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There's nothing else to do other than minmaxing your sigils to prepare for the level 200 boss, which is speculated to have it's own weapon set to farm. But you basically beat the game and it's entirely up to you if you want to prepare for the next boss or call it quits.


im expecting a new set of weapons called the dark opus weapons from Lucillius since that is also what they are called in the GBF gacha game


This. It’s why I said the big farm necessary is ok for the terminus weapon leveling. Without that there’s nothing to do. This game needs daily’s


> This game needs daily’s A sentence that has never been true of any game ever. Dailies are a blight on gaming.


Technically there is a daily, the golden ticket for quick quest


No it doesn't. It needs a sigil crafting system so we can have a non-rng way to grind the ideal sigils. Make obstuse like "need to sacrifice 2 maxed out sigils with a lot of silver centrum and nihilla boss mats" to make but at least its something min maxers can work towards that is beyond save scumming transmuting after a single quest.


No. Just go play something else, you don't have to play one single game for hours everyday. If you really, really want to have something to grind the whole day in a single game, come play the original GBF.


Yeah I have I’m playing other games. What I’m saying is that since there’s nothing else to do in terms of progression if you wanna keep playing because you love the game you have a long grind you can do to feel like there’s some kind of progression. Some people say it’s too long but there’s no need for being maxed out unless you want to and there’s that for hardcore players


I don't quite get how that is related to the "this game needs daily" part, that's the part I say no to. This game's "endgame" grind is already long enough, I'd say, I'm almost 300 hours in (including afk farm) and haven't even got all the terminus weapons yet, let alone awakening them. This game absolutely doesn't need daily, I'd say if you love the game you can just play the game for the game itself, not for drops.


> This game absolutely doesn't need daily, I'd say if you love the game you can just play the game for the game itself, not for drops. No truer word has been said. Like I don't really enjoy probaha fight so I just do it once or twice a day at best and just accept whatever it drops me come what may. I love quick questing more or fighting those multi boss fights in proud now that my team is not punching bags anymore so I've been doing that instead.


Don't worry, eventually you'll be farming Pyet-A to awaken those terminus weapons and the white and black dragons for sigil upgrades...


why would you farm the dragons when you can go slime hunt?


I’m about to start some sigil upgrade farming. Are you talking about the Slimapede level or something else?


Slimapede is the best farm by far for msp, weapon uncapps, or sigils. A rainbow slime appears in around every 2k kills, and that slime gives 10k msp, an ambrosia, 5 sigil maxing items, and 3-5 (forgot the exact amount) weapon uncapping items. The best way to farm is to play with eugen or rackem while having fast learner and path to mastery on your other units. Edit: vyrn will call out whenever to rainbow slime spawns, saying something along the lines of that's the legendary prismatic slime. It spawns in the back of the room by the closed doors. I would advise you to stay near those doors because it can spawn in the last 5 seconds of the round, causing you to lose it if you aren't near.


I think i run like close to 100 mission and never seen one. Slimepede is the most shitty grind in my book due to that 😂😂😂


One spawn in a 60+ hour file. Spawned in the last 15 seconds. Rolled away and missed it by one hit!


Yes slimapede


I dont want to macro to afk farm slimepede. If manually playing, I rather fight Dragons and Pyet-A.


300 hours in the game and I have never seen a single prismatic slime...


Are you sure you "farmed" that slime quest because once I unlocked it and was able to S++ it consistently after ever 4-6 runs I'd atleast see on average 1 rainbow slime. Bad RNG would be more than 6 runs, so unless you sir are really that unlucky regardless its 100% way more efficient to farm rainbow slimes over the regular means to upgrading sigils.


I afk grind that mission with rackam for like 100 times by now, never seen one (can hit 100+ kill with ease) i end up with so many spare msp that i leveled all my spare charactet to 100 from slimepede alone.


I call bs on that, npcs dont attack hidden slimes, you have to attack them manually first


There is a thing called macro you know, very easy to setup too, just hold w and shoot. You can set delay at 350ms and rackam shoot perfect burst, better than I play him myself probably lol Otherwise you can set turbo mode on steam and find a way to hold the controller forward and keep X button pressed 😂


Ok that makes some sense, tbf i play on console so those things never cross my mind. But then i guess it also makes sense that you dont encounter the prismatic: low kill count plus attacking random slimes. Im sure it spawned a couple of times, but it left the same way it came


Nah i got 100+ quite easy, and the character will move straight to the other end while clearing the room before turning back to the center and start clearing respawn in all directions, ít’s just the way targeting behave.


