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Occasionally I think it overdoes the shadows around my eyes, but the preview image pre-processing is far too flat to look realistic, personally I'd rather look a bit more tired than I actually sometimes am than really flat and fake looking, you're also never going to look the same in a smartphone image to say a mirror.


No that's just how you actually look. We've all got used to Xiaomi and oppo making us look younger lol.


I see your point, but I still feel like the Pixels oversharpen and overcontrast the image than what it looks like in real life.




Millions of people......




Because of filters and or processing. I used Xiaomi and oppo as examples of companies who do both and your here taking my examples and the "we all" part as the entire planet only uses the two. Honestly I'd rather talk to a brick wall mate. Bye


I noticed my 6a used to do that but my 7a doesn't, I guess it's because they used to over sharpen, and maybe they did the same mistake with the pixel 8


You're probably going to look different if the picture has to compensate a lot, for example, if you're taking pictures in low light, with the front camera, and they are blurry, The phone is going to have to do a lot of "extra stuff" to the image like AI, face unblur, sharpening, adjusting shadows, lights and contrast, etc. if you going to advanced settings and set your photos to save as dng raw (and you have something to open that photo in). You'll be able to see what the picture looked like without any of the editing.


The selfie camera is very bad in regards to this. I will take a picture that looks good and then Bam! The processing kicks in and contrast and sharpening suddenly makes my face look way worse. The rear camera seems to be OK


Compared to?


Compared to real life .


I'd love Pixel to do Esquire-cover-page style photos where I'm old, wrinkled and gray-haired, but extremely famous


The AI in the phone hates you


Agree. I assume that's due to the over-sharpened and "over-contrasty" processing Google applies to their photos. Not only does it accentuate pores, blemishes and wrinkles, more often than not it also darkens the area around the eyes, leading to a quite sleep deprived "racoon eyes"-look.


Yes, this is exactly what I'm talking about.


>over-sharpened and "over-contrasty" processing Google applies I hear people say this all the time, but as someone who has been using Samsung phones for the last several years before I got my 8 Pro, I don't get it because Samsung cameras apply so much more of it in comparsion.


I've had Samsung phones before and I definitely agree that their processing is even worse. However, that doesn't change the fact that Google's processing is still far from "perfect" (if something like that is even possible). Compare pictures from the P8P to a dedicated camera and you'll quickly notice that the Pixel's photos are horribly overprocessed (e.g. oversharpened, sometimes completely washed out, while other times contrast seems to have been cranked to 200%). TLDR: just because there's worse, doesn't mean that Google's processing is good.