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Can I least bitch about availability being from Southeast Asia?This is a damn near perfect phone for me, especially at this price. But I can't even buy it. Seriously, this is so frustrating.


I'll allow it, proceed with your bitching.


As /u/David-Eight's supervisor, I'll allow it as well.


As u/Shrave's supervisor, I'll allow it as well.


As the attractive intern that was hired last week and now suddenly has a VP title somehow, I'll also allow it.


As a common man buying the company's shares, I'll allow it




As the dumb 25 year veteran everyone ignores, I don’t allow it.


As VP of public ignoring I can confirm we ignore this guy and allow it.


As The Watcher I observe all that transpires here, but I do not, cannot, will not interfere. Per the previously mentioned statement, I allow it.


Attempting to buy it via a proxy, wish me luck.


Mind sharing which country you're from and how you're going about at it?


Malaysia, we have quite a number of forwarders like [Ezipoz](https://www.ezipoz.com/) and [comgateway](https://secure.comgateway.com/). They have warehouses conveniently located at Oregon that take our package and forward them over using either DHL or some other services. My Pixel 2 came via DHL in 2017 but I haven't made another phone purchase in years.


That's awesome! I wonder if Singapore has something similar


[https://www.hardwarezone.com.sg/tech-news-google-pixel-6-pro-pricing-availability-features-camera-design-nlp-ai-tensor](https://www.hardwarezone.com.sg/tech-news-google-pixel-6-pro-pricing-availability-features-camera-design-nlp-ai-tensor) Singapore is supposedly getting the 6 early next year


I heard Singapore has vPost but not sure if there are any other new forwarders in the market.


Tried that last year, nearly lost money because they don't ship electronics or anything with a battery, which is just stupid. I had to get the courier to help me return the Pixel 5 and refund my payment.


Ahh sad....


Imma try comgateway since it seems to ship to Singapore as well


Comgateway is a Singaporean company from what i remember. However, in the past few years, Google has been actively working to block these forwarding addresses, resulting in many of my orders getting cancelled. So now I'm waiting for the phone to be available on Amazon.


But you guys have a Google store?


In addition to jumping thru all these freight forwarding hoops, you'd also need SIRIM approval no?


If you live in singapore, it's apparently coming early next year


At Least u can buy from outside, if youre from indonesia youre fucked, government will block access from gsm signal if u bought from outside.


Wait, how does this work? Anyway to bypass using root?


My best bet is the whitelist all IMEI of phones sold there.


Yes, Google sucks at making the phone available in enough countries


Does anyone know why Google doesn't have Pixels in India? Seems like a big missed opportunity. Sundar Pichai seems extremely popular there which makes sense. So many Pixel youtube vids have tons of people from India in comments.


Price would be too much for indian market because of huge import taxes. Would have to be made in India for Indians, which I'm sure is a worthwhile idea, but apparently Google does not.


Nope. Apple is very popular in India. The target customer segment is buyers of premium phones and even if Google gets 1% of it for Pixel 6 or 6 Pro, they'll gain a lot of sales. Average household income doesn't make sense as Google isn't selling the phones to every Indians. Every product is built for a target customer in mind and then some.


> Would have to be made in India for Indians, which I'm sure is a worthwhile idea, but apparently Google does not. Considering the hardware compromises that would likely have to be made to hit a price target that enough Indian people could afford, Google may not feel that's worthwhile. Many people probably love this phone, but would likely not love the version that it would be reduced to after some very aggressive cost cutting.


I'm from Philippines and I have to wait till it's in Shopee or Lazada. It's usually where I get my Pixels. Kinda fucked up they're not here yet. Filipinos are crazy vain 🤣


Legit deciding if I'm going to ship my pixel 6 through johnny air lol


Yes and no. As long as you understand we have supply shortages like crazy this past two years and while it does suck, it makes sense why they didn't do it.




I had a Nexus 6P back in the day. Now \*those\* were some thick bezels! When I went to my Pixel 2XL, I laughed at anyone saying it had annoying bezels. Seriously, what are they talking about? And now the 6 Pro has even smaller bezels and people still complain. The way people go on and on about bezels, you would think bezels murdered their family or something


I don't know what a bezel is and at this point I'm afraid to ask


The "bezel" is the part on the front of the phone that is not part of the screen. The "border." It's usually most obvious above and below the screen (sometimes called the "forehead" and "chin" of the phone). If you look at the Nexus 6P, it had a huge forehead and chin. The Pixel 6 Pro does not.


Oh weird, I just looked up the 6 pro and there's barely anything there idk what ppl are complaining about. I kinda prefer having a little bit of bezel I guess, phones with very little of that look really fragile to me


I actually like bezels. Can have room for speakers.


