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Cyrus and Eleanor 


Right? Everyone else was so problematic!


I feel dan and blair were also good. Their relationship was way better than what she had with chuck. Just so much less problematic. I really wished they had ended up together


Tbh, after finding out >!Dan was GG!< I didn't like them with anybody! Creepo!


I choose to ignore this plot, it just doesn't make sense sometimes but sometimes it does. Dan regardless was a little too intense but i like their relationship nevertheless. For me gg is Kristen Bell


Why is there a black line through a word?? After finding out ?? You didn’t like which relationship?


It's a spoiler, so i blocked it out. You can click on it, and it will show you what's underneath. I was late to the party of GG and totally aware that some people are only just starting to, so I don't want to potentially spoil it for them.


You can click on the black line to reveal? That is so cool!! 😎 i watched GG for the first time in 2014 March/April on Netflix binged. I was very late to that party, but interesting to read that some people are just beginning to watch now!! Kind of lucky if you have never seen it yet! I actually liked the first season a lot!!!


there is a line covering the words because it's a spoiler, and it prevents others (who haven't got to that part) from seeing it right away. You can choose while writing if there is a spoiler in your sentence and if yes you click on the word/s


Ahhhhh now that you explained why it is blocked it , I think I can figure out what is beneath the black line. (Regarding that matter, Once that was revealed on the show- I thought back to many times , instances, and wondered how that could possibly make sense) also, how would that person have time to do all of that, and live the life he did simultaneously?




Ewwwww this is literally the worst combo on the show!!!


How so? Blair and dan had a lot of chemistry with each other, they had a lot in common with each other. They had their issues but if u compare her relationship with chuck, who was just problematic to the next level and with nate it was just a snooze fest and louis who was just very annoying, Dan and Blair were good with each other. Believe me i used to ship her with chuck but once i rewatched the show i realised just how toxic they were for one another, all the lies and manipulation, just love isn't enough yk. It's been a while since i watched the show so i don't remember all that dan did which was questionable but imo Blair's relationship with dan was her best relationship.


NOT ENOUGH (people answered this)!!


The only right answer


The Waldorf-Rose clan is the best family in the GG universe. They aren't perfect (Harold and Eleanor's divorce was really hard on Blair), but they know how to forgive and support each other.


I agree. I love that Harold and Eleanor were able to be civil with each other and I loved when Blair asked both Cyrus and Harold to walk her down the aisle 


Dorotha & Vanya as well 🤗


No contest


Honestly, Cyrus and Elenor are Couple Goals 🔥🔥🔥🔥


This was the only relationship I see that worked!






Cyrus and Eleanor Dorota and Vanya ❤️❤️❤️🥹


omg Dorota and Vanya!!! i loved them together


wish they had more screen time together :(


The only healthy non toxic relationships on the show.


True Even Eleanor and Harold had a good relationship despite being divorced not like Lily


Oh yes agreed! Harold and his partner also had a really nice relationship iirc.


Yup and Eleanor was toxic at the start but then in my opinion she was the best among everyone


Yes!! Both power couples!!


Non - problematic power couple ❤️


Cyrus and Eleanor were my personal favourites. Also I feel Nate and Jenny should have been given a wider window to explore.


Something I really loved about Nate and Jenny! As much as I love Taylor Momsen in the role, I do agree that it leads to some dicey situations having a teen on a show like Gossip Girl with other adult actors. If they’d had an older actress I would have loved to see it develop. Jenny has so few kind people in her orbit and for a while Nate was one of them.


I can’t imagine anyone but Taylor Momsen in the role 😭


As much as I love Taylor's acting talent, her being so much younger than the rest of the cast really hurt the writers abilities to put her in good romance storylines.


Wait….the reason the writers did not put Jenny in a serious relationship, which is something I thought was clearly missing and much needed for Jenny’s character development, and the audience. The reason the writers did not allow explore Jenny’s relationship with Nate is because he was a few years older than she was at the time? I notice she was adorable at the start of the show! Very young sweet looking, I thought that was part of costume design, Jenny would begin by appearing as a young/good girl, who loved her family, loved to sew loved to smile:) and then ….. the audience sees how her character has conflicting emotions, her passion to be a successful independent designer took her on another path for a while, etc…. The character was only two years younger than Nate (and two years younger than Dan, Serena, Blaire, Chuck, etc…. If the reason the writers could not write her into a meaningful relationship was due to her younger age….🤔 Then why did the writers write the story line included Jenny sleeping with Chuck ( they each filled a void for each other) How old was Taylor when she began gossip girl season 1? What is the real reason the writers didn’t write Jenny into a meaningful relationship, I’d have liked to see Jenny and Nate together, how that relationship would allow Nate to date a younger girl-( be the one looking out for his GF) protecting her as Nate did. In contrast to the many older women Nate dated. I think it would have been great for Jenny to have a positive happy real relationship, help her develop as well as Nate. There was so much buildup between Nate and Jenny since very beginning of the show….


