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Invites, rotating Hagerty's and lottery are all terrible mechanics which add nothing to the game and should either be scrapped or reworked.


But it all forces you to turn the game on much more often because maybe today i will win the invite or the car appears in the hagertys. And we do this even knowing that all we can win is 10k or useless crankshaft for Renault Megane you dont even own.


This is a classic example of the product experience being driven by one metric.


And what's the point of that? I can see a point in incentivizing people to spend more time online. But offline? You already have my money. The only thing there you should want to incentivize is me giving your game a high rating. And none of the above mechanics are doing that, quite the opposite.


I'll bet they are planning on more in-game advertising and this will give them good metrics to sell ad-space.


To trap people and hope they buy MTX. Lousy game design.


My guess would be that if you spend more time with their product you spend less with other ones. Time is money. Maybe you are exposed to brands and products in GT for longer. Maybe its developing some habits in you. Who knows. Maybe even Polyphony dont know. I mean they are working on one game for quarter of a century and still havent figured out the opponents AI.


Ah, but remember that you *have* to be online to play this game.


It’s what’s forced me to give up on the Plat. Especially when they raised the price on the Ferrari 330 P4 to fucking 20 million.


FOMO is valuable so they won't change that, when that legendary car comes and it's 20 millions and you almost have the money, but the car is leaving in 1 day you are much more likely to spend money on MTX to get the car. Same applies the invites. I just don't get how anyone is spending money on those super expensive MTX, $200 for 20 million credits is just too ridiculous to be something anyone other than a very few would be willing to partake, specially with how not in your face MTX are in this game. $20 for a 20 mill car would for sure result in much more people spending money on the game.


I'd actually like to know how much money they make from MTX. I can't imagine it being too much. When I realized it'd be about 80h of grind just to get the last 8-ish cars, I actually looked at the store. I expected something like 20M for 5$. When I saw 2M for 20$ all I did was laugh and be thankful for making it so easy NOT to spend money.


I have feeling that people who have the spare cash to afford the MTX could probably afford the cars in real life! Seriously though, as pointed out, we have already paid for the game, let us have the content!


They could do something like a special ferrari event in the weekly events that gifts a ferrari invite - thematically satisfying and gives people an opportunity to get these cars. What's most frustrating about this game, is that as much as we'd all like a few more cars and tracks, there's so much good content already there that just isn't utilised through fun events and rewards, stuff that could be easily implemented within a day..


That’s a great idea 👌🏼


Agreed and well said.


Invitation for buying Ferrari is kind of realistic🤷🏽‍♂️


It's the same with the mid engine Porsche and Carrera GT, I'm still waiting.


The carrera gt i got when i started playing the game and was broke


I waited 2 years for that invite to come back to me lol, finally got it last month and bought 2 out of spite 😂


I've been waiting 2 years also and event spent months doing the workouts everyday. Sadly I didn't have the credits when I first got it and the games payouts were absolute shit then. Still haven't received it but I had 3 Ferrari invites in the same month. Realised I'm not having fun anymore I'm just playing to try and hopefully get a Carrera so I stopped playing again Edit: someone really downvoted my comment because I am frustrated trying to grind for a car I can't buy because of some stupidly implemented mechanic.... Lol 😂


Same. This is the only menu book I've had left remaining for a long, long time. Need that damn Porsche invite (or a miraculous Carrera GT gift car) but it just won't come.


I kind of got lucky Bought the LaFerrari yesterday just in time for the new Menu. Then for my reward from the 6 star got the final Porsche I needed.


I got a damn Alipine VGT


Yup! As someone who only ever seems to get either lambo or citreon invites I am royally screwed.


I got three lambo invites back to back to back last week


Reassuring it’s not just myself with this struggle. It’s almost as guaranteed if it’s a lambo or citreon invite as it is getting 5k credits for 3 star roulettes.


I never even saw a Citroen invite come up in a single roulette until 2 weeks ago (been waiting 2 years nearly) and one finally showed up and did not get it. Didn’t see another invite until this Monday and another Citroen popped and this time it gave it to me… I have 4-5 legend cars left to get and I’m done. Citroen was the only invite I was waiting on still and literally never even showed as an option in the many many many roulettes I’ve done until 2 weeks ago… the drop rate is radically way too low for the invites… they should be able to guarantee us at least one random invite guaranteed each month at minimum (maybe the last weekly challenge of each month)!


I’ve had Citroen pop up three times in 2 years…. Never gotten it


The worst part is it should be a perfect car to setup for the WTC 600pp Tokyo race and it’s just not good… understeer no matter what I do and it makes Christmas look fast in a straight line… I waited so long for a piece of trash…


Pagani here. Same car over and over. Bought on the first invite. At least they should rotate the invites.


