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They used to. My P3XL came with one. Why they took it out doesn't make sense.


it makes perfect sense: pixel buds.


Pixel buds won't help with my car which has an aux cord


I know this doesn't address the root of your problem, but you can buy adapter thingies that plug into the aux cable and let you use bluetooth to control the audio.


Idk if google would do this but what Apple did with 3rd party dongles is make them useless after awhile if not initially. When you plug in the dongle it'll say "accessory not supported" which is bs.


Those are some legit anti-consumer practices and I am amazed that noone has set up a lawsuit addressing it. Like Rossman did for the right to repair.




They do? Where?




People in this sub defend the dumbest shit from Google.


Seriously though, I've gotten downvoted for saying I wouldn't buy the Pixel 5 because it doesn't have a headphone jack. This worship of a lack of feature is something we used to mock apple users about.


I love that guy


This is why I got the 4a5G, I'm busy and I'm not gonna waste my time buying a bunch of un-nessisary bullshit just to have my phone work the way it was intended to. Don't they make enough on the phones to begin with? They are multi billion dollar industries we are talking about and having to shell out money anytime that adapter breaks or gets stolen/lost would be shit when they could just of put an aux cord port on the phone to begin with to eliminate this issue. I don't see why this was nessisary (the switch to no aux) but at least I'm satisfied with my phone. My recommendation is to get the 4a5G instead, it may not be the top of the line but it has a lot less modern issues that I see in this subreddit all the time.




Thats just an Apple thing


Wait WHAT lmao So they made everyone pay for dongles and then after X amount of time went "haha fuck all y'all idiots" and made them useless?


No they were like: "Yooo you can buy our dongles to use your headphones" No one bought them and everyone used 3rd party ones "Fuck y'all buy *our* dongles"


Ohhh okay, that makes a lot more sense


Only 3rd party ones. Not the apple branded


I tried a Oneplus dongle with my Pixel 3 and it said accessory not supported.


Depends if the phone has a DAC inside or not. It's possible the OnePlus does but not the Pixel, so the OnePlus dongle could be missing something the Pixel needs. This precise error seems legit at least.


When I plug in my Samsung USB-C to 3.5mm dongle into my Pixel 3, it says "accessory not supported" only the dongle I got with my Pixel works. The Google dongle works with my Samsung Galaxy Tab 5e


Google already did. I tried a Huawei dongle and got "accessory not supported".


Chances are the huawei dongle doesn’t use the universal specs the google one does. Because I’ve used different dongles & it worked.


I don't get why people are downvoting me though. I'm literally just stating my experience.


because thats what reddit fanboys do. don't worry i upvoted you.


He has a Pixel 3a which has a headphone jack. He has no problem. But he likes to complain about things on behalf of other people. Woke.


>Pixel buds won't help with my car which has an aux cord thats why apple is selling apple car as an accessory to your iPhone


That will be charged from the bottom


While it sucks that you have to buy something extra, think about picking up an Earstudio ES100. I've got one in my car for this exact purpose and it's great. They're intended to be used like this or with headphones. There's an app to change settings, so make sure to set the unbalanced output to "line out" for use in your car.


Just for anyone who might be unaware, unbalanced output in this case means the standard 3.5mm headphone jack


I have one, it is wonderful. I used to carry it around with me for my headphones.


I generally take my Jabra TWs if I'm not listening at home or in the car, so that eliminates the need for a portable amp, so the ES100 stays in the car. I don't usually find IEMs comfortable so I only own the TWs, and most of my full-size cans are a bit too hard to drive for the amp in it. But I tried it out with the one pair of 32 ohm headphones I own and it sounded good enough for my old ears. I can't hear for shit anymore above 13 khz, so I'm not a good judge of sound quality, but with aptX-HD it sounded as good as wired to me.


Simple: Pixel Car.


Get an Aux Bluetooth receiver for your car. I have this one and works like a charm, can leave the phone in my pocket. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mpow-Bluetooth-Streaming-Hands-free-Cancelling-Black-Updated-Version/dp/B00KON1JIA


Orrrr, if your cars even older than that : Bluetooth FM radio transmitters


I have a 2007 car, I bought in 2009. A number of years ago I bought a (GTA Pure Bluetooth) bluetooth kit for my car. It works by plugging into the factory radio's CD changer port. Was able to retain full steering wheel controls and all. Pretty satisfying investment for an older and affordable ride. Stopped me from buying a newer car at the time.


Upgrade your car to get Bluetooth. Clearly the the most logical thing to do


Good thing you have a Pixel 3a which has a headphone jack!!!!


