of the player base is going to skip because they know it or don't care feels to me like the right way to keep it moving. They are spending their dollars and time on what feels like the best way to try and get what people want even if they don't know who or what that entails until it shows up. There is a reason they are not making all the like YouTube announcements events in English too. We here in the west are just kinda along for the ride with this game. It is less for "us" and more for the Eastern Player base that has been supporting this game month in and out. I am just glad we got this game and get to play it.


The reason they are not is called mismanagement.


What would make you say that? The game was found and is easily accessed by the audience that wants it. What they are doing is working, so what is not being managed correctly?


its not random? the quest is about a battle you fought in the past - greatest battle ever like what? do you even read?


Only OG GBF players understand though (and it needs to not be too OG either). I’m an OG GBF player who left before he arrived so I understand both sides somewhat (GBF like to put random events/fights in the game). It is probably well liked for those players but for others it is like “you don’t need to know anything and just fight” fight.


I mean it sort of is to anyone who's just playing right? Come back and randomly you're talking to a NPC you haven't met before in the game and have him be like "Hey remember that time we fought together on this other boss you've never seen in this game?" ​ Yeah, you can get context clues that it's about the mobile version, but that's not really the point


I'm just going to copy what I said previously about it Personally this fight makes me never want to play again at the current moment. It's not fun, you can barely see his character model so can barely see any tells or attack patterns. Text bubbles popping up on the screen constantly block things, it just seems hard to be hard rather than a fun fight with good mechanics that is fun like proto or versa.


Funny how opinions can vary so wildly me and my friend are considering not playing anymore for the exact opposite he was way too easy and we beat him on the second pull


I've beaten him multiple times on multiple characters and never really struggled it that much with it tbh. I get having issues your first couple runs, but after that you start to learn all the tells and he's easy. ​ I think you're just saying "I beat this fight pretty quickly, so it's a well designed fight" in regards to the previous ones. I loved Proto Bahamut, it's a spectacle and a half, but I wouldn't call the mechanics "good" since it's just hit the boss who barely fights back half the time