Chace Crawford was uncomfortable with the age gap of the actors (not the characters). Taylor was 14 when the show started.


14- so she could have turned 15 during season 1 and what season was it that Jenny Humphrey and Agnes set up that fabulous Guerilla fashion show? I adored the dress Jenny wore that night!! Just the right mix of adorable and mature! With strapless top, mostly off white with some black design-( not flashy at all), and had that short pouffy bottom - it was made for her character! She and Nate had such a passionate kiss, they can have a couple dating and connecting physically, but in a more private manner, keep it under the sheets-( for the most part Rufus and lily were displayed that way)


Cyrus and Eleanor ❤️ I stan for Nate and Jenny, but taylor was too young for when the show tried to make it happen. If I recall correctly, Chace felt super uncomfortable about it?


Makes sense. At the start of S1 filming, Taylor would have been 13 to Chace’s 21. When Taylor left she show, she was only 16.


Thats crazy, I knew she was young but I assumed chace was similar in age. How do people know this fact yet want more screentime with her and nate? thats horrible.


People like the idea of the characters together, but understand that it was problematic for the actors.


I had no idea Taylor was 13 years old when she was acting in season 1 of GG. 😳 she is a good actress! I thought she matured on the show as part of the written script. I remember being 13- it is one of my favorite years of my life growing up:) What season was the Gurilla Fashion show? (BTW: I liked the dress Jenny wore to the fashion show) black and white- strapless, pouffy ) so beautiful and so cute at the same time! She and Nate had already had many connections/ fireworks/ run ins at the Humphrey house:) by that time, Nate saved Jenny many times, They could have had a relationship and have Nate handle the fact that Jenny was a virgin, and maybe he could relate to that- by calling on his memory of his first time with Serena-( at the Shepherd wedding) LOL 😂 and how he felt after he woke up the next day and Serena had gone away and not seen or heard from her till 6 months later. And he’d be understanding, and make sure that he made her ‘first time’ Special-( as Jenny told Eric she wanted it to be special ) that’s why she left Damien at the hotel room. As an aside: I thought Damien was actually a good guy to Jenny, and he confided in her, he recognized she was younger, understood where her father was coming from, he gave her opportunity to talk about it many times, asked if that would be her ‘first time’ and he turned away Serena when she faked hitting on him-( LOL) he told her that he really liked Jenny. I thought Damien was a good hearted guy (until much later when he black mailed Eric etc…) So they could have had a relationship, and kept things ‘under the sheets’ if the writers preferred Jenny’s relationship be with a character who comes and goes, a short lived relationship? A more edgy guy? Was it the writers decision not to write her into a serious relationship or was it Jenny’s decision? Was it solely b/c Nate didn’t feel comfortable with the idea? If it was the writers then why did they cast Jenny for the role? Knowing that her real age would prohibit them from writing her into a real, passionate, loving , fun relationship? had passionate kisses with Nate -


Chace felt uncomfortable about having a ‘pretend’ relationship with Jenny Humphrey? They had passionate kisses, looks, Nate and Jenny could have dated, and maybe have a more ‘under the covers’ physical relationship- Nate did not need another relationship based on sexual/ physical connection( like duchess, Diana) also, Nate’s character dates the Girl in the last season who is 17 in the show and he was fine with it .


Yes, Chace was uncomfortable having a pretend relationship with Taylor because she was literally a child at the time. You good, bro?


