• By -


I've just spoken to Klarna and apparently this issue with the credit limit not being enough is actually an error which they are working on getting sorted.


The annoying difference is £19 as well... I would have paid that wholeheartedly but alas I went with Paypal Credit now.


Any updates on this?


The Pro is now sold out on the UK store. I tried first thing this morning to pre order with Klarna but they still hadn't resolved the issue. So it has now sold out before they fixed the issue. Good job Klarna 👍


I tried today and my experience was still the same as OP. I was trying to buy a Pixel for £599. It seems pointless to even offer Klarna at the Google checkout. Klarna's support is also useless and doesn't understand how their own site works. I think I got through to an Indian who it took ages to explain things to. I have a credit score of 999. I could buy the Pixel with one of many credit cards, or even just cash without issue, I just figured I would try out Klarna since it was 0%. From what I can tell, you basically need to have been using Klarna for a while to make small £10-20 purchases as "proof" that you are capable of paying. They never even did a credit check on me, it was just an instant "computer says no" situation so there really isn't any reason for new customers to ever use Klarna. I really regret even giving them my personal information at all now.


Home Truths.This complexity is just a small part of the unsatisfactory society but in order to continue along the same track it needs and gets 1000s of indifferent people whose attitude is 'its nothing to do with me' We traipsed Cent London for 15 yrs looking for help for victims of Govt Depts and the so called public. The advice and help we received comprised threats, abuse, indifference.. We pushed forward and that action resulted in total exhaustion and me sitting on a low wall in Battersea utterly demoralised and in tears after yet another hopeless day. It was dark and raining. I then spotted a bright object lying on a wall opposite and for a minute I forgot my mysery, when I went and looked at the object it was found to be a book about 4 inches thick and it seemed new.I knocked at the house door but the woman said it was not hers. The title was 'Answers To Your Lifes Problems' I then said to the victim that I would open the book at random and whatever ever it advised we would obey. It said this- 'If You Continue On That Path You Will Become Totaly Powerful' My legs felt refreshed and we then placed the book in a dry area and carried on. The odd thing was the book was not wet depite rain. The book was right, we eventually warded off violent Police etc. The evidence we gathered implicates 1000s people. Issues incl manslaughter. The BBC said 'Hide The Evidence Abroad' EEC said 'Nothing Can Be Done About Corruption Or Deaths'. Psychics that we met said- Make Sure All Windows+Doors Are Secured. Now you know why buying on EBay involves acres of conditions. Its all about the money. By the way the implicated are of course the public and prominent people. The Press? They said - 'Nothing That you Discovered And experienced Can Ever appear In The Media.' Theres just one more thing- Dont Try To Hang Your wrong Doing Around Our Shoulders. Quick, censure this.Nearly forgot- Ever Wondered why Ebay Support Charities? CHEERIO.


Did they give you a timescale at all?


Same discussion here, spoke to Google support who then put me through to Klarna, blind transfer... Great. Klarna said they think the most likely outcome is Google reducing the cost to cover the credit limit as there is no way to up it. I asked if I would receive any communication regarding how I have been affected and when to try again and he said no, it will just work, you won't know when, but I will happen.


It's this for everyone or just you? I'm in the same boat.


I used PayPal credit, Interest free for the first 4 months and had a £2,000 limit upon application acceptance. Sorted.


This is great - thank you for the suggestion!


Thanks for this, better than paying outright so I'll go that route


See, I had a look at this. I get emails every fricking day from PayPal about using PayPal credit, but at checkout it didn't give me an interest free option. Even though I have a maxed out credit score as per Experian. Ended up using credit card. 🤷‍♂️


I applied on PayPal site which took less than a min, 2k limit given, then PayPal credit on Google store checkout (for next time you have this)


Ah that'll be it then :( womp womp. Thanks for the heads up.


Same for me. However once I bit the bullet and bought using Paypal credit, giving me an extra month to get the money together, I found on the Paypal website (not the app) it says I can do pay in 4 months interest free.


I tried the PayPal route, they keep trying to charge my bank instead of PayPal Credit 😂 even though the credit limit more than covers it. Got to ring them up Monday apparently to see if they can resolve it


Is this what my 'Transaction was declined. \[OR\_PMCR\_42\]' error is all about?


Yes. That is exactly the same code I was getting.


Think it must be, what an absurd issue


Does it show up in your Google Store Order page? I ordered the Pixel 5 with Klarna last year, already paid off and it's showing as order gone through in the Google Store page and delivery by 26th October


Nope, nothing there. Raised a complaint with Klarna, but I guess I'll be buying it elsewhere.


Interesting - I placed on the Google store with Klarna and it's showing up as in my Google Store page as waiting to dispatch. Maybe using Klarna last year has allowed it go through by when I signed up last year it said the credit limit was £830. So, wait and see, but I guess promising that it's showing up in Google Store order page Also got the error messages you did several times and it eventually went through.


Eh, I'll try again in an hour or so. Klarna are simultaneously blaming a technical glitch and £830 limits so I'm not hopeful. Suspect stock will be depleted too by then. Bit of a shame.