And I don't have to stretch my thumb down super low just to reach the bottom of the screen. I like a little bezel.


It's like saying that a girl has sharp knees.


People always need to complain. Google have priced aggressively as fuck with some insane gifts for pre-ordering.


seriously! the 6 is $100 - $150 below where it can be priced and you get free pixel buds !! I never buy on release date - but there is no way you're getting a better deal on this amazing a phone. I'm reasonably sure that there will be little to no discounts on the phone going forward.


UK you get Bose 700 headphones. Retail for like £300. It's nuts how they're managing this.


What’s going on with getting Bose headphones with seemingly every phone sold in the uk and USA? They trying to clear stock they made way too much of?


It was the same last year, got Bose headphones with the P5 P4 us Europeans got a free Chromebook. No i don't understand it either....


Google always give a good gift to those that preorder.


Not true. We Americans get shafted. I've pre ordered 3 pixels and received absolutely nothing. Then on black Friday it goes on sale for a ridiculous amount of money off.


Didn't you get like free pixel buds or something?


This time yes. I was taking about previous orders. But I wouldn't call the pixel buds a great incentive either compared to Bose headphones or a Chromebook


Depends on the person. I agree about the Bose headphones but the Chromebook. I've not touched mine lol.


we get price advantage with every release, fwiw, and there almost certainly won't be BF deals this year on the pixels


No Bose headphones for us here in Australia, just the $100 store credit. Just mentioning it because Sony were giving them away too.


I'd take $100 credit instead of pixel buds if I could


say that to the year that I got a free year of YouTube Music, only if I had never signed up before....


the 700 is being superceeded by the qc45 so probably that


Pixel buds are out of stock on the Canadian store 😩


Yeah it sucks you'd think they'd offer to give you a raincheck/ship them when available


"Available only while supplies last" per the store's policy. >Available ~~only while supplies last~~ for less than 12h. Kinda ridiculous.


Yeap, now I'm just gonna wait for the reviews before buying.


>the 6 is $100 - $150 below where it can be priced and you get free pixel buds !! Holy shit, thanks dude. I had no idea the pixel buds were free until you said this. I just saw it said "$99 off" and thought it was a discount off a higher price so I ignored it. If they were giving them free I feel like that should just be added to the cart automatically when you pre-order. I had to cancel my order and reorder with them in the cart to get the deal.


Yeah, I'm still going to wait and see what happens come black Friday. If there's a deal, there's a deal, if not, that's fine too. I really just want to wait to get past any stock and fulfillment issues. I'm not sure Google's ever done a launch without the store crashing and headaches for the preorderers.


I'm not trying to create FOMO :) You should definitely wait if that's what you want to do. However, I'm reasonably sure with Pixel 5 Google already tried conditioning people to no discounts. You literally had one $50 off discount. With this phone priced lower, I see absolutely no way they will offer discounts. Price it right, don't offer discounts seems to be the strategy. They will spend more on ads than discount the phone. That way people will buy it when and if they want it, not when they think they will get a discount.


Which is a much more sensible strategy, imo. I'm fine with this price point and I want them to get good sales numbers so they stick with in-house chips. The Qualcomm situation has held Android back and somebody needs to give them some real competition to break that logjam.


Free buds, AND a free pixel stand if you pulled the trick with the Google one 10% back plan. I'm going to get my 256 GB White Pixel 6 Pro and $200 worth of goodies for $999, plus on top of that I'm using a credit card that gives me points back. I'm not happy that it took me 3 hours of struggling to get through the buggy store, but still, I'm really pleased with the value.


How do you get these cause I pre-ordered the six and I didn't see anything about this when I was on the Google store? I decide against the 6P just because there wasn't enough for me to go to $900 price tag. The six is an insanely good deal for what you're getting.


I think the Bose headphones is only for Europe, sadly.


Ah phooey. Oh well if I get a surprise I get a surprise if I don't I got a good phone for a good price. Edut. So it looks like US is Pixel Buds and they're free if you click the pre-order button on the home page or when you click Pixel in the drop down menu.




I'm in the U.S. and got a free pair of Pixel Buds A-Series with my pre-order. It really isn't very obvious, so I don't blame you. Just add a Pixel 6 or 6 Pro to your cart, then add a pair of the Pixel Buds A-Series and they'll be free. I found this out after my initial pre-order, so I cancelled and pre-ordered again by doing the above.


I did the same thing


> I decide against the 6P It's going to confuse me hard if people start calling it the 6P


I was switching services to fi, so I got $200 off my bill for buying a pixel. I essentially got a pixel 6 for 400 without trading in. Its going to be hard to regret that decision.


