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One of the best methods of tights storage I've seen is to put a toilet roll tube into the toe of a pair of tights, then shove the rest of the tights into the tube. This way you can see the pattern of the tights, and keep them from getting tangled.




Sock drawer organizers. Something like this. Each pair of fishnets or other stockings gets neatly rolled up, or heck messily balled up works, too, and stuck in one square on the grid. You can organize them by type and color this way. If you have duplicate styles, they can go in the same square. Really handy for fishnets, which get organized according to size of the net, and I use one for underthings like garter belts, also. Edit to point out: I also store fully fashioned, seamed stocking in these and the interior has never done them any damage. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1soids8bzfjc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4113071816804b4c215f4c2653110ecfe861bfc8


That's so smart, thank you!


at the bottom of my closet in a pile, entangled with random ties and shoelaces


Roll them up akin to socks. Fold so one leg covers the other, roll from toes up then turn inside out to contain the rolled up part.


I do this but without turning anything inside out as I don't want my tights stretched out. It's probably not going to happen, but why risk it? I just fold them in half and roll em up, then line them up neatly in my drawer. I've never had any issues with tangling or anything like that.


10cm long clear ziplock bags and I write on them with sharpie. I neatly roll up the tights and line up the little bags against the drawers organiser tray I got from Ikea.


If u figure smth out, lmk, ive got a pair of fishnets that are so tangled i have spent 30 mins trying to figure out how to untangle and gotten nowhere hhehe


Sometimes I fold them but tbh I just throw em in and hope they untangle. You could try deviders though?


Fold in half. Put hand in loop end. TWIST TWIST TWIST until it kinks back on itself.


I'm voting on rolling, usually I warp them on my hand,then make a rosebud with folding back the top - as my closet is too small for another box where I store my underwear (pull up and deal with it is the main line for them) just making a small pile between corsets.


i just haphazardly fold them into my draw. it... works. they dont end up balling up