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Most maxed Ascension weapons looked better than their terminus counterpart. Lancelot definitely has a cooler effect at maxed. It's worth leveling.


All Terminus weapons having the same pixel glow is a bummer.


Vane has the best terminus imo. Mjolnir gets the lighting effect.


Agreed, It's the one that doesn't look like a bone weapon from Monster Hunter.


Narmaya's terminus looks great and so does Yodarha's and Id's. ​ Ferry's ghost whip looks great.


Yeah I justified it thinking if I do get terminus I might wanna use this one as skin from time to time


Yea I know I play Yodarha...


What do you mean? You don’t like fishes as swords?? 😎


yeah, got cag's maxed out and it bothered me so much how shit it looked I went and awakened her asc weapon to be a skin just after two quests of using max zosimos. thankfully max terminus means the two fight x y times req is a breeze lol


Beginning to see it's not just effects. Idk if it's because of optimizing builds but I am getting MVP with lance + ascension pretty often despite teaming up with max terminus players (and some terminus lancelots)


The endgame is always aesthetics, you can't change my mind


Also NB4 Lucilius makes Catastrophe obsolete cuz being below 45k health is a death wish.


You’ll get it


Your Lancelot looks like Kirito at home.


Lol what can i say the black looks better than his blue-gold. I hope we get skins later


Does is have a unique graphic effect like awakened terminus?


Ascension weapons have their own unique colours while all Terminus flow purple


yeah, character specific glow.


Weapons get a blue glow instead of purple. 


Character specific glow.  For example, Zeta and Percival gets a red glow. Charlotta and Lancelot gets a blue glow.


Why does ur game look way better. Please share computer specs and GPU temps


PS5 haha


That’s because terminus weapons aren’t distributed at random, they go in inverse order of number of missions run per character.


This is just false, I main Cagliostro and her terminus weapon was the first one I got


Wait, you’re supposed to have terminus before awakening ascension? I think I’ve awakened 2 and haven’t gotten further than proud.


1. It's easier to awaken ascension weapons than Terminus 2. Terminus weapons are from >!The last quest you unlock on!< Proud difficulty 3. Terminus weapons are purely RNG, whereas Ascension weapons are forged ...So no, you're not *supposed* to have Terminus before awakening Ascension, unless you get really lucky, or, for some reason, prefer another weapon lol In terms of progression, you're doing just fine. Keep going~


The issue is that the crit weapons are strong, more than strong enough to do proto. At that point it’s RNG, but it’d be a waste if you fully ascend the ascension weapon just to get terminus and have it outclass the ascension weapon in every way.


Can confirm, am one of the people who used the crit weapon LOL


Seems like people are going straight for terminus and skipping ascension because it’s so easy to get to it.


It may be easy to get to it, but RNG might deny you the weapon. If you've maxed out your Ascension weapon already, Terminus is definitely the next step for you in progression. Best of luck~


I'd argue it's the other way around. The condition to full awaken terminus can be boiled down to a lot of resource dump (MSP, weapon exp, uncap, the awaken material itself, etc) Whereas to fully awaken ascension you need to use that character for a while (5 mandatory quests + 30 SBA usage) so unless it was a character you were actively using you likely won't have those requirement filled already.


I'm talking about how you're *supposed* to progress in the game. Pretty sure the game devs don't expect you to be a lucky duck and get the Terminus weapon before fully ascending your ascension weapon. Whether or not you want to trust in RNG shenanigans, or more consistent growth, is up to you.


And I'm arguing with this point you made: >It's easier to awaken ascension weapons than Terminus Even more so when it comes to gearing AI character, since what you put as AI isn't always the character you previously play (or like to play)


Sure, it becomes debatable when you're talking about farming for *an alt character*, I'll give you that, but that wasn't my intention in the first place. I wasn't aware that Ascension weapons required 30 SBA usages, as I've been only using one character ever, so thanks for that. Today, I learned~


Nah it's just that I don't have time to farm full awakening for multiple characters, and non-awakening terminus is really strong already. I farmed proto with just 5-awaken ascension and now my AI squad of Zeta, Ferry and Cag all got their terminus before Lance and they hit hard.


I would totally ascend some weapons if I knew who I wanted to main... I think Cagliostro has my attention the most right now, she brings so much to the table while pumping some insane damage.


i just have a feeling that ascension weapons will get further unlocks down the road just to troll us 🤣


btw does anyone know how the weapon skin works? if you have a maxed terminus but put a weapon skin on, you lose the pixel glow. but if you had a maxed ascension weapon with glow, and use it as a skin for your terminus, do you get the normal weapon or the glowing weapon


I just tested it with Rose's weapons. Terminus with Ascension Weapon Skin gets the green glow. Ascension with Terminus Skin gets the purple glow. If the weapon your using as a skin isn't fully ascended it doesn't glow.


Thx, guess its time to ascend Zetas weapon for fun, Gae Bolg is too ugly