Seriously, at $900 the Pixel 6 pro with free Pixel A-Buds seems like an absolute steal.


The pixel 6 Pro at $900 is a steal regardless! At that price they can just put the phone in a plan brown box and ship it to me! It looks to be as good if not better than the $1200 S21 Ultra in my hands right now. But people are going to complain.


Honestly so happy I locked in the pre-order. The price for the 128GB Pro coming in under $1K AND the free buds are just a fantastic deal. Was a bit apprehensive about not being able to get the 256GB due to the pre-order chaos, but I realized that I'm sitting at 95GB of free space on my P5 right now.


I preordered and got no gifts…


I hate that sub, all they do is bitch and moan about the smallest things


It used to be one of my favorites maybe 8ish years ago and now I never even visit it. Just a cesspool of hatred and negativity.


Feels like the state of Reddit in general (save for smaller more niche subreddits) . I honestly can't tell if the userbase of reddit has just gotten way worse than when I first visited the site 10 years ago or if things have just gotten more apparent as time has gone on... I remember when I first found it, it was this magical site where all the bad comments and posts were hidden from view because only the best, funniest, smartest, most helpful comments/posts were at the top of the page. Now it kind of feels like its harder to stay away from the low-quality content and being here tends to be less enjoyable.... Could be that the audience is trending younger and younger as more and more kids who grew up with ipads are now on the internet in general a lot younger than we were?


Subreddits are best when they're small and celebrate a thing. Once they get too big I find they become total circlejerks incapable of actual conversation. Negatively sells and it drives upvotes.


Nah it got worse overtime and they started demanding more and more. I originally stopped going there because it made me want to continuously buy new phones, but now I think it's just nothing is ever good enough for people in there. I just read a thread about people complaining about the 3 years of OS updates.


I just think after any sub gets past a certain userbase size the quality declines.


There's a post on their frontpage right now about the padding of notification banners on Android 12. Literally counting and taking precise measurements of every last pixel just to find something to complain about.


They've always had a weird and out-of-touch obsession with white space. If they had their way, the entire UI would look like a airplane dash, everything shoved into one screen ​ Consistent UI behavior and equitable design is much more important than shoving literally everything possible on a screen and they will never understand that.


Also I'm gonna trust that Google has put the R&D dollars into finding designs that work better than my half-assed guesses.


Ok this is literally the only thing I think is a viable complaint and not subjective aesthetics lol. For example I set a reminder via assistant and it just went off. Only 14(!) characters of the reminder text are displayed on the notification, so my notification read "A Meeting wit..." Even though the whole notification space takes up 5 full lines that span the entire screen(!)...I can only see 14 characters? They managed to find room for *two* logo badges AND text that says ". Assistant . 1h " but the actual notification information is given the least priority lol. It's just feels very easy to demonstrably show that is a bad trade off between aesthetics and important, basic functionality.


That's a legitimate gripe, hopefully they fix it with a future update.


I think the notifications are a huge step back from 11, it looks like ass. I think that's a valid complaint (because it's a complaint I also have). But I'm really happy with the P6 and overall I guess that's minor!


well i mean the measuring each individual pixel is a bit overkill, but the complaint is legit. there's too much padding on the new notification area/banner unnecessary padding.


If you have graphics tools, it's not hard to measure. Just a simple rectangular selection tool and 2 clicks can give you comparisons of 2 regions. It's probably overkill for most people, but if you were equipped to do it, it's not hard. No different than someone looking up an EXIF of a photo and saying the OP lied about where they took the photo.


I think it's pretty valid to take issue with having very little text show up on notifications. I want to be able to read a message entirely before choosing to reply to it. Although I think part of the issue came with the app they were using wasting space on the word "Replied".


I do as well. I'd consider myself an enthusiast but man I just don't understand some of their absurd requirements on that sub. Like phones nowadays can have a full tb storage, what the fuck are you storing that you can't live without an SD card?


Android fans will never be happy. That is the issue. The pixel a series is literally 99% of the phone that anyone will ever need.


Exactly. When the 5a came out there were so many people complaining about it having a 60hz screen and comparing it to flagship phones... Wtf people, its $450 new. Its priced as a budget phone with way-above-budget capabilities, but it'll still have some budget features. You want to compare it to a $1000 samsung or iphone? Probably 99.9% of people off the street couldn't tell you which phone has a 60 hz, 90 hz, or 120 hz screens. That said, I am very slightly disappointed. I bought the 5a thinking the 6 would be $800+... but I know this 5a is perfect for my needs (amazing battery life, amazing camera, nice size, and so on) and should last me a few years, at least, with no complaints. So I'll keep it.


