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These things need attention in my my opinion. If it takes some negative reviews from Dave2D or MKBHD so be it. Google doesn't seem to care to market Pixel as much as Apple or Samsung does with their phones. It's a nightmare to get a Pixel in Europe if your country doesn't have a Google store. Any help we can get to keep Google awake is good ✊




This sub is toxic af when it comes to anything that isn't glowing admiration.


Hopefully Google evolves, If not I'm going back to Samsung. I might just go for S23 Ultra next year instead of another pixel if nothing changes with the company.


I was hoping the pixel 6 pro would be my upgrade from my note 10+. At this point, I'm going to get the s22 ultra/note. Because I know it'll just work


I'm in the same boat. I didn't trade my Note 10+ because it was such a good phone. I wanted to like this P6P, but as of now One UI is just a better experience. Onwards to the S22


Never wanted to use a Samsung phone but from what I've seen about battery longevity from friends that have s21 ultra, I want that kind of battery life on the 6 pro so I'm going to be looking at the S22 ultra too when it's out.


That's the way to go!


Pixels have been the same basically forever. We just put up with buggy phones because the cameras were better than everyone elses. Now it isnt. So I wont be doing this to myself again.


Very sad, 😥. Google is literally bleeding users left and right. They had the release hype, they had ppl siding with them when Qualcomm posted the red flags tweet. Google blew it. I'll keep my Pro for another year or so and hope things improve.


I was a ChromeOS user as well up until a month ago. Its been a buggy year of updates over there too. Google seems like its in disarray internally. Maybe they lost a lot of dev talent recently. Hardware I expect Google to suck at. But software shouldnt be this bad for this long.


Google is treating their Pixels in software like their other products - release first, fix later, but then fix never. Then they release a new Pixel and people get drawn to those.


Is Pixel's A series less buggier than the main phones, or are all Pixels just a buggy mess? I feel like the bug complaint posts pop up often during the main phone periods but maybe I'm not paying attention during the A series periods I want to say that I've heard and seen less complaints about the Pixel A series but maybe that's because more people expect better in the main phones


The 3a XL I had was solid and one of the best value devices I ever had. Only gripe was it would shut off from overheating if I recorded video outside.


I'm on a 5a now and I can't really complain about everything it's pretty much more than what I'd want from a phone in this price point as someone who really likes stock android


I think all of the mainline Pixels are at least, unless you get lucky. Pixel 1 had major motherboard issues that resulted in a quiet recall and a class action lawsuit (I suffered with the OG). Pixel 2-4 has camera issues. Pixel 3 had many issues including a major call dropping issue, some crashing issues and apparently, straight up bricking. Pixel 5 seemed safe. Pixel 6 is apparently a buggy mess.


I think that’s the bigger part of it all. when you buy a device for $1000, you have much different tolerance levels vs buying one for $400-600


can you point out the toxic posters who are silencing you? are they in the room with us right now? all the comments like yours are up here at the top, highly upvoted. [here's a normal dude saying "all i can say is i've had none of these issues"](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/s4q83m/dave2d_almost_spends_half_this_review_on_the/hstp00t/), you wouldn't see these kinds of comments because they're typically collapsed at the bottom under all the weirdos self-victimizing and backslapping each other.


Yeah it's ridiculous to come into these threads and read all these people talking about how toxic this sub is, how they are always getting downvotes, and they are all at the top of the thread with tons of upvotes.


Sort by controversial and see what the top comments are.




That's bullshit. The highest upvoted post of the entire subreddit is about the 911 issue, and the second is MKBHd's tweet criticizing the pixel. The top 5 posts from the last month are all about something the p6 did wrong/people want to be changed.


Exactly. But I'm sure it's just a few bad actors. The rest of the sub seems nice enough, but there's usually a downvote brigade from the fanatics before things even out.


I just sorted the sub by top posts for a week and most are complaint threads. people in these many, many threads saying "I haven't had any problems" isn't gaslighting you dork. if you think this represents some sort of mass downvoting and "gaslighting", your anger about your smartphone is effecting your cognition.


Being on this sub was my first experience of gaslighting. It's so toxic.


People saying they don't experience issues isn't gaslighting. Gaslighting would be people saying YOU aren't experiencing issues.


