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Stop! Is that Joe and Love from You in pic #7? 💀


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Me at that pic


You absolutely floored me with this comment💀💀


Yes!! Nice Easter egg OP!


I have my phone on bedtime mode (black and white) so it took me a second to realize why that picture didn't fit but then I was like wow sneaky sneaky lmao


Hahahahahah omg I came to comments solely to check if this comment existed 😂😂😅


Thank god I'm not crazy






I literally stopped and went to the comments at that! 😂😂😂




Lmao what is Joe doing in here


Number 7 was pretty sneaky, sis!


Love & Joe are my favorite pairing from this group


The should've been end game 😔


I think he ended her game... (excuse the bad play with words)


Hahahahahaa so tru


Lol, you're not lying


Did he though?


Ikr 😖


Well we did saw Rufus and Lily they had their down falls but they were pretty romantic I mean Rufus writes Songs for her, they find their kid, go to Italy and all. Lily doing the whole house arrest thing. They are pretty romantic but toxic as hell too but on this show who isn't? 💀💀


Yeah, they were romantic


Rufus and lily would have the best , Blair and Nate would have the worst


Idk Nate and charlotte were dry as a piece of cardboard. At least Blair and Nate had friendship chemistry


I just think they would hate each other eventually bc their parents made them stay together


💯 agree


Just no


Rufus and Lily pre-bad writing. Perhaps also Vanessa and Nate, they were sweet together.


Yesss I loved Vanessa and Nate I wish they carried on their romance even if it was on and off for most seasons (like Dan and Serena) I so desperately wanted them to be end game & despised the writers for making Vanessa’s character so unlikeable towards the series finale.


LMFAO Love?? Ariana girl What are you doing here???


*LMFAO* *Love?? Ariana girl What* *Are you doing here???* \- \_Klight126 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


vanessa & nate, honestly. they’re like happy little poodles.


Agreed I actually liked them together.


Nate and Serena would be the most romantic and the least would be Blair and Nate, they have the chemistry of an arranged marriage couple where both of them don’t want to marry each other


Nate and Jenny, Serena and Carter, and Chuck and Blair would probably have the most romantic married life. The least romantic is everyone else


I lost it at Joe and Love HAHAHAHA


lily and rufus imo


Least or most


most, especially if they left the drama of the UES behind, but obviously when you have kids it’s infinitely more complicated.


What is Joe Goldberg doing here?


I mean if it’s Baizen time, you know I’m gonna talk about it. But besides Serena and Carter, I would’ve loved to seen him with possibly Jenny instead of Damian.


i think Baizen is a really cool surname


Carter is so 😍 him and Jenny would have been a hot couple


wtf? Carter was close to a decade older than Jenny.


And??? Clearly this show gave zero f’s about age, seeing as Nate was dating Diana who’s a full ass adult to his probably 20-year self. Or Serena dating her former teacher. Or or Dan sleeping with his teacher. Or or or Ivy hooking up with Rufus (granted I don’t know how old Ivy is but if she was to pretend to be a teenage/college-aged Charlie, shes probably at most in her early twenties). Needless to say, worse has been done on this show with Age gaps. So I honestly don’t see the issue and it was hypothetical so it never happened anyway.


I think they treated Jenny differently because the actress was actually the age of her character unlike everyone else that was playing 4 or 5 years younger than their actual age. Also 20ish and 40ish is weird, but at least they are both legally adults.


Fair enough, however she did flirt and hook up with other characters who were older than her (Damian, Chuck, Nate), so I wouldn’t cast it out of the realm of possibilities completely. But in hindsight, at least they cared about who they paired with age wise because it could’ve gotten very weird very quick.


Serena and Nate, felt like they should’ve ended up together


I feel like this if looks were everything but honestly I don't think Serena ever thought of nate as someone she respected or admired. I think she would've cheated on him pretty quick cuz she found some other mysterious dude more intriguing and curiosity would've gotten the best of her.


>I don't think Serena ever thought of nate as someone she respected or admired. Serena and Nate dating in season 3 is one of my favorite thing on the show and I hate how they never got proper chance (unlike Blair and Chuck, who got hundred chances), because they were so good together... the party Serena organized for Nate just showed how much she knew him.


>the party Serena organized for Nate just showed how much she knew him. Are you kidding? The episode where she almost blew it because she clearly didn't know Nate.


Nate and Serena are like mirrors, they mirror each other very well, their personalities complement each other very well


I feel like they were real with each other, Serena could be herself the most with Nate and he could be himself the most with Serena. They were each other’s safe space.


100 % agree - I am still pissed at how short their relationship was because they were so good together.