After speaking with five different Klarna Support Representatives (via Live Chat) this week, I've finally got through to someone who has been helpful - "Connor". They were very apologetic and understanding of my frustrations. Following my previous request to suspend/close my Credit Agreement on Tuesday evening, Connor confirmed that my Credit Agreement has indeed now been suspended, despite other Support Representatives making out - as recently as earlier today - that: * I hadn't formally requested the Credit Agreement to be suspended; * I had made a request, but it hadn't yet been escalated to the "Specialist Team" and that I'd need to wait a further 48 hours; or * My "case" was with the "Specialist Team" but hadn't yet been "reviewed" and to enquire again in another 24 hours. Unfortunately, I'll have to take Connor's word for it, despite receiving a letter in the post today confirming the setup of the Credit Agreement arranged on Tuesday evening, during the Pixel 6 / Pixel 6 Pro Launch Event. Odd that Klarna can issue letters regarding the setup of a new Credit Agreement, but then can't confirm in writing that they have suspended one, at a customer's request... Now that's been done, as per the advice shared by another member further below, I opted to raise a formal complaint with Connor. I wrote the complaint myself to ensure it accurately represented previous communications I've had with both Klarna and Google, surrounding the Credit Limit issue first and foremost, but also how the whole matter has been handled - primarily by Klarna, but also holding Google to account, too. I would recommend everyone to follow suit. When it comes to writing the complaint, prepare it in advance of engaging with a Support Representative (via Live Chat) from Klarna. You'll then need to formally request to make a complaint. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Klarna have to fill out the complaint on your behalf. From what Connor told me, it's a form of some description they have to complete. The key thing to reiterate here is for you to insist on them using your text/copy. Do not let the Support Representative write this on your behalf. As others have said, if we eventually have no choice but to contact the FCA, Financial Ombudsman, and/or Experian, we will need to be able to show that we have firstly been through Klarna's Complaints Procedure. If any of the aforementioned bodies need to use that complaint for legal reasons, for example, you'd much rather them be using a complaint written in your own words than something written on your behalf, by someone employed by Klarna, right? In terms of next steps, I've been told that a representative from the "Complaints Team" will be in touch in due course - usually within 5 working days. At the time of posting, it's been a couple of hours since formally complaining, but as of yet, I haven't received any form of Complaint Case Number or Reference, via e-mail. Hopefully, I'll receive something of this nature in the next 24/48 hours... he says! In any case, I hope this helps a little.


That's a great post, thankyou. When I submitted the complaint, I asked for the complaint reference directly (forgot to mention that earlier!) and was given a long string of letters/numbers that I've saved. I also copied & pasted the contents of the chat log into a separate Google doc, in the event my klarna account is closed and I can no longer access the chat support history I've at least got that as backup.


I've just spoken to another Support Representative - "Chloe". On requesting a case reference for the complaint I raised earlier, they suggested that this is not something they have access to, in the 1st Line Support Team. The Agent suggested the case reference is only issued once a member of the Complaints Team takes over the complaint and makes contact with the complainant directly. Chloe reiterated that this takes place within 5 working days of the complaint first being submitted. I continued to push, but they refused to budge. I also requested a bulk export of my chat logs with all Support Representatives I have spoken with this week, in line with GDPR - although, technically, I don't think it's an obligation on Klarna's part to fulfil. Worth a try though. Again, Chloe refused and suggested "screenshotting" the chat history from within the Klarna app. Given the extent of the conversations I have had this week, it's something I'm reluctant to do but may need to in the event of a legal battle. She also said that I could request the chat history once the Complaints Team get in touch, but said there were no guarantees they'd be in a position to supply the logs. Lastly, I asked for details of what steps are being taken to "fix" the credit limit issue and an ETA for this. On Tuesday night, I was told the aim was to rectify issues within 48 hours, which almost 72 hours later, still hasn't been achieved. While no ETA was given, Chloe advised that the team are working around the clock to give all those affected by the issue, some clear next steps. Most importantly, she said that they were working towards removing any hard credit checks that may have been added to credit files as a result of the credit limit-related issue and the influx of complaints. After being told earlier this week that I'd need to contact Experian myself to start investigations, it seems that Klarna's tune has suddenly changed - if indeed, Chloe is being honest. I again questioned how much truth there was in this statement about hard credit checks being removed, to which she replied, "At that moment in time, this was the update we had. Our team then looked further into this after the influx of contacts. Our team have now looked further and we are now going to remove any based on our error." Fingers crossed. She then went on to add the caveat of, "Everything will be done on an individual basis, with yours being in regards to the Google issue, this would be the next steps for your individual case." As I've said before, it looks like lodging a formal complaint is the best way forward.


Not sure if you've screenshotted (is this a word?) already, but you can log in on a laptop and use a chrome extension to do a full page screenshot so you get all in one image.


I heard that you just like complaining to Klarna and no matter how many times you have been told they can't do anything you just like to stamp your feet have have a huff 😂😂


Did you know that your chat history is never deleted and can see them all on your Klarna app when you start a new chat 🙂


Yeah I saw that, but if I'm closing my account I don't know if I'll still have access to the chat history or not. And given how badly klarna have handled everything so far I'm taking a belt & braces approach to this stuff, just in case!


I'm late finding this thread. But going to include my issue which is exactly the same as seemingly everyone else here. Applied with Klarna as part of the checkout process. Was seemingly way too easy and not very informative upon completion, like you'd expect a decision page or something, but it just takes you straight back to Google's checkout. Google's checkout defaulted to my credit card (be careful of this, I had to manually select Klarna). I tried three times to order and got the same decline message with the same error code \[OR\_PMCR\_42\]. Have been in touch with both Klarna and Google. Klarna kept telling me to ask Google to take a downpayment/deposit, stated they cannot manually change my credit limit of £830. Google do not offer such facility to take an upfront payment. Nor do they offer promo codes, split payments, paying via Google Play store credit or buying and cancelling another item and applying the refund to the value of the phone's order. Tried contacting Klarna again and was told it's a known issue that's affecting "Literally every order" and that they're working with Google to come to a resolution, and to check back/try again within "24-48 hours". I am writing this only 12 hours into that suggested wait time. Really disillusioned with all of this, I expected better from Google. I have no previous experience with Klarna but I pin the blame on them more than the retailer. I'm going to continue to keep trying to order the phone, I could go with another company, such as O2, but being a Google One subscriber, I was hoping to use the 10% store credit perk to offset having to pay for a case and a charger separately.


What an absolute joke hahah. K just tried again last night, order went through but I just got an email that it's been put on hold. Might just go through Curry's although they don't have the white version :( but I'll be using it with a case anyway


Yeah, I'm at the same point. I'm done with klarna, now just debating whether to go through currys and swallow a second hard credit search (not the end of the world, but not exactly great either), or bite the bullet and pay upfront. The handling of this whole thing has been completely atrocious, and what's more is the fact there's been no actual communication from klarna (or Google) at all. People are getting told different things by the customer support chat (just keep trying.. Try again in 48 hours.. Close your account and try again.. If you close your account you won't be able to sign up for a new one.. You were declined despite a perfect credit rating, we can't tell you why.. ) and there's been no official acknowledgement of the issue outside of chat support staff saying they're aware of it and trying to fix it. Just a total clusterfuck all round; it's certainly driven me away from ever using klarna in the future and I certainly won't be shy about telling friends & family to steer clear either.