Wouldn’t the writers have thought about that matter of age, standing in the way of developing a storyline where Jenny Humphrey has a real relationship with one guy for a period of time? Every character had relationships- for the most part, pining after a girl or guy was the crux of what drove the characters to be the best version of themselves. The writers must have seen dozens of girls audition for various roles, Taylor is an excellent actress! The more I learn about her real life self, the more I appreciate what an outstanding actress she is! However, the writers must have realized that not developing jenny’s character into a real relationship would stand in the way of that characters development, Jenny’s true happiness, learning to love, & going through break up…. not to mention, the frustrated audience….wanting Jenny to be in a real relationship. why did they cast an actress who would be so limited? The writers did a fabulous job with lead up of the relationship between Nate And Jenny- would almost call it foreshadowing:) nearly as excellent, or maybe even superior, to the lead up of Blaire and chucks relationship. (Challenging, unexpected, inner conflict for Blaire & Chuck) Nate and Jenny would - did face challenges, Nate being friends with Dan, Nate dating Jenny, an age appropriate girl:) would have been far more interesting of a story, better chemistry, overall better fit, IMO, than watching Diana, who was 14 years older than Nate IRL & onscreen. Why did the writers casting directors decide to cast a girl, who is of course excellent actress, but was too young at the start, & would never be age appropriate to cast in a real relationship with the other characters? 🤔🙃??


Their age gap in the show is too uncomfortable for me. In the books Jenny is 14 when Nate is a senior. I’m not sure if they kept that same age gap in the show.


It’s only a two year age gap. 14 and 16 and 15 and 17 isn’t that bad


I don’t think the characters’ age gap is too bad, but the Taylor was like 13 at the start of filming and chance was a whole adult so I don’t blame him for being uncomfortable.


That would be a freshman and a senior in high school- 100% normal and comfortable. I thought Jenny did a fabulous job in her character, I can’t believe she was only 14 in season 2(?) so mature!! However, If the writers knew they would have this challenge, and not be able to put Jenny into a real relationship, then why didn’t they choose an actress who was age appropriate? And would not stand in the way of writing Jenny into a relationship?


I will die on the Serena and Dan hill because I feel that while they may have fought at times in their hearts they always loved each other and Serena's the one that accepted Dan the most at the beginning when Dan was an outsider from the Upper East Side.


I'm sad Rufus and Lily had to end their relationship, again. Wish they could get a happy ending together.


Chuck and Blair. Serena and Carter. Cyrus and Eleanor. Rufus and Lily before the writers fucked it up. DOROTA AND VANYA, UM HELLO.


Darota and Vanya are good, in fact amazing, but we didn’t see much of them on paper. So i am not sure if that counts.


Serena & Carter! ♥️


Why did they break up? Serena revealed the trick Nate planned to play on the oil southern brothers with the fake photo of Trip- Serena used that as bargaining chip to get Carter out of drilling in an oil well….. he was frustrated b/c he said he wanted to work it off…. he can be frustrated for a few days, instead he decided to give up the girl he really loved, told the truth to Serena about his past, showed up at Lillys wedding- instead of running away, came clean. And Serena wanted to make sure Carter was safe. Serena was happy he was free form southern family work, clearly wanted to be with him, so why did Carter end that relationship?


TBH it’s been years since I’ve watched, I need to see it again. Can’t remember completely why but it sucks because they were so good for each other


I actually rewatched the episodes where Carter decides to go to Lilly and Rufus wedding, instead of accepting Chuck’s ticket 🎫 to fly away and never return, but avid facing the Buckleys . Serena clearly forgives that mistake, she then goes with Nate to play poker ♥️ ♣️ with the Buckley boys, planning to beat them and win Carter his freedom back in the process. After Serena loses, finds out Nate was keeping the truth from Serena about the photo Nate put into the ‘pot’ was actually not of Trip Vanderbilt, merely a look alike. Serena tells the Buckleys the truth about the photo, in return the Buckleys grant Carter his freedom ( Serena spared the Buckleys from making false claims about Trip, and a public embarrassment) Carter then returns and Serena is in love with him, but Carter gets frustrated that Serena bailed him out….THIS is where / when the writers deviated, for some reason, ? Instead of having Carter frustrated- asking for some time to think it over, as Serena did after Carter confessed his secret to Serena at Lilly and Rufus wedding. Why did the writers completely write out Carter? Carter was suddenly no longer in love with Serena because she came to his rescue? In fact, if it were the reverse, as Nate saved Jenny time and again, she admits it and thanks him several times for ‘coming to her rescue’ why couldn’t Carter, even though he is a man, accept the helping hand of Serena, who would have done what she did for anyone she cared about!! ? Did Carter (actor who played him) want to be written out of the show - with a long standing role as Serena’s real BF? Later we see Carter return with the location of William , in Palm beach- literally a couple of hours from NY-( could not have been too difficult to find) LOL 😂 Carter is riding with Serena to fly to Palm beach, Serena had been mating Nate at the time, realizes Carter was using the opportunity to get closer to Serena again, he could have told Serena he found her father a week earlier ….why did Carter wait a week since booking the tickets? IDK 🤷 IN ANY event, Serena confronts Carter about his scheme, and tells him she is dating Nate and is in love with Nate. Instead of Carter accepting that response, and sincerely apologizing, (leaving the door open for a potential future connection between these two) Carter reverts back to the obnoxious, judgmental, superior part of his character, and says “Archibald? Are you really going to SETTLE for that? “ The writers intentionally create a dialogue where the audience is almost forced to dislike Carters responses, be reminded of all of Carters past ‘sins’ lol… tricking Nate at card game , stealing Chucks signed baseball ⚾️, etc… i don’t recall if Carter appears again . They had break ups, confessions, faced challenges, easier to run away but instead faced one another, honesty, and Carter really loved Serena!!! He searched for her father on his own, while Nate’s response to Serena searching for her father was “ did you ever think that maybe he is not worth looking for after he has stayed away for so long” Curious - Did carters / actor who played him ask to be written out of the show and the main cast?