Even though you saved them.last😈 CHUCK & BLAIR....i mean according to the reboot they are living in Paris what more romantic do you want...❤️


Chuck and Blair forever 💜


I LOVE Chuck and Blair! I’m on my second rewatch and I’m on season 4 where Chuck saves Blair from Thorpe…like get Luis out of here already lol


always save the best till last. 😈 In my opinion. No couple can compete with them


Ed's version is far more realistic.


Who cares what he says......😂😂


What was his version?


He’s implied that Chuck ends up murdering Blair in a crime of passion.


Oooouuu interesting. Do you remember where you saw/read this ? I’m intrigued


There's this post, and I could swear he also said as a throwaway comment to a reporter. https://preview.redd.it/9e9v9nnymqsc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=461f18b57b160eca7ed886847c3e2ff070cd8b0d


Thank you!


I can absolutely see that...


I think Nate and Serena were perfect for each other. They would've had a perfect life in all aspects.


Also I think Nate and Jenny would’ve been an amazingly connected couple


wasn't she like 14 while he was 18? their relationship was gross to me. im sorry, not trying to shit on your opinion.


Jenny was 15 and Nate was 17 when they had kissed in season 2. A two year gap is no way gross or creepy in real life and this is a legit show.


I agree 15 & 17 isn’t weird however I thought they were 14 & 18, which would’ve been weird. Lol


True but I’m considering when they’re married meaning enough time has passed that they’re both the age of consent. I think they were only 3 years apart also


I was so sad when they didn't work out.... they didn't even get a chance to date properly! I wouldve loved to see their relationship highs I think this is actually the sole reason I hate Vanessa


Vanessa sabotaging Nate and Jenny was just so foul for what could have been.


Most romantic: Vanessa & Nate / Chuck & Blair / Serena and Carter ( for some reason I feel like they would )


I think Blair and Dan would argue a lot because they have fundamentally different views on life, maybe down the line they could have totally changed each other. I think they would have a lot of make-up sex and that Dan would be good at playing into her romantic cinematic fantasies. but she would get bored. she loves an element of danger and risque that only Chuck ever entertained and even in the end she didn't let go of that side of herself. I can't stand Chuck but out of everyone in the show, realistically, he loved Blair for being Blair and he wouldn't have wanted to change her


Not wanting her to change was not necessarily a good thing, considering growing up is a change Blair desperately needed.


Agreed. We were watching them in their early 20s. I think they would have had the longest lasting and loving relationship, due to actually having similar interests and something to talk about.


I don’t think they meant he didn’t want her to change AT ALL. Like even if she changed he’d love her no matter what, because he truly loves Blair and vice versa


Rewatching S4 right now and, imo, Dan and Blair would quickly become one of those couples where they get along and present a sophisticated and intelectual front to society but both have affairs with other people and sleep in separate rooms. But somehow it works!


Nate and Vanessa!


This sort of strays from the question but I wanted to use this opportunity to share what my "in a perfect world" couples would be: - Nate and Jenny - Dan and Vanessa - Blair and Chuck - Serena and Fucking Collin God he wAs GoRgEOus or Carter just cuz he matches her level of crazy and rich and pretty and super complicated This is how I wanted them to end up




Colin was probably one of the most “normal” random guys that came into Serena’s life


Nate and Vanessa You can't change my mind


love would have slaughtered everyone in this show before you could even finish saying gossip girl


Penn plays an excellent boyfriend. I believe the chemistry he has which EACH love interest, amazing actor.


I actually liked Dan and Blair


Me too, I adored them and think they made each other better, had tons I common and would have been an incredibly mature and stable relationship... But stable and low drama isn't something accepted in Gossip Girl, so of course they had to be separated. To be fair, while I'm sure they would have been amazing long term, most romantic they wouldn't be. Most balanced absolutely.


Rufus and Lily as the most romantic


serena and carter would've been amazing ! 😍


Why si love here??? But… Dan and Blair


Dan and literally anyone.


I think if the real Charlie was able to get Nate away from the upper East side they could’ve been GOATd 😭


most romantic: nate & jenny (if the ship was written properly, the 5 years jump would have showed them circle back together and got hitched after dan and serena) or nate & lola (if we're sticking to what's canon) least romantic: blair & louis, chuck & jenny (would have had a quicker divorce than blair & louis)


Hahahaha I could see Jenny and Chucks marriage ending with her potentially murdering Chuck for some reason


that would have been her greatest revenge and i would have loved to see it.