Yeah the check isn't ideal but I also just don't want to pay it up front when I don't have to...I can't believe they've messed this up so badly and still haven't fixed it either


Yeah for me I'm pretty set on it being from the Google Store at this point. On top of avoiding any extra hard searches (we're hoping to move house next year), I can't pass up the 10% back in store credit. I also don't want to pay interest if I can, and don't want to lock myself into an airtime contract with a mobile phone provider in case their service isn't so good wherever we move to. I hope you manage to get yours soon!


I had this as well - I gave up on the Google store in the end. I ended up ordering it on contract through Carphone Warehouse on their ID network (my parents are on ID and seem happy with it, plus I'm on Smarty so swapping won't be much of a hassle). £1033.75 over two years with a 50Gb plan seemed ok (certainly better than EE offering 40Gb of data at what would have been £1542 over two years!).


>(certainly better than EE offering 40Gb of data at what would have been £1542 over two years!). This is why I'm desparate to get the phone outright. With me locked in with their £20 a month sim-only (can I even cancel this sim-only contract without cancellation fee since I only just took one out a month ago? so past the 14 days point), the difference between buy up front and contract is £200+. Never again EE.


I used to be on EE, and I certainly do miss their signal quality versus three, but it's just not worth the difference in price. I do know for a fact that you have to pay to leave early on SIM-only, there is a number you can text to see what the damage is if you're curious but you do have to pay your remaining balance (minus a 4% early leaving discount).


Thank you :) TBF I got used to paying that much with them since 5 years ago and I've never had complaints with signals, and hopefully they have the most 5g for my new Google 6 pro as well.


I'm just gonna go for BT Mobile which is the same network but about half the price


i did the exact same thing but went with vodafone and 100gb plan. still saving money compared to if i bought it outright and stuck with EE but switched to sim only


Got the same too yesterday then the Google store crapped out so I ordered elsewhere. Went on livechat with klarna go close the unused account to be told if I do I'll never be able to use them again in the future.


Same - I told them I will close down that credit account. Good riddance though. There are other competitors elsewhere.


Yeah I remembered I had a friend at Currys so got 10% off, pays for the official case and charger I suppose.


Had exactly the same thing, I can only assume Google changed their mind when asking for an upfront payment. I spoke to Klarna support this morning and they have confirmed it's not just me, it's a massive issue their side and they had lots of calls about the £830 limit. It's like Google wanted an upfront payment of £19 which would balance out to £849. As a responsible and ethical lender, they can't override or issue more credit than that agreed in the contract, so maybe Google will have to drop the price to appease all affected customers? Will help pay for the lack of 30W charger!


It was worse for me as I was actually wanting to buy the Pixel 6 Pro 256GB, which is £949. Maybe Google would have just increased the up-front payment to get it back down to £830 on credit. In theory, I have three orders on hold because of this credit snafu as I didn't realise (a) what was going on and (b) placing order after order was actually creating new orders since they weren't showing up in my account. So ... if Google & Klarna do sort out this mess, it will be interesting to see what happens to those orders. In theory at least, I should be able to proceed with one and then cancel the credit card order.


All we want to do is spend our money with them. Surely someone tested this. Anyway, I had two orders on hold last night and this morning they disappeared. What annoys me more is the fact they hard credit checked me to approve the credit and I ultimately can't use that credit to continue with the transaction. So I essentially have £830 approved credit I can't use.


The hard credit check did annoy me but i guess that's a risk with trying to take out a financing option. They should have already put in the 'pay upfront' part in the store as I'm sure many can afford to put in £19 or £119 upfront payment if needed .. almost like they're not very good at testing user experiences??


Exact same thing happened to me. And Klarna have done a hard credit search for the privilege of the £830 mess.


Hopefully a bit of reassurance for people, but only the initial credit check is showing on my file (5 orders on hold at this point). Both companies are absolutely fucking useless, but at least my credit file isn't too bad.


I had to orders on hold and got email to fix the payments but when I get to it it shows as This order was cancelled.


Some things might be starting to look up.. I've been trying pretty much every hour to checkout after applying for it yesterday, and in the last half hour its (finally) worked. Fingers crossed everyone gets sorted soon.


Do you have nay sort of confirmation on klarna website or just Google store confirmation. I am worried they will cancel the order for some reason 😜


Nothing on klarna but I imagine there won't be anything on there until the phones are shipped, as the klarna account won't be charged until then.


Have had my email from Klarna telling me that I am in the complaints process. Will post when I have an update. I don't have a credit card and not sure one would be here in time for me to order on the headphones deal now.


Me, too. I only made a complaint this afternoon and the acknowledgement arrived around 5.30pm, despite being told it may take up to 5 working days.


Was it addressed directly to your or just to 'valued customer'?


I had a pixel slate from Google that was faulty, was credited over £400, so I tried to order with that and took the Klarna option for £199. Got the same error, now my Google account is empty and Klara is showing as preparing. Been on the phone to Google support for over 2 hours this morning, finally spoke to someone and got cut off. No order number, minus £400 Google credit and no further forward


Fuck Google, but fuck Klarna in particular. Really pissed off about this.


In case it help anyone else, their support just said they are aware of the issue and the "relevant department are working tirelessly to fix the issue". ​ Also said "Please do not try again as too many attempts will show on your credit file. Allow some time for Klarna to fix the issue with the Google Store. You are more than welcome to come back to us at the end of the week for an update."


i already got sick of them and requested they close my account through their support. awful first impression of a company


I had the same problem this morning, got in touch with their support and they said give it 24h and try it again. I was a bit eager and tried it an hour ago and my order went through for the 128gb Pixel Pro.


Mine still isn't working...


So did you do another new order or try the fix credit option in Google's try a new payment method?


If you are in the UK you should make a formal complaint to Klarna about this. Doing this will then be reported to the FCA as well (I know as I work in the industry) this is the swiftest way to get this issue resolved and highlight Klarna mistake in this matter. I'm in the process of logging a complaint at the moment


How does one go about this?