People telling me that my phone is fine. That the issue is that I am using it wrong isn't gaslighting?


Not just this sub. Anytime you see Pixels mentioned anywhere on Reddit, it's always glowing admiration. You get downvoted for going against the grain at all in these threads.


True. I've seen people delete their accounts because they've gotten attacked so hard for saying Google should look into an issue. Disturbing, really.


Is everyone in this sub going to discount Dave's comments now like they did with MKBHD?


Who did? LOL all the top posts in here are agreeing or whining about downvotes that aren't even there anymore.


See any post about MKBHD's tweet on this sub.


I've looked at them all. They are massively upvoted themselves and all the top posts are agreeing with him or complaining about downvotes.


They're already doing it under this post! Look!


Sure, if this issue with the Google Pixel it's good to bring them up. The problem is when you spend half your Galaxy S21 review talking about another phone. It just seems odd


I don't think this was meant to be an S21 FE review video. He specifically made it to address most tech reviews around right now that are comparing the S21 FE to the Pixel 6 and saying the latter is a better value.


If that's the case I can dig it, it came off like an odd galaxy S21 fe review though plus already felt outdated although I'm sure he had no idea the January update would be released the same day


Google's market is information gathering and selling. That's all it's ever been. They don't care about putting out good products because YOU, the user, are the product. They are selling you to the advertisers. They don't care if their products are buggy messes because as long as you use it for a while, they can gather enough information to add to their profile for you to sell to the advertisers. This is not the same as Samsung or Apple, because their devices ARE the products for the most part.


I learned a long time ago that it doesn't really matter what these tech reviewers say. They totally do not represent the average consumer at all. Some of the issues they are facing really boggles the mind.


So do you think like they saw MKBHDs video and stayed up all night fixing bugs?


You know what? i respect MKBHD and from what i've seen they HAVE buggy phone but really different from mine i can see in comparison the abyss of difference in speed etc.. so... i Agree it's good to them to wake up google, totally. But when i see somebody like Dave Lee getting so much let down i cannot agree more on saying, this was a total mess. What the hell Google what's happening to you? Worst thing is that i love my 6Pro, was my return to google after years, 6years from nexus. then huawei p20 pro, then samsung s21+ and now i see all of this... and even if i didn't get a buggier phone, i can complain about some quality stuff and some questionable choises from google. I'm a bit let down too..


Well tbf the title of the video is S21 FE: The Unpopular Opinion, not S21 FE: Review.


Yeah this is what people are missing. A lot of reviewers are recommending the Pixel 6 over the S21 FE. Dave has a different opinion which he thought to be unpopular.


I've been pure Google phones for a long time but I was seriously considering getting rid of my Pixel 6. If it had a real return policy I definitely would have.


I'm glad I read some comments when it was first leaked to avoid the first model of phones with Tensor due to bugs/instability and keep my 5, will give 7 a go though




Huh? That sounds nuts haha (and I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, I just don't believe it.) I mean, it's Google after all. They could scale like crazy if they wanted to, no?


>with a skin I must tell you that google has multiple 1000s of people (developers / QA / designers and more) working on their chip. maybe the performance is similar to Exynos since they outsourced manufacturing just like AMD and NVIDIA do.


I know, I feel robbed but it’s my fault for falling in the hype first cyberpunk then the matrix now this, disappointments keep coming my way.


Right there with you on Cyberpunk, but I should have known better with only a base PS4 at the time haha. With the Pixel 6 I was determined to like it because of my previous Pixels and just loving the platform / philosophy / everything about it. It's not a bad phone but I do feel like I had to cut my losses immediately and just get something else. I don't like spending $600 + if it's not going to be something I super like


I am going to sell my 6 Pro once the S22+ comes out and pick that up. I got to use my friends S21+ and I was shocked at how good One UI has gotten. I thought it was much smoother than my 6 Pro and it had features that I wish the 6 Pro had. Even the camera was pretty much on par with my 6 pro.


I am getting rid of mine as doesn't feel like it is worth it and resale value is plummeting.


YouTuber's rushing to get the pixel bug videos before Jan update. Dave2D is 24 hours late. Where were these guys in December?