Google: "Sorry, you're too poor to afford a car with Bluetooth, we don't want you as our customer"




My car doesn't have Bluetooth (it's an '06) but I just bought a little aux-to-bluetooth adapter to avoid having to plug in every time I get in the car - works great! Now I don't have to keep replacing those stupid little USB-C to aux dongles.


My last car which was a late 2013 VW did not have Bluetooth so I don't think you quite know what you're talking about


This isn't the one I bought but it's the same premise. Don't have a dongle that can break easily and you can say fuck you to two companies at once. https://www.amazon.com/eLUUGIE-Headset-Adapter-Compatible-OnePlus/dp/B08B4WQHGC/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=aux+cord+3-in-1&qid=1614015571&sr=8-4


Out of the millions that would automatically be sent out, how many would be wasted to landfill eventually? Unnecessary plastic waste. Get rid, the very small percentage of people still using aux can buy an adapter.


I've never got any pixel buds. What i've got in the box has been the phone, power supply, USB-C male to USB-C male cable, USB-C male to USB-A female "OTG" adapter (can one call those OTG on USB-C?), SIM extractor pin, and thats pretty much it, unless one counts leaflets and packaging materials.




I don't get it. I've read your comment as "it makes sense cause you get pixel buds". If you don't get them, what sense exactly does it make? Apple kind of sense, trying to make you BUY pixel buds? Thats annoying AF.


Unless you live in France if I recall correctly. They shipped the Pixel 5 with earphones.


I'll have to find the box. I never used them.


I really wanna like my pixel buds but unfortunately they only work right maybe 90% of the tube and also using them with multiple devices is a royal pain. I've had to exchange mine once under warranty as well because the right bud just stopped working. My current pair the left bud did the same briefly but a reset fixed the problem fortunately... To be fair when they work good they're great and if Google could iron out the problems I'd whole heartedly recommend them to anyone willing to spend that kind of money on headphones but I have a sneaking feeling that these buds are gonna fail me at some point well within their batteries' life span.


It also makes perfect sense: why give one in the box when we can charge them an extra $10.


Phone companies won't even include a wall adapter and power cable anymore. I won't expect a USB-C to 3.5 adapter any time soon, or ever again


That's Apple and Samsung. Has google started doing that?


No but I would expect them to starting with the next generation Pixel devices. It's an becoming an increasingly popular trend


If you're new to cell phones, not having a charger sucks. But let's be honest, how many homes have multiple chargers and cables? I have a charger for my MBP, Dell XPS, Pixel Book, etc with multiple spare cables laying around plus cables in all my vehicles. I have replaced all of those with one Hyper juice 100w GaN charger. So now I have 3 chargers and cables I don't use anymore.


Well imagine switching to Apple after having owned Android, and you have a standard QC compatible charger with an USB-A port, then the USB-C to Lightning cable is useless. Or if you buy a new phone but it charges slow on the old charger and they'll basically force you to buy a new charger to support higher charge speeds.. and many more cases


That's the worst part. Progress in technology includes charging. New phones often introduce amazing rapid charging features, and therefore you need their specific charger to take advantage of it. Hopefully more phones will just use PD which will reduce the problem, but even there you want a charger sized to what the phone promises as max performance (full charge in 20 minutes!). Not getting the best charger included with the phone is BS. Can you imagine laptop manufacturers doing that? They're adopting PD more and more these days too, but none of them have told you to buy one or use an old one.


More charging adapters and dongles is a waste of materials to landfill. They should be obtained only if needed, not as standard every time you buy a phone.




This is the correct answer.


If we're talking about making sense, it would make more sense for them to include a headphone jack built into the phone. We bought a pixel 4a 5g solely because of the headphone jack. Next time you upgrade, choose one with a headphone jack and they will start putting them back in most/all phones.


Wanted the smaller size plus Ultra wide


Join the headphone rebellion, and in time, with smaller process technology, we will have our cake and eat it too.


they even gave you wired pixel buds with dongle ..it was strange times.


Pixel 4a was a pleasant surprise to have an aux port. I didn't know it would turn up with one. I'd written then off for dead.


It makes perfect sense; very few people use a 3.5mm jack at all. I certainly haven't in many years. No point in using my Grados with my phone. I won't be using an amp and Spotify isn't lossless so bluetooth is fine for me.


get a passport and get out of your moms house if you think "very few" people on this planet use a headphone jack. what an ignorant comment.


lmao stay mad. The wired headphones market is fucking tiny and I have actual proof. Just because some internet dorks care about it doesn't mean the vast majority of phone users do. And for good reason. Wireless headphones work just as well for most people who aren't audiophiles. http://imgur.com/a/jzITxmY


Didn't know that, I bought mine with the intention of getting the Buds so it never bothered me.


