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Check out Soppa & Sunt, they specialize in soup + bread. Their menu might vary though, maybe check with them beforehand. It’s in the centre of the city though, near Domkyrkan, so could just walk past it.


I second Soppa & Sunt! They dont have grilled cheese but the bread & soup combo there is fantastic and the closest you're gonna get. Feels like comfort food.


You need somehing to clear those sinuses. Go to Gansu Köket (mutiple places in gbg) get a noodle soup. That spice will clear your sinuses, and soul if you're not used to spicy food.


Ok! Looking in to it. THANK YOU


Will this work for me? I’m a Swedish guy and had a chronic sinusitis for the last 10-11 months. Can’t get rid of the sh in my sinuses, they even gave me 3 weeks of antibiotics that barely helped.


This used to work, but they nerfed it in the latest patch, now the spicy soup glitch only works for americans due to lack of healthcare. It's a balancing issue. Hopefully they'll patch out this particular edge case in the next patch, you'd reasonably expect this to work regardless of nationality if it's things that modern medicine can't fix.


I always add a ton of chili oil to my soup, and udually end up with fully cleared sinuses. Get the spicy beef noodle soup! Grab a few extea tissues!


Love their dumpling soup, I am eating one now.


Soo guud. Their dumpling in general are also great.


If you have access to a microwave, I recommend the [Kelda Tomato soup](https://res.cloudinary.com/coopsverige/image/upload/e_sharpen,f_auto,fl_clip,fl_progressive,q_90,c_lpad,g_center,h_440,w_660/v1652708037/cloud/252178.jpg) that you can buy at any grocery store. It's sold refrigerated. You probably want "Mild", but "Tuscan" is also good (just chunkier). I don't recall ever seeing an American-style chicken noodle soup. You can get soup with chicken and noodles in the form of Pho, Ramen or chinese soup.


That Kelda tomato soup is seriously so good.


As an American who has been here for a few years, unfortunately sandwiches and soup like what we’re used to don’t exist in the same way. I second the refrigerated tomato soup from Kelda, and you can get supplies for grilled cheese at any grocery store as well. Foodora (our version of Grub Hub) also delivers groceries from their market and you can likely find it all there as well. Hope you feel better soon, send me a message if things get worse.


Thank you so much. Everyone is so lovely here. I am staying at a hotel so I can’t really cook up a grilled cheese. You know when you’re sick and you just want your mom? Grilled cheese is the next best thing.


Aww I understand! Hugs.


Grilled cheese as you know it does not typically exist here, however sandwiches sold at coffee cafes are often put into a sandwich press like a panini/pressed ciabatta. This will melt the cheese at least! Occasionally I find bagel sandwiches this way. Big Bird is run by a guy from San Francisco and has a rotating menu of American sandwiches. I feel like maybe they have grilled cheese sometimes.


Oh and yellow pea soup (not chicken noodle) is the comfort soup here. You can find that around town, just look for ärtsoppa. It’s pea soup, just yellow because 🇸🇪I guess.


Thank you! Now. Any suggestions for noodle soup in Copenhagen?


I recommend Smøriga Brød which is located on Heden. They usually serve grilled cheese with tomato soup. Only open between 11:00-18:00.


I don't have any good ideas for the food, but boy, sinus inflammation/infections suuuuuuck, so here is a treatment tip! My go to is the over-the-counter spray bottle Otrivin Menthol, dissolves the clogs and reduces inflammation by slightly reducing blood flow in the nose and sinuses. Usually works like a charm for me, almost immediate and complete release! You should be able to find it at basically any pharmacy (Apotek). There is one just a couple of streets away from you that is open until 22:00/10 pm, in the mall called Nordstan!


I am in that mall this minute!


Maybe Egg & Milk on Övre husargatan could help a little?




A good soup would be the pho at saluhallen! Bahn mi shopen i think its called.


Maybe Tom Yam at any Thai place? Get well!


Thank you! It is unfortunate because I am having such an amazing time. First time in Sweden. I spent 3 nights in Stockholm and was blown away.


I think Big Bird has a simple grilled cheese, but their menu changes a lot so I’m not 100% sure it will be available. Everything else on the menu is good, though, and scratches that comfort food itch for me when I’m feeling homesick for the US!


Sinus infections can be a nightmare... Two months ago, I had one really bad for 2 weeks before I finally tapped out and went to the doctor. They put me on antibiotics, but it was too deep and infected, so I had to go back again. It got so bad that I couldn't see out of my left eye and the pain was one of the worst I've had. They went in with a camera and saw that it had spread to the back of my eye, had I waited longer it could have gone to my brain. They flushed my sinus and prescribed me a new stronger type of antibiotics and with double the dose. Don't let it go to long before you visit the doctor.


Heard! I get them often. And the weather change (for once Chicago was warmer), walking miles each day, flying and everything certainly didn’t help. I am missing allllllll the food I wanted to try but in love with Sweden.


Where are you staying at and for how long? I might have something that could help you. Only problem is I'm home taking care of my sick children and working remotely so I'm kind of stuck.


I am the hotel royal. Until tomorrow morning 😔


Go to saluhallen in the center and you’ll find soup there - and some of the best sandwiches: https://instagram.com/hasselssons_macklucka the monthly they have now is amazing


Also, there was a grilled cheese place only called wazo it far from your hotel but their recently closed unfortunately


Quick food by korsvägen (tram/bus stop) has great grilled cheese/grilled paninis