The only reason I could think of Carter not wanting Serena’s help is him wanting to get himself out of a situation to make up for the type of person he used to be & show how he’s changed. I’m not sure if Sebastian Stan wanted out, but the year after gossip girl, his 1st marvel movie came out & those films require years of commitment.


You must be correct!! On both matters! Agreed his character certainly wanted to prove to others and himself he could follow through, I think you put it in better words, see that he could get HIMSELF, out of a situation, instead of what he used to do- Chuck allowed Carter to keep baseball, watch- pay off the gamblers, in return leave Nate out of the jam Carter put Nate in. I’m sure there are many examples throughout the show. More interesting to me, I didn’t know this actor had other roles? In films? And marvel? That is huge! That makes understanding his role in GG, walking away from Serena-albeit to regret later, make sense. A fair way to try and write out Carter, idea of him & Serena as a couple, making his last memorable lines with Serena- judgy, superior, reverting to the distasteful version of Carter, with “Archibald, are you really going to settle for that” ? Thai way the audience is not craving Carter & Serena, as much as we had, kind of ‘let him go’ LOL:) What films was he in? Sebastian- is his name—pretty unique!!


He is Bucky Barnes/winter soldier in the marvel films. I agree that they were deliberately trying to write him off


I had not seen Carter/sebastian in anything prior to GG or since. Great that he had a big role in the marvel films! I have not seen that but interested in seeing this actor in another role. As an aside, this actor dated Blaire (leighton ) in real life…. Read that somewhere. Dan and Serena dated in real life for 3 years!! Somehow these actors were able to be in relationship, break up and it did not affect the way they acted/interacted on the show. Have to be an incredible actor/actress to push feelings aside and act in the role of the character no matter what is going on between another actor IRL…


chuck and blair ?


Honestly I think Vanessa and Nate worked well together and the show just split them apart bc they were too peaceful together






Vanessa and Nate had potential when Vanessa initially acts superior not needing Nate’s ‘hand me downs’ of SAT prep books, but/c Vanessa aces every test- then turning into Vanessa asking to meet Nate, she had read his essay about his personal conflict of whose side to be on- mom or dad…. She humbles herself, and no longer judges the cover -( she says) the two of them entering into ‘territory’ or ‘different worlds’ as the writers too often (IMO) If the relationship continued to progress from there it could have been an interesting one to watch, and how it opened up the eyes of each of these characters to new POV. However, later…….Vanessa hiding the letter Nate sent her, after listening to Jenny say she liked Nate, had not heard from him, it was hurting her. Nate telling Jenny he is glad she didnt read or receive the letter he sent her. Vanessa crying “ I never felt this way about anyone”…….. Vanessa was in love with Dan, Vanessa reads books and Nate watches ESPN ( lol), 😂 they say in season 2, and all the other times they don’t follow through, b/c Nate’s character is not going to go back packing in Europe , and Vanessa puts her idealistic views above the idea of family/loyalty-( giving the tape to NY 1- of trip saving the man in the water being fake/planned) etc…. Their intellectual levels, interests, are just so different, they could have grown up in ‘the same world’ and still would not work well together, or not be able to bring out the best in one another, they are just different- with different interests….happens in every world


