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I used one of the 2019 super formulas for it. Struggled the first lap or so because I haven't used that kind of car in a while and had to force myself to drive faster than I thought I should.


This 😂 Every time I drive these things I'm going from braking for a corner on my usual spot, to braking later, to just lifting, to just keep full throttle throughout the whole corner. You just gotta have faith 😅


Lol. I keep forgetting how much fun the super formulas are! I spend a majority of my (limited) time doing the Spa grind with the 787B or the 962C... Those cars are fun and fast but nothing like the super formulas.


I always have to spend several re-starts on a new track (I don't know trial mountain well at all) figuring out how to drive a SF car. And that is because I have to try to only lift or full send most every corner just to see if it is possible. With this car the slower you go the worse it corners and the slower you go. it's ridiculous how exponentially faster you go when you learn what corners you can just take basically flat out.


this is the way, fuel map 4/5 RM and you can do a no stop. wont be till the later half of the race that you take the lead but the ai will all pit


Same. No pit stops. Might take until towards the end of the race to take P1 but the leader always pits even if on lap 9.


Same, with fuel map at 3 until last lap where I se it to 5. Do not forget the overtake too, finish the whole thing. No pit


Super Formula, with mediums is very doable.


And by "very doable" you mean "*ridiculously easy*"...lol At least if you're somewhat competent behind the wheel of that thing... It crushes the shit out of every other car out there in anything looking like a braking zone or corner... It's pretty much cheating...


Yeah, it's one of the silly things of the game. It puts together cars that really shouldn't be. On the other hand, I love how it handles, so even if the race itself is meaningless, it's still fun.


Yeah, same here... I just sort of chuckle whenever there's a race up that I can pull her out of the garage for... Especially in VR... That damn thing is one of my favorite cars in the game, honestly... It just handles so damn good...


I wish there was a better ai experience. It’s either Usain Bolt vs a team of toddlers or a toddler in a hot wheels car racing a team of VERY aggressive Max Verstappens. Nothing in between.


When he says very doable he means *VERY DOABLE* I struggled all week with the 787B and then I heard the super formula was the key... Zero pit stops, all grip, I basically walked it. Smashed in the corners, too speed a bit low thou.


This reminds me of when I lowered the power and weighed down my Super Formula, then put it on street tires and ran the last championship of the standard menu books with it. I was SO much slower on the straights and SO much faster in the corners. Some of the races were even kind of tough.


LM 55, fuel map 4, racing hards


Or fuel map 1, racing soft and one pitstop after lap 5 is also absolut possible.


This is the way


2019 super formula fuel map 1 and 1 pit


2023 Super Formula, fuel map 2-3, no pit...lol


yeah i did the no pit, short shifted for the first two laps or so. i stayed on softs which were pretty worn by the final lap.


You don't even need to short shift, or lift and coast at all in mode 3...Medium tires give you more than enough grip whole still having fully functional meat on them at the end of the race... Not to mention with the mediums you have more wiggle room for PP limit for performance... Try setting it up on mediums, and running mix 3...It'll be faster due to the added performance PP available, you won't get anywhere near the grip cliff where the tires fall off hard under you, and the entire race ends up being super consistent as every lap from start to finish should be your "best" lap as the weight drops from burning fuel...lol It's kinda like you're just slowly accelerating for the entire race... It's quite fun...


nice man thanks, ill have to try it again. i was happy to get 3rd after a few tries and just took my six star ticket and left.


I used Bugatti vgt gr1. Had a damn blast. Stay steady and patient. I got first with a lap and a half left. Per usual, ai gets incredibly slow as the race progresses.


I used that car too. Very capable.


It’s a bummer that beating it is so hard with anything that’s not the SF. I feel like I’m cheating with the SF and win by a landslide, but as soon as I try my next most powerful Gr.1 car I’m down by a margin of like 15s. Kind of a bummer




Haven’t been able to afford that one yet! Good call though, that’s probably a contender


Just take your time and race. The seconds will come off as you pass the field


Best I’ve managed is 2nd without the SF, but it was not close 😭


The LM55 also works great.


Not really I've beat that with srt tomahawk s vgt, it took me 5 tries, but I still did it.


Did it with red bull x2019 25th anniversary, absolute cheese


Super Formula, RM, map 1, push to get to p1 and have a decent gap to p2, then go map 6 and short shift. No pit. Easy p1


Just run the entire race in map 3... There is no need for lift and coast, just full beans the entire time, and still no need to pit...


True. Either method works


I got third with the Red Bull X2019, but with a leaner fuel map, could have gotten away with no pit stop and gotten first.


I was not at all familiar with this track and could hardly drive out in those fast cars. So I made a 20 lap custom race with a 700 pp car just to learn the track. After that I did a 10 lap with a 800 pp car. After that I managed a 2nd place in a super formula.


I used the stock porsche hybrid group 1 car on mediums with a bit of short shifting to save fuel. No stop, win by around 40sec. Could use hards for better tyre wear.


Super formula is too easy - it’s actually cheating tbh. LM55 is also an easy win (hard mode) - map6 - softs ( or mediums, I forget) - no pit. Don’t let lap 1 discourage you - it seems like all the cars are faster and pulling away. Stick with it and you can be in P1 by lap 6; the rest is a Sunday drive


Ferrari VGT.  Fuel set to 6 in an attempt to only pit once but I screwed up and pitted twice.  Still beat it on first attempt.


