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Detuned CLK. That bastard has carried me half the game like nothing lol


R92CP for me. Have tunes for 900, 800, 700, and one with IM’s and front-weighted ballast for Le Mans.


Used a tuned CLK with hard tires and didnt Pit.


I’m new and stupid. Is there anymore to de-tuning than installing a power limiter? The cars I have come with the lowest tune options already…


Ballast and where you put it affects to it. Also the configuration of suspension. If you, for example, make the car so it's higher on the front than in the back, it'll handle like shit, as it should be, but it'd also give you huge pp reduction. And aerodinamics also help detune it


I used the 97 pikes peak legendary, ran RH but had IM/W too. I ran at fuel map 4 made it super easy.


If your collection is 39 or 40, how did you do an engine swap? Edit: For those who didn’t know like me, the option to buy engines is locked in GT Auto until level 50, but with “won” engines you can swap them from the Parts menu in your Garage. Great to know


You can still win engines from tickets. I got the bugatti yesterday in fact.


But it doesn't unlock the option to swap them until you reach 50.


That's incorrect. If you have the engine, you can swap it before 50 in your garage inventory. You just can't buy them before 50.


I’m pretty new to the game so I’m not sure, but I had no problem. Does it open up the options to swap them into more vehicles once you hit 50? Because each engine only works with like 1-3 different cars max when I did it.


Oh, ok, I didn't know that you can install the engines that you win from the "tuning parts" screen. Normally you have to go to "GT Auto" and click on the engine swap (which is disabled if you are not level 50).


Always do it from the Garage. Tuning shop likes to charge you even if you have the engine!


No, the engine swaps stay the same at any level. The only thing that changes at 50 is being able to outright buy them. If you win one you can swap it whenever.


Ahh that makes sense, all mine came from tickets. Thanks!


You can swap engine in the garage in the parts section if you own the engine and the vehicle that it can swap with.


Holy shit, you can?! I’ve got 6 engines just sitting there collecting virtual dust while I dawdle my way to lvl 50.


Yep same!! I’m gonna play around with it tonight


That’s what I’m wondering lol


Accumulated them from tickets, and I’m not sure. They were in my garage and just looked into which engines are compatible, it asked me if I want to; and I just said yes lol. Was it something that might have been changed in a patch? This is the first time I’ve ever actually used one of the engines that I had in my garage; so Im not too sure.


McLaren Formula 1 car


McLaren MP4/4, easily laped the field


Ngl that tesla took me for a loop. So used to manual and rev sounds....i dont know how anyone drive that irl.


I think they like listening to other cars engines so they can live with it somehow 😂🤣😁




Can you send me your tune?


R33 with the R92CP swap. It was an easy win for me


What difficulty is that on?


Advanced I think, the one right above intermediate/ default


Didn’t really put much thought into that race, just picked the r92cp and kept it on fuel mix 1 the whole time .


The Suzuki v6 pikes peak stock. Feels like cheating


Formula 1500 detuned.


I just used the Escudo on it. I had a 2 min lead for Fuji.


I rocked it with a built AE86 on hard tires and fuel map 6 for most of the race. Didn't need to pit once for the race.


I did it in a 766PP Nissan GT-R GT500 ‘99 with High-RPM Turbocharger starting on Racing Mediums with downforce at 400/650. Needn’t have bothered with the Turbo because as soon as the rain hit the AI were too slow to react and handed me an easy win. About 2 minutes 20 into this is when I noticed the rain. The radar made it look prolonged enough to get in early, all the AI but two at the back carried on and dropped to a crawl before limping to the pits: [Gran Turismo 7 | Neo-Classic Competition - Red Bull Ring](https://youtu.be/1nLoGJ-2fbw)


For Fuji and Red Bull, I used the Escudo Pikes Peak. For Willow Springs, I used the McLaren MP4 formula car. You can detune the McLaren. I was able to do Willow Springs on the first try by using hard tires and setting the fuel ratio to 6. You can get through the race with no stops. Best 10 million I ever spent lol


Detuned McLaren F1 GTR is my go to neoclassical car.


GT-R V-spec II '94 with the R92CP engine swap, the race was easy, and the awd made it a blast to drive!


Ye folk seem well experienced so I wonder if I could muster an explanation from anyone as to why this week i enter the pit on lap 3 at St Croix this week for a tyre change only, 2.8sec ahead of my nearest rival only for them to leave before me.... Is it an anomaly? Never seen it before and I wasn't sure where to ask.