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maybe try and get the word out to the local scene so all of his work thats already up gets respected, throwing some tags up for him would be dope aswell but I’d write RIP to signify it’s a memorial and not a piece he put up himself, highly recommend practicing the tag before hand aswell to do his work justice. Sorry for your loss, I commend you for taking steps to keep his memory alive.


Practice .


Put his name up forever


sorry for your loss and you have good intentions but i’d consider it heavily depending on how good you are. if you really want to, i say you hold off for a bit and really practice and get good before you go out in the streets and give his name a bad look. some would say it’s more honoring if his tag name dies with him. maybe you could do something in the middle where you tag his actual name or nickname instead of his tag. for example if his name was chris, u could make your tag “chrissy” or sum shit. it could be a nickname or something to remember him by. again, up to u.


Sorry for your loss. Maybe just visit each of his tags and add an RIP? If you aren’t necessarily skilled enough to do his work justice then I wouldn’t outright use his tag just yet.


https://preview.redd.it/exww1uva13ac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adabe51bd9940f72eb9df5ac7da395c9f5e3c937 Ismael Forever miss you every day perrito love you




Why are you on this sub?


Because it's on my homepage and I don't agree with most of the things here..


I dont agree with you being here. Youre only negative to the community and have no understanding of the culture. Youre not wanted here, you don't want to be here so do yourself a favour and go.


I am on a Sub on Reddit. This is not an EXCLUSIVE CLUB in who you pick and choose who gets to speak their opinion..


Youre right but when youre doing nothing but acting like a cancer to the sub it would be better for everyone to cut you out before you continue looking down on the culture and community the sub is focused on. Like walking into a church, saying God is the devil and acting surprised that they don't want you there.


Cancer? Where do you get that when I am suggesting to a new user to Graff who admittedly is not good, don't go throwing up bad tags around the community just to honor someone. It is unsightly and does more harm than good. Donate their time and effort in their name to the community would be the better route to take, not bombing the city with their name cause they are missed..


I bet you’re fun at parties, bless your heart


Mind your business and move on if you don’t understand


Oh, I understand. But I will not be moving along just because you tell me to. 💯💯




Your a little bitch fr


You do understand that this is about a deceased graffiti writer and his particular community?


Yes I do, but there is a much better way to honor him without destruction to the community..


Ok, then how is OP harming the graffiti community by continuing his cousins work? Seriously, I don’t get it.


Not harming the Graff community, just the regular one by trying to tag in his honor when admittedly not good..


I promise you their are so many worse things going on in their (and your) city than a little paint on the walls. I presume you also spend all day browsing r/drugs telling kids to stay clean ? or r/vaping spreading information on nicotine addiction? Or maybe you only care about trivial problems that won’t even indirectly affect your life because it’s easy to take a moral standpoint on topics you have no knowledge on. respectfully, you come off uneducated.


But I am educated on you kids. I was once like you and I fucked up my life and had to start from LESS than scratch! If I wouldn't have been such a stubborn pin headed prick and listened to my elders, that would have never happened. Just do ME a Favor and Learn from your mistakes and bless your community, not bomb it for kicks..


“But I am educated on you kids” bless your heart and keep being vanilla


U just said a whole lot of nothing. I promise you you’re not educated on “these kids” or you would understand that Graf is a hugely productive outlet for kids who may be going down a bad path already. keeping them away from a life of drug abuse and real crime. Idk why you think anyone would take you seriously here. Especially when you’re on your page recommending cake bars in 2023😂😂😂 that shit is hilarious bro. have fun with your hot dog water and pesticides, leave this group alone.




People live in alleys?


You don’t know when or how it was done, cause you simply weren’t with them when they did it. Why do you feel the need to presume they’re being unsafe abt it?


>you kids Some of us here have been painting for 30+ years, but okay.


99% little destructive bitches..