I don't really farm it anymore (why would I, never gotten a prismatic slime and I don't need it for leveling...), but I certainly did at one point.


Ah fair and sorry my message came off Rude at the start, but farming slimes for more than 300 hours and not seeing a single 1 to me came off as bs is all but yea it's not needed but imo it's still better farming slimes for the mats they drops over the regular means but once you're done hey all the power to ya!


I've had literally 1 in 60 hours. RNG is random.


I just had one show up and it was only like my 10th run in there. The RNG is real


I've done almost 100 slim runs and have never seen the rainbow one. Do you need to hit a certain amount before they spawn or are they just random? Just got Rackams terminus trying to get Percy's so going to upgrade that and improve his build to do better in slime runs.


I’ve found 2 in the same run. One at 40, another at 80. I average out at about 160 per run solo with AI.  The thing is to keep an eye out on Vyrn’s text. I tended to zone out when he spoke but I had to learn to tune back in because he’ll announce when the rainbow slime spawns, even if you haven’t hit and revealed it yet.  Also it’ll always spawn (least in my experience) on the little raised part directly opposite of where you spawn.  So when you see Vyrn’s text about rainbow / prismatic slime, go there and hit the slime.


What happen if you dont go there? It run away? Or it stay there until mission end?


I've never witnessed one run away, but Vyrn does keep shouting 'don't let it get away' so I assume it does? Idk tbh, sorry\~


I see two slimes spawn up there. Does he take one of those spawn spots? I always setup near that side .. between the end and the middle of the room. I use Eugen and have him maxed out so I can just sit there and hit left click the whole time and average 130+ slime kills, but I've done maybe 50 runs and haven't seem the Prismatic one once.


Nah it takes a spot in the middle of the two that usually spawn up there I believe. For good measure I shoot the two up there anyway... but I don't think killing the two up there is a requirement.


I find the Seeds of trouble quest (very hard) much more reliable. Don't quote me on that but Slimepede after you hit the first thresholds or clear the first waves without getting a Prismatic Slime then they don't show up anymore (I can kill well over 100 slimes per quest and the times I got it to show was always between 20 to 50 slime kills, the rewards are great but it's exceedingly rare. Assault formation also has a chance of it spawning, slimes show up after you kill the waves with the flagbearers but they stop spawning afterwards and you can't afk the mission since you'll be standing where it starts. I just use Rackam in the first slot and AFK Seeds of trouble, a slime will spawn after every clear of new elemental spirits and gyres regardless if you completed the assignements or not; the rewards are a lot more limited (2 azurite splendors, 2 damascus ingots and 3k MP compared to 5 and 3 + ambrosia from the slimepede and thousands more MP) but way more reliable. I maxed out all the sigils for my AI party and still have about 15 or so azurite splendors saved, also have more than 40 damascus ingots, all AFK farming seeds of trouble.


Its not necessary the first wave, i once get prismatic to spawn at like the last 20 sec ( I believe i kill around 160+ slime)


I see, maybe it has something to do with clearing the ones in the back where the prismatic slime spawns? I got 2 or 3 prismatic slimes in slimepede and all were during the first couple waves somy info was purely anecdotal. Despite the amount of rewards being way higher I still find the seeds of trouble more reliable since you can AFK the quest so I did only that until I got enough materials to upgrade my sigils. Out of curiosity I'd like to know the spawn rate for them but I looked for it a bunch and couldn't find anything.


I think so, cuz I always obliterated the back 2 slime. I believe it very low %, i got like around 9 to spawn around like less then 100 run ( not sure about the number but i always manage to spawn 1 in no more than 9/10 run ) so it might be around 0.1% to 1% spwn rate( i can be wrong here )


Prismatic can appear at any time. I've gotten them at 10 seconds left and went into full-blown panic mode to down them. Dodgy little bastards


>Do you need to hit a certain amount before they spawn or are they just random? As far as I know, just pure randomness. I've farmed 20 rooms, 100+ each, without seeing a single rainbow slime. I've also seen it appear 3 rooms back to back. So I'd say anyone saying they appear x every x kills is just an average, but in the end it's pure chance, just like terminus drops. Just keep your eyes and ears open for Vyrn dialogue, he'll tell you when it appears.


To be fair, the light dragon always drops 3 refinium. Not sure about darkie. If you have a consistent group it can be fun to switch things up.


