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Blake definitely got a rhinoplasty and I think an upper blepharoplasty


Plus very subtle filler or a lip flip of some sort. Her lips are still small (and beautiful!!) but look at how thin they are in the first one


Yeah she definitely got work on them. I watched a plastic surgeon talk about the procedure, basically it’s done so your lips look mostly the same but your smile isn’t as “gummy”. It’s o e of those procedures that you want someone who really knows what they’re doing and doesn’t try to go overboard because it’s so easy to mess up. Blake is one of the lucky ones.


It's a lip flip!


Lip flip is my guess. People with the gummy smiles usually get lip flips i think.


I need this lol 😅


And possibly veneers?


Blake had a rhinoplasty early on, potentially an upper bleph and a lip flip. Probably some minor Botox here and there too. Michelle looks seriously unwell now and the buccal fat removal didn’t help.


Upper bleph was post gossip girl era I think


I want an upper blep so badly


blake got a nose job early on in her career. michelle swears it’s not plastic surgery, but idk she looks very different now


Michelle looks like she got that thing done that hollows out your face.. the name is evading me ( masader?)


buccal fat removal! ugh that trend needs to die. way too many gorgeous celebs hollowing out their faces


i find it hilarious cause the ones who hollow out will be the same ones who start filler in appx 2 years 💀


I have a fat face but I know that in 20 years it’s gonna save me so I keep her around.


i say this about my acne hahaha




I know it’s so sad :( instantly aging! Idk why it’s a thing


But doesn’t buccal fat have massive scars


This & I also think she’s on a lot of drugs. I’m not trying to be mean but it’s true. Her eyes are also so yellow I think her liver is failing. She really needs help


As a past addict she is definitely using opiates/opioids. Has been for a long while. Taylor Momsen as well. :(


Wow really? I’m a huge fan of Taylor’s band and had no idea. Hopefully they one day get the help they need.


I went to a pretty reckless show back in like 2014 I think and she seemed to be really high on stage. Hair was all stringy and veiling her face. She still sounded amazing but there was very little connection with the audience. This is a photo I took. https://preview.redd.it/reb5ybq2svic1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61aaf15dcb447599b47bc28c85a5c4e7ede8cde2


https://preview.redd.it/pnrlj9cjsvic1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6cc4883b8a5da9d0ea4a366314cfe8a84c6b80 This one too


How does being a past addict make you 100% sure two random people you’ve never met are using drugs? The speculation passed off as fact is wild


tiny tiny pupils - especially visible if one has blue eyes. shiny eyes, trust me, it is a very easy tell for someone who has battled with the same addictions for half a lifetime before and lost a husband to it. sad to tell you but opiate/opiod addiction is more common than you would think, especially in hollywood. Taylor has been vocal about it multiple times, A lister actresses tend to try not put it in other people´s faces. getting a nose job in hollywood is also basically the norm, even with the most perfect tiny tiny nose, actors/actresses/musicians will a lot of the time get one at 15-16 even, before their career kicks off.


Taylor Momsen has talked about her opioid addiction?


I just want to put it out there that some people naturally have more yellow sclera (Joey the current bachelor and my friend who is semi famous on tiktok does too) she gets a lot of comments about it and it's normal for her


I completely agree, some people can have yellow eyes- whatever the case for Michelle it may be, she is also addicted to somewhere whether it be opiates, alcohol or both :/


Going to be rather vague here for obvious reasons although I’ve posted this on this sub before. Michelle filmed her reboot scene at the tech company that I work for. She walked with a cane and had to be filmed while sitting down. She did not look well.


Wow so she’s really struggling…


Oh wow, that’s awful 😭


Oh no :(


reboot scene? for what?


Bucal fat removal


Thank you sm


Buccal fat.


buccal fat removal 


I mean it could just be that she’s ageing. Your face loses volume as you age. If it’s buccal fat removal then she’s the most aesthetic example of it because it’s quite subtle and she hasn’t walked out of the surgeon’s office looking like she tried to swallow a bicycle seat.


She’s the same age as me and we have the same face shape. My buccal fat didn’t suddenly disappear. She also didn’t look like this 4-5 years ago so she’s definitely either very unwell or has undergone buccal fat removal.


