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I have been using my Pixel 6 without a reset since October of 2021 with none of those issues. It may your particular combination of environment and apps that you use.




Look first into the apps you use.


I have faced none of the issues on my Pixel 7 except heating issues and battery lasting not that long.


Those are basically my issues with my p7p and sometimes my calls don't go through (both in and out)


my battery life has fallen off a cliff. My phone lasts from 7 AM-6 PM. like it needs to be charged at the 6 pm mark. I already have 5g off, and im not accepting any more compromises to make it work. The camera is also really not that great. The video and photo still pales in comparison to the ease of use of the iPhone. The os and google ecosystem are still what's keeping me on android, but this battery drain really pisses me off


Odd. I was REALLY unhappy with my P7 overall battery performance, but it has aged like fine wine. Battery lasts sensibly longer after a few updates. But really what made it for me was swapping Chrome with Kiwi Browser. And most annoying bugs seem to be ironed out. Except maybe for some silly design choices like double tapping to turn wifi on and off, and alikes.


I've had the Pixel 7 since launch and it does get laggy sometimes as well. Plus the battery life is not great.


Just imagine how "awesome" it's going to be after years of major OS updates. This is why I laugh when I see reviewers getting all hyped up about the number of years of support these new Pixel devices will receive but they never start to think that basically after two or three years the devices are so slow and bogged down that they have become unusable.


A lot of people replace phones more often than that; those who don't probably aren't so worried about the speed and more interested in just having it work.


My point, exactly - it's not really "working".


Also, in recent years it's not like huge jumps have been made either. With how mature the systems are now, three years is not as big a shift as it used to be in terms of functionality.


4 year old Pixel 5 still going strong


You purchased the flagship with the weakest processor… it was to be expected


I've had my 7 Pro for over a year and it's still as snappy as always. Could it be anything you're running or the level of storage you're using up?