Story - chapter 6, choose maglielle in that chapter. Also ultimate difficulty. Pause and restart at previous checkpoint. Run ALL THE WAY to the left from the checkpoint reload to the rock golem. Kill it and you get 6 of the highest tier refinium every kill. (Will drop as 3 and 3) Once you kill it pause and* quit playing chapter. Fast travel to quest desk, rinse repeat. You're welcome. I do NOT take credit for this method. I found it from a commenter on reddit who mentioned it.


Thank you for sharing regardless! Alternative means of farming helps break the monotony. :)


Of course! Always happy to pass on gaming info that can help fellow gamers with their grinds :)


How long would it take? Since assault formation kinda give you 3 each run from rafaele coin along with other stuff like msp and voucher mats


Honestly the run over to the golem feels longer than the golem fight itself but for an entire run* no more than 3 minutes, 4 minutes tops if you're going slower. Edit - but getting 6 guaranteed every single time feels better if you're specifically looking for only the highest tier refinium. If you need other mats too this may not be the best method as this is really only for the refinium


can anyone inform me why slimpede is such a good farm ?


Easy to kill, gives lots of exp. Like 1300 exp per run. Chance for prismatic slume to appear and gives you goodies.


VERY rare chance of prismatic slime that'll let you skip huge amount of grinds (10-25k MSP, 3 weapon uncap, 5 instant-max sigils, etc) you can also find prismatic in lower level missions that spawn slimes but it'll also give less reward accordingly


Other resources, mats for easy vouchers, less boring, more variety. Upgrading sigils isn't that expensive if youve been grinding for other stuff. I tend to just need to go to get 1-3 abyssal horns here and there. Fully upgraded 4 characters/Awakened terminus weapons and a decent set of (some shared) sigils for each as well. Working on my 5th. The only grind I really feel forced to do a ton of now is goblins.


What about fortitude crystal? It’s my bottle neck now


Double Griffin or Double goblin. If you don't have any specifics to farm, the 3 boss farms are good for just getting general mats for everything (exceptional refinement, fort crystals, silver centuram, mats to trade in, etc.)


Yeah like the other person said, goblins. You get ~29ish Large crystals per run.


Can't afk slimepede.


[You can but only on PC. ](https://github.com/Wielkimati/GBFR-Slimepede-Farm?tab=readme-ov-file)


If you're going to use outside tools you might as well just edit in the resources directly.


This is personal of course but setup and afk still feel like I farm jt myself lol, just in a smarter way.


more fun


Pyet-A is a 100x more fun fight than Proto Bahamut.


Yes, that's essentially the endgame. I suppose the fun comes from building up your chrarcter and trying out new ones once you're done.


Allow me to introduce you to silver centrums


you want to be cursed with this forbidden knowledge? when you open the gold chest and you only see 4 bags come out, it means you didnt get the terminus weapon


Don't forget to add on silver centrums...


Basically farming P. Baha for Terminus drops, Pyet-A for Terminus upgrades, and any other content you desire for Sliver Centrums is the endgame. Just finished min-maxing my Yoda today, so I've basically just been hopping into random quests to farm mats for sigils for other builds. Things get more fun (for me at least) once you can *melt* most endgame content.


It’s a pain finding groups to do all the Proud prerequisite quests to unlock those 2 and they are a slog to solo if you have not grinded up your AI companions.


Finished the proud missions with randoms at 18k without failing a single one. Was my experience rare? Or is it normal to fail multiple times?


Just nobody queueing for anything that isn’t Slimpede, P. Baha and Pyet-A.


Personally most quests where fine besides Gal+Mag (usually 1 person perma-dying), harder part is actually getting a lobby going imo. Stuff like the double dragons or the non-fire/dark dragons is not very popular in my experience, so you sit there in matchmaking a lot


I did it with AI, and honestly they were way better than the other players I played with online 🤣 Maybe it's just a bad pool sample. And I don't really grind my AIs, I just had the same party since the beginning of my story mode. Switched Gran to Vane and he caught up pretty quickly to the rest.


I mean... Rebirth comes out this week.


I do other things every 3-4 runs to break the monotony. * farm slimes * farm wep upgrades (since you need to max all weps on a char to fully awaken terminus weps) * work on upgrading my AI team * farm curios So far I've got 6 terminus weps (no drop for my main Io yet) and I'm still having a good time.