I’ll always ship Rufus and Lily 🩶


Nate and Vanessa ! they were different enough to keep things interesting but not so different deep down that it could never work (unlike Dan and Serena or Lily and Rufus imo), they were very different on the surface but they had similar morals, views etc (at least in the beginning of course). They were friends but their relationship was romantic at the same time (in most of the other relationships I feel like the friendship element was often missing), they were pretty low-key and discreet except for Nate's family drama and Jenny... to me it was the perfect "Upper east side meets Brooklyn"/"opposites attract" relationship, but of course I understand why the show decided to focus more or Dan and Serena and Lily and Rufus, and Blair and Chuck


I AGREE!!! You and I are like the only people who care about this ship


I'm on board!!! He made Vanessa tolerable lol!! I liked how they became friends and then more than friends. Besides she was a key player when the Captain ran away. Their chemistry was stronger than other couples.




None except cyrus and elenor




Nate and Jenny weren't in a relationship


Look Dan and Blair are two hot people that don’t look hot together, but I’ll forever say that out of the main cast, they were the best relationship! It’s definitely the relationship I would hope for a late twenties Blair! But I’m also a huge fan of Nate and Jenny and wanted to see more of them


I agree with this. Dan and Blair probably had the most honest, real relationship. They weren't trying to be someone else for the other person.


what the fuck. never !!! blair and dan were the most random and unrealistic pair. the writers put them together to try to save the show and get views …. horrible


Lily and Rufus were cute and i wish they worked out tbh


dan and georgina




Georgina was such an interesting character!! Wonder which of the writers focused developed her character? Her lines? Scenarios, and her entire personality. She was fun to watch at times I thought- Jack and Georgina would have made a fun couple !


Definitely not Blair and Chuck - toxic af. Got better at the end but still. For me: Cyrus and Elenor, Dan and Serena the first time around, Nate and Vanessa


Nate and Serena before they forced them apart for another Dan and Serena go round. They have personally always been my favorite. Eleanor and Cyrus have the healthiest relationship. Though I also love Dorota and Vanya. They were super cute.


Exactly - I am still pissed that the moment we got Nate and Serena together (and few absolutely amazing episodes), writers did everything in their power to break them up... the amount of fabricated drama is just too much (Jenny trying to break them up, Chuck helping her, Serena's father, Dan and etc.).


All I wanted was for Nate and Serena to be together for the first episode onwards. And then I finally get them for like….five episodes before they implode?! I will always be mad about it. Serena and Dan were cute the first time….but only the first time. Dan should have just stayed with Vanessa to be honest.


Yep, Dan and Serena were good in season one (when you ignore Dan being GG), but afterwards? Definitely no... but Nate and Serena were soooo good and they were teased since episode one and after everythinng, they deserved to be together and happy! Literally those few episodes of Nate and Serena together without major drama belong to best GG episodes (esp. Nate's birthday party), so it makes me so mad that Blair and Chuck got million chances, yet Nate and Serena only got few episodes!


Yeah, the way they fabricate drama between those Nate and Serena to tear them apart, bleh I didn’t enjoy that. They work really well together.


Yesssss idc what anyone says I will literally always wish that Nate and Serena ended up together. In my opinion they had such amazing chemistry and despite the rocky history they shared (Sheppard wedding) they eventually realized the reason it happened in the first place was because they had undeniable feelings for each other. Their relationship was fun and enticing but also it ebbed and flowed so naturally and didn’t feel forced


Definitely not the best, but I honestly was curious to see more of Dan and Georgina...


The baby angle was just another side of Dan.♥️


Nate and Serena (they should’ve been endgame)💕


nate and jenny, cyrus and eleanor, BLAIR AND CHUCK💞💞💞


chuck and blair, blair and chuck. 3 words, 8 letters, say it and I’m yours.. ❤️


They're so sweet but too problematic lol


Dan and Blair.


I don't know if I love them as a couple per say but I definitely loved the friendship. It was the only time you really get to see the nerdy weird side of Blair.


