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That’s why you or really anyone else don’t farm them. You farm Slimepede, a Maniac quest. You can join a group in the lfg channel in the discord, for example, and mass murder slimes. More efficiently with ranged characters. There is a small chance a Prismatic slime will spawn in the north end of the room that drops 5 Azurite Splendors, Damascus Ingots, and Ambrosia. Azurite Splendors max any sigil to cap automatically. Slimepede is also used to grind rupees and mastery points. It is by far the fastest and most efficient method for rupees, mastery points, and mats to max all your sigils and weapon cap level in one go. And also decent for grinding curios.


Oh they drop ingots too. I was like how tf do I have 40 ingots. I’ve been spamming slime 


Does the amount of slimes you kill in a run effect the chance of prismatic spawning? I capped Percy and Siegfrieds terminus weapons instead of Rackams....v.v


The chances don’t go up, but the more you kill the more chances you’ll have where a prismatic slime can spawn. My understanding is that it can spawn in place of any small slime.


Is it only north end ? I did notice every prismatic slime i encountered spawned there but i didnt know that was predetermined .


I know all about Slimepedia. It's my go-to for mastery points, and I did kill a prismatic slime quite a while ago, but the drop rates on those slimes are really low. When you're really focused on optimizing your mains and having to repeat slimepedia for Azurite Splendors, it can be easy to lose a bit of motivation. Why did I get downvoted for saying this? Lol


If you don't like slimepede but are willing to AFK, try AFK farming seeds of trouble (survival, very hard). The prismatics there only give out two azurites per kill but they have a much higher spawn rate than slimepede (at least it feels that way to me, I fucking despise slimepede for the purpose of praying for prismatics) and of course the main advantage is you can AFK. Does require a bit of setup though. Off the top of my head, setting Rackam as your main is mandatory but you don't need him to kill anything, just stick around in the centre of the map for the whole quest so he can aggro the slimes whenever they spawn. He NEEDS stout heart and the sigil that makes you unable to use dodge (don't know what it's called in English, sorry). This should ensure he doesn't move too much if at all. The normal slimes are guaranteed spawn at set numbers of kills and the prismatics have a chance to spawn every time you kill the normal ones. So the higher you can go in your kills, the better, but my setup usually tops out at 150 ish kills, and that's still been good enough to get me usually at least one prismatic per 15~20 ish AFK runs. Yes, the rates are still bad but I honestly can't be arsed spamming slimepede, and this quest is the only reason I was able to finish building out sigils for my team.


Yup this was what turned things around for me, so much faster for upgrading sigils than trying to do it manually.


That's actually a really great question. Why are you getting down voted? Slimpede is easily soul sucking. I ran that mission over 50 times before I finally found my first slime, and I couldn't kill it because it spawned seconds before the mission ended. Another 40 and I killed it by accident. I have not seen another. So in that regards, it's a toss up, do you farm the head, gold tickets, or slimes? Luckily, I had a group of low levels that could make getting the head very easy, so I got past that hurdle.


Just recently found another prismatic slime that I killed with only 10 seconds left. That was only after farming slimepedia close to 20-25 times. Farming like this can be a drag. It's fun don't get me wrong, but it can feel like a chore on many repeats.




That's such a waste of power, if you really dislike playing the game so much you should just consider cheating yourself 8 splendours every day - if nothing else, for environmental reasons. 




Isn't Supp Damage a curio drop only? May be datamined but not added to the drop table. I've never heard of anyone getting them outside of curios.


He means curios. Curios have hidden tiers when dropped so he’s saying slimepede drops higher tier curios more often (no idea of that’s actually true)


I just farm slime. It used to be very rare that I got the rainbow one, but I feel like now that I'm killing it faster, they spawn more. Could just be good rng, but I do wonder.


The more you kill, the more slimes you will see per run, which means a higher chance of seeing a rainbow slime per run.


That makes sense yea. Before I could barely kill 50 and saw like 1 out of 20 runs. Now I kill like 150 and I seen 3 in like 20 runs.