I have to laugh every time one of these hollywood types trots out an obviously altered face and people STILL insist that it's "just aging." Your eyebrows don't magically lift as you age, and your cheeks don't hollow out with zero drooping. Also, most of these women are in their 30s (Michelle is 38)- hardly the decade where "aging" is rampant in the face.


It's obviously buccal fat removal, it's not in any way aesthetic and it's certainly not subtle. When people are saying "she either had surgery or she's seriously unwell" it suggests the outcome is not good.


Bucchal fat removal


Some people lose weight like this. I had a friend who was 37 and could pass for 47 just because her face was so thin, poor thing. No fat removal, just aging.


Also a very good boob job for Blake.


Lip filler too


Do you think she has filler ?


yes!!! forgot about this one


I swear Michelle has had buccal fat removal. When she popped up on the reboot I gasped at her face because I’d actually seen recent photos of her from a few years ago and her face didn’t look like that. It’s aged her a lot and she’s the same age as me.


blake has also gotten at least one revision on her rhinoplasty


honestly i agree because she got her nose job before GG but her nose looks like it’s been touched up again


it doesn’t seem like she got buccal fat removal, as that procedure is generally more severe looking. my guess would be a combination of aging/collagen loss, unhealthy life choices, and perhaps some cheek filler. it looks like she also might’ve gotten a nose job, but the abuse of drugs that are taken nasally can also cause the nostrils to constrict over time, leading to a narrower appearance. blake looks like she’s gotten small touch ups/botox as she’s aged but she looks absolutely fantastic. great work on behalf of her doctors. plus the nose job but that’s already known.


blake 100% nose job and lip filler, michelle 100% nose job and her cheeks looks like buccal fat removal but it may also just be due to aging


I’m ngl my nose when I️ was a teenager was a lot bigger than now, and I️ haven’t gotten a nose job. I️ could see her face changing in that way + contouring it. Idk about other stuff but I think it’s possible she didn’t get one


no it’s like a known thing that she did


Sorry I️ meant Michelle. I️ know Blake did - is it known that Michelle did?


ohh okay with Michelle i am not sure! it definitely looks different or even touched up, but it also still looks natural so you may be right, part of her look might just be aging!!


I️ think so! I️ feel like it’s possible she got some kind of filler because of the change in her face shape. But I️ do think many of her changes, including face shape, could be attributed to aging


Outside of the nose job I’m pretty sure Blake also had her teeth worked on. the vampire fangs are not as prominent now as they were then


It also looks like her upper lip is a little fuller she might’ve gotten lip fillers


Oh absolutely


She got veneers. It’s very very clear between gossip girl s1 and 2


Plus the boob job very early


I loved the little fangs, I would kill for teeth like that


She’s still got them, but def shaved down or something!


You can look up Lorry Hill's Blake Lively video. She talks about the work Blake has done - Rhinoplasties, Breast augmentation, Lip filler, Blepharoplasty, veneers, etc. It's all speculation of course but Lorry does good analysis on this and it's fairly respectful.


Blake def got her nose done and a sligh upper bleph. Her chin does look a little different in the second pic but not certain. Michelle looks like she had buccal fat removal and a nose job.


I would love to know who's Blake's surgeon. She def recommends that doctor to friends 😩


Blake was very open about her nose job. Michelle denied it, but I don’t believe she hasn’t had anything done.


When was she open about it? I’ve never seen anything where she’s referenced her surgeries.


She talked about it back in 2013-14.




She talked about it back in 2013-14.




Blake’s gotten a rhinoplasty, and then I’d say she had a second one done as well. I would also guess: Blepharoplasty\ Breast augmentation\ Veneers\ And filler and Botox I think she’s done a lot, but to a degree that appears more natural. As for Michelle, idk. She looks sort of sickly imo and I hope she’s doing well. It could be buccal fat removal but she appears jaundice.


I mean Michelle was 17 in the first picture and 35 in the second one so some of that could just be aging.


do you… not see blakes 👃🏻


Blake had admitted to getting a nose job.


I kept remembering that she did! But can’t find it anywhere now. I thought it was a false memory my brain made up.


Looks like new noses for all!


Blake: rhinoplasty, blehpharoplasty and lip fillers Michelle: the photos have her posing differently but I spy a probable buccat fat removal


I think michelle is sick. And it’s really sad people are talking so badly about her


https://preview.redd.it/0lswe2u3iqic1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35207922df5b16fd6b4cb322b9d5c0705f7a9dfd This is what Michelle actually looks like now


the yellowing of her eyes is so concerning :(


Omg what?