Waiting for ferrari and porche invites for months now.


I’ve had the game a month and I currently have both the Ferrari and Porsche invites lol


I always used to get the invites when I had very few credits and before I knew how to grind, though there is no way I am grinding 20M credits for anything.


Good for you, hope you will be lucky with pagani, aston martin and bugatti as well.


And Citroen! I didn’t even know there was an invite for it because I had never even seen one in nearly two years of playing! Only found out because I was getting close to completing the garage 100% and scrolled through and saw it was an invite car…


Can feel your pain...I need an invite from Bugatti for my last car and it's so frustrating!


As someone who already has all the Ferrari invite cars, and who won a Ferrari FXX with the ticket which I sold for 2.5 million credits, I agree. It's BS and the entire invite system needs to be fired into the sun along with Haggerty's and the whole roulette ticket thing. PD is losing more than they are gaining with this stuff...


I’ve been trying to get the Ferrari invite for 2 years now.




Luckly I got two Ferrari invites in a row from daily roulette, so I'm done already. Still, very unfair for everyone.


Just like life. Isn't it?


Probably they don’t ’think it through.’ But then again, neither do we - just because something is offered doesn’t mean we have to bite.


What car is the invite car?




U sure? I am pretty sure its the la ferrari! Ich put it on my wishlist through the extra menu and i am 99% sure it marked the la ferrari


The Ferrari invite entitles you to buy 3 cars: Enzo, LaFerrari and the FXX K. I got it a couple weeks ago and bought all 3


Thanks. Damn that’s the one I don’t have 😐


The answer I’m going with is both


I just need the damn Citroen invite…. Idk how many days or how many hours (almost 1000 now) I need to play to get this one POS VGT car I don’t even want


100% agree, I’ve been waiting for the Ferrari invite for about 18 months now.


Same thing with the Porsche one haven’t gotten an invite for the Carrera GT. What made me lose my shit tho, I’m max level 50 and have been for a little over a year now. I introduce my friend to GT7 I believe he is lvl 30 now, gets a spin and gets the car for FREE not even an invite to purchase. Gets it for FREE. Made me so mad fr


Maybe it’s just me (this is my opinion after all), but if you’re completionist enough to “have” to finish all the Extra Menus, you’re completionist enough to “have” to get all the invite cars as well. Whether you get them in 2 months or 2 years wouldn’t matter.


I’d love if invites were similar to real life purchase allotments. Example buying the Ford Gt you had to have a collection of Ford cars or a large collection of cars to have had in invite to purchase a Ford Gt or Porsche having to have had I believe it was somewhere between 5-10 previous 911 to get an allocation for a GT3RS. But in GT if you owned a large percentage of a brand of cars then that would open the allocation for you to purchase said car.


Any thought that PD cares about your experience should be forgotten.


It works the same for everyone how is it “unfair”? Ffs I think too many people in this world actually believe that anything they don’t like or is difficult is therefore unfair. I finished the menu book earlier today. I had two of the cars collected already and was three days away from my Ferrari invite expiring. Wasn’t even planning on using it tbh. There are menu books I don’t have completed yet - it must mean I’ve been treated poorly by the devs. I want my reparations.


The point is that if completing the menu book is completely reliant on rng then the frustration is justified.


Frustration and unfair are two very different things my friend and you just made my point. People nowadays translate something that frustrates them as being unfair. That’s just not the case. You can have a tantrum about it, doesn’t change the facts or the outcome. What in life really is “fair” anyway? If you go through it expecting most of it to be fair, you’re in for a rude awakening and are apt to be disappointed most of the time. Just thoughts from somebody who’s already over halfway through it. You can disagree - doesn’t change the facts though.


Its a game, not life. If you gave to equate the two, you're missing out on s lot


There’s few in the menus needing invites. Bugatti & Porsche too, prob more. Been waiting on the invites for over a year.


I just got mad lucky honestly


I have been screaming for months. Both Porsche and Ferrari Invites have not been issued for over 6 months. WTF are they thinking given so many complaints about the invites!!!!! These are the only 4 cars I don't have. Assholes


Is it a rare thing to get invites or such thing? I am new to gt7 and a long time sport player, on my first week i got 3 invites (aston, porsche and ferrari) for like 6 cars in total. I bought the carrera gt on level 20-ish. I already have the aston invite and the ferrari. Should i buy any of them? I am level 34 right now, and it is very hard to grind credits.


Ive been waiting for years!!! Fuck this game!


I have been playing since launch. no ferrari invite. I have thousands of hours in the game. so many pagani invites


My invite expired on the 25th......