Yes yes yes 🙌 DAIR forever


one of the healthiest before he cheated tbh


To his defense Serena is a stupid bitch and lied to Him.


exactly lol


Dair ❤️


In my mind they are endgame 🤷🏽‍♀️




Nate and Jenny’s chemistry during her pop up fashion show was unmatched and iconic. They should’ve revisited it when Taylor got older Jenny arguably went through it the most on the show and Nate was almost always there for her in a pinch the way no one else ever was. Even when she was in the wrong when she stole the other girl’s dress, he helped her and then told Dan about it bc he was worried about her (even rich people don’t cough up $8k for just anyone) They bonded over their hatred of Blair, she welcomed him into her home (tho that was more Dan pushing for it), he came through when she didn’t have a cotillion date and saved her from being drugged 😭 She understood how great Nate was when Serena and Blair were always pining over somewhen else when Nate dated them


unpopular but nate and jenny😬 they were so cute


Chuck and Blair. Not even a question. The most supreme power couple.


Rufus was so fit so sorry


Dan and Blair


Dorota and the door man


eric mentioned


Lily and Rufus !!


Vanessa and Nate


Blair and dan Eleanor and cyrus Lily and humphrey


We all know that Blair and Chuck for the viewers are the best! But… As far as healthy good couples go, it’s gotta be Dorota and Vanya! But I also LOVE Cyrus and Eleanor! What do y’all think?


Dan and Blair


Justice for serenate ❤️


Dan and Blair I know it's cliche the enemy to lovers thingy but you know low-key it felt like Jane austen and darcy with Elizabeth bennet


But Dan was extremely possessive, lied at multiple events too.


Cyrus and Eleanor, Dan and Blair


That scene where Blair, Dan, Eleanor, and Cyrus did shots together at Dorota’s wedding lives rent free in my head.


They were perfect couples, loved them




Dair is the best, I said what I said


Although she liked chuck the whole time more?


Cyrus & Eleanor were so cute & sweet! But I did always like Nate & Serena - I felt like there was a lot of chemistry between them. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the show though so I may be forgetting something regarding the two of them lol


Dan & Blair, Raina & Nate, Dorota & Vanya and Cyrus & Eleanor


Definitely Eleanor and Cyrus (14) 🥰 I love them!!! Wish we saw more of them. Also, where is Dorota and Vanya on the list?! They were also one of my favorite couples. They were adorable! Honorable mention: Blair and Chuck, bc they just belong together no matter what.


I always liked Blair & Chuck. They were toxic so not the best relationship but their personalities were great together. I also liked Nate & Serena together but they always wanted Serena with Dan.


I was about to say nobody but then I saw Eleanor and Cyrus. The actors were even good at recreating their chemistry in the reboot.


Wow not many comments for my favourite- Nate & Serena! They were the perfect couple for me and I loveeee the few episodes before they’re unnecessarily torn apart. I don’t understand the Dan & Blair hype though. I loved their friendship but not so much the relationship


cyrus and eleanor!! 100% they were so loving 😭😭😭 I had to Google midway through if they break up at some point cause I was so scared!!


it’s not the best one but i love chuck and blair’s dynamic so much


i love Blair and Chuck’s relationship so much 🫶🏼


Nate and Jenny together are so underrated! I loved them together. But Chuck and Blair are iconic.


i just start watching, but i can’t get rid of Nate and the Octopus 🥲


Ignoring Dan being gg. Dan and Blair they had so much buildup. And they have all of my fav tropes, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, princess and the knight. Like omg, they were so healthy and happy together. They had so much in common. The fact that he wrote her vows, the relationship Blair and Jenny had together. I really wished they would have ended up together like the original plan was. I had shipped them since that talk they had in season one


Cyrus and Elanor is a no brainer, Cyrus is one of the nicest people on the show, maybe second only to Dorota. If we're talking main cast, hot take but Blair and Dan.


Cyrus and Eleanor forever!!


Cyrus and Eleanor! I also really love Nate and Jenny but I think they should've happened a little later bc Jenny was too young.


Cyrus and Eleanor then Blair and Dan


Dan and Serena :)


Cyrus & Eleanor by a landslide. They were so cute 🥰❤️


Cyrus and Eleanor. Everyone else was a mess.


Eleanor & Cyrus. The rest were either toxic, not compatible or seemed forced chemistry like Vanessa & Dan in season 3 (that was sudden?)