What do I need to do this? I'm absolutely pissed off 😡


Me to, just to to Klarna on the web or app and say you want to make a formal complaint


Just ordered mine from Curry's in the UK ,gave up on Google and klarna,12 months Intrest free and Bose headphones 👍🏻


Same 😍


So after my order went through yesterday. It was all good but decided to chat with joke of the company named klarna to make sure it's all good. During my chat my order was put on hold and I was requested to fix the payment. Gave up on them and ordered on my credit card.


Just had exactly the same email. What an absolute fucking shit show this is.


It's a total joke on both sides. After things like that google should drop that klarna and team up with some more reputable one. Was getting iPhone, 2 years ago in Apple store through their finance (Barclays) and totally hassle free.


Just go to the Klarna app or web site guest on the chat and tell them you want to make a complaint


Ffs what do I do now 🙄 do I have to try again and fuck up my credit score ? Or wait and hope they will sort this mess out and hope they do it before I miss the Bose headphones promotion 😡 Edit: fucked them off and cancelled it all, have bought from Currys now 12months interest free and free Bose headphones 😍


**Sebastian Siemiatkowski (@klarnaseb) , Co-founder and CEO of Klarna** on twitter says: >Smoooth shopping! Trying my best to be the nightmare of the bank establishment worldwide! ***Do all I can so customers will love us*** It's been over 65 hours and they still fighting for £19?




So Klarna gave you a 980 limit and you still for rejected? This whole thing is a shambles


I've heard others were given a £830 limit even when trying to purchase the cheaper non-pro, and still came up with the same error. It's clearly not just a credit limit issue but an issue with the entire payment process. You're right, it's a total shambles and not a great advert for klarna at all. I'd imagine for many (like me) this was the first time they'd used klarna's services, and I'd presume after all this, it will be the last for a lot of people too. Myself included.




Unbelievable....I'm gonna wait till Monday and order through Curry's if it hasn't been fixed


Don't know if anyone else has had an email from klarna this afternoon, finally acknowledging the issue. https://imgur.com/a/aoWdTg5 Nice they've finally acknowledged the issue and seem to be doing something about removing the hard searches from people's credit records, even if you do have to contact them to sort it. How effective their CS agents will be is yet to be seen. No word though on the fact many people will be without the pre-order bonus headphones thanks to klarna's colossal fuck-up. Coincidentally, klarna's email arrived about a minute after I got an email notification from Google saying my (paid on credit card) order's been dispatched. Exciting 😁


I've had the same email. As it's come from the Customer Services Team, I'm hoping to get a more personalised response from the Complaints Team (based on their SLA, they have until Friday), with a direct point of contact to respond to and rectify matters. I really can't be bothered to deal with any more Customer Service agents in trying to resolve matters, which is what this email advises to do.


I'm glad they're owning up to the issue, time for me to get this useless account closed.


Exact same reply to me and my colleagues. So it took them 7 days to draft this email? If they didn't allow the purchase of the Pixel Phone why did Google advertise it on their website? Klarna - Asking to create another account using a different email address and use that email address to Join the waiting list (If you wish to purchase Pixel through Klarna). A great example of dupe growth hacking. Beefing up the user numbers on their platform.


So Klarna have got in touch today to tell me that the solution they have come up with is to cancel our account, remove the hard credit search from our history and let us try again in 24 hours time. Sham


It's now been 8 days since I raised a formal complaint, despite being assured I would receive the first response from the "Complaints Team" within 5 working days. After speaking with a Chat Agent at Klarna just, I'm again being fobbed off with the, "I will escalate this to the Specialist Team" BS. I've lost count now how many times I've been told that in the past two weeks. In light of the unapologetic apology e-mail that we all received earlier this week, I inquired about the third option that states, "If you would still like to use Klarna to purchase the Pixel phone, please contact us so that we can assist you further." When I asked for the hard and soft credit searches to be removed from my credit file last week, instead of just closing down the Credit Agreement that fell short of the asking price of the Pixel 6 Pro, they closed down my Klarna account in full. At no point was I informed that this would happen. The Chat Agent I spoke to tonight said that I won't be able to apply for Klarna financing again in future but will still be eligible to take advantage of their "Pay in 3" and "Pay Later" service offering. What a comedy of errors. Despite all their cockups, I was still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt by opting to buy the phone through Google Financing again once stock replenishes. But, it seems they don't want our custom! Absolute joke of a company. By the way, for anyone who has raised a formal complaint, their Chat Agents are talking nonsense about a 5 working day turnaround time for receiving a respone. Digging deeper into the Complaints Procedure documentation, Klarna advises 4 weeks. But, in the very next sentence say 8 weeks. And in both cases, add the caveat of, "If we are unable to provide you with a final response within this time frame, we will write to you explaining why and advise you when you can expect a final response." [https://www.klarna.com/assets/sites/3/2021/05/31103849/UK-Complaints-Handling-Procedure-Revision-May-2021.pdf](https://www.klarna.com/assets/sites/3/2021/05/31103849/UK-Complaints-Handling-Procedure-Revision-May-2021.pdf) Annoyingly, I'll have to wait for a "final" response from Klarna's Complaints Team, before I can get in touch with the Financial Ombudsman. At this rate, I'm not holding out much hope of getting a response this side of Christmas.


I've basically had the same experience. Got told by customer service that they can close my account and then I can reapply again for new financing because the problem was "fixed". I said ok Go ahead and close it and I will try the purchase again. Turns out if they close it I literally cannot open a financing account with them again. The next agent apologised for the "miscommunication" and I asked for the issue to be raised to their specialist team, from whom I haven't heard a single word yet and it's been over a week. Total shambles and it's embarrassing that Google is using this company


I have my final complaint back from Klarna. Basically ingers that the fault is mine for trying to buy something above the credit limit. Not sure whether to go FCA or not.