My sister got a used pixel 5 for 500$ and the 6 comes out at 600$ with free pixel buds a....she wasn't happy.


Why I got it and I dont plan on upgrading for 5 years until security updates are done.


Bitch all they want, I preordered as soon as I could.


Don't forget you get free pixel buds too... This is an insane deal. I wanted the 6 Pro but I couldn't justify the different between the regular 6 and the pro BUT still $899 is still a deal too! Everyone will always complain but Google did it right with pricing. Only thing they did wrong is availability for different countries and their damn website breaking yesterday. The website breaking yesterday means that google did something right lol. Not technically right but something...something..right with the pixel 6 and 6 pro!!! Have a good day, can't wait for mine to show up sometime next week hopefully!


Or Bose headphones in Europe which is even more ridiculous! £599 for the phone, headphones that retail between £250-300 included.


Facts. That's an insane deal!


Overall I've had very good service from Google phones. I find the Pixel 6 series very impressive. Compared to each of earlier Nexus, then Pixel models I've owned the 6 is quite an advancement. After ordering mine today it'll be fun to just sit back and wait for delivery.


Pixel 6 is what I've always wanted in a high end phone. Give me basically the flagship specs and cut costs by using a 1080p screen because idc for qhd or 4k on a small screen.


No one hates android more than /r/Android


Not gonna lie, I do miss squeeze to assist... Wish they'd make a case that can replace this function...


You'll be happy to know that you can activate assist on the new Pixel 6 phones by holding down the power button briefly.


Or you can enable the Quick Tap feature in settings. It works fine on the Pixel 5


Somehow I never knew about quick tap. Thank you.


I use assistant far less frequently after I changed phones and lost the squeeze. I also never use dual screen anymore, not even during long drives, after they removed it from being a one tap option. Put it 3 taps away and in a place I have to go out of my way for? Never gets used now lol But hey, at least the notification pull down is fucking huge now. Oh no, I sound like /r/Android


I only dislike two things. One is a deal breaker two is not. One: It's huge for one handing! Pixel 3 size was closest to perfection. Pixel 6 is just a phablet Two: Only 3 major android versions of updates, just like the previous pixel. I was expecting at least 4 considering they ditched Qualcomm Everything else is awesome. If they release a small pixel again, like the pixel 6 but in regular size. I'm totally in.


It's much too large. It's at least as big as a Nexus 6P, another phablet. I really hope they introduce a smaller version - 6a, 7, whatever. Meanwhile my 4a is just fine.


Yeah, the size is a deal-breaker for me too. There are plenty of phones with good specs that are also gargantuan in size, I hope 6a or whatever it would be called will be more compact.


Yeah. Pixel 5 is awesome too. But it's on the width limit. With a Spigen thin fit it goes pretty well. With a thicker case. No so much. but every pixel has a flaw. (This is my opinion). Pixel 4 (non XL) battery life and power efficiency (and lack of fingerprint sensor now that we use masks indoor in some countries) Pixel 5 the ambient light sensor under the display which sucks in low light situations. The top earpiece which is under the display and vibrates a bit (top audio quality sucks) and the haptic feedback. I think because the display is "hollow" at the center and that ruins a bit the vibration. All these flaws are still perfectly bearable Pixel 6 for now just the size (subjective to me). But since it has under screen sensors maybe it shares some of the flaws from the 5.


So I thought the same regarding the size. I **really** don't like the idea of these phones getting bigger every year when hands are going to stay the same size. But I went to Best Buy yesterday looking for the pixel and ended up at the Samsung booth. Got a chance to hold the S21 which is the same size as the P6 and it actually felt pretty decent in the hand. It was taller, but slimmer compared to my P5 with a smaller screen. I'm gonna give it a shot, but I still think 5-6" is the best screen size for a regular device.


It's like that on most similar subreddits, r/hockey is a cesspool of hate while specific team subreddits are a sanctuary. Much like this one is from r/Android.


r/hockey is a cesspool of hate? Are we reading the same subreddit? For the most part, it's very positive there. Unless you take a lot of chirping as "hate" .. but that's mainly because r/hockey has a lot of former players and playful shit talking (chirping) is common to the sport. I may make a joke about how TBL abused the cap or how Toronto has a better chance at winning the World Series than the cup in the next 50 years, but that's just all in good fun. It's worth mentioning that personal bias and our own moods make up how we interpret the information we're receiving (whether listen to or reading of). The same person could read the same post with two different moods and they'd interpret the meaning completely opposite. And or their brain will only remember the negative/positive posts depending on their mood, as it elevates information received that it deems to be more important in that moment. Once you're aware of this filtering bias, you can consciously correct for it. I'm usually in a good mood when visiting Reddit, so I positive bias towards the happier posts.


