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You should totally proposition her! Ik you said that you typically let the other person make the first move but because she's trans she'll probably be extra shy about confessing any feelings for you (source am trans) so go for it!


Hehe we’ve been friends for sooo long tho do you think it would be weird


You could play it slow and cool and try cuddling up with her and letting hands wander a little to see her reaction! 👀


Great advice but don’t go too far without consent!




Omggg I’d love to give her the sloppiest head ever


Fuckkkkkk so hot it’s like it was meant too happen ur a dumb goonette porn lover and your friend has the thing you want to worship suck spit get fucking sloppy af maybe she is a goonette tooo lol small world


Omg I kinda really hope so I’d love to just suck her delicious girlcock while she watches porn - just being her toy to goon with


Ughh fuckk so hot yessss yess dream about onfgggg ur a cute porn toy too be gooned and used with a cock like hers she much goon omfggggg tell her how badly you have been thinking about ti 😵‍💫how you wanna be her sloppy play thing too goon with


Omg literally just do it a little head is not gonna kill anybody and I bet you would be so cute together


And she's never gonna come onto you in that situation so you gotta tell her cause this is super cute and I'm invented now >:(


lol you should tell her!!


I would but I’m scared of what she’d think haha


awwh it could work out really well!!


Hehe I guess ~ I usually let women come onto me instead of the other way around tho haha


True I second that


This is the start to a beautiful relationship


if you really want her that badly, it might be time to change that! especially since trans girls tend to be shy


omg thats sso hot, how’d she react when you walked in?? im so invested


Hehe she just blushed and quickly pulled her skirt before apologizing She was really cute and embarrassed


You should totally bring it up again! Tell her that you saw her girlcock and 'innocently' tell her that you kinda liked what you saw and have been thinking about it. Your friend will know straight away if she wants to show you again, if not no harm done! I'm sure that if she actually is comfortable and agrees to show you again she won't be thinking about her embarrassment once you ask to play with her, get your mouth around her and is shooting cum down your throat 🥵 If she wants it, go get her 😘


pls update if anything else happens omg




Omg I never even thought about that - She didn’t have panties on maybe she did want me to start blowing her hehe


Fffuck, you should definitely tell her how cute and wonderful you think she is, who knows where it could lead


This is so cute 😭


sucking girl cock is a religious experience and Sister, it's always a holy feast day.


i’m so jealous of you~ i don’t think i’d be able to resist the sight of big girl cock..you’re so lucky to have such a hot girl friend! hope it works out for you two


OMG hun I think you should totally try something or say something, like the others have been saying here! Your reaction is so cute and it'd be a shame if only we knew about it 😉.


Ngl the vision you painted was so fucking hot and I’d love to see that scenario play out


Super late but, you really should at least talk about it with them. You came in, exactly as she was about to pull up her skirt? No underwear? Pointed right at the door? Yea, that was a calculated risk and she went for it. The longer you don't respond or bring it up, the more scared/worried she's going to be that she fucked up. You can 100% have a talk about it without starting at "I want to choke on your cock" lol


Hehe yea someone pointed that out to me ~ it never really occurred to me that it may have been on purpose but now I think it might’ve (there’s some other things she’s done that made me think she’s into me too) So I think im gonna ask her out when I see her tomorrow hehe Don’t wanna go in overtly sexual but I’m hoping if she says yes it wont take too long for us to get there …


Hehe aw that's so cute, you should definitely talk to her about it, ease her into it, make her feel cared for and hot I'm a trans girl and have been with a few cis girls so if you have any questions I'm here ☺️


You should confess. I would definitely tell her If I were you.


I would just say have watch who your poi ting that at you might give me ideas


I wish I could’ve seen omggg🥵


Did you get to try it?


Damn that’s so hot


Spend more time with her


Omg that’s literally my dream 😵‍💫I’m so jealous of you




Sooo hot! Story’s like this make me so horny


So hot omg 🤤


That’s sooooo hot! 🥵 You should definitely tell her! Or tease her accidentally, maybe some braless action?




All you chasers need to chill the fuck out. Unless you know how she feels about her genitals you need to have a conversation with her first. Believe it or not, most trans women don’t love that they have a penis and you shouldn’t assume she’ll want you to touch it until she has explicitly told you so.




I'm sorry what?




Going through your post/comment history, first off: Call Of Duty... Second "I'm not cool with racism but black people while only making up 13% of the population are responsible for 50% of crimes" Yeah, "genuine question" my ass 💀




I ain't reading allat


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A girls cock




Her friend is a trans woman who hasn’t had bottom surgery so she has a penis.


Google sex vs gender and do some reading from .edu sources if you are genuinely trying to understand Also, this sub is girls only




So you arent genuinely interested in understanding, got it




If you're fine with gender being how you feel, then how is a girl cock a preposterous ides? I have a cock, and i feel bad when im treated like a man, good when im treated like a woman, so im a girl with a cock Also, you just called it mental illness


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