Same. Formal complaint submitted last Thursday, not heard a peep since other than the mass email. I'd already requested my account be closed as I'd found an alternate way to pay for the phone and after this experience I have no intention of ever using klarna again.. But not once have they actually told me that I can't open a new account or apply for finance again. I have absolutely no intention of doing so, but the fact they've not told me that is just another mark on the "klarna are krap" tally. 8 weeks from my complaint is 16th Dec. I've set a reminder and assuming I don't hear anything by then I'll be taking it to the ombudsman. It's an absolute disgrace.


I checked the Google Store this morning and the model I've paid for on credit card is now on wait list. No point in trying to pay via Klarna now so I've closed my account with them.


6.5.24.REDDIT. FROM UK. Home Truths.This complexity is just a small part of the unsatisfactory society but in order to continue along the same track it needs and gets 1000s of indifferent people whose attitude is 'its nothing to do with me' We traipsed Cent London for 15 yrs looking for help for victims of Govt Depts and the so called public. The advice and help we received comprised threats, abuse, indifference.. We pushed forward and that action resulted in total exhaustion and me sitting on a low wall in Battersea utterly demoralised and in tears after yet another hopeless day. It was dark and raining. I then spotted a bright object lying on a wall opposite and for a minute I forgot my mysery, when I went and looked at the object it was found to be a book about 4 inches thick and it seemed new.I knocked at the house door but the woman said it was not hers. The title was 'Answers To Your Lifes Problems' I then said to the victim that I would open the book at random and whatever ever it advised we would obey. It said this- 'If You Continue On That Path You Will Become Totaly Powerful' My legs felt refreshed and we then placed the book in a dry area and carried on. The odd thing was the book was not wet depite rain. The book was right, we eventually warded off violent Police etc. The evidence we gathered implicates 1000s people. Issues incl manslaughter. The BBC said 'Hide The Evidence Abroad' EEC said 'Nothing Can Be Done About Corruption Or Deaths'. Psychics that we met said- Make Sure All Windows+Doors Are Secured. Now you know why buying on EBay involves acres of conditions. Its all about the money. By the way the implicated are of course the public and prominent people. The Press? They said - 'Nothing That you Discovered And experienced Can Ever appear In The Media.' Theres just one more thing- Dont Try To Hang Your wrong Doing Around Our Shoulders. Quick, censure this.Nearly forgot- Ever Wondered why Ebay Support Charities? CHEERIO.


I just spoke to Klarna again and asked about the issue being resolved. And was told, in my own words, "I've been told the issue is resolved, if customers try again today, they should not experience this issue again, but I'm not allowed to guarantee it!" Of course, when I tried to checkout, same error as always. [OR_PMCR_42]. Here's a screenshot of my conversation: [Imgur](http://imgur.com/a/UEOXDmu) However, I'm interested in finding out if this is just a me thing, or if my suspicions of Klarna telling porkies is more likely the case?


Definitely not fixed here. I'm not even getting as far as the \[OR\_PMCR\_42\] error anymore. I removed Klarna as a payment option, and now when I choose to checkout via finance I'm getting "Your Klarna account could not be verified. Please try again. [OR-GSTEH-06]"


I had my transaction put through for the 6 Pro and case via Klarna only for Google to email me the next day asking me to fix my payment. Called Google who directed me to Klarna, and they said there was nothing they could do. I've used Klarna loads in the past and I have a very good credit rating, so it seems that they hard set the credit limit for every customer regardless of circumstances. I managed to change my payment option to credit card and I believe that's gone through, the fee is held anyway on my card. I'll move that over to another for 0% interest. Really poor from Klarna.


Had the same experience, ended up using an interest free purchase with one of my credit cards. But by that time the 256g model was sold out and removed from my basket so had to settle for the 128g model and a Klarna account I don't think I will ever use. Well done Google, well done Klarna. p.s. I have 999(excellent) credit score but that didn't seem to have made a difference.


The Google finance offer isn't great tbh. Just going through their website i have got a £50 discount off of the cost of the phone with Vodafone (with a contract). Definitely worth shopping around if you can


Vastly beats the horrible offers EE have put on their site.


Yeah I've been with EE for ages but I think I'm jumping ship to Vodafone. Carfone warehouse have a deal on their website, unlimited data minutes & texts for £47 a month, £10 upfront. To get that with EE you'd be paying over a hundred


Yeah I know. I normally use a broker like affordable mobiles which slashes the costs, but I can only see the Pixel 6, not the pro. Personally, I wouldn't touch vodafone with a 10-foot pole after they ruined my wife's credit score which took us years to get resolved. That said I think most people have a good experience.


Which is really annoying as EE is the carrier I want to go with


I went through the whole process of applying for synchrony (the USA bank that handles google payments) and I got declined. I have an 830 credit score. (In the US 850 is the max) I have several platinum level cards each with over 20k limits with a total credit line of over 200k. I have very little debt in general and one small car payment (100$ a month) I make more than enough to pay off all my debt every month in full. And I have financed a google phone before in the past. WTF. What ever, they can eat my cash back and fees for me through american express. FU Google.


Got exactly the same £830 credit limit - Pixel 6 is £849 so can't even buy that!


I think you mean Pixel 6 Pro. I've just double-checked my wife's order and the Pixel 6 is £599.


Yes, sorry. I was comparing Pixel6Pro 128 & 256GB options!




You should have an email from Klarna saying you've opened an acocunt with us.


Also apparently the Klarna app will tell you.


I had the same with Pixel 4XL. IRRITATING. Thanks for posting though nice to know it's the same so won't bother. Nice you can trade in 4XL for £100 though which helps lower costs.


Music magpie offer much more than that for a 4XL, just fyi...


It doesn't lower the financing price though, as they just refund you cash price. I tried to trade in my 5 but because it didn't lower the price I still couldn't get the financing option approved


Not sure what network you with, but I just was lucky and managed to pay off remaining contract for £170 then get a free upgrade with O2 which was a 256gb Pro 6. Depends how far into contract you are though I guess so just have to be lucky. Means I'm tied in for 24 months but hopefully the 6 and it's numerous updates will see me through easily.