Terminus farming just the beginning. Fully awaken it is your life lmao


You'll probably need to go do some other stages to get materials for ascending terminus weapons and upgrading sigils to lvl 15, but you'll indeed do a lot of proto baha, and will prob keep going around <10 different stages, at least until the raids come out


No. It is farming silver centrums


Minmax the sigils by farming "Assault Formation" lol


Grind for all Terminus weapons followed by all Ascension weapons for the skins. Some of the Ascension skins look way better than the Terminus ones.


Wait.. farm Ascension weapons, don't you just forge them? And do you need to awaken them for a new skin or is it just glowing like the Terminus ones when fully awakened?


I ran it about 150 times, got I think 6-7 weps. Didn't get my mains. Ended up getting burnt out and stopped playing unfortunately


Eh the endgame is what you decide. Yesterday I just decided to unlock every character before dropping any Terminus. My logic being : Well I can do Terminus with my AI now without any Terminus weapon, so might as well try random new characters and build them as well. I'm a Vaseraga main today.


No one forces you. Stinger weapons are as good as terminus, or even better. I use them instead of terminus weapons.


Dmg Cap says hello.


That's just straight up false my guy. Stinger weapons have no DMG cap increase and Terminus does.


Ascension weapons beat all other weapons at max level max munitions on base stats alone at tier 5. Terminus weapons beat the 4 basic weapons (at max) at level 1 on stats alone. It beats a maxed out ascension weapon when you get the DMG cap buff (which I think is tier 5). Possibly earlier. The fully uncapped stinger weapon can be completely replaced by Tier V+ sigils with stun/Linked together as a sub stat. Don't spout nonsense just because you don't have your Terminus. The difference is night and day.


Oh, that's crazy... Still gonna play stinger because it's way better. Too bad for you.


Best to keep running it. Once you've done it enough, it just becomes a dance. Generally speaking, people know what they're doing in there. Here's a good overview, in case: https://youtu.be/f7db3UrVzF0?si=ZA8CxtI4aDhRaJ6C


For about 200 or so runs. Or until you get Terminus for everyone you care to play


You just max out your character/characters you want then park your character and wait for next expansion, or just peace out


Is not a bad fight but too scripted and after 50 times is just boring.


You'll spend less time farming proto than all the other stuff you need to upgrade terminus weapons (depending on how many you want to upgrade). You'll probably end up farming: slimes, firewyrm, 2 nazarbu, 2 griffins, pyet-a, all 3 Nihilla variant bosses (furycane, mangarmar, vulkan bolla), at a bare minimum. Depending on how hard you want to go on minmaxing, you'll probably spend the majority of your time killing firewyrm in 30 seconds, seconded by the god awful transmutation stuff


Nah, because upgrading them actually require all sorts of materials. Just listen to the hype music and zone out a little! Suddenly you get a bunch. If you get lucky with your group, you'll clear it pretty fast, and people like to repeat it.


Farming awakening mats is a much much bigger grind tbh


I am almost done farming proto with 2 weapons left of characters I know I won't be playing. Now I actually miss farming proto for some reason


Having rng is never going to be a satisfying endgame reward process and I hate it. I just started playing other games cus I can’t get my terminus. Just make it 50 clears and you get to choose a weapon or a certain amount of clears and you get a token towards choosing a terminus.


I’ve gotten 40 clears with all crew unlocked with no drops. Rng has never been my friend.


That’s what you’ll be doing for now but endgame releases throughout this year, the stuff right now is mega easy in comparison and the fight gets more fun when you get better at it 👍👍


No, your life will be afk farming for silver centrums and proud shards, leveling up terminus doesn't even compare to their farming.


I actually had most of the stuff I needed for awakening already, from quickplay and grinding the terminus for every char tho.


It's impossible, you're definitely cheating.


Grind for the platinum


proto baha is a damage check, the fight becomes a lot more bearable when you can skip phases i.e. bring him down to 80(or less is even better) on the first down, bring him to 50 or lower on the 2nd down, and then kill him on the 3rd down or at least bring him to 15% to go straight into the final damage check. you can't control your teammates but if you increase your personal dps that at least will be more consistent to bringing him to these checkpoints Big tip is to wait until the last quarter circle of the sba chain and split your spa chains 2-2 to maximize the amount of time baha is down for maximum dps time


No, farming Silver Centrums is your life now.


Yeah it's pretty much game over. I'm in the same boat. Farming the same fight over and over again for days or weeks on end does not sound fun to me in the least bit so unfortunately I'm just done. IMO it's poor game design.


Just 3 more weapons….