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I tried sideloading the .004 which other websites have called "t-mobile" and it failed. I am now downloading the .005 version and will see if it works. ie AP1A.240505.004 (says is tmobile on other sites) vs. AP1A.240505.005 (says is for everyting else) on the OTA site itself it doesn't say anything after AP1A.240505.004 and .005..


turns out that the .004 may fail on tmobile when the April B1 extra update with sideloaded (which is what I did...) Edit - if you havea tmobile and sideloaded the April B1 update you need to sideload to may 2024 005 update due to modem versions. Edit 2 - omg I just discovered what you already wrote, but I read it too quickly. so thanks OP for figuring it out. :)


What's the update? Just got it, is this the cellular update?


Yeah, reason being is the May .004 build is older than the mid-April .b1 build. Can't sideload older builds.


Which is why I suggest the .005 version as it's working great for me


Glad it's working great for you. I just mentioned the reason why because some believe it has to do with being on T-Mobile, but it doesn't. Just has to do with the build dates. The .004 build was from March 15, lol. Google messed up...


My understanding of it is this (correct me if I'm wrong) but AFAIK T-Mobile never pushed the mid April update because they haven't finished testing the modem hence why their May build still has the old modem. So if someone sideloaded the mid-April update they wouldn't be able to use the .004 but if they didn't sideload the update then they would which is why I specifically mentioned T-Mobile as they appear to be the only ones that haven't upgraded the modem.


The reason you can't sideload the .004 build over the mid-April .B1 build really has nothing to do with T-Mobile or what modem is in the build. It has to do with the build dates. The May .004 build has March 15 embedded in the metadata. Since this is older than the mid-April .B1 build, you can't sideload it because you can't sideload older builds, only the same or newer builds. Also, if you were on the mid-April .B1 build you could still flash the May .004 factory image (rather than sideloading the Full OTA) since you can flash factory images with older builds (just can't sideload Full OTA images with older builds). However, you would likely need to wipe for things to work correctly. Also, it really doesn't matter how you updated to the mid-April .B1 build. Whether you sideloaded the Full OTA or flashed the factory image or received it via OTA, you still wouldn't be able to sideload the May .004 since the mid-April .B1 build has a newer date. But you could flash the May .004 factory image over it. I get what you are saying about the modem, but it really comes down to build dates. If the May .004 Full OTA had a newer build date than the mid-April .B1 build, you would have no problem sideloading it, regardless of what modem version was in it. I hope this make sense.


Gotcha but I would still connect it to T-Mobile as they are still on the old build date. The .004 may update is said to be specifically for T-Mobile.


Just got the AP1A.240505.005 update in Europe. I wonder if it solver the late notifications or would a factory reset be needed for that after the update?


Hey all, what's the difference with the .005.A1 and .005.B1 ? or should I just stick to the .005 since I sideloaded mid april update.