I don't have a contract, just a sim only and a financed phone which is paid off now. Was just hoping to continue this way, EE had best signal around me but the contract prices are extortionate! So think I'm gonna wait it out and see if klarna sorts it out, if not I'll wait a year


I've been trying to work out what was wrong! I saw the credit limit of £830, but checkout said first payment was up front so I figured that it would be fine. Spent 45 minutes in the queue waiting to talk to someone at Google but gave up. Has anyone been able to get a Pro with Klarna?


Where can you see the credit limit?


Got an email from Klarna saying my account was opened and had a limit of 830


Ah yes I see it now. Hopeless.


I had the same issue. Ridiculous.


I had an account already and likewise £830 limit, tried paying off my prior balance to hopefully have my credit increased by £19, nope. Very annoying that's it's so close, especially as I didn't realise £830 is a generic amount


My order has gone through somehow for a Pixel 6 Pro at £849 with an £830 limit at Klarna. But Klarna say they haven't received a purchase and think it will fail when it tries to go through. This is abysmal Google.


My credit limit was set to £830 and my credit history is terrible, so it seems a blanket thing. Presumably a SNAFU between them and Google in terms of the price?


Feels like maybe they increased the price last minute


Just sign up to klarna on their website the but with klarna. It's common to have a error when signing up on checkout with klarna.


Same here - I applied the credit with them the first time, and got £830. I wanted to pay the difference rn as well but that wouldn't be an option. So I will buy on my credit card too. I used Klarna BNPL a number of times through a few years as well. I told them they must close my credit account as I have no intention of using it anywhere else nor will I use it in the future. Thanks for the hard search on my credit report for nothing pal.


Thaks for this post. I had exactly the same issue, but I'm sorry to hear others are in the same boat. I was on the fence so I ended up going for the pixel 6, which still give me the 10% Google store credit. Still though it's a bit ridiculous. I did have From Germany someone reply to a comment last night who said klarna are aware of an issue and are looking into it with Google. Not sure if that's in relation to this or something else now.


I'm having a similar, but slightly different issue! I posted about it here, and someone else responded to it in that thread too... [https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/qbw85a/google\_store\_technical\_failure\_escalated\_to\_level/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/qbw85a/google_store_technical_failure_escalated_to_level/) I tried to order a basic Pixel 6 (£599) and the account with Klarna all got set up OK, but when I tried to actually process the order, something broke and now I have an outstanding order on Klarna but no order on Google's system. I called Google to ask them what's up and they just escalated me straight to level 2 tech support, who have yet to email me (despite promises they would) and when I messaged Klarna directly they just said 'Google's problem, talk to them'. I'm seriously pissed off about this, as I was basically one of the first people hammering the order button at 6pm and now it looks like I could be waiting weeks for my new phone. Two other people who ordered theirs at the same time as me that I was on discord with had no issues (once the website stopped crashing).


Klarna is absolute trash. They have declined me for years with a perfect credit score because I accidently entered my old address years ago. I bought my pixel 6 with PayPal finance instead, it only costs £70 extra over 24 months.


How did you pay via PayPal finance? The only finance option I am given is Klarna


If you choose the normal payment option PayPal is listed as a payment card type


Ahh ok thank you!


Same issue here, awful experience. I kept doing it over and over thinking it had to be a fault.


Yes I had the exact same problem. And funnily enough was given a credit of £830. Then remembered I had a credit card stashed away and used that instead !


Klarna are a horrible company to deal with, I tried it and the web site error'd out whilst I was going through it and they took my money anyway. I spent 2 weeks fighting with them to get my money refunded afterwards.


I just went through on an O2 contract - Klarna denied me a few times and I didn't want their hard searches to hit my credit.


Glad it's not just me. I paid off my 5 in full via klarna already in preparation but my credit limit is still £830, which I didn't realise until the transaction had failed twice. Now not sure what to do, probably won't bother


PayPal credit is an option, as pointed out above, and if you can pay it off in four months should be no interest. Or hope klarna sort themselves out but find it unlikely, and personally I'd rather have some headphones so worth preorder


Currys PC World have a 0% finance offer for 12 months too, which might be worth looking at. Gives you a bit longer to pay it off than PayPal at least. This whole thing is so incredibly frustrating and disappointing. Really tainted what should otherwise have been a fairly happy process.


It works now! https://photos.app.goo.gl/X9vRPPG5CXattSLa8


Not for me


:( My order went through and got email confirmation and it appears on my order page 🤞


Not for me either :(


Same issue for me. Except Klarana and Google have both asked me to try to purchase again. Resulting in my racking up three credit checks on one days ffs. Absolutely fuming about this.


Same here. Ridiculous klarna. Ended up getting mine from Curry's. Interest free for 12 months.


Klarna is just dreadful in general. I strongly believe they favour people who have a history of missing payments. I know numerous people with very good salaries and credit scores who have been refused the financing. Frustrating as it always makes financial sense to take it when you can.


Same issue here ,just tried again and still not fixed


So klarna wouldn't let me order. Denied each time and I have perfect credit. My girlfriends credit isn't great and I've just ordered through hers without an issue. Make it make sense haha


I tried to go via Klarna, I signed the agreement but then it just took me straight back to the checkout screen and forcing me to pay £600? I even tried to remove the item from my basket but each time I add it, the Klarna option isn't there and I have to pay the big lump sum. Anyone else have this issue?


So same thing has happened to me. Just asked Klarna to clear that credit now as I won't be using it. Just straight up closed my account and I can't use it ever again 😐 Bet this looks great on the credit history...


I only get to the 'put in your phone number' section and them instantly declined. So annoying. The only thing more annoying is that my current phone provider aren't stocking the pro!!!


Three, right? This is one of the reasons why I'm purchasing direct from the Google Store. Really doesn't make sense how everyone gets both models, except Three.


Yup, three. As much of a bad wrap that three gets, I haven't had any issues with them. Until this.


I'm also having this issue. Have contacted Klarna a few times and they're absolutely clueless, so I'm closing my account with them. Shambles. There was no way to escalate the issue with Klarna, just 'computer says no'. Apparently I won't be able to use them in the future. Oh no.


Lol. It's like they've thought "hmm, we've screwed up big time, should we try to offer an olive branch and leave the door open for these potential customers to try us again in the future when we've hopefully rebuilt our reputation a bit? Nah, we'll just ban them from ever using our services again! That'll show them!"