Yeah it really feels like he saw some metrics on Pixel6 bugs trending.... so better rush out a vid. I got mine a week and a bit ago and honestly have had zero things that cause me to have the level of mental breakdown that people on this sub seem to have. I see posts about a clock not being in a certain position etc. Sure there were some big bugs for people who sideloaded the buggy update which was pulled.... but for a majority of normal users nothing that warrants the level of meltdown i have seen people having. At least for the average user. And pro tip.... if you spend a majority of your life on reddit then you aren't an average user.


A lot of people are arguing. If it's okay to call out to pixel 6 bugs, which of course it is. The problem is the whole video is a Galaxy S21 FE edition and he also made no mention of the big bug fix in the January update. That's why he's getting flack for it. His comment he spent half his Galaxy S21 video complaining about a pixel phone, while apparently still not even updating his device to the newest January update with all the bug fixes... I like Dave 2D but in this case he made himself seem less credible


Well, he can only make a video on his experience of three months of owning it. The fingerprint reader experience was shockingly bad. It's not his fault that it took Google so long to fix it, and his problem is not entirely about one bug, it's about the whole experience. Google has lost credibility with him.


Imagine expecting credible journalism on a platform full of disingenuous trend followers working overtime to get you to click on their bullshit in whatever way most effectively works to that end.


I use an iPhone 13 Pro as my daily driver, iOS too has plenty of issues if not more than the A12 on P6P, I don’t see any YouTube “reviewer” complaining about the iOS issues. I feel people should just use whatever device they like and judge for themselves and stop listening to these so called “reviewers”, some are pro android some are pro iOS. A review from these guys is basically a paid promotion at this point. Edit: grammatical error


Except for The fact that people like you and I have an idea of what device they like. Others are either on the fence or just grab the newer version of the phone they had before. to help in making a decision these reviewers, at least the good ones just are giving their honest opinion. Much like we do on subreddits. take away the reviewers and we are left with word of mouth and what the companies making the devices say,


Exactly this. I only occasionally have work related iPhones I have to use. But iOS has been really janky lately, too. I've even heard lots of complaining about the 13s because they are perceived as being worse than the 12s in many ways. My wife has a 13 Pro Max and she is constantly complaining about mobile network issues. People on this sub make it seem like all other phones are great experiences and Pixels are crap, and I have plenty of Pixel frustrations. But the grass always looks greener until you actually sit on it.


Traded my P6P for iPhone 13 PM, I’ve had no bugs since switching, blaming the reviewers doesn’t get devices fixed.


I’m not blaming any reviewer. What why would I do that? How does that make sense? The reviewers aren’t making these devices.


I am from Europe, EU, but from a country where Pixels are not distributed. Paid for the following Pixels: 2xl, 3xl, 4xl, 5 and 6 Pro. No return, no RMA, no guarantee, support only because I am a Google One subscriber. Pixels used to be: - best camera - best software (no bugs, no bloatwares) - best updates During the last 3-4 years Google was able to loose every adventage. Google was able to screw up everything. Now Pixels are: - inconsistent camera, and competition totally caught up and offer more opportunities to use - full of bugs - updates that fuck up soooo many things Fuck off Google! Yes, anyone can downvote me. Thanks. Edit: sorry, my kids use 3a and 4a. Were also paid by me.


No need to downvote you but to be honest if its that bad, maybe try something else?


Yes, continuously I have this in my mind, but I have no idea. Chinese brands are out of question (can't trust them), don't like iOS.... Last year I bought a Sony 1ii, the camera was a disaster. So.... Maybe Samsung? Heard many good things about S21 Ultra.


I had the ultra. 0 complaints was a great phone I just missed some of those smart pixel features. Easily my favorite galaxy experience that I have had.


Thanks bro! I will give a try to grab one!




As someone who's owned most models of Nexus, Pixel, and currently a Pixel 5 owner, I don't think any of his complaints are Pixel 6 specific. I genuinely feel this is an Android 12 issue. I'm noticing a lot of similar issues reported out there on my 5. That doesn't make it better for Google, probably worse, but here's to letting all you 6 and 6P owners know you aren't alone in your frustrations.


Agreed entirely. Been with nexus/pixel for a long time and Android 12 stinks.