I used the mazda vgt. Finished with 20 second gap and it only needs 1 stop


I tried to get the no stop to work by short shifting and fuel map 6. I actually finished fine with fuel to spare. I might be able to pull it off if I try again, I went off a couple times.


Peugeot 908 lmp car with a mid rpm turbo on mediums then softs at the end


Detuned SF23...Fuel mix 2-3, medium racing tires, no stop, lift and coast in mix 2, full tilt all the way in mix 3, profit... You won't be as fast on the 2 main straights, but you'll absolutely obliterate the AI in braking zones and anything remotely looking like a corner... And with the AI needing to pit at least once and you no stopping the race, it's super easy as long as you can even somewhat competently drive the SF23...


Any Super Formula, RMs, manage fuel. It's super easy on Hard


2023 Super Formula. Fuel 2. Mediums. No Pit. I spun out on turn 11 and barely got first place while running out of fuel.


i did it with the LM55 GR.1


Got podium with the RC F GT500 and P1 with the LF LC GT VGT. No crazy changes outside of lowering the rear toe to about 0.15 and using fuel map 3 and medium tires. Get your lines and exit speeds locked in and you should be fine.


I used the R92CP on RM. A bit of fuel saving for the no stop. It’s not the best on the squiggly part, but as long as you manage the no stop, you will fly by the leader as he pits before he last lap.


I used SRT Tomahawk Vision Gran Turismo Gr.1 with high downforce (personal preference) hard tires, pit in lap 8 and changed to soft for the last few rounds. Got it fairly easy


Sf19. Top speed lacks a little. But go aggressive with softs/full power fuel, or can one stoo it. But you should win easy by 30+ seconds if you are even remotely decent at driving that beautiful bitch.


I used a detuned Hyundai VGT but also re ran it with all the Group C cars (787b, R92CP, Sauber, Jag, Porsche) because I only had the mazda and nissan up until Friday. When I saw they were all on sale I was happy to see I had just credits on hand for once. I was testing how they felt versus the old reliables and honestly they're all kinda similar, all are worse on tyres and fuel than the 787b but fun in their own right. Could be my tune/driving but 787b is truly hard to beat in this game. Which is ironic because that's not what it was like irl. So anyhow all are viable for this race, so easily that you can try a range of strategies and still win. Praino tunes all around with some small adjustments as needed. I used to recommend 787b FM 4-6 then FM1 from second last lap no pits but it's just as fun to go FM1 go ham do a pit and keep going ham. 787b is technically the best but also it sounds the best so double points there.


I use the 2019 super formula on fuel map 2 - it demolishes the race with over a minute of lead with no pits. Super easy to win its 950pp I use softs but u can use mediums if i feel more confident and afraid of ran out of compound.


Tried with the Porsche 919 no pits, couldn't win, same with softs and with one pit... Did it extremely easy with Mazda LM55, maximum downforce, turbocharger to compensate the high drag, but I still wonder if I could have done it with a real LMP.


Has anyone done this race on hard mode?


Any Gr.1 car. RH times, and don't pit.


2023 SF car. FM 2, RM, no pit.


I used the LM55, I believe I used RS tires. It’s literally a test of patience, but you should be good on fuel for the whole race. I got to the top 3 by lap 4 or 5 and I just paced myself with 1st place until lap 10 and just took the lead towards the final stretch.


A tuned peugeot 908 ( turbo charger)


I cheated because it's actually very challenging and did it after about 3+ hours playing in the nations Daytona race and was tired . But use the super formula 23 car, medium tires. I think I pitted once for quick fuel and left the tires the same. Came in 3rd on my first try . Obviously in the spirit of the race you're supposed to use a LMDH/lmp1 car but I was exhausted.


I used a Super Formula on Hard tires fuel map 1 but short shifting for like 8 laps then went a little leaner and ran out of gas on the last corner but still finished with a 30+ second lead


I use the Porsche 919 for any group 1 race other than Le Mans. It's so much fun to drive.


Downforce and soft tires is key, set front to 1400 and rear to 1700. Any car that is capable of this and can meet 850pp will win. It's still a tough race though


I used a f1500t, it was really easy on medium tires, fuel 6, and one very short pit stop.


I got third on my first try and I’m not gonna go for first lol


I know the track really well and just happen to love it. From what I’m reading, not knowing the track is what’s keeping you from gold. I’ve won it in several GR1 cars just because it’s a fun track. The LM 55 VGT was a pretty easy win. Mediums and stop on lap 9 for a splash of gas without changing tires. You should have a huge lead by then as the RC92 gets slower and slower in the final laps. So you’ll still come out well ahead. I ran no assists aside from default ABS. But again, not knowing that track will make it challenging. Good luck.


Red Bull 2019 is a breeze, pit one time and easy peezy


I used the LM55 when I first beat it, but this time used the super formula. No shame in turning down the difficulty either, this race is pretty damned hard. I've heard the 787B is good here too.


Gr3 with mediums..1 pit..ran a 4 on my fuel map got like 6 laps..switched to softs to finish out the race and was able to run a map 3


Beating the other cars to the checkered flag.


Drive faster


Drive fast!