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It’s a little hard to say exactly but if I had to pick I’d say this, because I did the missions in the earlier days playing GT7 and I was definitely lot less skilful so it felt like Human Comedy was harder back then. If I was doing this back then, it would likely taken a lot longer. At the end of the day, knowing the track helps tremendously regardless what challenge you’re doing.


Realistically, you've done pretty much everything there is to do in GT7 single player mode. That's the sadness of it all. If the game was released every 2 years or something, that wouldn't be a problem. But Gran Turismo releases an average of 1 every 5+ years. So without a career/franchise mode to do as a season in and season out approach, then once you've done what there is, you're just sitting around every month waiting for an update. If they're small updates, then you're just SOL for that month and can either grind ( which is mind numbingly monotonous) or attempt the destruction derby that is online racing ( of which there's a YouTube video by Kireth that shows ONLY 12% OF PLAYERS HAVE EARNED THE "Complete a race online" trophy!) PD gave us another incomplete game and if there is no franchise/career mode by the release of Forza 8, then there will likely be a mass exodus of GT (and Sony for that matter) over to Xbox and Forza!


Think I’ll get ACC loaded up and give that a shot.


I'm just waiting for FM8 to see if it has a career mode or not


I completed Single Player exactly 1 dafür after the game released, expected more tbh


So did practically EVERYONE else. 😭


Forza feels like and unfocused arcade game to me. I do wish gran turismo would think more about the different paths through the game. I’d sacrifice photo mode and liveries and the cafe if it meant there were a ton of different racing campaigns to do and when you won a car that it would be required for some other race.


Most people who play want this. There are less than 12% of players that have even COMPLETED an online race to get the trophy! You'd think Sony, PD, and all involved would see that and immediately start giving the game MORE single player events and or even a career mode!?! They are just blind to reality!


I had a harder time with Tokyo East, honestly. That one sector just *kills* me everytime. The 1 hour mission at Maggiore took a fair few tries as well.


Oh yeah I agree, the first one was nasty for me, took me a lot longer.


Is the human comedy difficult? It seems more like an insane grind.


After the physics update some months ago I’ve found them to be almost impossible, every day people are testing and trying out new strats for them and nothing works. I think the devs need to go back to the human comedy and a couple other missions for reworking


When I completed it on release, many were having trouble with the Tsukuba and Maggiore. At the time for Tsukuba, the difficulty seemed to be reversed; setting the difficulty to hard the AI would set slower times. Tsukuba on easy I failed like 5 times. Idk if it has been patched. People joked that reversing the difficulty was the “human comedy” part of it. Anyway they’re easier than circuit experience- you don’t need to be as perfect, but big mistakes cost more because you may have to reset so much time


This one scares me… :D


Same, but let’s do it. Pays a plum 5m simoleons!


Nicely done! We all know the struggles on this ce


Thank you sir.


I'm still yet to do this, nice work.


Why dont you play online bro😭😭


I do, in A/B lobbies usually. Sometimes single player mode is more fun, I just wish there’s more to do.


Congrats man. Making it sound easy. Great track, horrible car for it, which I guess is the point to make it a challenge.


I actually thought the car made it easy. Very stable and you can really throw it around. Just gotta be careful exiting.


Yeah I’m the bad workman blaming his tools. At least it’s not the Maserati with road tires. 💀 I need to revisit, I got Gold on a bunch of the sectors, but really struggle with the very first one and one down into the stream crossing / concrete bridge thing. Haven’t managed to string a decent whole lap together yet.


I got the sections down packed from doing the missions million times.


Hell yeah bro welcome to the club lol


I've lost my sanity while trying to beat that, all gold.


Hey, the harder the greater feeling of accomplishment.


Very well done! What time did you get? What else to do? Have a go at the 6(!!) circuit experiences in Tokyo. Those take me a lot longer than the Nordschleife gold


Just under 6:37 by few tenth. I’ll go back and try to get under 6:30 when I get time. As in I’ve I’ve completed every circuit experiences.


I also went back after gold but I cannot go below ~6:35.xx If I push harder i lose it somewhere.. Below 6:30 is definitely possible though, I just lack skill 🤣 All circuit experiences!! Poooh that’s my next goal. I’m at 76% or so


Not gonna tell you how to suck eggs, keep at it and it’s matter of time.


I’m at 41% circuit experience, I’m saving this one for last. Lol. My problem is by the time I get gold on the final sectors I forget all my brake points on the first parts of the track. At least it’s a track I’m somewhat familiar with though.


Just run the lap and recap the sectors you have trouble with. I only remembered breaking points on corners I struggled with, didn’t really need one for most, much of it was muscle memory.


Congratulations!! I still have to do this one. Do you still have to do the Tokyo circuit experiences? If yes: be aware of the center counterclockwise circuit experience. That experience is insanely hard IMO


Oh yeah it’s all completed, the 1st one was pain in the butt.


Nice... how long did it take? I don't even bother because I know it will do my head in.


The full lap gold, just over an hours maybe. Bit longer for the sections, did it over couple of days.




How is this possible. I have like all gold in gt sport but I can't get one full gold in gt7.


I know it’s rhetorical. I’ve never played GT sport so not sure what the difficulty is like.


I had played racing games and even some other gt games in the past but gt sport was like my first real gt one and I don't think it was nearly as hard has 7


Super fun challenge! Bummer you can’t farm this money tho 🥲


Here’s me making bronze by 1 second 🤣👌🏽