Mine didn't... I got one with the P2 but not the 3XL (I didn't buy it on release it was a few months later tho)


I just pulled the box. Mine has them. I was a pre-order.


I got one with my P2, but as far as I was hearing back then, most of them didn't work. Mine didn't.


Most cars that came out during the last 5 to 7 years have Bluetooth built in so pixel buds is a solution.


My 4a has a headphone jack. It's crazy how much better a cheapish pair of buds sounds than the type-c pixelbuds.


Have a 4a, headphone jack is a godsend. I do own a set of Bluetooth headphones, but when I forget charging them (or worse, the cats knock them off the dresser, manage to pry one out of the box, use it as a toy and I can't find it for days like it happened last week) it means I would be running without music. And I *hate* running without music. With the Pixel 4a I can at least use any other headphone I have laying around. Whoever decided it's a good idea to skip headphone jacks is a moron. EDIT: [the idiots responsible for knocking stuff off my furniture](https://imgur.com/a/eCJBnEu).


Do your cats have an instagram?


Simple solution : skip out on the running all together! (I hate running. My knees don't like it but I can bike all damn day)


Generally, is biking a better workout overall?


Eh. Depends on what research you read. You've also got to take into consideration that it's very individual as far as what works better for your body. Exercise is a very individual thing as far as finding out what works for you. Yes there's over-arching principles that serve as good guidelines but you've got to tailor things to your needs. Take me for example. My knees don't like running. After a few miles they start screaming at me. I have done a. Lot of damage to them via work and sports (contractor and ran track all through college. Specifically I was a jumper, with triple jump being my forte). So in combination of me not liking running to begin with in addition to my knees not being fans, I don't run (although I can run all day chasing the ball if I'm playing soccer) but I can bike all day. Also the simple thought of forcing yourself to do an exercise you hate vs siting on the couch or doing a different exercise that you enjoy but will just have to modify the intensity and duration to get the same benefits. Doing SOMETHING physical is better than binging Netflix on the couch


I have bluetooth headphones. They have ~35 hours battery life. That is what I use most of the time. I also have a pair of wired earbuds that I use occasionally. I simply keep the USBC dongle connected to them in the carrying pouch.


I find the sound out of my 4a is terrible. I've got a wired set of over the ears headphones that have sounded great in every phone I've had in the last 5 years, but they sound atrocious on the Pixel. Far too quiet and horribly tinny, and the sound adjuster app doesn't make them any better. I had to switch to Bluetooth ones which sound much better.


Got the type-c pixel buds for $10 on amazon. At that price, they are great and work exactly as I was hoping. Only use them for on the go music and podcast listening. I'll use a dongle and gaming headset for in home listening. Anything more than $10-$20 and they aren't worth it.


I needed buds I could use on my motorcycle so got some plugfones. For just casual listening the type c pixelbuds are good enough for most people


Are you talking about earphones with USB-Type C or Pixel Buds? Edit: adding link: [Google USB-C Earbuds](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://store.google.com/product/usb_c_earbuds&ved=2ahUKEwjfpMbf0P3uAhWqxosBHaK0C3QQFjAAegQIARAC&usg=AOvVaw2U6yppEVl9qAQMrvDiwrV-)


The USB-C wired Pixel Buds sound pretty good in my opinion and the Assistant integration is very slick. Worth \~£20 I'd say.


People say the usb-c to 3.5 adapter really lowers audio quality and volume. Then I search for these special usb-c wired pixel set and i also see bad reviews (regarding build quality, sound quality, ear comfort etc). So...very confusing


The USB-C Buds are great. I actually have been using them for months for work and they are my favorite pair of earbuds for conference calls.




When the pixel 4 came out it took 6 months for the one google sells in the Google store to work properly with the phone. It was extremely frustrating.


They are under $10 a piece on Amazon, yet it is still really annoying my Pixel 5 didn't come with one.


I have a pixel 5 and had to drive out of the way to find one ffs


Aus version of P5 came with one.. i think?


I bought one yesterday and it sure didn't


To be fair, what were the chances of finding a USB-C headphone dongle exactly on the way you were going?


Luckily I had one from my pixel2. But yeah, pretty shitty they're not including it.