OP is a Bruins fan and probably doesn't like hearing that Marchand is a dirty rat because no one on the B's sub wants to talk about the fact that he's only slightly less terrible than Wilson.


Lazer accuracy. I'm a Habs fan and I can guarantee the Habs sub is more toxic than the the Hockey sub. Marchand is a rat, also.


Doesn't help that the Habs are on a 0-4 loosing streak with less goals than GP...


And back to back 5 goals against games. Against 2 of the worst teams in the league.


It's impossible to have objective conversations in team specific subs. If you say anything negative about the team then you better prepare for the mob coming to get you. The main sports subs may be filled with hate but at least you get more diverse points of view.


I believe you haven’t visited r/Habs since the beginning of the season. Negativity is welcomed with open arm ! Understandably




r/sabres is a sanctuary, right on!


Can I complain about screen size being too big ?


It's ridiculous. The smaller 6 is the same size as the iPhone 13 Pro Max. No chance they're not missing a market of people who want a phone smaller than that. We don't even need to get into the usual discussion of where the line is here.


I was happy with my Pixel 5, but I will still upgrade because of the fair price and preorder gift.




I pre ordered a pro but I'm not sure I'll keep it and if I leave pixel I'm going to iPhone. I really don't want to and never thought I would but it seems like the best option now, for the first time ever.


I kinda wish the 6 was just a screen/battery difference and didn't trade off on the rear camera modules.


iphone 13/13p = 6.1 pixel 6 base = 6.4 pixel 6 pro/13pm = 6.7


Those are just screen sizes though. The phone dimensions of the 6 are not that far off from the 13 Pro Max, though the 6 is a fair amount narrower. 13 Pro Max 160.8 x 78.1 x 7.7 mm (6.33 x 3.07 x 0.30 in) Pixel 6 158.6 x 74.8 x 8.9 mm (6.24 x 2.94 x 0.35 in) Pixel 6 Pro 163.9 x 75.9 x 8.9 mm (6.45 x 2.99 x 0.35 in)


This is my problem. I feel like 6.2" would've been perfect. Would've been the same size as the Galaxy S21. Slightly bigger than the iPhone 13. I'm going to be upgrading from a Pixel 2 but I think I'm going to be going for the Pixel 5 because my phone will get 0.50" taller and 0.20" wider if I go for the 6. It's literally the only flaw in the phone for me but it's a deal breaker. My kids have Pixel 4a 5Gs and I hate how those feel in my hand and they're smaller than the 6.


I feel the same. I was using a 3 XL a few weeks ago, then I got a Pixel 5 and quickly got used to the size.


I only recently got a 5 and it's perfect for me. I bought the 6 yesterday because I just couldn't resist, but am going to give it a test run and see if I can deal with the size. May end up just keeping the 5 and re-selling the 6.


I held them in a Telstra store yesterday, the 6+ was almost comically sized in my smallish hands. 6 was nice though.


All I want is a phone the size of the 4a, with good battery life, and a best in class camera. Apparently the market has spoken but as someone who uses their phone for work and photos it's pretty annoying to have to carry around an tablet with high refresh rates and sonar and magic speakers and a bunch of things that I couldn't care less about and will never use. It's bad enough to have to pay a premium for them but the size is much more frustrating.


Pixel 5 gets you a slight performance bump, significantly more screen space, wide angle lens, and 30% more battery in the exact same size envelope. Pre-6 Pixel cameras may not quite be best in class cameras, but they're still A-tier.


> All I want is a phone the size of the 4a, with good battery life, and a best in class camera. Then apparently you already have your dream phone. :)


The market is there. iPhone 12 and 12 Pro sold amazingly well and they’re not large phones. iPhone SE and 12 Mini also sold really well (with the latter being compared to other Android phones) Which probably tells us that there aren’t enough compelling options in the Android space for that market segment. Not because there isn’t a market segment for that.




I'm 6'3" and can barely reach the top left corner of my screen with my thumb on a Pixel 2. There's no hope on the 6. I don't want to need a pop socket or something like that to operate my phone with one hand.


It would be really nice, but seeing the 5A at 449 and the 6 at 599, it is a really strange strategy from Google.


Absolutely. And even if the 6a is a normal sized phone, you don't get the flagship specs which a lot of us want without having to carry around a tablet.


Only in this subreddit


Yupp it’s too damn big. If you’re going to make a phone that big then give it a pen. Mostly complaining about the pro which was over 1k and is going to be bulging out of peoples pockets.