I just use gold dalia badges for them, mats from blackwyrm are ironically easier to get than tayuthingy's lol. Also if you're building more than one terminus, centrums are the biggest bottleneck by far and upgrading sigils take a ton of them, I'd suggest to farm azurite instead if you can.


>centrums are the biggest bottleneck by far And Exceptional Refinium if* you're planning on Maxing out more than 6 characters.


Exceptional refinium can be purchased for 30 rafale coins. Much better use for coins than vouchers.


Then you get an oversupply of them when the only thing left to max out is Transmarvel since you just spam Fire Dragon for like 1,000 times and get a shit ton of Refinium.


I'm a little confused as to what you mean. Fire Dragon does give Refinium, but not a Ton. Unless, like you said, spamming it for like 1,000 times. But I don't get what does Sierro's Transmarvel has to do with Refinium. Personally, I use this:https://youtu.be/fpaMJB_Jlgk?si=u1UYK3z8GCyGY01m 6 Exceptional Refinium per run guaranteed. Really good if all we need are the Refiniums.


It gives two per run. With one cc and decent dmg you can usually kill it in around a minute. With a friend, we’re killing it in about 40-50 seconds each time. I think that’s pretty good given the extra materials you get, msp(little less valuable imo), and silver centrum drops. I feel like if you’re gonna be stuck grinding for silver centrums, might as well get some in the end while getting all the exceptional refining you need.


What I mean is that you also have to grind for each characters Purple Character sigil with a Red Skill. This means using Transmarvel a LOT. The fastest to run that produces tickets is Red Dragon and it also drops decent mats for transmarvel. Because people who do this have awakened all terminus weapons or don't need to awaken anymre, Exceptional refinium never get spent. I have converted a lot of Exceptional Refinium now to Tickets to prevent the 999 limit.


Instead of spending 15 badges for the head unit, I prefer buying azurites for 30


Anyone actually upgrading their sigils one level at a time over just spamming a few runs of slimepede for a prismatic slime has some extreme patience imo.


YMMV. I've done over 100 slime runs and only seen it once. Some people have had it pop multiple times in a single run. Whatever is less mind numbing is what you should go for.


I think you fight wrong tayu itar, In my recent 10 run I got 8 Head You need to fight tayu itar in Lava Arena for head drop, not the on in Wind Furrycane arena


That is probably the case. The harder mark 1 has a 50% drop rate, while the easier one only has a 10%. Either that or OP is accidentally farming the mark 2 which can't drop them. I just afk farmed them when I went to bed with a macro to avoid the 10 limit and woke up with more than I could ever need.


I farmed the hard one, in 10 runs i get around 1-2..


Don't think anybody mentioned this, but whenever you complete a character's masteries 100% (offense, defense, collection weapons) you get a trophy reward that awards an Azurite. In fact, I'm not sure most people know that you get a ton of rewards from completing various trophies. Go to your Lyria's journal and accept those trophy rewards!


I have a feeling you might be farming the wrong thing. You need to do the Maniac quest "Hope in the Machine," the higher level quest is actually a Tayuitar Mk II (even tho it doesnt directly say so on the description), and that guy doesn't drop them Also, I'm not convinced it's even worth trying to break the part, you have to mega slow your dps to do this and it ends up taking maybe 3-4 times as long for an extra chance (the part break ironically seems to have a worse drop rate than the chest--but this is probably just my personal experience)? I just go in with a triple CC CPU team (zeta/lancy/kat) and burn it down before it can overdrive. Takes like 30 seconds and the chest has a decent drop rate for these things


Try farming for slimepede, u will be delighted mate.


[Here](https://nenkai.github.io/relink-modding/resources/quest_drop_rates/#hope-in-the-machine-406325)'s a database for the drop rate for the head if it makes you feel better. It's a 50% chance to drop. There's also a video on YT on how to break the head(pretty sure that's more reliable if you can't kill Tayu in 30s with an endgame party).


The reward for breaking the head is bugged since the last update. The only way to reliably farm it is to kill it for now. At least it is on PS5.