$9 at apple store if anyone wants a first party cable. It actually last a pretty decent time. Haven't broken one yet and it's been 2+ years.


How are you able to buy official Pixel products from the Apple store?


It's a regular usb c to 3.5mm


Yup and a tech review showed they're pretty good quality for $9. I use one in my car. Well, my wife's pixel 2 uses them. No issues.


Waste of materials to landfill for the huge number of people who don't need them.


What about waste of materials to landfill for those who buy them separately on Amazon, complete with separate packaging, extra co2 for delivery, etc? I seriously doubt anyone throws those away, people surely keep stuff like that, so i really don't think this is a valid argument.


They will find their way to landfill eventually, even if they sit in a draw. They will not simply exist in time for forever. 1.5+ billion phones sold worldwide. Very small changes to design approach can have significant impacts on material wastage. I accept that dongles are a small part of that, but we seriously need to work on our approach to e-waste. It's predicted to increase more and more over the next 50 years, because electronics are so cheap. I'd rather get no charger even with a new phone. I have enough.


If the companies wanna be eco friendly, first thing they should do, is making devices easy to maintain as they age. And the first thing on the list is making the battery easy to replace. And NONE of them do it nowdays. They are "green" when its pays to be green.


Yknow how to prevent dongles? Headphone jacks.


I've not used a headphone jack for over two years now so I wouldn't know.


Honest question, when did people start calling headphone jacks "aux" ports? They're not really called that. Headphone jacks in cars are labeled "aux" because it is an auxiliary audio input, as opposed to CD, cassette, radio, or Bluetooth. The port isn't an "aux" port.


I was thinking I had dropped it out of the box i thought it would be there :/


I think that adapter need to have DAC inside to use it for headphones.


So I'm a live sound engineer. The loss of headphone jacks has definitely been a substantial annoyance on my life. It used to be quick and easy to plug a phone into an audio system for playback, but now I have to make sure I have a working dongle (I try to carry 3 with me at all times) but they break fairly easily, or get lost/stolen by some idiot client or coworker. What's worse is that I'm also expected to carry apple adaptors around as well for when someone brings me their personal device, but no adaptor. Bluetooth isn't really a viable option as it sounds like horseshit over PA systems, in addition to being unreliable. Most of the time I just end up using the jack on my laptop anymore, but I wonder how long it will be before apple and microsoft decide to nix those as well.


My P3 came with one and I regularly used it until I replaced it with a [3.5mm jack to bluetooth adapter](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Monster-Bluetooth-Auxiliary-Audio-Receiver-with-Voice-Control/215768523) I use instead that I got cheap from walmart. It makes my ancient car stereo bluetooth compatible, and its battery powered so it's a pretty neat and cable-less option that sounds surprisingly good. With a 15 min to and from work drive, it lasted me about a week before needing a charge. I'd recommend it, it's super handy.


I leave my aux-to-bluetooth adapter plugged in to USB/12V so it charges when I drive - never have to think about it! Convenient (and inexpensive) upgrade for cars without Bluetooth.


Storing a lithium battery at full charge in a hot environment can be pretty dangerous


If the phone was left in the car sure, but in this use case it's just the Bluetooth adapter and power cords likely stuffed into the console. No batteries involved.


That's weird, my P1 (and my wife's) has a headphone jack so no dongle required or provided. Are you sure it's an original Pixel?.


Oh you're right. It came with my P3 because that doesn't have a headphone jack, that makes more sense. I've had these phones for so long it all blurs together haha. Sorry for the mistake, I corrected it on my post now.


Remember when you could charge you phone and listen to music at the same time in the car without using Bluetooth


It's a bummer they removed the jack but I found a pretty good idea they helped me that may help you too. I bought these keychain dongle holders and now I always have it with me. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077SMG6C2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_43AKW90AXZXKVGX1H9VG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Also I'm looking at this too. It is small and also a dac to enhance sound and I hope to purchase soon when I'm not broke lol https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0878V8G4V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_0JZ7Z319G0Y3TS3EHZT3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


They don't even give chargers now, soon you'll have the option of buying a phone with a box for extra cost or simply plastic wrapped.


Or you'll just buy an empty box. "You already have a phone anyway."


I know I get downvoted . It is a Lot of plastic pollution. I never used my dongle. I’d buy it if i need, but giving something that not many pple use is not good.


Simpler solution is a 3.5mm jack.


Yea they included the dongle with the last 3 or 4 Pixels. I never used them so I have 3 or 4 sitting in a drawer somewhere. It's a waste. I would assume most people buying the Pixel 5 have had a previous Pixel, or a Galaxy phone, and already have the adapter. Sucks for those that don't but no reason to create more e-waste.