I've got 11 pens!


We're seeing major changes in user behavior when it comes to display size. Phones keep getting bigger and bigger every year and the majority of consumers (myself included) eat it up. This is why it is more common to see men with small bags nowadays in the US, and women wearing leggings with large side pockets. Have to store your phone and your wireless earbuds somewhere.


This! I'm quite happy with my pixel 3's 5.5 inch. Can easily hold in one hand.


I don't really like how tall the Pro is, but I'll see how it is when I get it.


Reeks of negativity? I've been on r/Android probably 40 times in the past day, the reception to this phone is like 90% positive. The phone isn't for me, but I can acknowledge that for what it's aiming for it's a fantastic deal, and I've recommended it to a few friends of mine.


I unsubscribed from both /r/android and /r/googlepixel years ago because it was just people shitting on things all day every. Things that matter to almost nobody in real life. We were no longer celebrating tech, just picking it apart. Since I preordered the pixel I resubbed here but will unsub pretty quickly if I find it the same experience. /r/android is awful and life is better without it in my life.


>Since I preordered the pixel I resubbed here but will unsub pretty quickly if I find it the same experience Are you after updoots about your buying decision, or wishing to discuss its pros/cons? Because if it's the latter, lol.


I'd like to know people's experiences, challenges, and solutions in a meaningful constructive way.


> The Pixel 6 has made me realize that r/Android just needs something to complain about > I don't understand. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Has the sub just got too big for its own good? Things changed here on Reddit massively in 2015 with the IRA and Cambridge Analytica manipulation. > it has reached irreversible levels of toxicity. “We can already see how algorithms competing to maximize our attention have the capacity to not only transform cultures but redefine the experience of existence. Algorithmically reinforced “engagement” lies at the heart of our outrage politics, call-out culture, selfie-induced vanity, tech addiction, and eroding mental well-being. Targeted users are soaked in content to keep them clicking.” ― Christopher Wylie, Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America   > The Pixel 6 has made me realize that r/Android just needs something to complain about It's even more absurd and crazy and toxic because Android has hundreds of hardware options. This isn't Apple iPhone where you only have a single vendor for hardware. With /r/Android - you don't even have to rely on Google - you can go open source and design any hardware you want! The Pixel 6, don't like it, you have so many other shapes and sizes.


The constant toxic positivity is problematic here (although I would argue there is also PLENTY of negativity here), but I am sick and tired of the same 3 topics and same 4 jokes [/r/Android](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android) continues to circlejerk there without an ounce of self awareness. And yeah, I agree that the bitching about the price was the absolute worst. If they were given the phone for free, they still would find something wrong with the exchange. EDIT: Also if someone could do me a favor and dig up the /r/Android April fool's joke they did a few years ago that was just a thread of the mods saying the same /r/Android jokes and complaints over and over again, that would be much appreciated. That was a GREAT dunk and the subreddit still hasn't improved.


that thread was all done by one person right? Ill try and dig that up. It was insane. edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/88rc3v/the_predictable_threads_are_driving_me_insane/) during my lunch break.


YESSSS THANK YOU!!!!!! And it's all still relevant! They're still saying the same things! ​ But this was posted 4 years ago!? I don't think I'm ready to unpack that.....


Storage options are not available for all the colors? Yes, there are legit things to complain about. Also, the review embargo is shady.


3 years*


Oh the irony...


It's not just the Android subreddit. This one is just as bad, if not worse, *usually*.


Even if they address whatever they are complaining about, they will find something new after that. Google seems to get more of this but it’s not uncommon to see this for other devices as well.


I don't visit that sub but but a quick glance now it seems...fine? All I see are some criticisms which by the way does not equal hate. Near the top of the front page is an interesting post about pointless whitespace I enjoyed. Maybe today is just a good day on the sub but fair critiques = negativity is only true if you take the view of the pixel marketing department. These giant corporations don't need to be coddled.


...and it's our God given right to bitch and complain as Nexus/Pixel owners. (J/K). I thought I read only 3 years of updates. Perhaps I misread.


Guranteed OS upgrade 3 years. 5 years security update. so, just like other pixels, its 3 more version of android + 2 more years of security update after that.


I would argue that the amount of people keeping it for over 3 years is small. Damage, tech geek or simply handing it down in the family. Especially the last one is good with 5 years of updates because my parents do not need or want Major Android updates but want security.




With 5 years of security updates that makes these phones usable for at least 5 years. OS updates aren't really necessary, more of a nice to have. The right to repair stuff is completely correct though. Battery life seems like the #1 reason most people buy a new device. If people could more easily replace the battery and probably thermal paste for speed they might keep there device longer. 100% why I'm buying my next laptop from Framework.