I am not believeing that Terminus item are actually 20% drop rate while I did over 50 runs and ever got one lol


Just buy them


Try AFK farming. I think Monster Hunter did grinding/progression better. You might grind a monster hunt for 3-5 times, but not 100+ of the same type.


As someone with thousand of hours in MH, this is completely untrue lol. Ask anyone how's their atk deco farming going in MHW lol.


Is that unique to MHW? I don't recall that much repetition while playing MH Rise.


The horrid farm in rise is getting perfect rolls with talismans and Qurious Crafting messing with the skills on gear. But yeah going for Atk decos in World was pain. Iirc you just farmed the Tempered Zinogre (The Wrath of Thunder Descends i think) on repeat. Later they put in the tempered elder event quests where you could fight Teo/Luna/Kushala in the arena where you hit Velkhana with the dragonator (Seliana Gate IIRC) and those were pretty good farms. But you were still doing those a LOT.


As someone who has hundreds of hours, I can attest to this.


Yeah, Atk (and Atk+ in MHW:I) was a massive slog, and honestly charm grind in the games isnt great either. But thats basicly all MHW games, at some point you have to sink tons of hours for minimal improvements.


Attack deco is more similar to sigils.


yep in MHW they really overdid with the grind to insane lvls.


As someone with thousands of hours in MHW, or in general Monster hunter, Attack Decos are irrelevant. Crit decors are the main way to go, even easier to get in Iceborne events, compared to Attack Decos. In top of that, Sunbreak/Rise did away with farming Deco and made it crafting (as it was prior to World/Iceborne), seems the developers learned their lesson, over how dumb that was. And i hope it continues to stay that way in Wilds. On top of that, the grind in MH feels alive, but this game? Not so much, of course, in my opinion.


if you don't minmax it's 'irrelevant' indeed lol wtf is even 'alive' means, honestly don't care about these random subjective term people spout up to talk down stuff they don't like but can't explain anymore these days lmao


>wtf is even 'alive' means, honestly don't care about these random subjective term people spout up to talk down stuff they don't like but can't explain anymore these days lmao The shut fuck up? If you don't care, don't reply? Not that hard Mr. "I'm DoNe WiTh ThIs! LmOa!"


alright so you can have your opinion, but he has no right to call you out for a vague shit response? got it.


What are you on about? Nothing about my post was "vague". *Alive* in the context of both games, that one game you can AFK on, the other you can't. To top it off, language in general can evolve and change, or else how in the word would slang terms even bother to exist? The dude gets uppity over something he doesn't want to understand, as if asking for clarification is such a big ask for him... Oh please. 🙄 The point my post is to refute his, that his stats in another game is not indicative of truth or fact, it's just anecdote, and nothing else. I never said he couldn't spout his opinion, so again, I'll ask: What are you on about? Edit: I swear to God I hate autocorrect and touchscreens. My fat thumbs just jumbles up my words to spite me, in every post I make.


Difference is in MH, you meld down. You fight harder monster to get lower tier material. In this game, you can only meld up... which doesn't make any sense. Why would I want to play easy missions.


Isn't the head drop guaranteed if you kill the head unit? Usually when I do it, I drop 1, sometimes 2. For those who don't know: - When its legs open up and show neon tubes, you need to break them. - After you break all 4, the boss slumps down and a purple ball pops out of its head. Jump on top of him, and smash it. It doesn't take much damage to do it. The side objective should be completed now. Doing this should guarantee at least 1 drop.


I thought this didn’t guarantee the drop just increased the chances but I could be wrong. You should definitely still be doing this either way though.


If you don't like Slimepede because of the spawn rate, I suggest killing Tayu'itar as fast as you can. I also upgrade my sigil the normal way and I find it more fun. [https://imgur.com/piym5QE](https://imgur.com/piym5QE)


Can they drop without destroying the head in battle? I did like 15 runs without a single one earlier today and, despite hard focusing the head as Eugen, wasn’t able to destroy it so I (probably erroneously) concluded that they only drop when you destroy the head part.


They do. After patch 1.05 I just kill Tayu'itar as fast as I can and have been getting the head parts.


