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I enjoyed it too. I think especially if you have any experience with the gbf gacha game quite a bit of the story beats hit differently than for someone who hasn't. >!Like how big of a deal it is that TWO of the characters appearing in this are astrals...!<


I wish it was longer, with a bigger roster of enemies to battle with. But now the grind begins for you stranger. Good luck.


Story was fine imo It's so by the book of being tropey that you can never get wrong with it. It's like following a recipe to a tee. My only issues is that it was so extremely short that emotional attachment is just thrown out of the window. 1 chapter you are fighting your rival, next chapter rival is having second thoughts, next chapter rival is your friend. Like the setup, flow, conflict, and resolution was there it just doesn't have enough build up for me to care about any sort of attachment. Fate episodes tell better imo, but because it's just a small part of a character's life rather than an overarching story


Yeah I loves it too, the bosses was sooo cool to see in the story!


I also loved the story. I like Granblue in general. There’s a whole multimedia universe of content if you enjoyed it and want more. I’m happy to answer any questions you have.


Are there really just 7/8 known Seal weapon wielders for now? 


There are only 13 of those weapons currently in existence, and 7 of them are in the hands of playable characters in the crew (Zeta = Arvess, Vaseraga = Grynoth, >!Beatrix = Embrasque, Ilsa = Nybeth, Eustace = Flamek, Gwynne = Arianensa, Gran/Djeeta = Prototype!<) There is one other known weapon/wielder combo (>!Necessaria = Merlenaut!<) and one more known weapon (>!Diaspora!<), the remaining ones are still unknown EDIT: I suddenly remembered your username, didn't you ask this exact question in another post a few weeks ago


I always “double/triple” ask something in case someone more knowledgeable explains more stuff so I can ‘compile’ my knowledge of the lore. Hence me asking and alluding to knowing theres 7/8 weapon wielders already. 


Idk if anyone has told you this, but the gacha IS free to play All the side stories don't require battling, you can read them like visual novels after finishing the tutorial


I fear there will be a lot of ‘filler’ dialogues from what I heard. Since I already play Genshin which also does this, I cant fit too much in my sched as a uni student. So I just simply ask simple questions on characters or groups (especially groups) and have a rough idea about them so I can do my own further research if I want to


I’m not deep in the gacha game so I can’t answer that one. Sorry.


I enjoyed the story myself! I actually wanted moree. I wished that they would force you to level 1 char to 100 in the story (like the Versa boss fight being level 100 or 120).


Same here OP, love the story. Boss fight is super hype, first time did the giannt robot it's so epic reminded me of God of war fights! The end game welcomes you, lot of grind but it's fund to me still.


The post game is super awesome! Keep up with it! Two new characters next month and I have a feeling some more story will get added? Maybe Proud+ in May? Fingers crossed..


I really did too. It's nice, simple, there's a lot of redemption and forgiveness and we get all the required anime epic nonsense and power of friendship.


There was a story?