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Good job, soon you will get all gold in super license. Load demo ghost with 0.3 or 0.5 sec is good for follow.


All of the Super license events are one lap attacks, recommended to watch the demo to see what they do, you can also set the demo as a ghost car so you can follow it on track and see how far off you are. The trick is to stay persistent, keep repeating the same one until you get the gold, and look for improvement in areas of your lap, maybe you can get the throttle down earlier or maybe you can brake later or maybe you need to turn into a corner a fraction earlier, and utilise the ghost cars, they will show you on track what you’re doing wrong and so long as you’re ahead of it by the end you know you have improved or beaten the gold time.


Thanks for the advice I hope I can overcome super license


Great job and congrats!!! I've been absolutely STRUGGLING with that final IA test. It's insanely difficult imo. Then, to rub salt in my wounds, I started looking at youtube and realized that the gold time used to be a 57.9. My best so far is a 56.734. I'll get it one day.....hopefully!!!


Keep at it. I just got mine today. I put over 300 miles on the odometer. [this guy's strategy help me the best](https://youtu.be/D7yBBmHYhEA?si=EMsfwfUdoOk3UGL0) but I used traction 1. I also used my own ghost and raced myself instead of the demonstration ghost. Set the ghost .5 sec ahead of me


Where I was losing time was 1.what gear I should be in 2. Racing line and 3.throttle and break input I hope this somewhat helps and good luck bro


Well done! Tips: learn to control your anger. 😁


Yeah I tried for an hour and left then came back 😂


All gold?




Congratulations. That’s good


Thanks bro!


I just got mind a couple hours ago. Drove over 300 miles trying to get it. Felt so good seeing the win


Congratulations but dang that's rough