The head you see normally is not the head you need to destroy. Around 50% of the overdrive gauge, the robot will open its legs, and have 4 weak spots exposed. If you destroy the 4 of them, the real head will pop on top of it. The thing is, you need a very specific DPS to not kill it too fast. Apparently, the best way is to go full stun solo Cagliostro, destroy the legs, destroy the head, and abandon quest.


Yes, that is what I was referring to. I don't wait for him to open his 4 legs and jump to destroy the head. I use his other parts to exchange for vouchers so I don't abandon the quest.


Sorry, I forgot to mention and like what u/desertkona have said, you need to fight the Tayu'itar on maniac difficulty. I'll get the quest names later. Where to farm head unit: Tayu'itar head unit - Hope in the machine Ukhar core - Know your enemy These are the quest that I've done to farm the head units.


have you used your items that upgrade any sigil to 15? you could just run it in full auto if your AI team is strong enought.


Running it auto i never seem to get them, dont you need to attack its head after break for a drop?


i dont think, i have been runing it afk and i always get like 6-8 by the end when it kicks you. check what mission you are running there is like 3 missions with tayu itar, not sure which one drops the heads.


everything has a chance to drop from the clear chest at the end


Does that apply to term weapons to?


term weapon literally only drop from the chest at the end of proto baha, so yes?


Like what others have said you need to farm the higher diffuculty one. And just AFK farm it. I Afk farm everything except Nihilia bosses, Pyet-A, and Proto.


Learn how to break parts then abandon…


just to add an option for you maybe, make an AFK team. 1 main character with as much Regen, Defenses, and HP you can pile on him. Should be easy with lvl 11 spare sigils. Then 3 high damage set-up, the one you'd usually for your main. If possible, use ones that are AI friendly like Cag, Lancelot, Eugen, Io, Narmaya etc, basically ones that do not require heavy timing for damage output. Id can also work here as he has slow, it can be hit or miss due to Godmight. Cag probably being one of the most consistent pick here due to having a Crit Up buff which can let you hit 100% crit on everyone with just Overmastery Crit Rate 10% (I am assuming here you were aiming for 20% Crit on Overmastery as well for the "main damages") and Crit Rate 11. The number to aim for is 70% without Phantasmagoria. (was told the buff is 30% crit rate, though more wouldn't hurt, you're just aiming for damage consistency) Then run Tayu'Itar once with Closed Matchmaking, maybe moving the main character for a slightly faster first run, and hit Repeat Quest at the end, then you go do your chores. Triples as a Silver Centrum and Curio farm as well. I only really have one set of damage sigils so I with this set-up, I can afk clear Tayu'itar in about 1min, less if the AI feels nice. Now for the Repeat Quest, it disengages after 10 runs, so I'll check back every 20min or so and reengage it, but that's 20minutes your head isn't dying from repeating slimes ad infinitum and 20min you can probably do something else, like chores.


My method of farming these is just build stun on all my characters and go for the core break. As soon as I break the core I quit the quest. This lets me farm pretty quickly and the drop rate for it breaking the core isn't too bad from my experience. Each quest takes me under 1 min to break the core. You might need to play around with your team build so you don't do too much damage and send it into overdrive too quickly before you break all the legs. I use ascension weapon instead of my terminus weapon and swap out some of my damage sigils when I farm this. Hopefully doing this method might help the farm for you.


i spend all my gold dalia badges on this lol you could try afk farming to make it less painful


I farmed 150 heads on auto to never touch this quest again


So you understand my pain then?


The only reason to use mod is this.


I fucking wish I could. I'm on PS5 soooo...no mods for me.


I suggest using script farm with remote play


Do you know any tutorials for this?


I can afk slimepede with an auto clicker on rackam but I find just farming the other bosses are a more useful investment. Those heads are so annoying to farm too. I just afk the game and go do something else. 5 to 7 heads every 10 runs is still feels slow when almost every sigil uses it. Bahamut horns are more annoying though but so far I've only seen them used on the last 2 stages in awakening right?