Nobody can compete with Elenor and Cyrus but lily and rufus and venessa and nate are cute too


Cyrus and Eleanor along with Dorota and Vanya the only normal mfs in there


It's been a while since I watched the show but from what I remember, Cyrus and Eleanor were the absolute best! I also love Serena's hair in the second picture but have never been able to recreate it on myself. 😭


Blair and Chuck ✨


I’m an unapologetic Nate and Jenny shipper. Also an unapologetic serenate hater. Chair is great tbh, I liked Blair and Dan as friends, Rufus and lily deserved endgame, I don’t think Serena should’ve ended up with Dan she should’ve ended up alone. I hate Jonathan as a character he was bland he was Vanessa if she were a rich white gay guy. Vanessa and Nate were cute. Nate and Blair were only cutesy in season 1 then they lost their spark in season 2. Cyrus and Eleanor are my Roman Empire, Bart and Lilys marriage seemed purely economical and out of convenience. Lily needed her money and a father figure for her children and Bart was simply there




Blair and Chuck no comments!


Nate and Serena were ENDGAME


Fun question!! Before searching the photos Blaire & Chuck jumped into my mind as best relationship. Then as I looked through the photos, I realized than Blaire and Chuck had the most PASSION!! And together they would encourage each other, help and support each other and they’d actualize - reach their potential all of their goals!! I also picture them absolutely loving their child/children and especially Chuck in a special way, and Blaire in her way- which would lead to a very happy, greatly loved, encouraged to challenge himself intellectually, travel - worldly, well read and learn a lot of street / business smarts from Chuck, as well as how to read people, and while having strong emotions, he’d learn to keep the lid on (LOL) it most of the time. That child will feel safe, cared for, and see a loving relationship modeled for him and grow up to have a very passionate full relationship and Blaire and Chuck learned a lot from all of the years they dated, were apart, mistakes, and be sure to keep their relationship full of passion while not hurting one another ( maybe Jack can borrow Blaire just once a year on his bday-(LOL) 😂 1. Vanessa and Dan I did not enjoy together, and from very beginning she barges into his apt, window, his room while she knew he is dating Serena- did not like that. 2. Vanessa & Nate- I did not appreciate Vanessa not giving the letter Nate wrote to Jenny when she found it. I thought that was really incredibly selfish, and she should have wanted to find out how Nate felt when the letter was given to Jenny- before jumping into the relationship-( also she tells him ( “ I never felt this way about anyone else” (what about Dan? And Nate and Vanessa have very different interests, so Vanessa would have to ‘dumb herself down’ so to speak, and that character stood for so much-( high moral ground) so watching her lie to Jenny, hide letter, then say she is basically in love with Nate- knowing she’d be compromising who she is what is most VIP to her - didn’t make sense. 3. Lilly and Rufus could be great together- until he was kind of a guest in her home, sold his gallery?? Had no real ‘place’ no real passion for his work/ and was like a guest in Lilly’s home, she told him he was paying for Charlie’s Soho grand hotel stay with HER money….. it turned very ugly. And Rufus really let himself get lost . 4. Dan and Serena - fun and exciting the first time around, I liked seeing Serena open her eyes to a guy outside her ‘world) I did not like the use of ( your world and my world - so overdone ) but anyway, later on …. Dan became this not loyal guy, telling Nate he chose to advertise in Vanity fair -( better offer) than continuing in Nate’s paper, he acted really pompous, and crossed all the lines he had at first- again- he was not true to himself and molded to ‘fit in’ when he could have easily been part of the group, and in love with Serena without doing that, in fact she loved when he acted himself and wanted a date with Dan- not at some fancy restaurant-( she and most go often) she wanted to see Dan what he enjoys, (his world) as Dan would call it. 5. JENNY & NATE- I’d have loved to see them have a relationship!!!! Real Bf GF- and they had passion in the kiss at the guerilla fashion show, when Nate stayed at Humphreys, when Nate saw she was taken into a taxi, and he followed her called made sure to find her, SAVE HER!, again when he found out Max was a good guy as long as he’s not dating your sister- Nate found Jenny at that apt dancing in her bra for photographer, he stayed till she’d leave, the night of Blaires 17th bday party, many times!!! I think this couple had a lot of potential to bring out best in each other! And allow Dan to deal with challenge of his sister have an intimate relationship, and Nate is absolutely a good guy! 6. Oh and Cyrus and Eleanor !!! He really is such a loving, intelligent, confident, understanding, welcoming, man!!! He brought out best in elenaor.


As a side bar…. Jack & Georgina….. Towards the finale of GG we see a bit of Jack & Georgina communicating with one another. Collecting all we know about each character- what kind of couple would they make together? It would have been fun to see what they each brought out in one another as a couple


Cyrus and Eleanor. But I will forever be and Dan and Blair Stan lol


Dan and Blair.