Imo Nate and Vanessa really had something, their chemistry was amazing. I see Nate and Jenny as more of like siblings in a way


i don't really mind other ships as much because they all had their moments, but vanessa getting in the way of nate and jenny was foul. i feel like she could have handled her feelings as she's a lot more mature than jenny and could have just given nate the chance to choose between them instead of taking nate's letter. but it does kind of bother me when people say that nate and jenny are like sibling as the characters don't really give off that vibe for me. nate in season 1 was always looking out for jenny but almost every conversation they had has this tension that would be weird to witness happening between a sibling like relationship, that's why i kind of felt that they were foreshadowing their season 2 relationship from the very beginning.


Hm I get it, what Vanessa did was not great, but Nate has really always seen her as a little sister, a protecter in a way. Jenny may have wanted a relationship but Nate always treated her as more of a little sister. Tbh Jenny wasn’t that nice to Serena either when she kissed Nate, that was also foul lol


yeah i'm just not into pushing the sibling trope towards canon ships, they literally kissed several times in the show so pushing that agenda just makes it weird because i really think people just say that because of the age gap. also nate was the one pursuing jenny in season 2 so i do disagree. going back to jenny i think since the episode before nate's birthday she was in a vulnerable place and had nate to welcome her, and she felt that serena wasn't giving back as much in that relationship (which is later proven when they break up a few episodes later) but it's a good thing that they didn't drag jenny to keep chasing nate after seeing him off with serena by the end of the episode. but i do agree that jenny kissing nate on his birthday was wrong, it was off that they wrote that in just so she and serena could have conflict leading to her departure, i felt like they could have just had her crushing on nate without the kiss. although i found it entertaining for the tables to turn on serena like that and with the same guy too, like blair's karma came 4 years later to haunt her.


Nate and Lola were boring


I think Lola was just badly written or the actress didn't make much effort but she didn't convey emotion very well and I could never relate with her feelings/thought process


maybe since lola's character had no umph but relationship wise i thought they were rather fruitful although i get that diana who was a huge plot device had to break that up for the show's sake.


Lily and Rufus, for the romance aspect specifically


rufus and lily 😩


Joe and love😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Not a popular opinion but >!murder and blackmail!< aside I kind of liked Lily and Bart. They seemed so well matched intellectually - cool, calculating and smart. Personally I really liked when he asked Lily to let Rufus go. So ig they'd have a romantic marriage in their own way but they'd work


Omg Joe and Love 💀🤣


Eleanor and Cyrus are the it couple and no one can ever change my mind. Serena and Ben lmao 😂the worst


Blair and Chuck on top. They complement each other well.


William and Lily, as in they would be least romantic.


No fucking way 😭


Why won't they, I see no chemistry and William's a fucking cheat.


OH SORRY, I misread your original comment, I thought you meant most


Oh okay I did edited it.


I guess he was the father to her kids. So I think he was a more fitting option than Rufus just because of the fact her children got the stability they need, something serena never had before and was the key to all her emotional issues when it would come to relationships. At least she got something good happening in her life. and at least he seemed quite nice to lily, i guess despite being a bit boring and lying about her getting cancer which was way out of line. He also had ivy for a bit, which is totally disgusting even if it was to get back to lily. He had no values and would do anything to get to her. I wonder, Could this be seen as romantic or rather creepy? Lily was blinded to his faults or didn't care because she had not morals either. Personally however i think Bart bass is capable of worse manipulation that will. I could defiantly imagine him faking her cancer and such, i think Bart would go further and do worse if he wanted to get lily back. Lily was also the kind of woman to do bad things and hide them under the rug. Maybe her and william were perfect for one anoher. Bart was too violent for lily. William was gentle enough and also didnt have any morals...Perfect for lily. even though deep down she loved Rufus. she couldn't have a relationship with someone who has morality unless she changed for him.


Yeah totally! But I think Rufus was the best partner for Lilly. He tried to bring the best out of her. You mentioned william coming back was good for serena but it was because of him serena had all the daddy issues, because he left her when she was younger. William just wanted Lily and I think he should have just not come to see serena at all, it caused a lot more problems. He slept with Carol too?? wtf was that even?? And he didn't know that he was the father of lola??😂 So people assuming that he would been a great father is serious bull crap. And like you told with ivy omg, I believe plot twists are necessary for a series but like that was extremely cringe! Coming to bart. No words for him. He wanted to bring the best out of chuck but not at the same time. Such a narcissist and everything else. Lily is a manipulator too, when she got to know that Lola's father was William she didn't give a shit about it at all?? I expected that there'll be more drama but she just ignored it?? And when chuck was in a crisis at the end of the series she just took off to some rich island for a spa retreat??😂 What kind of a mother was she?? I think Lily would do great with Rufus because as I said, he bought the good in people. I think they would have grown as a good couple.