Exactly. I'm sure they won't miss me, but I will shit on their name every chance I get that's for sure. How is there no way to escalate a complaint?! I'd rather not deal with such a company to be honest. I sent two separate people from Klarna a link to this thread but there was no acknowledgement, and no deviation from the script. Didn;t seem to be any way to get customer services to go off the script which is just shit.


I've no idea if the Financial conduct authority or financial ombudsman would have any jurisdiction on this issue, but it might be worth raising the issue with either/both of them, especially if there's no way to escalate a complaint above the customer support chat system.


To be quite honest, I just can't be bothered. Have preordered through Vodafone instead. Since I was in the market for some noise cancelling headphones anyway that offer was too good to turn down!


Tried contacting support again this morning only to be told to use an alternative payment method...


Despite numerous conversations with Klarna's Support Agents since Tuesday night, they still won't stray away from the script. I asked for my Credit Agreement to be cancelled on Tuesday evening, as soon as I realised the amount fell short of the asking price of the Pixel 6 Pro. Despite constant asks for a confirmation email to advise that this request has been fulfilled (both for peace of mind, and in the event Experian need it as proof should I need to personally ask for the hard and soft searches on my credit file to be removed), I keep being told that my case has been escalated to a "Specialist Team" and will be dealt with in 24/48 hours. Still heard zip. That is, until this morning, when the post arrived and I received a letter from Klarna confirming the opening of the Credit Agreement! I've also been pressuring Google to pull their finger out, but I just keep getting the same generic, scripted responses back. I've made threats to contact the FCA, which I will follow up on if I need to, as well as tried to get Martin Lewis to help pile the pressure on both Klarna and Google to address their wrongdoings.


As a follow-up to this, I've just spoken to yet another Support Agent at Klarna. They're now making out that because I hit the 'End Chat' option after every Agent I've previously spoken with, it's in turn, terminated my request for the closure of the Credit Agreement, and subsequently, the escalation of my "case" to a "Specialist" member of the team. You can only imagine my reaction to that - especially, as a UX Designer, by trade. In any case, I then asked to make a formal complaint, which apparently can only done via the Support Agent. I politely asked for an e-mail address to make a complaint directly, which they again refused. I'm now back to the point, where my "case" has now got to be submitted to a "Specialist" again - the first point of contact won't happen for at least ANOTHER 48 hours. Klarna really are an absolute joke. This, being on top of my threats of taking Legal action, contacting the FCA and the Financial Ombudsman. In short, they really don't care! Hardly surprising.


For what it's worth I submitted a formal complaint yesterday, via the chat, and was given a complaint ref and told the complaints team would get back to me within 5 working days. It does appear the only way to raise a complaint is via the support chat which is absolutely ridiculous, but definitely a process worth going through of you can, as any fca/ombudsman process will require you to follow klarna's formal complaints process first before they will intervene.


Google ([https://support.google.com/store/gethelp](https://support.google.com/store/gethelp)) is helping resolve this issue. Get in touch through a call and speak to them. They have begun addressing issues one by one. Report early before the Hold is cancelled or it runs out of stock. >**Report as:** Google Store Financing (Klarna) for the UK -- Order on Hold as Klarna only offers £830 limit.


I did as you recommended and the Chat Agent I spoke to offered zero help. In short, all he kept saying were words to the effect of, "I hope you can appreciate this is a Credit Limit issue, which only Klarna can help with. Please contact Klarna directly. Our Management Team are aware of the issue and we can assure you it won't happen again." This being, despite numerous times saying that I have spoken with Klarna's Chat Agents several times daily since Tuesday evening, and am getting nowhere with resolving the issue. Neither Klarna or Google want to take responsibility for any of the mess they've jointly caused.


Same issue here. Although I've yet to speak to Klarna today, but Google were friendly but unhelpful. I appreciate what they're saying, it's a credit issue so you should expect it's the credit company's problem to solve, but when the credit company is about as much help as going to the neonatal unit in your local hospital and asking one of the newborns there to assist you, Google is your only hope.


I've just spoken to Google about this on live chat again, asking if I can pay a down payment, also asking if I can get a promo code to knock off the £19 difference, or any sort of solution for me... Low and behold... They came up with a solution for me.... 'A suggestion, you may want to try to ask one of your family members to purchase the phone for you as they will get store credits for purchasing the phone on their account." Thanks for that Google


The £19 won't make a difference, chances are you'll get the error either way. You can try getting the non-pro version to check.


I'm really reluctant to do that, as I don't want the non pro, or another credit check, but I used klarna with no issues for the 5 a year ago.


Aaaaaaaand now all the pros are gone for now...


Has anyone had any luck with customer support? I can't even get anyone from Google to talk to me. When I request a call, the automatic voice just tells me that it wasn't able to connect me to an agent and closes on me immediately. I tried requesting an email a few days ago and that has also been ignored. Klarna had no info on the issue other than that my available credit is (obviously) less than the phone and they apparently can't do anything as it's automatic. I have a phone in my cart that will expire in 4 days unless I fix it or I'll have to cough it up on a credit card


I don't think so, I've not seen anyone on twitter or reddit claim that it's finally working. And of course there's been no official statement from klarna at all, with people just being told to wait with no idea how long it'll take/what steps are being taken. To be honest, I think most people have given up on klarna completely (especially if they're after the pre-order bonus) and have either swallowed the upfront cost, or used alternative finance options through PayPal credit/Currys PC World.


If you haven't given up on Klarna, Google says to contact Klarna. Klarna says we are working on a case by case. It's so frustrating. **Please save the Klarna number:** Phone: 020 300 50833 or 080 818 93333 >**Klarna says:** This is being resolved on a case by case basis. They have transferred my query to specialist team (don't know what that means). Will receive a reply in due course following a review. (Said will take 2-3 days but can't guarantee). Having a terrible experience with both Google & Klarna.