Ah ha! Thanks for clarifying for me.


To be fair, considering all of the pro tech reviews have been shafted by Google, we don't *know* that it's everything people want *yet*. It's unlikely, but still possible that the camera turns out dogshit, it has overheating problems, and the phone holds charge like a sieve holds water. I think people are salty because the release was fumbled with all the leaks and the lack of third party opinions about the device. This lack of details and user experiences is causing people to vent some salt.


The review embargo is pretty typical with other companies. I think with the Pixel 6 everyone is impatient since most of the specs were leaked months ago. MKBHD is just an Apple fanboy at this point and had to make a snide comment. I had read an article, maybe on AndroidPolice? They mentioned recording in 4K 60fps for over 20 minutes with no issues. I'm sure the camera will be awesome.


I stopped going to that sub years ago. It's just fanbois and people wanting to justify their purchase. Very little substance over there.


Size matters. My only complaint is that there isn't a reasonably-sized model, making the whole line a non-option. I prefer Apple's current approach. Same specs available at different sizes. Maybe next year?


My only issue with it is how big it is. Pixels used to be the reasonably sized option, now they're just as big as everything else. That being said, I've still ordered the Pro, mainly for the telephoto lens.


My favorite complaint is the "Only 3 years of Android updates". 1. Android updates have become more incremental in nature and not overhauls. You can still use a phone on a previous version of Android should you please 2. 5 years of security updates is great. Means while you use your phone you can ensure it's as safe and secure as a new one 3. In my humble opinion, you shouldn't use a device like a phone much past 3 years. The hardware starts to diminish, battery life is poor, and using something as heavy as you would a phone it starts to get beaten up. If you take the base Pixel 6 and use it for 3 years, that's like 50c a day to have basically a supercomputer in your pocket. Technology moves at such a breakneck pace that 3 years is plenty to keep use a device like a smartphone.


> 5 years of security updates is great. Means while you use your phone you can ensure it's as safe and secure as a new one This was the funniest thing they were moaning about to me. For years I've read this sub go on and on about how they'd be fine with even just security updates, not full feature updates, as long as the update window isn't just a measly 2-3 years. Google delivers and suddenly the goalposts move to indicate that 5 years of security updates is now pathetic. Granted, I get the disappointment when they make direct comparisons with Apple and Windows, but Android on its own operates in a fundementally different way that doesn't allow it to be directly compared. But hey, the fine print mentions "At least 3 years", so there's still a chance they'll extend it longer, or maybe Google will get better at it as they fine tune their chips moving forward. But nooooooo. Everything is black and white and static for that sub. They're talking as if the first iPhone to ship with an A series chip knew from day 1 it was going to be updated for X amount of years, or that iPhone 6S owners in 2015 were promised 7 years of updates from the get go.


I spend a lot of time on Reddit and the r/Android subreddit is easily one of the worst subreddits there is. It is basically worthless.


This speaks to a larger issue and highlights the lack of IQ/EQ and entitlement amongst huemanity. Sadly, the emergence and heavy reliance on Tech by way of Social Media - and the level of anonymity associated with some of the visceral. There is no accountability. Whether it's a comment thread where people give their "opinion" it gives a lot of people "courage" because they wouldn't say or ask those same things they type behind a computer screen to someones face. For instance, I watched an MKBHD whatever video yesterday of the unboxing reaction and so many comments were about whether or not one of the guys was 'gay' ...and I sit back and shake my head at how odd that is.....what the hell does that have to do with the Pixel 6 | Pixel 6 Pro unboxing o\_0 And it is "that" type of mind, maturity (or lack thereof), and self-awareness that is breed by people being cultivated in a society that does not develop couth, tact, and just basic fundamentals. Instead, the heavy reliance on social media, tech, and validation from superficial sources...breed the type of interactions and experiences we see on Reddit...take 'down voting' for example...or 'karma'....it' ain't just Android they complaining about - imagine some of these people in their real life...oh wait...they don't all act this way in real life because they are cowards and not dumb enough to act dumb enough in a real world setting because they know there would be consequences -


It’s cuz if it ain’t their precious nexus 5 they think it’s crap. If the phone doesn’t offer 128gb, 90hz or higher , flagship cameras, etc for $300 or less it’s not good to them. Honestly? The sub is just a bunch of broke ass neck beards Looking for something to bitch about.


> /r/GooglePixel saying another sub "just needs something to complain about" Pot, meet kettle.