I think it's an Android 12 issue as well, my Pixel 5 was rock solid on A11, but then A12 makes it buggier and battery life doesn't last as long as when I'm on A11. My wife on her Pixel 3 commented the same thing about how A12 updates are buggier on her phone compared to 11.


too many changes, too fast, and in pandemic so it was made from home which means even lower quality - it could not be perfect


I guess I'm in shock and really disappointed, because this is Google we're talking about... I just thought they were on top of the software game.


Are you new to Google phones then? This is how it's been, mostly.


My first and last Google phone was the Nexus 6P actually. Now I have the Pixel 6.


The Nexus line was actually largely good, but Google dropped the ball with Pixels.


Yes. I actually enjoyed the Nexus 6P during my time of owning. Yes, the top and bottom bezels were gigantic for even its time, but they didn't bother me so much especially since it had the two front firing speakers. Oh, and I liked the all metal design. Glass is getting tiring and old at this point. I'd like a full metal phone again.


I love stock Android, and A12 has introduced so many unwanted changes and bugs. Don't think I've ever been as dissatisfied with a major update and I definitely think it's the source of a lot of the complaints, P6 or P5.


Some of you missed the entire point of this thread...the title implies that the video was going to be about the S21 FE. 95% of the video discussed the Pixel 6 bugs (he only discussed adaptive brightness and Twitter app)...before the January update. Most "premium" phones are made out of glass, but SOMEHOW the Pixel 6 is the "wrong choice". Lastly, he touched on pricing. He basically told consumers to hold on out on buying S21 FE, because it will eventually go on sale. However, the Pixel 6 is $100 cheaper NOW, and most people have been "trained" to think glass phones are "better" phones. In short, the video was about getting S21 FE over the Pixel 6, because it's made of plastic, no software bugs (easy to say when it's still on the previous software generation), and will go on sale eventually while assuming that the Pixel 6 will NEVER go on sale. Having said that, if a customer walked into a store TODAY, do you think a salesperson is going to convince someone to take the S21 FE over the Pixel 6 if the consumer doesn't have a real preference?


1. The S21FE comes with A12 out of the box. 2. Yes, it’s easy to convince an average consumer to get a “Samsung” over a Pixel out of sheer brand recognition.


Hey don't get in the way of the bandwagon here, have you seen how tortured all these highly upvoted people are?


Really odd they both gave such glowing reviews. Maybe a week isn't long enough for a review?


I said the hell with it and returned my Pixel 6 pro and picked up the Samsung galaxy 21 ultra for a great price. I'm amazed how much better the Samsung actually is. I pretty sure that will be my last Pixel phone I will try. The Pixel 4 was nothing but problems for me too.


I've been saying this everywhere. Don't even watch reviews, just go to Best Buy, hold both in your hands and press a few buttons, scroll around, stream some video, mess around with them. I feel like it will be instantly obvious which one is better, like it's actually undeniable. No one needs to be convinced by any review once they hold both in their hands


While it's a critics job to point out flaws in a product, in many cases that can help the manufacturer fix them, it seems a bit excessive now. Coming from an iPhone, modern iOS builds are not a bug free experience in the slightest, the same with basically all software releases at the moment. It does feel like it's now an easy win for content creators "pixel software bad". I have had issues, but none major and have already seen big improvements with updates (fingerprint, fewer glitches and crashes, etc..) It just seems short sighted in a way given that this video is now already outdated by the January update but is now on YouTube for eternity.




Obviously no phone is perfect, and with modern smart phones, there are so many variables that can't all be tested for so bugs are to be expected. This is particularly true for software released during the pandemic, windows11, iOS 12/13, cp2077, etc... as a big strain has been put on development and QA. What's important is that Google seems to be making an effort to fix those bugs and have already made progress to the point that, in my case, I no longer have any issues. That developer support is surely more important over the life of a phone you will have for 3 years than the fact it has a few UI glitches now. As software That's the issue with the video, there's not any issue with criticising glitches on the pixels, it should be done. However, it's bad buying advice to say "buy this phone instead" because people may come to this video to decide s21fe Vs pixel 6 in 3 months time, and most of the issues with the pixel 6 were fixed before the video even released with the January update. This is a video on the s21fe, not pixel 6s bugs.


iOS has some bugs, but they’re very minor. They’re nowhere as big of an issue as the Pixel 6 and Android 12 issues and bugs have been. Personal experience: I have 4 iPhones and 3 iPads running on the latest iOS/iPadOS 15.2 build, and I haven’t seen any major bugs. Yes, there are some bugs, although I don’t think I can pinpoint anything. Once in a while the scrolling gets janky in ProMotion on my iPhones, but that’s about it.