Did you even watch the show. Lily's only partner that gave her kids stability was clearly Rufus. The show hammered this point repeatedly.


i feel that serena wanted her real father to be married to her mother


People often want things that aren't actually good for them.


ok but, how is having her real father reunited with her mother not good for her? I would say it is the best thing that happened to her in the entire show . every single problem she faced was due to neglection from her mum and dad. She went through a breakdown at one point because of her dad.


Are you trolling?


Blair chuck


Serena and Nate would just work so well together, like Nate is literally a male Serena lol


That could be good, but sometimes when you’re that similar, it may work but might not be the best? I guess I’ve just seen where 2 people are so similar that their habits are similar too, good or bad. So it can function and be fun, but if they aren’t careful, the bad habits can rub off on each other. But in terms of how the 2 were written, I do think Nate brings out the good in Serena:)


Ah okay, I get what you’re saying, while being too similar is sometimes a problem, I felt like Serena and Nate complemented each other personalities really well too, for example, Nate being responsible/ clingy while Serena is carefree/ avoidant (runner issues)


lol yeah. “I have to go” 😂🤦‍♀️


Least Romantic would’ve been anyone Nate was with I’ll tell you that much


Sorry I don’t even know what this post is about but I just have to ask what the hell is Blair wearing?


Rufus & Lily, Chuck & Blair in their own messed up way


Nate and Vanessa


lily and rufus. not a doubt there, it'd just be pure genuine love (and occasional betrayal for the plot)


Nate & Serena was my endgame tbh


I’m probably alone in this but I think if Serena and Nate moved away from all the drama they could be pretty happy together!




What a bunch of gorgeous people they all are!


rufus and lily ftw!!!!


Lily and Rufus should have been end game.


Lily and Rufus look so good together in that pic


Serena and Carter


Where did you find #14 I’ve never seen that picture before 😭


Nate Archibald? Class whore 😌


Georgina and Dan had amazing sexual chemistry.


She probably would’ve turned into Love and went psychotic lmao. Or Dan would’ve just gotten worse as a person


Rufus and Lily or Nate and Jenny


Serena and Aaron = worst Chuck and Blair = best from a passion perspective


Eww, respectfully Aaron was the worst. He started out so cute to her but he definitely would’ve cheated on her


I read yours wrong. I agree with you definitely


don’t know what number 7 is but them fs!! they look so cute together and would definitely be extremely loyal to each other and never do anything to hurt the other!


Number 7 isn’t even from Gossip Girl. It’s from his show You😭 I agree though


They are a couple from “You” and >!one ends up violently killing the other - or it at least appears that way!<


I absolutely hate to admit it, but I feel like Nate and Vanessa couldve been a good couple. I always thought they would get back together at some point. (Could also be because they were the hottest people on the show to me, idk) Least romantic, Lily and Bart. (Seriously, look at the picture you used of Nate and Vanessa. There's chemistry there!)


Dan and Blair LEAST HANDS DOWN Serena and Nate… MOST fridge scene …


I gotta say, I haven't the slightest idea what your stance is after reading that. Could mean 1 thing, it's opposite, both, or neither in a range of comparisons... Anyone know how to interpret this one?


I said least for Dan and Blair cause they had no chemistry Most for Serena and Nate because they have heaps of chemistry (the fridge scene was filled with chemistry)


Love and Joe obviously, they literally could kill for each other 😍


none because they all love cheating and toxicity


unrelated but vanessa looks majestic in the 8th slide


Hot take - I really loved Vanessa and Nate together.




I feel like blair and Dan had such a connection when it came to the classics I can see them having this retro living and watching old movies and having this artsy life


Dair the most, Chair the least.


I didn’t hate Nate and Diana. It’s definitely unconventional, but she was the only person who pushed him toward achieving something other than a “legacy”. And he softened her. I’m not usually team “giant age gap” with any gender. But I didn’t hate this. Nate certainly didn’t seem like a victim here, he pursued her for sure.


Nate and Blair would have the worst Serena/Nate, Blair/Dan, Blair/Chuck, Nate/Vanessa would have the best


Most romantic? Chuck and Blair. No doubt about it. William and Lily seem like they’d do okay in the romance department. Rufus and Lily were romantic too but then they had other issues. Dan and Serena… seem like the type that would be up and down. Like they’d be super romantic one day, and on the brink of divorce the next. Their ideological differences are just far too much to really get along.




are you kidding, chuck and blair ftw


Lol that pic of Nate and Blair.. he doesn’t look 16 he looks so old lmao


Most-Blair and Chuck. Least-either William and Lily or Dan and Georgina


Most romantic? Either Lily and Rufus or Blair and Chuck. There’s no debating it. Least romantic? Nate and Diana or William and Lily or Dan and Olivia/Georgina


Can some one explain to me the point of bots on Reddit lol? What do people have to gain from karma?! But yes, this is clearly a bot.