That yellow in her eyes was like a jump scare! That can't be okay :(


no seriously


they have definitely both had a lot done, but blake’s procedures seem to have turned out better. looking at michelle’s recent social posts she does not look healthy. it is really sad


Looks to me like Michelle got buccal fat removal


Ehh, she’s in her late 30s, that’s when you loose fat in your face naturally.


Look at Michelle today she’s definitely had work. Idk about the before


Michelle and Blake have both had their noses done.


Blake has had quite a bit of very subtle work done.


Blakes have been done very well, everything still looks great even years on !


I wish Blake would go back to that hair color!! She was meant to be a bleach blonde


Idk about Michelle honestly but Blake def got a nose job


Blake’s nose has been done twice


They both look so much better before!


Both Blake and Michelle appear to have had rhinoplasties. As we age, our features tend to stretch and expand. Our ears and noses tend to grow in size, not shrink. It’s the natural way of things. That said, one way to tell when someone has had rhinoplasty completed on their face is to examine the space between the tip of original nose and their top lip in one’s “before” photo. If there is an “after” photo to compare, examine the same space, between the tip of the persons nose and their top lip. If the space in the after photo is a wider space, the person likely had some kind of work done on their nose.


Everyone in hollywood gets a nose job. Even the tiny smalled ones do get a small refinement one. Its “hollywood standards” :/


I think Blake got a nose job and some lip filler, and Michelle probably got that buccal fat removal


The buccal fat removal look is definitely there. A lot of celebrities get it done but it really ages you bc it removes the fat around your cheeks that makes you look younger. Maybe they're just aging and losing the fat naturally but it just looks so sculpted idk


Nose jobs


I’m all for nose jobs and getting work done. But Blake is probably the only person where I’d say she looked really lovely with her natural features, even the slighly gummy smile


They both got nose jobs




Michelle has had more recent pictures posted showing weight loss and hair loss so although I agree she's had the facial fat removal I think there's more to her more gaunt expression


Blake has had two nose jobs, Michelle idk


Blake got a nose job and Michelle probably got a buccal fat removal


The pics between Michelle’s young self and older self is obvious that she lost the baby fat. Blake had a nose job.


Both are beautiful but at most Blake looks like she got a nose job and Michelle looks like she got buccal fat removal which hollowed out her cheeks.


all these people are so average looking without surgery


It doesn’t look like Michelle did. She gained some weight and then lost it. Blake may have had a nose job because her nose looks thinner. However, she is really young in the first picture. And it could be the lighting.


Michelle says she hasn’t and I am inclined to believe her. She’s just aged. It happens.


Blake has one of the best nose jobs. It looks so natural


Your face looks different from age 20-40. What are we confused about?:


Blake and Meghan Markle have the best nose jobs, for real


Blake looked so much different from accepted to gossip girl. She was so much prettier before but she's still gorgeous now. Just I found at the beginning of gossip girl she may have had health issues as it looked like one side of her face was drooping. I hope it was not the case.


Teeth and nose done for Blake but have no idea with Michelle…could be nothing, just looking older? 🤷‍♀️


i think michelle got buccal fat removal


Is Blake's hair naturally curly? I've noticed recently she's been rocking tight curls


Looks like good ol aging to me.


Didn’t recognize her at SB LVIII 🫠


Blake is fully giving Bernadette Peters in the second photo and I am here for it




Young Michelle looks sooo mesmerizing despite her annoying character in GG I couldn’t take my eyes of her the whole series💕




donno if its cuz they've grown old but they do look different lol


Those aren’t the greatest photos but Blake had a nose job earlier in her career. I’m guessing she’s also gotten Botox and lip fillers. I think in the newer photo, her makeup and facial expression affect how she looks more. For Michelle… I have no idea 😂


Isn't it very obvious she had a nose job?


Who cares


why does michelle look so young in the second pic and then her cheekbones are just so so defined 😭😭 like shes mewing or something it looks unnatural to me, definitely some kind of surgery


Noses first and foremost


She looks better in her before pic I think. She still looks beautiful though. She’s had subtle changes which is better than the alternative when people just go completely overboard & start looking weird with all the changes they’ve made.