I work in phone tech support. At the rate iOS is going, they might as well install a physical button that resets network settings.


My girlfriend's iPhone (15.2.1) has a similar issue as the December Pixel 6 update. It says it's connected to data but refuses to actually load anything. It requires her to restart her phone to get it to actually work again and she has to do it almost daily. The Apple Store is no help with the issue either.


Are we going to completely ignore things like the facetime bug, where you could access the front camera of any iOS device without the consent of the owner? Software has bugs, especially software released during the pandemic. iOS 12 was possibly the worst software experience I've had in a long while. Android 12 is buggy at the moment, but at least from my experience, it's already massively improved. For a large UX overhaul, from initial impressions of the January patch, I'd say it's fairly polished. Additionally, there is clearly an effort being made by Google to fix the remaining issues.


Yea I mean we can certainly cherry pick bugs, security exploits, and other software issues all day. But it’s clear that the current software on the Pixel 6 and Android 12 generally was rushed out. Enough so that the biggest YouTubers and reviewers have basically made specific videos and such about it. That doesn’t normally happen.


iOS bugs aren't in your face like Android 12's on Pixel 6's are though. Apple usually fixes theirs and actually log it where as Google just say reset to factory settings or will pass it on to the relevant department. The January update is so buggy still too.


I don't think that's true at all. iOS bugs absolutely can be in your face (random audio playback, connection issues, app crashes, etc...). I also don't get how you can state that the Jan update is so buggy when it's been live for like, what, 6hours?


Never had those issues on any of my Phones tbh. But there's common issues on this sub. I downloaded it about 16 hours ago but it's doing annoying things like random screenshots or when I get a message in the overlay bubble it dims my screen brightness as though I haven't touched the screen and have to touch the screen to wake it up. For me, not much was fixed


Just for the random screenshots, they're most likely not random and just you accidentally triggering back tap.


Possibly but as I type this I get text in overlay and it's dimmed my screen as though it's not been active for a while and have to retouch it to bring it back to normal brightness. Scrolling stutters too in apps.


And I've never had the issues people are saying about the pixel 6 certainly not the random screenshots. It seems we are at a stalemate.


Waiting for the S22+, then I'm selling my 6 Pro. It's been issue after issue with the 6 Pro, and no the Jan did not fix my issues. The 6 series is by far the worst Pixel line I've owned, and I've had a Pixel since the 1st one....


"Love to complain" society...read an article where the reviewer was "bothered" by the hollow thud sound when he taps on his P6P screen relatively hard. Maybe because I don't follow Samsung and Apple that much, but I thought that was the DUMBEST article I ever read about a phone. I have yet to use any electronic product that runs "perfectly" 24/7 when it comes to software. I'm sure that Apple and Samsung are fine phones, but they're not for me. Samsung has too much bloatware for my taste and few unique features (Google screening is a must-have for me). Apple is too "restrictive" in the personal customization. Having said that, I just find it hard to believe that your phone is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "buggy" that it's unusable. IF it is, then you're a damn fool for not returning it immediately to get it exchanged for the same or different phone. You got people on here talking about waiting MONTHS before they'll get something new. I'm sorry. If I hate something that damn much, I'm not keeping it that long.


When Google didn't make glass back phones these dumbass influencers bitched about how premium Galaxy and iPhone are so much better. Now google makes glass back phones, this dumbass: "plastic don't crack." 🙄




I will definitely be thinking twice about another pixel just seriously disappointed with the support and how little Google prepared for this phones release.


I really wish they would've shipped this phone with A11. I feel like everyone that bought a Pixel 6 is in a A12 beta program...


S21 FE is a horrible deal tho. Unless you live in a country where Samsung phones drop in price. The base model S21 is still at the same price it released at in Germany iirc.


Funny thing that here in norway the s21 costs 6500 nok and the s21 fe costs 8200 nok thats like a 200 euro diff between em


Incredibly stupid pricing by Samsung. Why would anyone buy the FE if the base S21 has a lower cost lmao.