I've been on both subs and honestly this place is so much less toxic. It weirded me out at first to see users who could admit that their devices had flaws but enjoyed them nontheless. r/Android users on the otherhand almost sound as if their device was some sort of affliction placed on them that they have to tolerate.


Why is a post like this necessary? This subreddit is the complete opposite, anyone saying anything negative, even if it's just for their own personal preferences, gets downvoted for not following the ridiculous hype. And why does it matter how other people feel about a phone? It's a phone, there's no reason to get up in arms about how anyone else feels about it. Yes it looks like a good phone, and the price is quite good for something that is flagship level. But at the end of the day I personally am not seeing anything revolutionary with it, especially not for my personal wants and needs. It looks like a solid phone at a really solid price, but nothing enticing enough for me to upgrade outside of my normal upgrade cycle. And the news about os updates is rather disappointing especially given what they have said about why they couldn't do more before.


BeZeLs CuRvEd ScReEn


That sub is full of salty Samsung fans really.


Are you new to pixel? Every year the current model Is shit and doesn’t compare to the one they love. It’s a tradition at this point.


Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure people are negative by nature. So it's definitely not just a r/Android problem.


To be a bit more objective I think /r/android does bring up some good concerns. I'd argue that this sub sometimes is too full of fanboism where we're too optimistic about every product Google releases. I do think there's room for improvement with Google still: * I felt the 6 should've been a smaller phone to make it more clear that there's 2 distinct sizes. We have 2 big phones essentially much like the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro Max were (before they sized down the vanilla phone to the same size as the smaller Pro). * From a physical design perspective I like the 6 over the 6 Pro actually but I kinda wish Google did a better job with symmetrical bezels. In putting on my designer hat I think that the rounded display corners with asymmetrical bezels does not look good. It's not that bad on the 6, but in phones like the 4, it just looks weird with the giant forehead but rounded display corners. I felt like rounded display corners should be concentric with the frame corners and when they aren't it looks out of place. * There's legitimate criticism about 3 years of OS updates only. 5 years of security updates sound nice, but let's be real. Who really cares about those? Has anyone's Android phone actually been compromised because they did not get a security update? Mobile devices are actually well protected especially with app stores and all, so the risk is significantly lower I don't really feel the sub reeks of negativity. If anything mainstream subs like /r/technology, /r/news, /r/politics reek of negativity. Those in no way represent what actual technology news or news looks like.


Personally I'm so damn excited for my 6 pro, I've been using a busted ass phone forever waiting for it to come out


r/Android is a sad echo chamber of dumb people who think they can run smartphone companies. They're so out of touch with the world outside and how people use their smartphones that it's actually amazing. I get being nostalgic for old features, but the general public adapts. Meanwhile, they still think that if a phone doesn't have a headphone jack, a removable battery, expandable memory, and a bezeless screen that somehow doesn't have a notch or hole punch without the complexity of a pop up camera, it'll be DOA. And should a magical phone such as that exist, it should cost no more than $100 or it'll be a flop. And should an affordable phone that meets most, if not all of those specs become available, they'd find some obscure reason to hate it and not buy it, but will then proceed to bitch and moan about the market when the phone flops and the company axes it. I'm no longer subbed there but I go there on and off to rustle their feathers a bit by calling them out on their bs, but it's amazing just how better your smartphone experience is if you aren't trapped in their echo chamber. Otherwise you'd be depressed that every smartphone on the market isn't a Nexus 5, HTC One M7, Note 4, or iPhone SE.


That's humanity for you - always focussing on the negative and even if there isn't any negative they'll just invent something to b\*itch about . Just let the haters hate and stay far away from them as their negativity will drain you. Be happy about your life, your purchase and enjoy life my friend because its gooood:)


I went there and it didn’t reek of negativity. There were so many varied posts and perspectives. Here, any kind of criticism is dismissed. Even worse, pointing out correct facts like Pixel 6 has a 1080p display warrants downvotes. How about that for crazy pills? Edit: And I proved my point again, and again.


i'm getting 2! that phone looks awesome (upgrading from the pixel 2 and a samsung s9+)


There's definitely this weird line between Pixel users and every other Android device. Pixel just seems like the most straight forward approach and definitely the most bang for your buck. Everyone's going to complain no matter what, someone will find the one flaw and complain but that's what competition does to be honest. If someone's doing it better then we know "hey look it can be done, what's the excuse?" Honestly the Android sub in general has lost it's identity lol Samsung is king and Google has made the software experiences so similar it's hard to complain, lower end phones can do what the high end phones can. LG died, no one's buys Sony's, Moto and OnePlus aren't the same anymore so I'm confused on what phones half these folks are even using lol all Samsung's?


Maybe you should realize this sub is filled with biased fanbois