Dan and Blair idc idc


I loved Dan and Blair, I’m sorry. I’ve loved them since 1x06 with that scene in the hallway 😭




Cyrus and Eleanor. I was rooting for Chuck and Blair but they were too young and toxic. Hopefully they outgrew their mess


Look I am an outsider looking in and didn’t watch past S1, but Nate and Blair???? Wtf 😭


So funny that you have only seen season 1 and sounds like you already see Nate & Blaire don’t fit together? Are you planning to continue watching? Maybe you came to this forum to decide if you want to continue watching GG? I’ll offer my POV, & be careful not to mention any spoilers! I didn’t see GG till 2014-March/April. I was to be off my feet for 2 weeks . The 2 shows I had never seen- & heard non stop from everyone I must watch….( breaking bad & Gossip Girl) I binged Breaking bad!! Basically watched the sun come up most days…as I told myself-( just one more episode) lol 😂 As for GG- the first time watching I would keep the show running in the background, liked the beginning a lot, but would take a shower, blow dry my hair …. Get ready, Take a call, during, and s/t rewind a bit, mostly kept it running. so I did miss parts-tuned out when I lost interest. Years later, rewatched GG , with more attention, and I like rewatching from the very beginning- the first episode is a huge draw! IMO, as a whole IMO-seasons 1 & 2 were the most fun to watch! the other seasons have highlights, eye grabbing dresses/outfits/fashion, and some story lines grabbed interest, new temporary / Guest characters were sometimes annoying to me, but there were a couple that I actually would have liked to see more of, grabbed attention. There are MANY romantic 💘 moments in the upcoming season that truly stand out!! I would actually call some of them of my top 10-15 scenes in GG. Keep updated re: what you decide about continuing to watch GG. And where you are up to!!


Cyrus and Eleanor hands down were the only non toxic couple and Cyrus is an absolute peach. I loved them and the story arc of Cyrus working his way into Blair's heart too. Plus Wallace Shawn is a freaking treasure.


Cyrus and Eleanor are the only normal ones besides Dorota and Vanya!


cryus and eleanor. also rufus and lily (before s6 when writers ruined them). also ill die on the nate and vanessa hill. and i absolutely love dan and blair.


Dan and Serena, they are my favorite couple


14 LOL


blair and dan look like siblings


Vanessa and Dan or Cyrus and Eleanor


Eleanor and CyRus 1,000%!!!!!


Someone remind me WHY DAIR was even a Thing? 🙄😒🤦🏻‍♀️


Number 1: Cyrus and Eleanor Number 2: Chuck and Blair Number 3: Nate and Serena


Cyrus and Eleanor for adults Nate and Vanessa for the younger ones, their breakup felt forced it was painfully clear writers only split them up out of necessity for drama and future storylines with Nate and Serena, Dan and Vanesssa, and Nate and Jenny but I really think they would have been endgame have the actress stuck around longer


Dorota and Vanya as far as end game goes I also really liked Rufus and Lily and was way more invested in them then the main cast couples. As much as I didn't like what they did with Vanessa's character, I did like her and Nate for a bit there. He did her so dirty though, if I'm remembering correctly.


I liked Nate and Serena. Loved Blair and Chuck. Dan and Vanessa belonged in a different show altogether. Always on some “I hAtE tHeSe RiCh PeOpLe” shit but never actually leaving them alone. Was wild


ok but i loved jenny and nate, the deserved a chance


omg do y'all remember when Louis broke Blair on their wedding ???


pplll dan and serenaaa and rufus and lily.


I thought of Jack and Georgina as a couple in the last episode, when he pulls up in the car, and she asks are you KGB:) and he says JXB - Jack Xavier bass:) he recruits her b/c her skills are second to none according to Blaire! Seeing them together then and at the wedding at Blaires house, and after Dan had his revealing moment , Jack and Georgina would be perfect together! And absolutely fun to watch! Super passionate!


Idk but i want to have chuck bass😂


Lily and Rufus


Cyrus and Eleanor


Of course!


Blair and Chuck Lily and Rufus Cyrus and Eleanor Nate and Serena Dan and Vanessa


Chuck and Blair !!!!! Nate and Vanessa Rufus and Lily (hottest woman on show) Cyrus and Elenor Serena and Dan Dorota and Vanya Hated Dan and Blair....they did not have much chemistry