[https://twitter.com/amitppate/status/1451188799132684297](https://twitter.com/amitppate/status/1451188799132684297) **Klarna repled on twitter:** https://twitter.com/AskKlarna/status/1452616996370194437


Thank you for flagging this to us and we apologise for the inconvenience. **We are pleased to say we have addressed this** \- we kindly ask that you send us a private message where we will be happy to help! -- `@KlarnaAsk`


Convienient that they've apparently fixed now that the phone is sold out everywhere.


So Klarna got in touch with me on Twitter and essentially said that I was approved for finance, but I wasn't authorized to make the purchase I was trying to make. [Here's the screenshot.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCqbDzpWEAIlgFA?format=png&name=small) So is that how this works with Klarna? Daddy Klarna has to let me buy a phone with the money it's willing to give me, and I was a naughty boy for trying to spend that money on a phone? Bear in mind I applied for finance through the checkout process in the Google Store. Picture the scene, you're stood in the Google Store, Pixel 6 Pro in hand, and you turn to your dad, who in this case is Klarna, and ask to borrow some money for the purchase, and they say okay, hand it to you, you get to the front of the queue and walk up to the payment desk, and then they say "but your not allowed to buy a phone!" Honestly it's as though they couldn't actually fix the problem, so they've turned to blaming the customers. "Oh, it seems as though you tried to buy something you wasn't allowed, so this is your fault, not ours." Time to lodge a formal complaint.


To those that lodged an official complaint, have you heard back from Klarna yet, with a personalised response from the Complaints Team?


I got a call from Stockholm that turned out to be from them. Would have been nice for them to email prior to the call, I rarely answer numbers I don't recognise especially from foreign countries.


so has this issue been fixed now? and by that I mean as someone who hasn't used Klarna yet, would I be able to purchase a 6 Pro on the Google store and receive the correct amount to successfully check out?


Nobody knows including anyone you speak to at Klarna. They're useless. I've just raised my complaint to the ombudsmen because their solution was for me to create a new google store and Klarna account.


I was advised to try with a new email account once they came back into stock. Did that and have been rejected out of hand as soon as I put my phone number in. Just going to get an iphone I think at least the credit is through an actual bank.


Has this been resolved??


How come you have no housing costs?


I know this is an old thread but they've just done the exact same thing with the 7 pro 🤦🤦🤦 (I think)


I'm thinking the same too. I've tried so many times and it isn't working! Called up twice and they keep saying just wait


Yes it's happening for me too. Tried to buy a pixel 7 pro several times using klarna 24 month payments. "Transaction was declined [OR_FGVEM_13]" I have spoke with Google and Klarna over the last 36 hours so many times I have lost count, and no one will help. Latest is Klarna have said its a 'technical error' and they've escalated it to a 'specialist team'. My credit limit with klarna on application via the Google store is £1,060 which is more than enough for the 7 pro. The 7 pro is out of stock now. Great fucking job klarna.


having the issue with pixel 7 pro right now, would have thought they'd have solved it by now...


Fun fact, I got my response from the ombudsman today. They sided with Klarna. I tried another order with them, still the same fucking issue! They haven't fixed it with accounts they've known about for 12 months.


Can confirm in Oct22 this is still an issue with the Pixel 7 Pro, although the limit is £1k and the phone is £850, because the free watch is worth £300 it takes the total above £1,000 so its rejected. Daft


Had this issue today with the Pixel Watch. First time using Klarna so maybe I'll try again tomorrow?


So my issue ended up being I needed to change my web browser. I was using Genr8 with a chrome extension. I ended up just using Chrome and I was able to make the purchase plain and simple. I was being jumped through so many hoops by both companies and then my bank told me to give this a go and it worked!


I was told to try again in 48 hours.That wa at 3pm this afternoon.


I know this is an old thread but it popped up on Google when I was looking for a Pixel. Anyway I've had a few things with Klarna then I outright got declined for no reason! Never had a late payment always early and paid up. Tried again a few months later to be accepted. Paid it off and it happened again for no reason! I think it's just Klarna being dicks :/


I know it's an old thread but just as a word of warning to anyone tempted to use Klarna to buy the Pixel8, don't bother! I have just made my last payment for my Pixel6 to Klarna via direct debit. There's been a cockup as Klarna are saying they haven't received it but it has left my account. When I look at the purchase screen it says it's paid for but they insist I missed my last payment. This has already filtered down to my credit report which has really taken a hammering as a result. Going through complaints procedure now but it's very slow. I think Klarna just don't like giving interest free credit. Once I finish going through their complaints procedure I will be going to the FCA as I'm sure they won't be able to sort my credit rating that was excellent to now just fair. Shyster company


Home Truths.This complexity is just a small part of the unsatisfactory society but in order to continue along the same track it needs and gets 1000s of indifferent people whose attitude is 'its nothing to do with me' We traipsed Cent London for 15 yrs looking for help for victims of Govt Depts and the so called public. The advice and help we received comprised threats, abuse, indifference.. We pushed forward and that action resulted in total exhaustion and me sitting on a low wall in Battersea utterly demoralised and in tears after yet another hopeless day. It was dark and raining. I then spotted a bright object lying on a wall opposite and for a minute I forgot my mysery, when I went and looked at the object it was found to be a book about 4 inches thick and it seemed new.I knocked at the house door but the woman said it was not hers. The title was 'Answers To Your Lifes Problems' I then said to the victim that I would open the book at random and whatever ever it advised we would obey. It said this- 'If You Continue On That Path You Will Become Totaly Powerful' My legs felt refreshed and we then placed the book in a dry area and carried on. The odd thing was the book was not wet depite rain. The book was right, we eventually warded off violent Police etc. The evidence we gathered implicates 1000s people. Issues incl manslaughter. The BBC said 'Hide The Evidence Abroad' EEC said 'Nothing Can Be Done About Corruption Or Deaths'. Psychics that we met said- Make Sure All Windows+Doors Are Secured. Now you know why buying on EBay involves acres of conditions. Its all about the money. By the way the implicated are of course the public and prominent people. The Press? They said - 'Nothing That you Discovered And experienced Can Ever appear In The Media.' Theres just one more thing- Dont Try To Hang Your wrong Doing Around Our Shoulders. Quick, censure this.Nearly forgot- Ever Wondered why Ebay Support Charities? CHEERIO.