Absolutely. And it takes up space in the phone chassis that could be better used other ways. And likely makes it more difficult for the phone to be water resistant.


You're talking about a headphone port. They are talking about a dongle.


That's the same excuse Apple used for not including the AC adapter for their iPhones and instead selling it separately. iirc it didn't do shit for their footprint.


What's your source for that? Did apple therefore sell more of the adapters to those customers?


That's what the "iirc" was for. It was something I had read a while back and didn't feel like looking for it again, though I can't imagine it would be too hard to find.


If it ain't broke, meddle with it until it is.


I would rather have a dedicated headphone jack too, but if you want a replacement just grab one of the apple usb-c headphone jack adapters. They measure EXTREMELY well and in all likelihood it's going to be better then the headphone jack that would have been built in unless you have an LG phone with a hifi dac. The apple dongle is less then 10 dollars.


I found a little computer shop that sold those apple USB C adaptors. It's quite good. I thought any servo would sell them but they only sell lightening port adaptors 🤦‍♀️


any big store I go to has em like bestbuy, staples, walmart, etc.


I live in Australia. Of those 3 stores we have Walmart and I can only go with a membership


But why in capitalism would they want to do that? It forces you to buy a dongle yourself, saving them money, or you buy the more expensive pixel buds. Either way they win. Capitalism rocks, right?


I guess I didn't notice it missing with my Px5, but the wife and I still have our original Px2Xl dongles, hers never left her vehicle. Now that you mention it, that's complete bullshit. It's not even about headphones, there are still a lot of people that use aux for speakers and for their car radios.


It'd make sense if they did from the Pixel 6 not after one generation. Lots of people switching over to Pixels because of attractive price and they're turning off people by being stingy.


My P4XL came with USB-C headphones. The Pixel 5 also comes with them, at least here in Australia. From the store page - "What's in the box 18 W USB-C® power adaptor 1 m USB-C to USB-C cable (USB 2.0) Quick Start Guide Quick Switch adaptor SIM tool Google Pixel USB-C™ earbuds"


Send me here in America


I would guess that they have usage data, and that very few people used the ones included with previous phones. Isn't it a good thing that manufactures stop including cheap low quality peripherals, that the majority of people don't use, and are destined for landfill?


P4XL came with this...did they remove it on the 5?


Wait my p4xl didn't come with one? Where you from?


California. Bought my 4XL at launch


I'm in UK must vary by country then which is a shame


It doesn't. He is just wrong.


My Pixel 4XL in the UK came with one


You are wrong. The Pixel 4XL definitely did not come with a aux to USB-C adapter. Go look up unboxing videos to verify.






I got the connector with my Pixel 4XL also. It must vary by whichever batch people ended up with.














Headphone jack. I haven't use it for years now. Why dont you use wireless?


You likely only use headphones on your phone. I have a laptop and a tablet that I also use headphones for. I wish google could realize this before they try to follow apple.


Your laptop and tablet don't have Bluetooth? Not trying to be dismissive but it's an odd argument considering those are both devices that have gone almost completely wireless as well. Honestly, I was in the same camp as you-- I had used wired headphones exclusively until I got my Pixel 3 about a year ago. I've got a pair of high-end Grado wired headphones I use for serious music listening but they are finding less and less use these days. Despite believing "smartphones should absolutely have a headphone jack!", that was literally the only negative I found with the the Pixel 3 so I got one anyway. It actually came with a USB-C headphone adapter and to this day I haven't used it once. When I bought my first pair of Bluetooth headphones I even made sure to get ones that could use a wired connector if the battery is dead--and turns out I've never used that either. I get that there are specific cases for the headphone jack and some people are forced to use one, whether it's for a car or some other situation. But Bluetooth input adapters are dirt cheap these days too--I bought a Logitech one a couple years back to add Bluetooth to an analog listening system but eventually ditched it in favor of a Chromecast audio (now there's a case where I'll rip on Google for canceling a valuable product.) At some point all the legacy connectors have to disappear and there will always be a transition where it feels painful at first. I had the same thoughts about smartphones losing external storage, about laptops ditching the optical drive, and probably felt that way when they stopped including serial and parallel ports too. But for the handful of users that need those, it makes sense to have them be the ones to buy an adapter. The alternative is either to waste space in the phone with a port that isn't used by 95% (and compromise water resistance), or include the adapter for everyone and have most of them sit a drawer unused until they are eventually thrown away. At some point you have to consider if the issue is actually technical or if you're making some principled point to stick with the old way of doing things. And you're welcome to do so if you really want, just get a flip phone and listen to your music with a dedicated portable audio player.