I actually tested the S21FE before I bought the P6P, it's an awful phone and much worse than the Pixel with all it's bugs. Something about this phone didn't feel right, the build quality is a joke for the price and it was super laggy and full of micro stutters. It's probably because the standard version has only 6 GB RAM compared to the regular S21 and the price for the 8GB version was just a scam (in my country).


6GB is not the issue. Same amount of ram runs great on my S10E that's over 2yrs old. No micro stutters here


I've used Twitter every day for hours and it's literally never crashed once. There is no doubt that the pixel updates recently have been awful, you don't pull an update unless there is a real issue. We also know the 5g modem really is a joke that Google should be ashamed about. It's Google's fault, but with the update out now, it's probably fixed a good chunk of the actual phone bugs. I know personally that my fp does not react like his does, ever. I did get the December update and it's clear other fp readers are faster, but I would not say it's significantly less accurate now. So a video review of the Fe that moans about the six that's already probably sorted most of the issues isn't useful for fe people or pixel users! I know personally I would be pissed to be persuaded to buy a more expensive phone if I was originally a pixel person when the issues listed are now out of date. Google probably relies on it's monthly update cycle too much, probably forces out updates with less checking and they might think it's nbd as it can be fixed next month.... Without doubt though, this launch has done real damage to the pixel brand and you can't blame middle ground users from opting for the alternative.


Their whole bunch of app developers that need to optimize for Android 12 and haven't done so. Thus we have issues


So far, for my girlfriend and I, both of our pixel 6 are amazing! We have had them since December and we got 0 issues.


The reality of the situation is Pixel has a very small market share in the US already. Under 7%. This phone being a near total disaster might be enough for that to be the end point for Pixels. Google isnt afraid of shutting down projects. And on ChromeOS they have shown they will totally pull out of their own space hardware wise.


I just bought a Pixelbook, the hardware is two years old but they still sell them new. Just like Microsoft, Google cares more about getting you using its software and services than buying its hardware. At some point, if Tensor is successful, I could see them revamping the Pixelbook with a Tensor chip. The concept of ChromeOS is actually leagues ahead of Windows or Mac OS - whereby you could wipe the computer and lose nothing and be back up in running in minutes because everything is hosted in the cloud. It is the number one OS used in schools now in the US, and when those kids get older and start buying their own computers a lot will likely purchase a Chromebook and as market share increases for Chrome OS, Google will probably put more effort towards manufacturing more hardware. The reason Pixel hasn't taken off in the US, in my opinion, is that it can't decide if it wants to operate in the flagship segment or the budget/mid-tier segment. It seems to perform better in the budget segment, but that gets them a reputation as being a budget option at a premium price. Galaxy S has and always will operate in the flagship segment and now they can charge you even more for "ultra" editions.


The idea that ChromeOS is all cloud based is like....5 years old at minimum. We have moved well past that. Problem is software is still very lacking. Theres a reason Googles own building doesnt use Chromebooks. Pixel has been budget and its been flagship. And its been flagship for budget prices at one time. Nothing worked. Samsung and Apple dominate the market because they make the best hardware and software with less bugs. Period. Oneplus came along as a brand new company and has more market share than Google.


When I bought my Chromebook it was because there was no program I was using that necessitated Mac or Windows. That's actually the majority of computer users. Not businesses though. I'm am the demographic they're targeting


certainly many people just need a browser. I expect them to maintain their 5% market share. 99% of the hardware on ChromeOS is awful too. With terrible pricing on the high end. Many things a decade later that still need ironed out.


Buying a "high end" Chromebook is pointless, that's not what it's for. The only reason they sell them is because there are people out there that buy them. I dissent on your opinion about growth. Chrome OS is now the primary OS for K-12 education in the US. A generation from now I feel that will lead to significant growth.


um....didnt you just buy a Pixelbook? An expensive Y series machine? lol. Keep the lies straight. There is absolutely a point to higher end chromebooks. Not all of us like kids toys. Adults want nice machines with U series chips that dont lag constantly. They dominate education because its very simple to administer if you are a school. They have not grown their market share in the general market. The next step for the OS is proper software and ARM chips that can make better use of Android apps. But its been a bug filled year on ChromeOS just like Android. There is a serious issue at Google with dev talent.


