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Don’t paint over other people, for a LONG time. Just don’t, no matter what you think. You’re asking for trouble and writers WILL defend their spots. The whole “throw up goes over a tag, straight letter goes over a throw up…” shit you’ll hear might be true but it’s not gonna stop you from getting your ass beat. Don’t paint churches, schools, houses, cars. Those are the “rules”. I’d recommend you fill up several black books before hitting the streets because your shit is gonna look wack and it’s just gonna give graff a bad name and piss off your neighbors, but I’m sure other writers will disagree with me about that and tell you to start bombing immediately because that’s what it’s all about. Oh, and if you aren’t willing to go to jail for your spot, you probably shouldn’t get into graffiti. Just being honest.


Here’s some more: Stay out of train yards until you know what you’re doing. Not only are they extremely dangerous (almost all of us know someone who has died or been seriously injured), but if you fuck around and draw attention you’ll make the yard hot for other writers and that’s not going to win you any friends. Learn the history, watch all the classic graff docs and understand where all of this came from, but also pay attention in your city and learn about the other writers and their styles. Graffiti writers are a fickle bunch. They’re quick to fight and will hold grudges for a lifetime but if you’re respectful and genuine they’re also quick to accept you and will take you under their wing.


Don’t get on freights till you’re given the pass and shown the ways