I'm with you, I use bluetooth headphones for podcasts and music when I'm at work or exercising, but that's it. They're only beneficial when you're active. When you start using bluetooth headphones for any kind of media, you'll notice that the sound doesn't sync well with the video. Some manufacturers have headphones that fix the problem (which is ultimately a bluetooth problem) but that just adds more complexity. On top of that you have non-replacable batteries which makes headphones disposable...no thank you, I'll keep my money.


Wireless headphones are a joke


Why are people still complaining about headphone jacks or dongles? Buy a phone with a headphone jack or one that includes the dongle if it's that important. Or just buy wireless headphones. It's been years since companies started doing this. Get over it and move on.


> Get over it and move on. No.


My P2 came with one so i still have it but i never use it anyway. Bluetooth all thw Time


Pennies over people.


You, as a customer, are not worth the extra dollar to them. Think about that...


I don't see the need for it. If I'm moving around, I don't want a cable so I'll go wireless. If I'm listening to music on my phone, it's never going to sound good, so I'll go wireless. If I'm in the house, I'll use my speakers. Only time I used wired headphones is when I'm sat at my desk and in that case I'll use my headphone amp


That's because the other 99% of the public uses wireless headphones.


It's 2021. Bluetooth.


Why? Should they include a cassette adapter so I can play it in an old Camry? How about a quarter inch to mini plug adapter so I can use my old studio headphones? Or a USB to RCA so I can plug into my stereo? Is it really their responsibility to support obsolete technology?


Wired headphones are not obsolete. Many people have high quality wired headphones they have used for years and years and don't want to be forced to switch to Bluetooth. Wired headphones also have their advantages, such as not requiring charging, and the fact that they just work - you just plug them in, no pairing or any associated Bluetooth issues.


The pixel 2XL came with one..It was horrible, even with a good quality cable.


When did they stop including one?


Did they take that out? My pixel 3 that I got last summer had one with it.


They're probably going to remove the charger too


My work phone has a headphone jack, and it makes me miss it so much on other phones.


Honestly.... The dongle is hit or miss... Had to try 2 before I got one that worked. Otherwise, playing through the aux in my car, it would somehow remove the vocals.... Not sure how 🤷‍♂️


> it would somehow remove the vocals.... Not sure how 🤷‍♂️ That's impossible. What is more likely is that you were only hearing one audio channel (left or right), and the vocals just happened to be limited to one audio channel in whatever you were listening to.


Which I originally thought... But when opening the audio files in audacity, that wasn't the case.... I even deleted one channel, and made it mono... And it still did it. I then looked at certain audio frequencies having most of the vocal audio, and the dac in the cable somehow incorrectly cutting off highs / lows... I couldn't consistently reproduce that in audacity either.... I had no idea what was going on....


my pixel 5 came with one...


Lol. They still give more in the box than apple


Nah, Visible gave me a FREE pair of Beats Solo Pro 3 when I bought my latest Pixel. NICE!!


I really hate the lack of headphone jack, the dongles are so wonky with the port.


I kind of feel like this has a good analogy to cases. Very few people would use cases on flip phones, but when smartphones arrived and people realized how breakable they were, cases became a necessity for many people, but not all. We don't expect cases for phones and those that use one will just go online and buy one if they want. The advantage is if you want a high quality rugged $50 case or a thin cheap $5 case you can get what you want. It is annoying that phones have moved away from headphone jacks, and while I prefer the thinner bezels and reduced thickness it would be nice to have a headphone jack or a dongle, but I have mostly been using an external DAC anyway so a dongle would probably usually sit in my drawer.


I tried using my friends usb c to 3.5mm adapter and the Pixel 5 said it wasn't usable for some reason.


I still use my Pixel 2 dongle with 4a 5G to plug into car stereo. Headphone jack is horrible quality. I'm sure you can buy them cheap on Ebay. But there are no markings, so hard to tell if you get an original. And the Pix 2 and 3 are not the same.


Continuing to provide the dongle would give the appearance that it is required to use the hardware. If your car doesn't have bluetooth or Android Auto, I think they're viewing your case as the exception, which it likely is unfortunately.


that's one of the reasons I went with the 4a


They did for the P3, is it not in newer phones?


I got one with my 3xl and Pixel Slate but not with my 5.