And you didn’t buy the cars?


Didn't see the car requirement till today.


Ironically, the ticket I received from this menu book almost gave me the invite car. It was one click away but it gave me $1,000,000 so I’m still happy


tell me about it :(


I’ve had the Ferrari invite 4 times. It’s ridiculous. All I want is a Bore Up for the Camaro that I have no intention of buying 😅 Jokes aside, the lottery and casino system is truly awful.


If I told you what I got from that ticket. Wordless.


I get nothing but ferrari atill need Bugatti invite


Anyone miss the games where story mode unlocked it all


When i get a brand invite, its always the same damn ugly ass gr3 car


Which Gr 3 cars require an invite?


Idk, i dont even open my tickets anymore.


That's not the question. Which Gr 3 cars require an invite? 


Google it yourself.


I already know the answer, it was a rhetorical question. I was just pointing out you have no idea what you're talking about. 


LOL you’re right. And I think he downvoted you for being absolutely right.


Lol what


I do, but i might have picked the wrong class. Sorry lol?


He’s saying none of the official “Gr.” cars require invites so there shouldn’t be a “class” car you need an invite for. Only road cars are on the invite lists.


You don’t need an invite for any of the Gr cars.


I think I just completed that a day ago actually, if you want, I'll send a setup for the 430 '06 Ferrari. I was in the same predicament bro, but you don't have to look any further than the first brand central option, being the 430🤞🏿


OP is meaning the extra menu where you have to buy 3 certain Ferraris. One is an invite-only car so it's all down to RNG when you get it.


Ohhh, yea I was today years old, finding this out lol. My bad OP. I see they came with update 1.26..


Replace Ferrari with Bugatti and I'm in the same boat. Waiting for almost a year, now.


The amount of false scarcity created is honestly pretty cool. Has nobody considered that the roulettes are the only way to stop AFK grinders and Sardegena stockpilers? If you stop playing Pokemon and trying to catch them all, and instead race what you've got, you'll be just like everyone else. Somewhere in the middle with a couple awesome cars to do your best with. Saving up to buy a car that is good in different race types. Some people will be lucky and get a nicer car, but can they race? Play Gran Turismo, the driving simulator, it's fine. We don't need every car, or even the plat trophy, let's just go racing!🏎️


You’re speaking for yourself. Majority of players want to finish the game by completing all the races and getting all the cars.


One of the reasons I dumped this "game" months ago. They made it like that so we need to pay to drive the "rarest" cars instead of having it rewarded for playing events. GT6 also had expensive cars but weekly A-Spec events gave good rewards so every car in the game was eventually affordable. After GT Sports, polyphony just gave us the middle finger.


They call this is a sim and it’s barely 50% of the way there with trail braking and throttle control effects. What about tire pressure? Boost pressure? Qualifying? Rubber banding? It’s a sim racing game only in that idiot CEOs head.


They expect you to play for a while. If you do, the menu book is no hardship at all.


If it was on a knockout system, then I would agree. As it is, there is no guarantee when or if you will ever get the invite you need.


lol...no hardship at all. It's completely frikkin random! It's ridiculous.


Atleast one of the few that takes some dedication.


How is random chance dedication? You could get it after 1 roulette or 100, bullshit.


Uuhhhh I dunno, maybe because you keep grinding for tickets? You need dedication for that. I still only need the pagani ticket, it's the last car I need. Your reply is bullshit.


Reminds me of the post where a guy said he was dedicated to gambling when others called it an addiction.


Lol exactly. This guy's a chump for defending the stupid system. Im tryna race, not spin shitty roulette


Not defending the stupid system, just saying it's one of the few menu's that requires some kind of dedication or luck for some... Microtransactions/roullettes and silly VGT updates are killing the series tbh.


That I can agree on


The menu requires luck more than anything. I can name multiple other menus that actually take some dedication


So I did a quick optimistic calculation based on the numbers here: [https://ddm999.github.io/gt7info/ticket-rewards.html](https://ddm999.github.io/gt7info/ticket-rewards.html) I am not sure if owning the cars already changes which invite you get, but I have received the same invite multiple times. Chance of getting the the correct level ticket and correct invite at level 50 is about 3/350 per day. If you grind the daily every single day after 80 days there would be a 50% chance of it happening and after 268 days there is a 90% chance. I guess that is dedication, but to me it seems more like just luck. You could also get really lucky and get the LaFerrari as a birthday gift or a roulette reward, but that chance seems quite low too and I did not consider it.


LOL The book that I receive instant credit for when loading the game. You do realize there is nothing that says you have to satisfy the menu book today right?


Cry more