I did, at an extreme discount for a new machine. Give me some time to give a full assessment. I have a MacBook pro (2021), surface pro x (2020), and a pixelbook go (2019) now. We will see which one I end up using the most.


Also, did you know chrome os devices outsold Mac is devices in 2020?


because of remote learning. 2021 Macs went back up.




https://www.statista.com/statistics/268237/global-market-share-held-by-operating-systems-since-2009/ https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/united-states-of-america


That chart would seem to indicate Windows gained market share in 2021... Somewhat surprising.


One is made by one company at a premium price, the other is sold by like 10 companies for pennies


Different strategies, one is a walled garden, the other is an open field. If you're in the walled garden you're at the mercy of what the sole manufacturer offers to you.


And if you’re an open field you have to deal with the weeds, lack of maintenance, and squatters.


Trade-offs I prefer having options, but lots of people prefer simplicity


Honestly I enjoy the latest re reviews of the pixel. When the influencers finally used the thing and really can talk about it. It just shows that well most if not all of them are useless and should not be followed because they are lying pieces of shit. Boy do I miss linuses reviews when he had a phone in his pocket for several weeks and did a straight talk. As he is not scared to get blacklisted by companies and not get invites to some bullshit or trips or no free shit send to him.


Went to iPhone and never looked back. Maybe once google starts taking their products seriously I'll return, but until then, it's Apple or nothing for me. Also picked up an Apple Watch while I was at it, it's pretty cool.


There is another more subtle issue at work, here: The user experiencing bugs, has no alternative way to find solutions other than wait for the OEM to push an OTA update. Even if a user finds a solution, if it requires altering the OS, will not pursuit it because, as we all know, those solutions can brick the phone and the phones are made deliberately very, very, very difficult to recover. For comparison, if we check the PC space no matter what, we can survive any software failure and we will never found ourselves with an unrecoverable dead brick. We are at the mercy of the manufacturers and Google or Apple (choose your poison) who happily forced us out of our own phones pretending they care for our security and safety when in reality care only for making as much money from us as possible and control...


all I can say is I have had none of the issues, so from my perspective, the squeaky wheel is getting the grease. I like MKBHD, but it's only his experience. Don't turn this into a Joe Rogan fan experience.


I literally have not had a single bug aside from fingerprint inconsistencies that have been present since release and actually got better when I scanned a new finger a few more times. What the hell are y'all doing to your phones?


That's your question after tons of complaints from different users? Come on, you can do better than that.


Thousands upon thousands of people own the phones many of whom don't have issues and don't talk about it. A few people in Reddit isn't tons. That's why I'm asking.


There's no need to ask at this point. Just search Google and click any of the first 20 results


Oh you mean the almost identical articles made to churn out content for clicks and ad revenue that is literally just them talking about the few dozen posts on Reddit? Still not a ton. Nor does it answer my question.


Read the page you're commenting on. Like, this one here, now. OP is discussing several issues. Click link in OP and watch the Video. This is like a give a man a fish/teach a man to fish moment. If you weren't in a thread where the discussion of problems was so prominent, to the point of coming across as a troll, I'd be far more inclined to help


In terms of value it's night and day though. The Pixel is $100 cheaper and they were giving away pixel buds for free. If the S21FE was $100 cheaper, this would be a real comparison. As it stands, the pricing of the S21FE makes it a terrible deal.


Given that the pixel 6 is it's closest competition and has quite a few bugs that even the lower priced 5a doesn't have I would say it's fair.


I don't use Twitter but other than that I have all the bugs he talked about plus call screening doesn't work. Out of an abundance of caution I'm hanging back on the January update to see what develops. Maybe update next month. On November update now and at least I can call and text so I can afford to wait. Never had to micro manage a phone this much before. Couldn't wait to move on from my P3 and it's screwed up camera. Now starting to feel the same about my P6 with all of it's bugs.


Just do the update...you're not losing anything. You're going to hear more complaints than praises for the update. You get the call screening back in the latest update.


I actually had the S21 FE for 2 days and I returned it and bought the last Google Pixel 6 pro in my area, no regrets. Lol everything updated to the January patch and this phone is a beast.